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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gawrgura
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@gawrgura_holoen

Songs: https://rentry.org/Gura_songs
Merch: https://rentry.org/Gura_merch

Gawr Gura 4th Anniversary Celebration Merch

Gawr Gura Pop Up Parade rerun

AVIOT TE-V1R-HEN Holomyth Earbuds

Youtooz figure

Previous Thread: >>87116289
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I love my wife so much!!
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luv me Goob
Thoughts and prayers for chumbuds affected by some random bozo named Milton tonight.
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Day 9! Give it up for day 9!
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I wanna put my peen inside Gura's chubby pussy without her consent
Imagine dying to someone named "Milton"
I would rather be buried unmarked.
who's milton
Dodger's rally shark sugoi!
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milton deez nuts! haha, gottem
Any lewder versions or is it just a striptease?
Go back
a fed from Red Dead 2 and john's alias
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Gura cute Gura cute!
Sex with a fembud.
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She was just lying on the floor like that in a tight mocap suit. Imagine...
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sleep tight buddy
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goob night
goob morning
>Hail Gura, full of Gawr
>Yagoo is with thee
>Blessed art thou amongst lolis
>And blessed is the fruit of thy cunny, /ggg/sus
>Stinky Gura, mother of memes
>Stream for us shrimpers, now and in the hours of EST
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Is Gura a lonely loli god?
Gura, can we please cyb0rseggz?
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Hey chumbuds, how expensive are mental hospitals? Like i do not know where I can go to seek help and if I continue to bottle everything up Im going to hurt someone
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Gratz Dodgersbros!
depends on where you live and if you have insurance
2 more weeks
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Chumbie its going to be alright. You have us
She's not coming back in 2 weeks, anon.
You're the only good people to be around on 4chan
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Gamer the time isn't now, right now we wait, we watch some goob. We will need you later, we must have you bud. Read, train, study the future is scary but we will make it better.
The earth can shake
The sky come down
The mountain all
Crash to the ground
But I'll fear
None of these things
Shelter me shark underneath your pits
I read Kiara's tweet and now I'm goncerning
Gura smell status.
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She smells very nice, like flowers and sea breeze.
There’s no way she hasn’t already talked to Goobadiba directly. If wawa thought she was in any danger she would’ve flown out and kidnapped her three days ago lol. She’ll be alright.
Chuck some creatine and workout chum
>how expensive are mental hospitals?
They're not cheap, but you don't necessarily have to go to a hospital. There's mental health facilities with their own councilors and nurses that can work around your budget or schedule. You can just come in and talk to a councilor every week or two, and they might have some feedback for you.

You might have to shop around for a bit. I had a really low opinion of therapists and councilors for a long time until I met the one I'm seeing now. She's very patient and takes the things I say very seriously. Sometimes she gets pushy about things but it's because she genuinely thinks they're good ideas.

Be careful too. The mental health field is full of condescending assholes that think they're better than everyone else. Avoid those types like the plague. They won't treat you right.
Baguraette honhonhon
I'm eepy. Stay cool.
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sleep well gamer
Would ruin T u T
Isn't therapy only good for goths and women?
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For King and Cunny!
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Love my daughterwife.
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Slutty girl
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I'm sleepy but can't eepy
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goob morning
i love gura
Pray for Gura in these trying times.
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I pray that Gura gets sexually bullied and ryona'd until she becomes my beloved Gawr T u T
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The plot twist is that she's already Gawr all the time and I'm tired of pretending that she's not.
isn't this shit over and into the Atlantic now? it's so hard to keep track of when this thing is over as anon ammurican
Still gotta deal with the flood and destroyed infrastructure.
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Huh. Looks like the image spammer from the last thread ate another 3 day.
Once Gura and I get married she can move in with me in the Midwest and never have to worry about hurricanes again.
>gets tornadoed
Yeah and, in exchange, she gets to endure horrid winters. Which would make her feel right at home.
Getting tornadoed sounds like a Street Fighter move.
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this wave looks kinda funny...
but dino will give it a try!
You have to be genuinely retarded to continue living in an area that gets constant natural disasters. Just fucking move.
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But it's sunny all the time :(
it's the balance patch for having basically no winter

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