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The 261st Wind

>CURRENT STREAM: 【7 Days to Die】I am Zombie takeover preparer, ask me anything!

>LAST STREAM:【Inside the Backrooms】HI LOST, I WILL HELP YOU! (do you get it?)

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceciliaimgreen
Important Videos: https://rentry.org/ImmerMarks



ImmerScreen (Stream) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerScreen
Immergination (Art) https://twitter.com/hashtag/Immergination
ImmerPiece (Music) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerMusic
ImmerMemes (Memes) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerMemes

>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous Thread: >>87088641
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she's cucumbered
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>guys back me up
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How many terabytes do I need to back up CC?
Immerheim über alles!
isn't she analog?
oh this is just GAGA with an M
>haha remember September????
you reek of youtube chat
no self-respecting grem from /here/ would pull this shit when even /gigi/ complains about it
so like… 4? 3?
ah yes... GAMA!
just woke up how long until they start killing things
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I actually made it day after GG's karaoke hoping to annoy some of them but then was too lazy to actually annoy them
wasn't crazy enough to watch the stream, so I don't remember any of it.
You missed out on a genuinely fun experience. 1500 post threads for hours.
same, just skipped through to see what shenanigans she was up to
nah, I'm good. I like her but not like her enough to listen to her sing one song for 8 hours.
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>watched a bit
>made dinner
>still streaming
>member's on the spot
>CCGG forever
I’m not saying to watch the vod, I’m saying you missed out on the fun when it was live. It’s obviously not the same if you’re watching after it happened. The only bad thing to come from it was her chat constantly spamming references to it. It’s almost as bad as chattini with their jetpacks, but at least it hasn’t leaked into other member’s chats like that.
no, the word remember causes the 'i was crazy, once' spam. At least among Advent & Justice
>I'm delusional
just like me fr fr....
>cc asks is she crazy
>chat spams "crazy? i was crazy once"
chat was scarred by that karaoke...
well shit, it’s officially metastasized
That was overplayed nearly a year ago
>The 261st Wind
I just now realized this is “Wind” as in a gear winding and not wind blowing in a storm. I unironically thought it was a brap joke this whole time
There was a petition to change it right after the incident but it failed
How long have you been under that rock?
That's been around for over 2 decades by now
How does an automaton get drunk?
sounds like yesterday to me
She's drunk on love (to me)
Her makers thought it was funny to make a hyper advanced machine but give it poor depth perception and the ability to get drunk
>(thing) has a very noticeable uptick in frequency
>"actually it's always been like this"
You love to see it.
Friday is half life and possibly Sunday as well
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majoras mask fuck yeah
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Get out of here Nina
I wish she got Minto status where she can easily reference her
It's not going to happen anytime soon so stop begging for it, for Ceci's sake
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gn otomos!
Good night! *chu*
Anon... It's time to go to work
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she's so cute...
Süßer Zeitplan
why does she love video games so much
Hi, I'm video games.
Because she's a male (female)
and fucked up hands....
I didn’t expect gg, kiwawa, and fauna or kronii and rara to be groups
>Kiara: "Coffee rules the world"
Antiing rn
kronii and rara had their enreco arc (for the bit that kronii was there) and played don't starve before, the other group... gg and fauna were in the mori ttrpg I guess!
its ending...
is her RPing a coping mechanism?
Coping with what?
What do I do now
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Maybe 'coping mechanism' wasn't the right word. I think I meant something like a 'talk deck' or a 'small talk deck.' for those times when she's unsure what to talk about with someone or when her brain is too fried to come up with topics.

I'm not sure what I'm trying to ask either desu, it's just some random sleep deprived thoughts I had because she liked roleplaying so much.
uhh... sleep?
Looking back at Kiara's VOD its obvious that the L M Montgomery notebook is a dead giveaway
I can't even name another Holo who's into poems other than CC
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good morning. how was the 7d collab worth the vod?
Yes. The start is a bit rough, but don't worry. They figure the audio out a bit later.
do you think there's a chance she'll try playing project zomboid?
Every CC stream is worth it. Wouldn't say it's one of her best ones though.
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thanks i'll give it a shot
i love you ceci!
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she could
Violin stream doko?
Soon (tm). She was planning one but fucked up with perms or something.
perms HATE
hololive HATE
When did she talk about it? I don't remember that at all, and I don't think I missed any streams.
I don't remember which stream it was. Somebody asked violin stream when and she said that she was planning one but had to postpone it because she's stupid.
lads im just some dumb wagie so i wanna know do u watch the other justices?
>cant into erb
>pink cat and gremlin mostly stream at ungodly hours for me
cc is just the only regular prime time yuro i watch, wawa is mostly on as little more than background noise
i may just get filtered too easily
I only watch CC and sometimes Ina.
Ceci is the only reason I bother with a corpo at all. I like GG's solo streams well enough, but I don't have time to actually watch her. I'll tune in or watch the VOD if she's doing something I'm particularly interested in, like her Outer Wilds streams, but otherwise I just stick with Ceci. I absolutely love collabs with GG, RR or other holos though. Don't like erb, but I don't hate her either.
it was during her recent karaoke
I only watch CC, but I don't dislike the rest or anything. Sometimes if work permits I'll watch Raora during daytime. I alway enjoy whoever CC collabs with but I hate watching vods, so I never actively watch the others.
I mainly watch ceci, rara when I catch her streaming(mostly her art streams cause theyre comfy), erb only when she does karaoke and the only gigi stream I caught was that one fallout stream. I like justice alot but I can only keep up with ceci and my other nonholo side oshi.
>side oshi
Slut. Who?
CC streamed at like 3-4 am my time,I had a crackhead schedule so it didn't bother me as much but now that i finally fixed it I can't watch her live unless it's a collab at a different time
Your mom.
Bad taste.
I'm DONE sleeping
Good job.
I haven't even started...
but why?
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Ceci is a little...
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when is CC gonna play DS
by KH
Perfect? Yea
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So this - THIS is eep, huh?
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Should I just quit my job?
if you are making below national average and you dislike it then yes
if you overall don't like to work at all, then no because you will die
I have savings for about 6 years.
what happens after 6 years?
If I don't find a source of income in 6 years then I deserve to die.
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I love these frog raincoat fanarts
For me, it's being afraid of change
just buy some stocks of companies in or investing in Zimbabwe/Nigeria/Ethiopia. In couple years you'd live of diviends
They said the same thing in the 60s anon.
What do you mean by that
well, they were wrong because industrial revolution went to eastern asia then instead. But now it is africa's turn. Trust this anonymous retard that is in slight debt instead of having savings. You definetly won't lose your 200k euros!
do all-in on some gambling site that Trump wins elections in USA and make it 10 years
Trust this anonymous retard that lives in his grandpa's house!
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Those are some nice lines
>Fishnets and doll joints
Laughably impractical but it looks good.
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>ceci is frog
>rara is big cat
wait, is raviolin just...
who? what?
when where and why
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surely it's not that bad is it?
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Sleep (at night)
evens i eep
odds i eep
no eep for otomos
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She follows her on twitter at least.
Oddly enough, she doesn't follow any of the other Barbies.
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nepo hire in EN5
source: the voices
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big cat? more like scaredy cat
She also follows her daughter so take it with a grain of salt.
it's up
You can link things on this site.
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This will not work for Majora's Mask.
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She loves us!
Kill yourself
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Yeah, girlfriend experience
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uweeh cutie
yeah! my green frog experience
That's also her member icon artist. Not really comparable if you ask me.
What are you drinking tomorrow? I’m thinking about some tequila to make Johny Silverhand’s drink
Water with ice
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Based. Inshallah
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Majora’s Mask is one of my all time favorite games; pretty excited to finally see an EN girl tackle it
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Ceci loaf
my oshi...
I loaf Ceci. Shame it isn’t green
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She looks so breadable…
i love drinking alcool but she starts at like 3pm and i hate being day drunk
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I think it's better if it wasn't
it is at 8PM. Are you retarded?
wrong its 2 pm
my oshi's looking kinda radioactive...
it's 2am...
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... I WILL, OK?
it's actually at 5am, way too early to drink
water with gas
Are you a chattini by any chance?
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i am an otomo and a chattini
an ottini?
You are a freak!!!!
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hmm would it be an otomo pasta making machine or a blue robot shooting pasta bullets
thank you
Beer and/or wine.
German friend experience.
The drinking stream is the day after tomorrow.
Quick, put it in the freezer!
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This you?
what does with gas mean
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carbonated water
"with gas" made me think of italian "con gas"
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majora's mask is a horror game?
it's the darkest zelda game like all the other darkest zelda games
Yes anon. So is OoT

Majoras mask literally opens with you being malformed using the soul of a dead deku.
>Stream started

Chat goes on with
>here comes 5 minutes delay
>she hates us
and stuff
Crt bros...
Too scary of an intro. I almost closed the stream.
Glad you're here to repeat that for the thread anon...
The moon scared the shit out of me when I was eight
germans love carbonated water for some reason
She is eating us!
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kissable lips!
please never stop doing giantess fan service cc
Oh no... She's extremely cute today
she's so adorably cuuuuuuuuuuute today
my heart can't take it
I just wanted to ask why is that a thing?
Cap’n Crunch Oops All Otomos
I wonder if she is hooking up a Switch to her PC or if she is emulating it
If you don't like time sensitive mechanics and time limits in general in your video games, then yeah
Emulating is a big no no
Otobros she's incredibly cute today! SHE'S CUTE ALL DAYS
this is hololive and nintendo is cracking down on emulated content on youtube anyway there is no way she's taking a completely unnecessary risk
are you new?
she remembered us and doesn't want to make us wait = love

she forgot us and therefore hates us
Just an annoying meme where a crowd spams the same thing over and over and over.

Ceci often starts streams a bit late because she's setting up a sketch, especially when she's doing collabs.
Cecilia Thinnergreen, my beloved...
>Just an annoying meme where a crowd spams the same thing over and over and over.
yes most people are drooling retards, whats your point?
1D CC my beloved

I thought it's fine if you own a legit copy of the game?

Since she is tech savy I just asumed she would just emu it, cause capturing form a console is such a hassle
hololive literally get permissions from the company to stream their games, how new are you?
>i thought it's fine
it's not because hololive is japanese and their ip rights are bonkers
>I thought it's fine if you own a legit copy of the game?
Legally, yes, since "owning" a game is owning a user licence, which means you are legally allowed to use the software regardless of its origin. That doesn't mean Nintendo isn't extremely anal about it and will do anything they can to stop you.
Morally it's fine, legally it's a grey area, for Nintendo it's worse than murder.
Japanese autism
Just got here want's she yapping about? wired earbuds?
Basedcilia Immerkeyed
shes right, wired is superior not only for sound quality but convenience as well. Only retards and zoomers use wireless
>Airpods are source of evil
She spittin facts.
wireless earbuds in general.
wireless in-ears in particular freak her out
Being a woman that can't stop dropping things.
She hates wireless earbuds. (but she's not a hater)

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