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See You Later Twitch Witch Edition

Welcome to /mouse/ - Ironmouse General!

This is it. It's over. The subathon is over. The Witch of Twitch will get her deserved rest at last.

This is the thread to discuss Ironmouse and her streams. Please avoid discussions that are not relevant to Mouse or her streams.

Image Source: https://x.com/KuroiEnpitsu/status/1841179794962256122

Mouse: https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
VODS Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@IRONMOUSEVODS
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ironmouse
Twitter: https://x.com/ironmouse
Other: https://pastebin.com/TMP89R5B

Related Threads:
VShojo+ General: /vsj+/

Previous Thread: >>87132436
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All the afk faces from subathon:
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Curious to see if this will be permanent of temporary like /999/.
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That's some dedication
Thanks anon
Now I won't be able to sleep unless she comes back to call.
I just saved them every time someone posted them here.
mouse back
Mouse is back and calmed down.
Welcome back Mouse
What are the must watch parts of the subathon?

I tried to catch what I could but between work, sleep and timezone differences I missed so much.
Same honestly
I don't think someone wrote down all that happened.
Haven't seen that here.
Caught what I could
But for sure missed a lot of singing and stuff
based anon
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Mousey fucking did it bros
Can I just say how lucky we are that we have a streamer who streamed non stop for over a month and she was not fed up of streaming by the end.
In fact she is sad that she has to end it.
Look at every other subathon most streamers see it like a challenge and want it to end not our Rat.
Pink worm karaoke, Aethel & Nyan collab, the first power wash with the VShojo girls, Mel & Mouse collab where she got her YT channels back, the first satisfactory stream with Connor after Mouse beat the #1 record, obviously when she beat Ninja, Lud, and Kai's record back to back, vtuber academy finale was nice, Mouse defating Malenia, Mouse beating Alien Isolation, Mouse beating New Vegas, Mouse's art drawing segment, Death in Unison collab with Hime, Mouse beating Dea...err wait that didn't happen heh
If anyone are looking for singing, this guy archived all the subathon ones

And today's first karaoke is already up
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Fuck I need to sleep. I'm working on two hours of sleep and I got work in the morning. But i'm pumped with adrenaline so it'll be a struggle. Good night Mousenation. Great work all. Pink rat eternal.
Do you happen to have links or timestamps for those moments?
Also wasn't there a VRChat thing?
Welp I'm going to go spend an hour moping and trying to sleep. Gn all.
Goodnight to everyone heading off
>Pink worm karaoke
Every karaoke is worth watching, not just the damn worm sessions. The Witch debut karaoke was really good and some of the Decora ones stood out as well as the final thirty minutes.
Other stuff I'd like to add is the House on Haunted Hill watchalong and the Tekken sessions including beating the shit out of Sykk. I actually also really liked Fallguys with chat but that might be a you had to be there kind of thing.
I hope she does more games with chat stuff in the future outside of subathons, it was a good time.
Relax anon. Of course all of them were amazing but Mouse was having a la creatividad moment for the first worm karaoke that was just pure kino makes it stand out. The witch karaoke would probably be the other to specifically recommend because Mouse was high energy, she was emoting with her model a ton, and she just beat #1 so she went all out to try to impress new faces.
Pink worm karaoke is awesome, gives a lot of character and looks adorable. I love worm and Im tired of pretending I dont.
yeah the witch debut karaoke was in the top five all time sessions for me, sometimes she'll have a session where there are some really good renditions but all of them on that one were great and she was feeling it so hard
Same. I'm still working when the timer hits 0, and I still can't focus
If you want to keep it alive when she's not streaming, just commit to bumping it rather than relying on organic discussion. It's really only the huge org-level generals that can stay alive without someone bumping them or just having a spammy thread culture.
if we are going to keep this general going it would be great if we could have some sort of ritual post with timestamps, maybe a document, showing various highlights. I imagine a lot of us are in this boat. gonna take awhile to catch up on the parts missed
If we had someone to commit to that it would be great.
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Did this ever get posted here?
don't think so
I feel weird now.
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Look at all those filthy casuals. Can you really call yourself a streamers if you stream less that 100 hours in a week? So lazy.
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Bad morning, Mousenation...
Its ok anon she will be back soon.
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Don't worry Mouse plenty of us cried for you instead
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Interesting stats
Ay oruguitas, no se aguanten más
Hay que crecer a parte y volver
Hacia adelante seguirás
Vienen milagros, vienen crisálidas
Hay que partir y construir su propio futuro
Good Luck Babe, her new classic
she does say she loves Chappell Roan
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I overslept
owari da....
It's ok anon I went to bed and just watched the ending part of the vod after
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It was another fantastic subathon mousenation
My condolences
If it's any consolation
Everybody cried
mouse chatting on pete
Whoever sent the Jerma "I'm killing you" sound at the end is a fag (derogatory)
Specially you
Holy shit I love Ironmouse.
I want to headpat her
Was she in call or just in chat.
If were going to post where Mouse Is would rather we specify because I don't really care if she's just in someone's chat but if she's in call I'll check the vod.
currently chilling watching her wife now
Of course candii started playing satisfactory yesterday, i don't wanna say it but she is not beating the allegations
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Currently figuring out a 7 days to die collab together
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she's such a simp
Damn she cute
anon all of twitch has been playing it lately
reminder candii is one of mouses oldest friends and the person she actually watches the most of you ignore her afk farming connor
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Just came back from work to catch up to the VOD...I Know I sound like a broken record and I barely complain about anything but man why does every solemn mouse moment has be ruined by TTS?
Anyway that was grateful experience. Thanks mouse you're a special person.
Did Mouse remove all the artist links in her twitch bio?
Mouse please add you nsfw tag, I would you you forever for it
It is funny how many Mouse chatters I see who wait for Mouse to show up in Candii's stream now. She has become the defacto place to look for Mouse now that Mouse overlaps Monke constantly and can't watch him anymore.
*Love you
And thank God for that.
I don't really watch candii just when she collab with mouse but i saw this pattern many times through the years, she always start playing something mouse is into to "attract" her attention. Why not be straight forward and ask mouse to play together? it's just weird
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Worst vshojo fan. Absolute cancer of a being.
Mouse has confirmed multiple times now that she doesn't even watch him anymore just keeps his streams open because people expect her to be watching. She also needs to do her whole fake tsun play at the end of the year pretending like she watches every stream.
She is always watching him anon even when she is streaming he is in the second monitor, she is not there just to farm points. The only thing we "lost" is her comments in his chat
Mouse please if you haven't already send a get well message to Saiiren.
That kid sounded very scared
Fuck off sperg, it's so easy to spot you because you like a broken record try coming up with something new
Don't hate the player hate the game, Mouse should have disabled tts for the final stretch because you can't trust autists with too much money.
Idk if I would count an occasional glance watching. Honestly it isn't a big deal Candii is in a better time slot for her to watch now that is all it is. Connor is in the worst since Mouse has to be active paying attention to her stream when he normally streams. That's all it is.
Nah, he's also the one that writes those cringe fanfics to Henya.
Yet she said multiple times she don't miss one stream and is always watching, like she said again when she called him out during cinnamoroll cafe irl because he lurks her streams not logged into his account, she said she watch all his streams.
You're right but read the room ffs
Yet she knows nothing that happens during them unless he himself tells her or it is clipped. Strange that. Almost like she only glimpses occasionally during pee breaks and doesn't have time to watch any other time.
I like Connor but pretending like Mouse still actively watches him when she isn't sick offline is a cope and a half. She's too busy to with their current schedules which is okay. It's not the big deal that several anons act like it is.
You can't expect her to pay 100% attention to his streams while she is streaming that would be insanity, just the fact she always keep his stream open while streaming when she doesn't need to show how much of a simp she is. She is not doing to "pretend" anything sperg
Her not watching him is great for my mental health. Now if only she'd drop the collabs.
Not talking to you sperg.
I should clarify when I said pretend I meant pretend to always be watching not pretend that she watches him at all. Obviously she always has his stream up but she rarely can actively watch now unless she isn't streaming which is okay but many anons act like accepting that means the end of the world. In comparison someone like Pete Candii or even Zen she watches more actively when there because she has the time to. That is all I mean sorry if I'm not good at getting that across.
I see that mouse is watching zen, candii was watching pete early she must be trying to fill the void of the subathon, i can only imagine how strange it is to be off stream after 40 days
So anyways what's with this new Candii look how am I supposed to jerk off to that I thought we would get some slutty Halloween costume.
Mouse Its time to change the Twitch profile pic
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Goddammit i'm watching the end of the subathon just when i stopped crying i open twitter and see this now i'm crying again
why does mouse type weirdly formal to him sometimes? I noticed it after last cyclothon. feels too pr like.
She's faking the friendship for clipping purposes.
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She can say all that needs to be said with few words
This is some h art style I love it
>Some retard claims Mousey say "I love you" to Connor in the end of her stream
>Watch the clip
>Is just her crying in a way that sounds like "I love you" to the autistic mind
>Clip gets deleted within minutes

God I hate shipfags so much
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She's said it before to him so it wouldn't be that crazy if it happened at some point. Mouse says I love you to her friends all the time.
I wish I could connect with someone to that level.
Reminds me of the Disney and FF9 "I love you" claims
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Man I loved that in bw but I love it even more in color, If only they extended it down a little.
I want to bury my face in those pits
Did that Connor video get privated
You can either look for a Connor in your life, or try to be the Connor to someone else.
Zens audience seems better trained on when it is appropriate to send TTS and when it isn't. Wonder how that happened? Like Karaoke is a no no, and when Mouse is discussing something deep wait till she is done. Amazing how many people can't read a room
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Best Friend W
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>Be the Connor for a Mouse in need out there.
That's fucking beautiful
I don't know how, but I'll try to be that
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Back to work
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Good old Rolling Stone...they fucked up and called it "autoimmune" though
I hope they fix that it seems to be a common mistake
You can send them an email about it or tweet at the author, Rolling Stone is a legitimate outlet and they do corrections. They also fucked up a tweet embed of Twitch congratulating her.
Here's the author if anyone is willing to correct him
Speaking of which, is anyone gonna bite the bullet and pay the toll to get the full article? Not it
Even doctors make that mistake
These are rare conditions after all
That's why awareness is so important
We just have to notify them
Can anyone give me closure on the following: I remember years ago a mousey on youtube where she put up a dono for a new bed because she need one, does she have a better bed now? I remember her saying her parents had to come out of retirement to support her, is ironmouse support them financially now she's made it big? I remember her saying her room in her old house didn't have a window, does she have a window now? A big window with a nice view? I remember years ago her saying that her ambition was to be able to sit in a chair, can she do this now? These questions may be dumb but I hate hearing sad things like this but then never knowing how it turned out.
>pay the toll
Just open in incognito
She bought a house, she has windows, she has a projector in her room that she sometimes uses to imitate outside, she has a good bed, she has a good chair, she can sit, walk and even tries to get better by using a treadmill.
...you seem a bit suspicious, but I'll bite. She bought a bigger house in a safe neighborhood, her parents decided she should have the master bedroom which has windows, presumably she has a nice medical bed. Don't think she's talked about sitting in a chair, probably not ready for that yet. Still streams from her bed setup

He actually live recorded Mouse reaction to him impersonating her.
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ironmouse is sexy
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so is she dying?
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This just show how retards vtubers look IRL, connor still don't move nearly as much as mouse but he still is moving so much irl. Mouse must look like a crazy person in front of pc, i can only imagine what goes through her mom head watching her doing this irl kek
I think I remember someone talking about that, how they had friends comment about how much they were moving because they were so used to emoting as a vtuber.
Everyone is.
Even though I'm not a fan of her I hope she's ok.
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Forgot to add an image
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World famous ironrat. So proud
I love the witch of twitch
Her rapid growth might be a factor.
He audience has grown by a lot, plus the tons of subs being handed out meant a lot of people only got to know Mouse this last month.
Lots of new folks who don't know the etiquette and can't read the room.
I remember when Mouse got sick recently, and she cried because she couldn't use her threadmill anymore.
That felt like a gut punch.
I'd like to hope that Mouse's road ahead is one of only constant improvement and healing, but every so often you're reminded that there's no cure for what she has; only quality of life improvements.
Even so, it's amazing to see just how much her life has improved over the last couple of years.
That was great.
I thought they just shared passwords or something, but it looks like it was a lot more complicated than that.
>Mario party collab with Mouse, Mata, Michi and Kuro at 11pm October 17th
Should be fun though I wonder if we will get another dual screen situation since the rv trip starts that day too.
it's not gonna happen that's the beginning of the RV trip
also EST or PST?
I'm not sure this anon didn't say and I can't watch the vod atm.
If it is EST then I don't see an issue with her watching the RV stream for like 4 hours before doing the collab. Seems fine. Though Mouse really can't help herself when it comes to double booking huh. This is the second RV in a row she's done this.
yeah I think it would have been fine if it was pst or the second day
also who knows since that would be the 5th Mario party collab on that day so it might start late or Mata might tap out
mouse knows how much people complained last time and wants to give us actual good content too thank god
It could be PST idk what Mata normally uses.
I hope she does the double stream but with the trip in the smaller window this time it would be a funny call back
She will probably watch him then raid into him, you can expect no mouse POV from this collab she will be playing offstream
I wouldn't trust mouse to follow through with a mario party collab
Mouse of Iron IV
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>Get off work
>No Mouse
I'm catching on the VOD right now. And I think her cover of My way was her best cover. I got chills
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I miss her
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Do you think she'll bail out?
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The days just aren't as bright
she paid like over 55k to collab with big streamers one of them being mouse and connor then disappeared with never collabing with any of them
but with Connor's leaked Twitter messages
(last month I think) it does seem they have at least messaged each other
Why the fuck would you do this ? This is next level self destruction
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remember to ignore bait especially the monkesperg larping and falseflagging all day.
>rolled cigarettes
>a glass of water
>mouse singing playlist
all is well
I just love latinas anon
Great ending recap clip with both PoV for those who missed it.

kai cenat takes back his record. Then next subathon mouse takes back her record and so on. Kai and mouse locked in an eternal battle
I ship it
If Kai was smart he would just have her on for a turn me into a Vtuber Segmant.
I should die for posting this
A collab between them could be interesting. Feel like it would either go super well or horribly
I always thought Apari was based in Japan
But there will be some Mouse merch delays I'm guessing
Man i already miss Mouseathon.
Messaged the author for the Rolling Stones article and he fixed the autoimmune thing. He was very nice.
Back to the factory.
Same i still feel weird without it. Been such an active part of my schedule for the past 40 days. It is nice to have some time to watch other members again though
No rolling stone bait thread? Man guess I have to wait untill SEA hours.
BASED anon
Mouse should unironically do the Freddi Fish and Put Put series on stream
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making a difference anon, good for you and thanks
she's (roughly) the correct age to play them when they came out, when I was watching connor he was completely disconnected I'm assuming because he was an infant but a mid-millennial grew up with these point and clicks
what I really want is for someone to play jumpstart 3rd grade adventures which is an unironic banger game with actual knowledge required on a bunch of topics
or backyard sports it just got ported today on steam
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that contrast is going to be rough for a while. whenever she's not actively recording she'll probably want to be vocally chatting with someone but it's not like it's normal for streamers to have drop in and drop out open calls so she can't just chill on someone else's stream without asking first. she needs to find a yap outlet now that we're gone
use this
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just like me frfr
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what is a hunter without the hunt
The fact that mira is on the list is ridiculous
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yoooo our rat beat the coomer women lfg
it's also amazing how close she is to peko and miko
picrel is just... she just runs old shit 24h a day with no vods. twitch needs to crack down on this but they won't because it gets them ad money
I was almost like "whoa good job for Mira Pink!" then I got sad.
JP Vtubers are something else huh. Guess that is the difference between a society that embraces them versus one that despises them like with EN Vtubers.
yep. everyone else there deserves it. emiru is a good yapper, kyedae is the real deal gamer, I don't like amo for various reasons but the time and effort she puts into what she does is real and I respect that grind. I do have to wonder where the JP vtubers would be if they were indie, I would hope they'd still be high up though because they're great at what they do and people love them for a reason
en has more money i think though
>I do have to wonder where the JP vtubers would be if they were indie
Like all other non blue dorito having JP indies (not named Karubi); floundering nobodies. They get huge Jap audiences but only stream for about 28 hours and can keep up with or surpass people working 4 times as hard. All because of corpo loyalty.
Saiiren is back and sounding better. She's building on vshojocraft so Mouse might show up
what happened to her?
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something related to her heart and apparently it wasn't good news looking at her morning tweet
Said something about her heart after ending stream abruptly the other day. No idea.
yeah I've seen Ari and Mei building as well
tabs, you shitstains, there's no + on this thread
Movie watchalong incase people missed it.
that movie fucking sucked. kinda funny tho with mouse
If you put a + on this thread, you just end up with /vsj+/ with extra steps.
nah those aint + posts because it's talking about where we might be able to find mouse and it's not really a stretch since she's always in friend streams when she can be
just started watching this, fantastic idea to record her reaction for both content reasons and also it's just fun for us to see
offline factory with bestie
One of them should stream it. I'm addicted to that fucking game now.
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is there a way to do it eco friendly or do you have to colonize? I'm such a pussy that I can't even do the joja route in stardew
what makes you say this?
so did mouseydawg finally have an ounce of respect for them and not clip mouse's bit on monke's stream yesterday or did they continue their behaviour and it was taken down
>what makes a threadshitter think something is happening
they usually do stuff offline so it's possible
go back to vsj+ your retardation is showing.
I thought it was because he was on the discord and saw mouse playing satisfactory
There are no native sentient species??? Is the word you're looking for industrialize? I which case, no. It is essential to the progress of the game to go through coal and oil phases of energy production.
Monkesperg, please seek professional help.
If that was the case it could also be Candii since they play games offline a lot.
I thought they had said they mostly only play games on stream? I could be wrong though.
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VShojo JP Account tweeted an article on Mouse, glad they're trying a bit to introduce her to Japanese people.
Nah, probably some retard as always trying to make up shit in case he hits something. There was a guy like that back in /vsj+/ when Sykkuno collabs were commonm and he would often mention that they were having a collab and Mouse would be there, even if there was no mention of it and it wasn't true.
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Need more tail censors
percentage chance mouse does a subathon next year?
98% the other 2% is if she decides to do a donoathon instead
honestly, I really hope not just for the fact that I don't think she'll be able to beat her own record next time unless we have subtember again and the random subs things happen again

Events spread out every quarter of the year for the IDF would be better IMO
Gonna go out on a limb and say "zero". Just a gut feeling. Three years in a row, first one was in February, second one was in a June, third one was in September. If she takes a year and 3 to 4 months break between subathons, then the next one would have to be either December, which won't happen because Christmas, or in January which would be in 2026.
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yeah that OP is up her alley
That first episode was wild. Felt like a mixture of old school random ass anime OAV psychopathy from the 80s and early 90s with Studio Trigger frenetic shit in the 2000s.
I've heard the manga is really good so I have high expectations for the series
I really hope she does and I've already seen plenty of people saying they are looking forward to next years.
It all depends, she wasn't sure she was doing one when this year began.
Many factors, both personal and work related will determine if she doesn't or not.

If we're going by hunches, I'd say, 60% chance she does, the new members impact will be a huge part, also kai has to break the record again to build some hype in both fanbases.
I disagree it doesn't matter if she beats her record, subathon is the event of the year and has become an anural thing..
This season is loaded with some good shit to watch which is perfectly balanced by how much fucking garbage there is. My massive disappointment so far in everything new save Dan da Dan is palpable. Not one other "new" show has grabbed my balls. Sequels and the Ranma reboot are doing most of the heavy work.
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I read through the manga yesterday, it was good. it's fire force/bleach but good
When I see art like this it really make me want more lewd art.
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>it's fire force/bleach but good
Read it
Watching animu. Non moving pictures confuse and anger me, so no manga allowed.
Mouse doesn't follow Saiiren on twitter.
Stop replying to me, didn't know I was replying to an actual buffoon
>I thought it was because he was on the discord and saw mouse playing satisfactory
Mouse is practically never visible on Discord.
Screw your faux manga superiority! Your terrible manga have the worst seiyuu imaginable!
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I don't think it's really like either of those except it being shonen.

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