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Thread for the pon, cute, hardworking artist mamma (and pizza with french fries addict), italian pink gatta.



>Last Stream:
>【7 DAYS TO DIE】 BIG CAT against ZOMBIES!!! #holoEN

>Next Stream:
>Monster Hunter World w/ Biboo

>Original Songs:
>ABOVE BELOW【hololive English -Justice- Debut Song】

>HIBANA / ヒバナ - Raora Panthera
>ECHO - Raora Panthera

>Lore and Debut:




>/ciao/ OP Template:

>Previous Thread:
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/ciao/ schedule anchor
reply this post for stream links, include screenshots if possible.
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mamma will be very angry we let the thread die
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she hates us
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she loves us
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Good morning chattini.
gm chattino
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mamma will be very upset scoreggia anon is gone
How could we let this happen
I overslept sorry.
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Waiting room open.
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She is streaming quite a bit this week
This is her usual week.
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Raora clothes are good on biboo.
waiting room up
How was the 7 days to die stream?
I saw the last part with mori, kronii and biboo and it was fun to see the play together.
Nice gotta watch the vod later today
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Mori and Biboo need a third player to enjoy Space Marine II fully. Is there any chance Biboo going to ask Raora?
Raora said that she doesn't like shooters but if she gets asked for a collab she won't refuse so there are chances.
Well, SM2 doesn't play that differently than Monster Hunter, though. It's not like she has to play Half-Life.
Then it's likely that she will join if asked.
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mamma... space marine 2...
Imagine her going down the hole. Biboo and Mori already did a bit.
Is this why she cuts off most of her tail?
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The chattini chapter
>a bit
anon... I...
She still at the point of the Iceberg, she hasn't converted to her real nature which is to be the Greenest and the Meanest, as any proper Ork should be.
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Biboo sensei
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For some motive my brain made me remember mh3 victory quest.
Thats a picture of me
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Mamma is getting carried
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I want to eat her stew too
She has some lewd armor on
>switch axe
I will now watch you're oshi.
Honestly I didn't expect this at all when she started.
good evening chattini
Don't. She's useless, stupid, and got the job giving Yagoo blowjobs.
here's when she try it for the first time. Enjoy streams!
I thought she would go for something fast
>Schizo's ban is lifted.
I wasn't banned at all. You must confuse me with the other one.
>realistically, for less than 24 hours before it gets banned again for another three days
>chattino is helping
>I'm helping
Hes a big guy
Mamma forcing biboo to go sleep cute
Why do I think they are gonna play together off-stream anyways?
Maybe not today but later this week i bet
Remove sniffa emote.
Maybe in the next emote drawing stream
>SEA and ARS people are the only ones spamming that
Yeah, it will never happen unless they screw up so badly that Raora will have to take it down.
Mamma got carried/10
Both Cute/10
Can't wait to see the results of this training/10
So is raora not playing TCG card shop simulator because she would get addicted to it
that and 7dtd collab this week. Maybe next week
most probably
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Yeah. I mean I enjoyed GiGi turning the whole game into Grems paying her to open packs and Biboo going full gacha addict in the first minute but Raora playing it would be hilarious too.
The game has also pokemon style cards will absolutely make her gamble a lot.
Sometimes I think this game was made not to simulate a card shop but to give Gacha addicts a temporary easy and quick rush of adrenaline.
I needed a game like this.

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