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This thread is about VSPO! & vtubers that play a lot of FPS & participate in FPS tournaments/events (VSPO!, Neo-Porte, indies, etc.).
Anything goes, even if it's not related to an FPS stream.
Collabs with non-v & professional e-sports players are common, so posting about the typical collab partners (CR, Riddle, Zeta, KNR, 芸人旅団, GETI, JP FPS Streamers etc.) is also on topic.
Previous thread: >>87013689

VSPO! is:

Official Goods Links:

>Ongoing/upcoming Events:
- VSPO! Niji Hololive music unit collab
- Shishiro Botan Cup 2nd SF6

>Ongoing/upcoming Merch:
- Kurumi Noah Kurumi Day 2024 Goods
- Shinomiya Runa 3rd Anniversary Goods
- VSPO! GIGO collab

>Archived VSPO member projects:
- VSpo 2024 Godfield Tournament
- Tachibana Hinano 4th Anniversary Live
- Asumi Sena 4th Anniversary Live
- Tachibana Hinano VSPO! 3D year end karaoke party
- Komori Met 3D Birthday Live 2023:
- Kurumi Noah 3D Live 2023:
- Kisaragi Ren's VSPO! Academic Test #2 2023:
- Tachibana Hinano 3rd Anniversary 3D Live:
- Sumire custom: PUBG main POV:
- Lisa's 30 People Totsumachi
- Minecraft Hide & Seek (Met POV)
- Sumire's VSPO Morals Check #2 2024

>Original Songs, covers, anime, etc.:
- Point two seconds story
- Blessing
- Original Song "for Victory!" Animation MV (Short ver.)
- for Victory! (Full ver.)
- VSPOP! 3D Live Official Music Program Part 1 ft. Kogara Toto, Kaga Nazuna, Tachibana Hinano
- VSPOP! 3D Live Official Music Program Part 2 ft. Kaminari Qpi, Asumi Sena, Nekota Tsuna
- International Branch PV
- New Year's Countdown 2024 Music MV

>Official VSPO! programs:

- VSPO! Fanclub

- VSPO! Gekilow:
Premium: https://ch.nicovideo.jp/vspo
Upcoming: -
Previous: VSPO! Quiz Derby 2024

- Mother3-Beni's Midnight Double Peek Radio Show - Wednesday, 2:30AM JST:
https://radiko.jp (Requires VPN)
Archive (Paid): https://qrpf8.com/
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Imagine the noises during sex.
risapi and yamapi
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risaP and yamaP
shes tired pretend to moan and do this shit instead
can't wait for the retard to lose on his rigged yone today
remember to appreciate the girls and be excellent to each other
Does he think the problem is him not using yone but not the shit calls?
Tattooed clown (Hinano) killing herself
>risaP and yamaP
tumuo blessed with good reyna 2 match in a row
how far off is she?
details up for everyone now
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RIG halloween gamer's derby
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2euK7d4ZCc main pov
imo3 just now!
woah kokage is so good, first time watching her
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imo imo tantou
now join furupa, melt your rank, and make some friends gennu
sunk so hard the whole vessel folded in half...
Now that tsumuo has hit her goal in baro, it’s time for league!
how long will kamito sulk and not stream after inevitably losing today then on the 14th
useful feature
perfect to hide the cum stains
unei1's girly hands
its so funny how they're so shit that k4sen had to cancel plans to make time for a 2nd scrim
I forgot to try for toto's postcard. Did anyone get it?
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Wasn't hard for member's fortunately
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Starting early
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I'm sure there's art of a giant gonzales with an umbrella out there
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cool stage
there should be more creativity with 3d backgrounds
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she's not holding back on the cute
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Need more bird.
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what a fat fuck
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i want to eat gonzales
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odoriko good song
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The real seiso...
Literally me.
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its happening
fat fuck
competitive idoling
I will finally be able to fuck gonzales.
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that was cute
peace on earth
Cute live esports idol Nekoma Karin
how bout some uhi worlds that counts right
i love toto
toto should have been chosen for ahamo.
where's the scrim
did they accept their fate to job infront of a live audience that paid to watch them?
She has my same reactions
>no guest gonzaleslive
nigel nomates
It’s over again
comments are filled with people praising alpha for winning despite losing lane early
kamito's getting shit on for being shameless enough to agree to a rigged buffed yone unban vs nerfed jayce despite banning noah's ahri
>qpi mengen uta
It's been forever...
Bitch better not nuke it this time...
Losing a rigged game
just archive it?
scrims started
praying the retard loses anyway
I'm sadly being a wagecuck of all times she does it.
wait they're playing against viewers
guess uruca's team had conflicting schedules since this was a sudden arrangement
she'll almost certainly nuke it but ill put up the archive when she does
looks like ALLIN will disband (for real) this time.
she just said she'll leave the archive depending on her mood so yeah it's probably gone
owner fotm
k4sen players


iirc there is a room tour by kaga shimai as one of the early video on their channel, where is it gone?
these? i dont remember sumire having one
it'd be funny if noah went malzahar and rendered the yone useless like akarin did last time
yes, thanks.
i checked sumi's first so i thought nazu's one also gone but maybe i just mixed up my memory thingking su also upload these room tour
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>zarinsensei horny in ashumi chat
buispo opened a dangerous door by having her become a mama
as far as being horny for vspos go i easily top kanzarin
not that i'd say it out loud
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i miss the chiguchuner's gook banters
Side effects may include being more prone to lewd comments and increased shota lusting
low res
that's on point
I hate league of legends
I hate league of legends
I hate league of legends
i'm listening to ebio's IGL for the first time, i can't believe tsuna managed to thrive with this.
this is so lame
he's even worse than yesterday now but because yone is broken as fuck he can just brute force his way through and get away with it
oh so the sumi's room tour actually exists huh
The future looks grim
i love how tsuna sounds like in the past
K4sen told him to stop going in first for the third time already today but he shrugged off the advice and turned it into "Fine I'll warn you when I do" lol. His inability to learn from those who can teach him is honestly admirable.
He's just too used to having the entire team bend to his play style.
global (planet akarin???) furupa
yeah, i'm surprised - feel like it must've been deleted quite a while back. i mean i don't watch sumi and never went looking but e.g. yt quite frequently recommends nazuna's to me
it's a high bar but this is potentially the most scuffed qpi utawaku ever
my memory didnt betray me after all, thanks anon
How come?

Sumire and Nazuna have both deleted loads of early streams and videos. Not recently, they must have done it at least a couple of years ago.
Suu also made a lot member only for some reason.

Better than Beni saying the archive is either staying or mengen, and then it just disappears entirely
>won lanes again
>got shat on in group fight again
Beni is just practicing for lying when she has kids
>Suu also made a lot member only for some reason.
yeah, that is odd. i remember it being discussed here, i dunno probably a couple years ago now, and a lot are just normal streams. like no pattern to it. weird
anyway the only thing i'm actually pissed about is that all nose's old mengen twitcasts are inaccessible due to yt's retardation
you can see how important k4sen's calls were
without him even the stupid broken yone can lose
Kek, are sisters so frustrated that they aren't liveposting?
hinano sweeps by the sheer bonds of the vspos in the team ez
also alpha's calls, whatever
if noah can rotate more early / make some decision by herself and stop being passive their team are unstopable
mondo is bored, has nothing to do in the server anymore and all of the original gang members are gone. cpt leaving was the final nail in the coffin, ending will take some time, but the gang is likely over.
ah they lost but team morale is good
i'm sure noah will figure it out
More reasons for Beni and Mimi to not return. Good.
Very cute picture
A floor setup like that looks nice.
even the usual twitter fangirls aren't posting about the stream because rigging the game is so pathetic
those two pretty much quit already, taya hasn't touched stgr since last year after being relegated to being a VCR NPC, and beni only logged in one time this year and it was offstream.
love how uruca doesn't try to hide how he's very unhappy about the yone rigging
one tricking the most broken champion ever in the modern history of the game and then getting away with it not being banned is crazy
i mean surely normie viewers are flaming the fuck out of kamito due to this "arrangement"
actual special needs kid
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tsumuo TCG sim
Never hiding her emotions love?
he is winning so fun
>and beni only logged in one time this year and it was offstream
She has had a few stgr streams this year. And offstream more than once too.
yoru punch
[good news]
she's eating
i love how you can hear how messy her desk is sometimes
k4sen: yayyyy you won! it was shitty but you won yay!!
basically foreshadowing what'll happen on honban
there was no thinking at all near the end, legit just pure brute force
Sometimes I think kasen wants people to stop playing league and that's why he hosts these shitty events.
Maybe its because I am in some kind of weird bubble having watched pro league like a religion for the last 12 years. But it always baffles me how little basic macro knowledge people have.
They won 1 game but the most braindead moment is where the other 4 got too focused on chasing enemy adc, leaving their own behind to be killed then themselves too.
k4sen: kamito.. I've been saying this like 90% of the time... you gotta listen to people.
And also when they were indecisive af in deciding who should recall to stop noah splitpushing
its the same for everyone who watched tier1 tour / play any moba for thousand of hours, their level is painfully too low even for non-pro event, but nippon isnt known for having good base moba player even at apac level so i guess its ok.
mimi loves it when kamito swoops in to save her like a damsel in distress so it fuels his ego even more
learn to sing this if you want to marry qpi. of course she remembered to immediately drop a 結婚願望ないけど
Man, I love Taya.
That aside, the retard has deluded himself into thinking he can box at plat~emerald level and tried to invite one in their custom lol.
Saving a girl from a situation you created yourself does feel like a pretty boy thing to do
he just threw up all over himself during that dragon
How did the hags' and kamito's teams win team fights during syaruru cup lol?
Taya doesn't speak often, but when she does she's always right. I'd be frustrated as fuck if I was her and kept getting griefed by a team who can't understand SHE is supposed to be the carry. Not the hero wannabe up top.
qpi's gonna leave the mengen up for at least a little while. for the love of god i wish she would sort out her mic position / get a compressor or at least fix the volume. her voice is about 1/4 as loud as the the average vtuber stream and of course when she talks about anything interesting she leans back in her chair and drops her voice to a whisper
everyday is the rabbit mating day
Cross earrings but devil is kind of funny4
They are still getting stomped in team fights.
Hags had Mea and Mother who could handle all the speaking and thinking.
I love genshin now
Does Sumire have weak immune system?
Being sickly isn’t a problem for a streamer
I really like this beni
Staying trendy
setting up properly is putting in effort into something which can fail and shatter your pride
I wanna hang out with the Beni sisters
But they will do evil things to your pelvis
I will make that sacrifice
Noob question:
What is with the pelvis thing?
I don’t know if it has a specific origin but it meaning like she’s going to break your hips from demanding so much sex is the idea
She’s so cool
is vega op
Thank fuck for that.
It feels like it got worse ever since her main pc broke awhile ago, plus her streaming area just seems cramped and messy for her to really reposition her setup and mic position.
Probably it's why she gets mad whenever her cat jumps onto her desk.
boy girls are best when they are girls
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good thing akarin got invited to this sf6 tourney
roru is out and dead hour streams are in
I saw some comments on the bbs about how she wants to play LoL even while playing sf6. Is that true? SF6 is gimu for her?
She's only playing suto6 only because of the botan's event.
Even tho it's all rrats, they aren't necessarily wrong either.
>no streams
how could they make sumi a sexual
whatever the outcome, nobody's gonna be happy on the 14th
>uruca's team has to bend over backwards and change their entire comp to indulge the rigged yone vs jayce
>nobody will celebrate if the rigged yone wins and it's gonna be awkward as hell
honestly it's better for the rigged yone to lose and the event can still be salvaged as "LOL YOU LOST DESPITE THE AMOUNT OF HANDICAPS WE HAVE", makes for good entertainment at least
sexomire valorant
SO much for everyone loves a winner
rare sumi
>sexo model
>prude as fuck korean
>retarded company ban on lewds
vspo is a joke
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>prude as fuck korean
>prude as fuck
>suchan had to refuse a vspo group trip cos of illness
has anyone mentioned a trip?
>falls sick
>feels bad for missing out on streaming
>streams anyway
bless her poor sick soul
what the fuck is up with sumi's teammate? is it braindamaged?
child with brain damage
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>shows this
how am i going to chill
Why does she attract brain damaged people
Gyaru is going through a lot
what's it this time
the usual menhera?
pretty much yeah nothing noteworthy thats unusual
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tsuna has been unusually korean lately
so this month is dead because of cr cup sf6
is there any hope left for fps in the last 2 months
Take the fighting game pill you will have fun
tumuo valo
i don't like watching weeks of practice just to get dq'd in under 3 mins
Why is this the most fun it seems like everyone has been having
You will if you try playing the games too
imagine if kamito will still taunt alpha who's manly enough to concede to a losing matchup
i hope he gets flamed
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>learning fade lineups
I'm proud of her for being humble & still learning the game, even though she's standing at the top
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tsumuo my autist not abandoning valo even after hitting imo3
they need to release an entire batch of academy streamers so we'll get actual gamers like kokage as a gen
the old timers can continue playing idol as much as they want
i love varolant
you can just flame him yourself. get to work and post the things you've been posting here on his replies
I still baffles me they shoved gennu into the academy
I wonder what other hidden gems are trapped there
sumis more sexual than ever
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damn i forgot to say that sumi is also pretty breedable today
kanzarin fucking draw something, stop being horny and show up to every member streams
all three spos streaming valo right now are very sexual
reminder that alpha said the emote spamming legitimately pissed him off to the point of wanting to mute him, but he just endured it and chose not to emote back
the craziest shit is that she always lewds herself. what a whore
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tsumigi is mine
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pretty sure the walking main character syndrome is still gaining something by getting flamed, lets grow up
where genshin
Here's your Genshin
how did a buisupo manage to be so slutty
slightly related but tuna won that private villa/hotel prize in the rakuten cup which she can take something like 6 guests on. pretty sure they'd only talk about that after they went though as the location is known. don't usually watch tuna that much so maybe she's talked about that already though
I love valorant
I love valorant
I love valorant
lisa valo furupa w/ ariken, vdk, emataso, stanmi
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furupa now w/ bodo, sutanmi, ariken & bussan
think that makes sense though right? they recognized her ability but also her autism
You should be asking why the 風紀委員長 is a harlot now
non-academy mugi probably would've gotten suspended week one from an impromptu drunk stream
what clip is this? I just want to see when they did the yone rigging because I missed it entirely.
Could be just a normal learning stream or could be learning for something that's being announced soon.
Aki being there makes me think it's the latter.
sorry its my fault.
I love a good bit of boose
the one on k4sen's channel
kamito and haseshin shilling the deadlock killer
I haven't heard of this at all
can someone post the clip of lisa doing an imitation of kokage's voice?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVm0k0DVrIE nacho new song cover. today is also her birthday
nazupi (6歳)
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pi, your AI backgrounds...
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Nazu news...
Only for a week though. It would make more sense to do it once a week for a while.
the dokkiri is back on the menu boys
nazu has sacrificed her social position for it on the vsposaba, everyone is too scared to interact with her
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noah you know what you’re doing here
>ema tweeting about fanart and AI art being too lewd
>noah making a thumbnail as if she's nude
mixed messages
stubborn puritan unei skinwalk emas tweet
>Nazu news: there isn't any news
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retard noticed she positioned her model to look like she's naked too
all members of kinako team is practicing today
meanwhile kamito team...
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Beni needs outfits like the ones her sister Mai has.
Over three years and she still hasn't collabed with any of her sisters. Even though Beni always gushes about mairomama.
actually trying to defend how broken yone is right now
why pracc when if you're losing you just ask the enemy team to throw or "read the mood"
miyapex with gori, shinsan
Chaos in the streets as unei releases the anti porn death squads.
he definitely cares since he posted this unprompted after a totally unrelated stream
this is not a real issue
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too lazy to edit this with unei1 face and vspo logo
not him bringing up solo Q statistics in a tournament environment... he truly has become a genuine lolfag
the disdain tuna has for her comment section
damn shes actually the last bastion of apex huh
is the sf6 komeran really that bad? I don't remember ren complaining about it
it’s not sf6, it’s her
she’s happy to cozy up to coaches but as soon as they leave the vibe dips like leaving a party with an abusive spouse who dropped their front
taya the diver
>uruca had to beg his team for more practice time because their team comp got changed drastically
>retard posts this and acts like the victim
the only thing worse than lol is discussing it seriously
valo niji
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LH7-Q3fJYRw puti
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z745AH84Ges akari
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huVSWjR2cHs miraijin
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWqA7QiQowA honhima
Hags doko?
ramuchi finally woke up
she panicked after seeing her team members were in VC so she thought she missed practice
shinomiya owes me sex still
[sad news] ramuchi watches sutogura
Does she watch Aja?
time to kill myself
oh no
please no
Uhh is it safe to post THAT which was shown on Noa stream today?
what was it?
Reminder that you can still be groomed at 30
Big if true.
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who the heck are hanabi and moka?
Supposed leaked new members
She privated the archive already but I managed to record it
That's why I was asking whether it was safe or not, those are most likely upcoming members.
>Hinano just be friends

I posted that jokingly a few days ago.
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shinomiya was right
welcome back aqua

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