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Healthy Hat Edition

Production kawaii:

First Live Concert:
Second Live Concert:

Song Covers Playlist:


Art Archive:

▼ Talents
>Generation EONIA
【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】
【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】
【Nene Amano 天野寧々】
【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

>Generation novamore
【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】
【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】
【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

>Generation Hanamizuki
【Kaya Nishikino 錦野楓夜】
【Yuno Hanaki 華鬼結望】
【Ran Tsukiha 月蝶蘭】[Graduated]

>Generation Ephemira
【Hiyori Mokami 桃神日和】
【Kohaku Yumekui 夢喰己白】
【Lethe Bonapuchi レッテボナプチ】
【Meimi Majokko 魔女っ子めいみ】
【Navina Nova ナビナ・ノバ】
【Tomoe Carmine トモエ・カーマイン】

▼kawaii Friends
Prima >>>/vt//ppg+/
Vereverie >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
V&U >>>/vt//vnug/
Pixelink >>>/vt//pxl/
Athy - https://twitter.com/owlthy
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya -https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Auri Lunami - https://twitter.com/AuriLunami
Felynne deRouge - https://twitter.com/lynnerouge

Previous Thread: >>87139890
I'm only really worried about merch, no idea which route each girl is gonna take, do it all by themselves or hire someone to do it
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corpo hate
I'm extremely worried about Lua
If Isla does a donothon to fund her sololive I promise to donate 100 dollars
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hiyori has some good stuff coming keep an eye out
She can have that good stuff somewhere else
worried how?
oh no
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good affirmations are lame
Who will be the first to fleshpost
Nene won by default
kaya when debut her onlyfans
indie bbc unit
kaya could make any of you cum buckets easy
im not into fat chinese canadians
Kaya 100%
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lettuce lover
shee got too used to playing 2 hour indie horror garbage games
Kaya holding hands with her boyfriend.
lmao not everyone has low standards like you, yimanman
Gen 3 had a big part in this but let’s not forget the true culprit, Koshitter for selling the company to CE
Koshitter was done, selling to CE gave kekedwaii one more year. Remember when they wasted money on a new office? kek
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What time is the Isla member's stream again JST
trans latinx longboarder
5 1/2 hours from now
11pm jst
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I pray for a good future for us exKawa bros.
checking in on good Rei today and one might doubt her sick girl status with how long she streamed today
So uh... whats the etiquette here? We can go back to normal chat behavior or wait for the chuuba to set the tone?
He sold it for more Noel's titties
Is it too late to get into the inner circle for Nene? Now that she's gonna go to cons in person I want to be among her innermost supporter clique for a chance to meet her (and more, of course, it's a con after all).
Depends on how much money you give her, you can cut the line if you look good on top of that
If not you can only touch her after everyone else had a turn and she is unconcious due to all the booze and sexual activity
I am in love with Isla-sama
charzu cat + nene + reina + isla + hana + nami + shee + lua + kaya + yuno + ran + 589 + hiyo + nano + tomoe + lethe + meimi
Why was the hat deleted how retarded are these jannies?
probably self deleted
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I forgot about this lmfao
Deep down Furi already knew
they repossessed my fucking suzucoins
Charzu got deported
You forgot your image heh
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Get a load of this guy kek
based, death to whores
brokeknights failed Isla achieve her concert
which thumbnail is this even referring to?
Isla getting free $5 from dramafags
Brokeknights were playing 4D chess saving up all the donations for when she goes indie so she can afford the concert
Lua’s membership thumbnail
a good year even, with the skeb budget and points system, too bad the points system is part of the reason why some of the girls feel like shit for not spending them in time
brokeknight cope
Nene played the short on stream. I last saw Furi in chat during Nene's concert. Anyone seen hide or tail of kaolin since Hyper Japan?
3d studio starting at 50k yen for 2 hours 2 staff
huh thats cheaper than i thought.
How much of the raw data does Isla have? or do we have to start from scatch. I had to take a break from going through all the announcement streams it was... hard I haven't caught up to hers yet
with isla the hurdle is having her orisong and transportation
Seeing as she is close to japan transportation shouldn't be too expensive but the orisong i think would cost way more.
Does she even need to go to Japan in the first place?
I dont think there is anything like that local, if there is most likely its priced so high that only big companies can afford it. Japan has a lot of these small mocap studios around that are affordable.
>she is close to japan
if eonia wants to give it to her i can see them going on a trip to japan
apparently it's cheaper, at least that's what other chuubas I watch said
depends on what quality she is going for flipland may have smaller cheaper studios
so 10k in greenbacks would be pretty accurate with everything else being factored in
It's a doable goal...
I want Charzu to have one too though
According to google that's just under 20k Vestinian gold pieces. I think Isla can do it if she saves up.
Here are some studios that I could find, the price is doable.
>asked if she would do not seiso content
>not her thing
pack it up gooners no ear licking from the birb
You know they won't give up.
i hope you mean greys who membered to specifically ask and not longtime birblings
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Nano is my girlfriend
2 month badge
Thanks for the updates ZipZap
if it's zipkek then he is larping about not knowing lua pl lmao
Koha will bite your ears Codename
come back
>not knowing lua pl lmao
Can I groom Kaya now?
>longtime birblings
even anons in this thread know she tested the waters early on
viewers were too herbivore
Sure have fun what that mess.
eww why would you want to do that, just go to tinder and get a random fat chinese canadian
Ask Darebears
why vaguepost
Naki was a good fangirl
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total maletuber death
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Isla being autistic about her feelings is probably one of the cutest things
she's just like me
What a faggot
someone ask her if she's opening a discord or mod applications
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I love agency vtuber (virtual YouTuber) Ms. Lua Asuka of Production kawaii Generation 2 (novamore)


Latest covers:


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I'll follow Yuno Hanaki as long as she keeps writing hits like Endless Summer
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Yeah, my Baby Boy Chinchin
I love Isla so much
It was the same treasonkek (forma de actual kek) that said she should go on a date, but in this case he seemed to react positively to her stating she wouldn't be less seiso.
dumbchama... just open throne
Can you put birthday sololives on there?
>offbrand lego as a gift
why not
KEKED lmao
reina's boyfriend False will give a kawaii a fair coverage
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You actually can use throne to fund stuff.
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Pillow is smart and put Nene front and center for her marketing
nami announcement stream?
Alias and Nene, very good placement
for big brown Mets players
Imagine having your dick trapped between Nene and Alias's huge titties while they go
can we add pillow to kawaii friends at least until we become dust?
stupid whore who used to lick hand sanitizer lmao
reina has the tastiest tears i love her
maybe this thread should die followed by every discord
I wanted to hear Tomoe cry but she was too strong it's not fair
Should lick my cum instead, true.
Watching hers now and I'm glad it doesn't depress me as much as the others I've seen so far.
kohaku's was pretty sad tho she tried so hard and in the end it didn't even matter
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kohamogged and kohaflopped
faunya my beloved
Cute frog
What was he thinking about while photoshopping tears on her face
hers was the first one I saw, so I was caught offguard when I saw the reaction of the others. Except for Lethe, no surprises there.
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especially when we have perfectly good picture available
pregnancy and motherhood is the only thing that can make lethe happy again, there is no other option she is too broken.
stop giving CE money
you want me to starve nene??
she could lose a couple of pounds, you metabolism slows down as you age.
Brokeknights are always 2 steps ahead
i give tomos a pass since Nene is living tomo's paycheck to paycheck
Just make your own company. You have plenty of assets that have already been paid for, potential employees, and a fanbase that can definitely raise a bunch of money if you ask for it. An American company will come with several advantages compared to a Japanese one. But I get why they wouldn't talk about something like this yet.
>purple man hasn't reported on us
The dramabuff, it's over...
Nene Amano is my wife. I love Nene
nobody wants to
CE hate holy shit
These shitfucks won't give Isla her songs
That has its own downsides, hassles and costs. I wouldn't hate if it happened but you know, indies should keep their opportunities open.
nobody saw meimi kek
if in spotify - shit out of luck, too hard to transfer copyright
I mean... they don't have to enforce the copyright if they don't want to
if thats all I have to do, I can fix her. I would stick around too!
which is also what meimi said they would settle on, not persuing
Are Japanese lawyers cheap right now to sue to get them back?
meimi is a KEKED bitch lmoa
>Are Japanese lawyers cheap right now to sue to get them back?
What would they sue them for? They legally own everything already, giving them the IP back at all is just a courtesy
Over whatever the dispute is over the music rights. Suing is likely more expensive than the songs are worth but the principle of the thing could be important. I have to watch Meimi and ask some others more directly to get more information if I can.
>Over whatever the dispute is over the music rights
The dispute is (as far as I can see), they dont want to give the music with the rest of the IP because its too much work; but I dont see why they'd have a cause to sue over it
>Can you keep up with me
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All that unsold merch...
Nami announcement stream in 59 minutes
I'd pound Isla if you know what I mean
>members only chat enabled
will she still be fat in 59 minutes?
we're starving all our girls to avoid osmosing /tsunX/'s X
she always has that turned on for waiting rooms until the stream starts.
it's namover
Dont even waste time explaining to drama tourists, they'll be gone soon
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Too much work, a pseudo-indie group like V-Dere is the only choice and even then they would need people to run it full-time with enough drive to get anywhere. Say what you want about orangecat but she was able to make them, as a group, an established brand among actual small corpos, much more than whatever the ex-PRISM indie group is. The price to pay was having schizoing out more than ever and barely streaming, even as a terminally online NEET with zero life outside of vtubing. Who among the current kawaii girls would be crazy enough to try it? Most of them were barely able to keep up WITH a corpo support structure, as bad or as good as it was.
>much more than whatever the ex-PRISM indie group is
Prima is literally just a name for all of them so people don't call them ex-prism. It's not a group.
Requiem, Prism gen 3, is actually an indie group and it doesn't seem like it takes that much time for them to do most of what vdere does anyway. Certainly doesn't seem impossible for any of the kawaii gens to match that
I'm glad Isla is mostly back to normal
how come none of you imagepost
162 posts and 21 images
that's pitiful
Benji got his ass fired
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Sorry, most of the my memes are owned by Culture now....
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>>87168218 (me)
except you luaposter you're cool
Requiem WHO? They are a true indie group mostly carried by shitki, nothing like V-Dere.
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haha imagine leaking premium top secret members content
thank you for explaining
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who drew this? is this supposed to be lua
it's a bbc unit
sprite did not come back to make any
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>Say what you want about orangecat but she was able to make them, as a group, an established brand
They had a huge drama buff. It's not like they started from scratch so I'm not super impressed. Now the other girls have a chance to do something similar. Nene could do it.

Here you go.
Please learn to read before ever replying to me again
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why did lua present herself like that?
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There really isnt anyone between them that can do something like this.
I want to be Nami's baseball player and chew gum in front of her. I'm not brown but I can get a spray on tan.

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remember when Reina flashed her tits?
You bring up Requiem as if they were anywhere near V-Dere. Laughable. Ephemira is doing something like Requiem with their own indie unit anyway, it's not like V-Dere, it won't have the corpo feel that fags here desperately want.

It takes a lot of effort to do something like that on top of streaming, potentially for nothing because when indies fail they fail for real. Again, no one in kawaii right now has the requirements to lead a V-Dere like project. Only Hiyori seems like a good candidate but she needs to quit her own job and will need to give up streaming time and free time in favor of bureaucracy. Nene is already surviving paycheck to paycheck, she can't give up "grifting" time to set up a corpo, or a pseudo-corpo, hoping that it might do wonders in the long run.
How come they're shutting down?
Pink Dutchwoman live
no. you got a pic or something
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>Kills your corpo
i asked her to
t. inner circle black shotaling
she literally didn't lose anything
The girls realize that starting a corp between themselves just isnt possible.
Disappointing. I already had my dick out. Now I had to roll it up and put it away.
>Requiem, Prism gen 3, is actually an indie group and it doesn't seem like it takes that much time for them to do most of what vdere does anyway

>Certainly doesn't seem impossible for any of the kawaii gens to match that
doubling down on LMAO
Kbezon retard KEKED LMOA

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