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Last Thread - >>87071468

Stream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CwVJqu_zMk
Short - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85NNg4K44lQ

Promise 1st Anniversary merch!
Schedule - Listen for the words of future streams
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ceresfauna
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@CeresFauna
Member VODs - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykcx9rP_92kQBKHyypOrew5a

>New to Fauna? Suggested and Unarchived Streams
Outer Wilds Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykeI6Et74IZ5xwwu0Myqsvyx

>Love Fauna, need more?
Media - https://rentry.org/faumedia
Merch - https://rentry.org/faumerch

>Miss Fauna?
Stream status - https://imissfauna.com/
Ara Ara button - https://faunaraara.com/

Reminder to report, hide, and ignore grasshoppers and their bait, saplings
bakerschizo is so quick to make a thread when Fauna isn't streaming
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thanks, it was taking me a while to find the short link
i thought he would but i guess his heart wasnt into it
gigi keeps seducing all the girls...
they want her SO BAD
The wife RP/ERP is very important for these events
sniffing gigi's spats after she wears them for 4 days
>taking a cat camping
that's just asking for the local wildlife or the cat to get killed
camping offcollab when?
RV is not camping. get outta here with that mess
glamping is valid, camping is awful
kiara is retarded enough to do that
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Fauna is getting really into fisting
>wisting I was fisting
Fauna said piss
They should go on a glamping trip together. Mumei really wanted to I think
Fauna sure likes her fisting magazines
naturally competitive fauna
I'm so happy that fauna is having fun while playing my favorite game. It's like a dream come true. Never in a million years would I ever have expected to watch fauna play 7dtd.
fauna's indignity that it might be roblox, she hates gigi for corrupting mumei
Fauna's competitive nature is hot
Hopefully kiara can't play next time, Gigi was great though
Shouldn't you be fighting kfp in global?
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Seems an odd choice for a favorite game, but hey cool.
Happy fo you anon
its ending....
commit sudoku
genuinely why do eggs camp this thread, fauna doesn't even talk to kiara usually
Rough start but man it turned around
Glad she's liking the game
luv Fauna
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You should try it. It's really fun solo and even more fun with friends.
I don't watch Kiara but she was completely fine today, unless you're a lotr fan in which case I guess she deserves the death penalty or something
She should be sleep deprived all the time honestly, and drop the chicken voice too, she'd be great
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That was really fun. I hope she continues fisting Goodnight /uuu/
Honestly I am kind of tempted after that, it did look pretty good
They do it so they can go back to global and rub it in kfps face or something
NTA but really? I've been trying to find a good survival game and I played Raft, zomboid, but they were boring solo. Is this fun solo? as in does it scale better and can you progress without grinding a shit ton?
the brag to other eggs about shitting up threads? no wonder they're fucking hated outside of global
I don't think so. He just opens splits whenever Kiara is collabing and falseflags/shitposts and moves on to the next thread. Literally exactly a minute later he posted another shitpost in global. Our b*****schizo also does the same.
Those are boring because there's nothing to prepare for. In 7dtd you have to prepare for the first horde on the 7th day so you always feel the pressure. You don't need to grind in 7dtd because the horde every 7 days is a replacement for grinding. If your base is set up properly and you are geared up properly, then killing zombies during the horde night gives you a shitload of exp. Sometimes people say "well why don't you just run away from the horde the whole night?" which you can do, but then you lose all the exp. If the exp gain and leveling feels too sluggish then you can just modify the exp gain to 1.5x 2x or 3x. It's technically cheating but if it lets you have more fun than go for it.
>If the exp gain and leveling feels too sluggish then you can just modify the exp gain to 1.5x 2x or 3x
That's nice, I don't have time to grind for stuff. It's how I enjoyed Vrising. Will check it out.
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Are any of them even gonna start building defenses? They have 3 days left until the first horde, and they still have absolutely 0 defenses.
Great yapping, dull game
im fullying expecting them to die, they see the minecraft but they do not build it
first hordes are useless, you can simply kite them
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Well half the fun is building and refining your horde base so if you don’t like building then you might not enjoy it.
I like building, just not the grind for materials and stuff.
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Gentlemen, I am happy to announce that my merch has arrived
Nice congrats, mine arrived a couple of days ago. Wonder if anyone is still waiting
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Same. It's a sign that I need to buy more
i'm stilll waiting....
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Lucky. They started preparing my package, but no second mail yet.
dice are a bit shit lads
glad im not the only one who thought that
It's the common complaint, Cover fucked up quality control
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Is Fauna good at kissing?
I want to make out with her.
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Fauna is good at kissing but only with me

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