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Last thread

Main links
https://twitter.com/uraakapeko (Sub-account)

Peko essentials

1st Album [USAGI the MEGAMI]

Sololive [Poorfag edition]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhUrYtAWENI [Embed]

>>Original song
Shōten chokuzen Love it LIVE [NEW]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJHbamGIOVM [Embed]
Saikyou Megami Usa Pekora
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qW2EN6fyftY [Embed]
-https://cover.lnk.to/SaikyoMegamiUsaPekora (on Spotify and others)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KTwDH_KQ_g [Embed] (MV)
-https://pekora.streamlink.to/PEKORAMDOMBRAIN (on Spotify and others)
Iiwake Bunny
https://youtu.be/tlLo7jypqDI [Embed] (MV)
-https://cover.lnk.to/AlibiBunny (on Spotify and others)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cz1zMWBU39E [Embed] (Live translated)
-https://cover.lnk.to/RaRaRaRabbit (on Spotify and others)
Zen Jinrui Usagi ka Keikaku!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yzdie2uH0N4 [Embed] (MV)
-https://cover.lnk.to/ZenjinruiUsagikakeikaku (on Spotify and others)

>>Cover songs
Discommunication alien
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAr2lHZLNyU [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aozNBX2dF6c [Embed]
Renai Nou 「New song」
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75mpgWnhJpo [Embed]

>>Collab songs
[LADYBABY] Easter Bunny (w/Mito) [NEW]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0naCPiVuhss [Embed]
Song list


なぜ?なに?ぺこちゃん!/Why? What? Pekochan!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IW2t52ps27s [Embed]
PekoNoe ASMR
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Mr9iteEQqE [Embed]
PekoMoona Offcollab
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihDS4yulSbg [Embed]
PekoMama April's Fool 2024
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RNfOikz3Is [Embed]

>>Pekora's Sololive Letter


>>Thread template
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pekotyan rabu
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Fat fucks
Two grown women obsessing over Dragon Ball figurines
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It was really cute
pekotyan awake
Bekotyan arm...
Pekora is so old now...
is very sexy
But is broken...
111 is young in pekoland
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Youtube with its random recommendations.
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frame up
cute thumbnail
They're gonna have gay sex
In Minecraft.
i miss pekotyan
Play Treasure Mountain and she'll be there
I always believed Koyo was the most based person on the week's list
If Koyori picked karaoke then who the hell is gonna get Peko to play vidya?
I believed the Konkoyo would deliver a good stream. Feels good.
good lord today is one of the best days of 2024, i'll send koyo a discreet akasupa sometime as an offering. THANK YOU KOYO
Off collab at peko's house? Is koyori married as well?
>Can't even read katakana
koyo knows what nousagi want because she's also a nousagi
Thank you Koyo-chan I shall be eternally grateful
Kanata DS3
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>karaoke stream
>peko lets koyori sing 80% of the stream
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allergy medication shilling time
Pekaaaaaide ichiban opekosama~
im sorry peko, i've tried it before but aregeon just isn't that effective on me
that is fake pekora
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What you call it when the dress is bigger than the actual bust? Air padding?
Wishful thinking
the fuck they are doing
A tease! Making us think she'll pop out of the dress
You know and I know there's nothing to pop out
Oversized breast cup if you're specifically talking about clothes that have them.
I hope pekor never watches Clannad
Just a handful, but a handful of Pekora's pekos is heavenly
Will Peko wait for Luna's premiere?
I dont think she's waiting for it but it might take them long enough to setup since they are at Koyo's house
Koyori's breasts will seduce Pekora
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A swimsuit party
aku-tan sukisugi
/a/ on the left /e/ on the right
okay this is already stream of the year for me
>putting Koyori in her place at the start
Kek Pekora keeping the shirt on to protect her pride
Koyo you are making her kek in the middle of singing
The difference would be too obvious
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Pekora's tits are perfectly sized for my palm
Pekor your reps...
I like WAO more than QED
Yeah it's rough, she clearly has been skipping singing lessons to play games
bego-jyan :DDD
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please be well nene
The animatronic thing in Koyori's background is scary
That's me
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A private usamegami pekora performance for Koyo...
Kek she keeps making Peko laugh. Koyo is really cute.
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konkoyo knows all the calls
look nousagitachi, one of us is living it up over there, I'm kinda jealous but at the same time, weirdly proud one of us managed to make it
Oh no Peko just got the ick...
Sasuga Peko's prospective heir
Koyo is so excited its really cute
Koyo i respect it but choose your battles
koyori you moving this too fast
oh nevermind, did she actually manage to get a theme park date out of peko?
Koyo just trying to sell a hotel package kek
she's trying to pull an azki but she doesn't have the mandate of pekoland...
Don't doubt the Haishin Monster's perseverance
She has to try it now that Peko's at her house. Any other time and she will easily say no. Might not work but this is her best chance
peko agreed... koyo's officially the luckiest nousagi alive
How is it that only 2 people have figured out that you just have to feed the Peko to get her to put out
Peko...jesas your singing
has been long since I listened to a Haruhi song
S3 soon bros
in fairness, getting to the part where you can even invite her to eat is already a high hurdle
lmao nice try
Koyo, one step at a time!
There you go Koyo get her hungry
kek is koyo trying to get her to eat the dirt?
>trying to feed her dirt
Azki really does have the manade of heaven if she manages to get into peko's house even with the hangups, even though peko denies it
Koyotits distractingly bouncy
so pekora doesnt do off collab often because she is afraid other members have a bad impression of her?
>Turing Love
This is just koyo living her fantasies isn't it
>it's been 3 years since that cover
Wtf niggas...
cant blame her
You might have not noticed but Peko is kind of an autist
You really need to be the perfect combination of assertive, charismatic, and kind to get Pekora to trust you.
about her apartment, but I know other women like that actually, even my sister is reluctant to invite new people and she cleans obsessively when she does
Or be more of an autist than her like times 2
>peko surprised at how much koyo likes her
Koyoooo calm down, you know she isn't that comfortable having someone so openly show and express love to her!
In Peko's case it's because there's cat hair and monkey shit everywhere kek
Thank you Koyo-chan, I had been long since I heard Peko sing
>well Koyo it's been 66 minutes
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Sounds like me
She should let me in
>tries to get pekora to stay a bit longer by saying she'd treat peko to an uber meal
>thought pekora would just turn it down and end stream
>surprised that peko seemed to be considering it and mentions the former
>pekora decides to live up to her expectation and actually ends stream
you dumb coyote
Koro-san's tree cracks me up every time
Clearly what they're going to do next can't be shown on stream.
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cute stream, thank you Koyo
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Koyo still has a ways to go.
hopefully koyo's full assault didn't trigger peko's autism and cause peko to take distance. can't blame her tho, any nousagi would be too excited to contain themselves
koyo needs to review the peko manual written by marine and get a peko walkthrough from azki
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Meanwhile my sister's apartment was so bad that I nearly puked when I walked in, smelling of cat piss & shit with multiple bags of garbage she hadn't taken to the dumpster, and she saw nothing wrong with it, and just asked me to come over to help her clean up because she was moving...
I've always liked how their colors match up. Miko's pink was a bit too dark but Koyo's pastel pink blends really well with Peko's.
Woah Michael I didn't know you could speak English
man thats rough, hope she realizes before the same happens to the new one
Can a Korone fan please please please recomend me an english speaking vtuber
I would clean pekotyan's apartment every day regardless how dirty it was
sir this is the pekothread
and 'korone fans' are called koronesuki, i think...
God I hope Pekora is not as bad as my sister.
I seriously doubt it. She doesn't have cats anymore at least, so it will only be her own filth polluting the place. I still remember volunteering to throw away the garbage bags because the smell of the dumpster was less nauseating than inside her apartment .
anon, the regulars here might be too much of a hermit to tsukkomi properly on that one
i dont call myself a clean person, but how the fuck she live like that?
Actually the official term is walking garbage
She had gotten used to the stench. My dad stored her couch in the garage and it stunk up the whole room with that smell, even after being cleaned. Also she would drench herself in perfume to cover it up.
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Are you literally me? Did your sister also throw a ton of dirty used clothes onto the floor just for the cats to piss on them?
We ended up throwing away almost everything she had because it was the last day for her to clean up the apartment.
I think its fine, I doubt its the first time pekotyan see's how enthusiastic Koyo can be, and in a way I think its also a cute point of her
Was she just not cleaning the litters or something?
Koyori did it!
She did leave clothes lying around when we were younger, and that one time I visited her, her place was in a similar state. But I don't think the cats were pissing on the clothes, just that the smell emanating from the litter box seeped into everything. Or maybe the cats were rolling in their filth and getting it everywhere, hard to know for certain.
Clearly not often enough.
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sasuga pekotyan, food is the answer after all
Omedetou omedetou omedetou
That's animal cruelty and neglect then. Hopefully she doesn't still have those cats or any pets in general because she clearly can't take care of them.
ah mine used to be pretty bad about leaving her dirty laundry around when young but she got better later
My sister actually kept the litter box clean. It's just that if you let your cats have more places to use for pissing, they will use them.
I'm so proud of you, Koyo...
Yeah, she absolutely didn't take care of them. Her dog (who she got after this specific incident) now lives at home with my dad. She never should've owned any pets, but the dog one was much worse, because she was always out and she got a large breed for a small ass apartment. She's getting married soon, and I hope she or her husband is infertile, because I can't imagine what those poor kids would go through.
But enough about this crap, Pekora is cute, and congrats to Koyori for winning her heart through food.
I do hope Koyo manages to feed her the dirt somehow
honestly I woul rather eat dirt than shirako
Fag, cum is delicious.
wouldnt know, never tried it
If Pekora likes cum, then I too shall like cum
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wonder if they talk about cat
for sure
I love seeing Koyori so happy, she's living the dream.
the most lucky of all nousagi
How come Peko gets so many girls when she's supposed to be straight
she's prime rapebait, you see her and cant contain yourself
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asmr when...
I will keep hope, maybe one day someone will give her the newly released KU800 and she will feel obligated to use it atleast once...
you got that during the azki stream
They want what they can't have
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Koyori's enthusiasm is cute
Hope you enjoyed the last utawaku of the year
Wrong, we'll have one during the New Years relay
She really loves Peko a lot. Sometimes it feels like Peko is her oshi.
Pekora has been her oshi since the Rust incident.
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so far which day is your favorite?
AZKi > Koyori = Shion > Noel => Marine
Normally I love PekoMari, but it felt a bit lazy and forced.
probably Azu but i'm kind of disappointed overall
for an "idea's other holos want me to do" it was pretty mid so far
very basic streams, where's creativity?
For me today because of Pekosinging but I did enjoy all of the days so far even though the stream ideas were nothing special I had fun watching pekotyan's interactions with the other members
I have to agree with this. I think the whole jealous marine thing has been played out, it would have been better if they'd just had a regular chat instead of doing a bit.
i guess the other members want to choose something that easy to do
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Anon... you should watch koyo's pekolive watchalong
I think I shion wins out overall, just because the rarity of it. But in a way I kind of wish it was just game recommendations which would force her to try different things, but I guess the problem is that she's played more games than most so hard for some of them to actually recommend something.
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koyos desperation spoke to me
i loved the raburabu act and how they interacted, its sad that marine couldn't commit fully to it and cheated by calling azki
i wonder why she even did it when they are capable of talking for hours
The year is almost over...
You made me reminisce of her undertale miracle.. and then I realized that's almost 3 years ago..
wonder what she will do this year
hopefully another off collabo + ghost akutan
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a bit too big however
Not gonna rank 'em until I've seen them all.
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>i wonder why she even did it when they are capable of talking for hours
She simply didn't want to. She was thinking of Ao the whole time.
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Maybe I expected too much from the collabs, but I found them all really boring. I thought they would be unique, but they turned out to be pretty basic. I would have preferred a prank or batsu-style week instead.
Shiopeko>Pekoyo>Pekoazu. Those were kino. The rest was kinda mid, though still better than average i guess
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