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>falls victim to the suspension bridge effect
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We are the Champions Edition

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact

>Who is Filian?
White haired and bushed kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive zoomzoom vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
A Kid Requested Filian for Make-A-Wish
Frog Ridah!
/flip/ on da telly!!!

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Dance Archive
Thread baking instructions

>Fansly Archive

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:04 - 24:01 UTC

>Recent Stream


>Previous Thread
filian is based
fillys pussy is flat and her chest is hairy. change my mind.
she has alluded more to her nether regions being covered in a fearsome dragonic bush on multiple occasions
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that's a cover up. she is just combs her chesthair down to hair pantys, but her pussy is flat.
thats a cope, she has pretty explicitly stated that shes got a cotton plantation growing down there
nope. flat pussy. hairy chest. you cannot profe me wrong.
fuck you panko. why you gotta be like that.

panko manko
Incredibly hot if true
Simple as
stupid homosexual nigger baka
threadly reminder that phasecucks are not welcome here. Anyone posting phasecuck or phasecuck adjacent bullshit should be ridiculed and bullied into suicide. Kindly fuck off back to /pcg/
damn i love pippa and friends
Me, too. I can't wait for the Tenma unban request collab.
that sounds like kino. tenma is the most based hag around. she calls retards fags on twitter.
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>enter a thread about Filian
>talk about phasekek
what's this mental illness called?
if i blackface you think she'd let me pick that cotton?
Most people ITT are really old so they might be senile. I mean, imagine talking about an ugly hag like tenma when sexy young lumi exists
>what's this mental illness called?
we call this one a lumituber collab
>Imagine not talking about collabs
P*ppa is a hypocrite and a liar and also a toothless hillbilly
Why would you shave if you are not getting game?
who said anything about shaving. i told you she has a hairy chest.
No anon, she has a hairy vegana
her vegana is flat.
>Filian is a virgin
people still believe this rrat? She fucked an Indian cab driver when she was in NZ. Layna probably watched
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The talents are welcome, their fans aren't. If you're one of them retards I hope you die a very slow and painful death, faggot
collabs, you should look it up
>Misattribution of arousal
you telling me all this time all i had to do is scare a chick? damn i wish i knew earlier.
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yes but you gotta make sure you both are in the same situation
Scary Movie Date is SEXO 101 lil bro
from now on i'll jump scare every woman i meet. i'll scream like moistcritical. i'll make so many pussy wet.
o7 you got this lil bro
A lot of women are scared when they walk home alone at night. Maybe you should follow them so they will fall in love with you
i like the way you think. i'll do that and to top it off i'll cover myself in a white sheet and pretend to be a ghost, run at them and scream like moist. maximum affection right there.
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>i'll cover myself in a white sheet and pretend to be a ghost
For some reason blacks are really afraid of ghosts, so you should really target black girls
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when is Filian going to do a proper flip?
koone and filian should do a flip collab some time
I would unironically give my left nut for a wholesome Filian and Korone stream with Tenma translating between them
would be pretty fun but im not entirely sure what they could do together that would be engaging for more than half an hour

>perfect flip on a hard studio floor
>sloppy tumble on a crash mat

these are not the same thing
don’t forget the male hands around her hips to help her with the flip
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spergalicious hurr
If I'm not wrong Filian is supposed to appear on Camila's stream today, does anyone know at what hour she goes live?
nini /flip/
GN snacka
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I checked and I guess I'll be watching a vod. I am not staying up till 3am and I don't really like the idea of going to sleep early to wake up for the stream.
You have nothing to hide right?
Bro why you gotta do her like that? Like what did she do to you?
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I must've aroused so many women at night. No wonder they were screaming so loud.
Didn't mod me.
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I just fucked filian’s tight hag pussy
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liar, you'd be totally exhausted and unable to post for days
she gave me gas station boner pills and amphetamines so that I could keep up
I want to lick the sweat off her tummy.
Pity IRL filian is irredeemably hideous.
my standards are so low there is no such thing as an irredeemably hideous female, especially one with a tight body
5 ft tall, blonde or red haired, fit body in her late 20's or early 30's. I don't care if her face is mid, I'd love her.
do you guys think filian watched Kamala Harris’ recent appearance on the call her daddy podcast or is she more of an adin ross x donald trump kinda gal
If you have to ask which political side Filian is supporting you don't know Filian at all
I don’t take anything filian says on stream on her main account at face value.
well she hates jeets, so I'm sure she's not a fan of Harris
Ah yes because it is so common for closeted left wing streamers to hang out with only two pro-right wing Vtubers all the time while having as edgy sense of humor as you can get away with without outright being cancelled. There is truly no way of telling whenever Filian is left wing or right wing based on her conduct and people she associates with, totally, a complete mystery anon...
filian the character is a red blooded, maga loving, negro hating trump voter. She also loves hypebeasts like Adin.
The person behind filian is a independent womxn and so probably votes democrat. But she's also a fucking leaf so it's irrelevant.
I don’t really think that means anything. Filian will do anything for clout and money. If anything it’s more likely than not she would vote Harris since Harris has a stranglehold on her voting demographic (educated woman)
Ah yes because it is a well known meta to hangout with rightwingers and have right wing positions especially on Twitch streaming to zoomers and millennials, all popular streamers are doing that for clout, for sure they are leftist behind their "right wing character" because we all now how good for growth in Twitch vtubing space playing right wing character and hanging out with rightwingers is. Are you guys actually retarded?
anon… the primary vtuber viewing demographic is literally lonely young men who overwhelmingly vote Republican. saying filian doesn’t have incentives to pander to right wingers is almost as naive as saying she doesn’t have incentives to larp as a virgin
>her voting demographic (educated woman)
Not educated women, but white middle and upper middle class women who think and vote with their feelings over objective facts, Filian is autistic, autistic females have very male like pattern of thought, hence why she is so tomboyish and male like, saying shit like "I am first women president of color" doesn't sell it to women like Filian
>he primary vtuber viewing demographic is literally lonely young men who overwhelmingly vote Republican. What type of ass you pulled it from? Care to show any stats? Kirshe is like the biggest right wing Vtuber, her average is like 1k ccv and she literally kept out vtubing cons because of her views. Streamiung in general and especially Vtubing as any space dominated by Millennials and zomers is left leaning by large.
it’s not so much that “wokism” appeals to emotions as luxury beliefs have replaced Veblen style luxury goods in the modern middle and upper social classes
Pardon didn't separate the text
>he primary vtuber viewing demographic is literally lonely young men who overwhelmingly vote Republican.

What type of ass you pulled it from? Care to show any stats? Kirshe is like the biggest right wing Vtuber, her average is like 1k ccv and she literally kept out vtubing cons because of her views. Streamiung in general and especially Vtubing as any space dominated by Millennials and zomers is left leaning by large.
kirsche is a good example, actually, though in the opposite direction you’re trying to argue. It is true that some of the people high up in the vtubing community are leftists, but those are just the garden variety hall monitor type that you find in bureaucracies everywhere. if the vtubing viewerbase was actually themselves leftists, kirsche would be a breadtuber vtuber instead of a right wing chud panderer. It’s like how union reps are themselves leftists but the actual union employees when polled are overwhelmingly right wing
Have you ever considered that Kirche holds her views because she believes in them, retard?

>kirsche is a good example, actually, though in the opposite direction you’re trying to argue

How? if vtubing is a pro-right wing space how come she has such a low CCV, and Tricky who literally wished to shoot up Trump is like 3 times larger than her? Anon just admit that you were wrong and fuck off, Vtubing is definitely not a right wing space.
I feel like I’ve set you off by saying filian larps as right wing because her audience overwhelmingly is themselves. If the fantasy is that important to you by all means keep it, no skin off my back.
nta, but he never denied that some or most vtubers are leftists, he just said that most of the audience are right wing, which is objectively true because the majority of the vtubers are young women and the majority of vtuber watchers are young men and there is a known, documented gender gap in how those groups vote
>I feel like I’ve set you off by saying filian larps as right wing because her audience overwhelmingly is themselves

Yeah, because you said an unbelievable stupid thing and provided no reasoning or evidence:

1)You said that Vtubing is a right wing space- I asked for stats you gave none and you reasoning was beyond retarded, that somehow Kirche literally the biggest right wing tuber having a low CCV way lower than explicitly left wing vtuber proves that it is a right wing space

2)You claimed streamers play a role of right wingers while being secretly leftists, which never happened in history of tubing and the right opposite of that is true.

When some retard waddles in and says that sky is purple and water is green, you will get annoyed.
so you don’t find it suspicious that the majority of young men are Republican and the majority of young women are Liberals and an eceleb who’s entire job is to pander to young men acts like a right winger? Come on now
Then Vtubers who do everything for growth, would try to appeal to right wingers as a bottom line, and it doesn't happen ever, the only one who has more than 100 ccv and explicitly right wing is Kirshe even Alana plays a "centrist" as well as Filian who tries to claim she is apolitical with her right wing views just seeping through from time to time in her humour, opinions or friends.
Phase’s entire shtick is appealing to right wing dweebs.
>so you don’t find it suspicious that the majority of young men are Republican

Stats?, they are not btw before you find it out yourself, Zoomers are more conservatives than Millenials, true, tho, they are far from "majority republican" don't know what distorted reality you exist in.
Can't confirm or deny don't watch them, you have to provide evidence for that claim yourself.
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further note that we’re talking about a millennial woman born and raised in even more liberal canada
pippa literally made a name for herself playing world of tanks and referring to everything in poltard speech, “kekistan”, “a fucking leaf”, etc.
holy frick I hate P*ppa so much it's unreal
This graph doesn't show shit apart that there is a gap between women and men in political views, there is no clear distinction that males are republican it just shows they more conservative leaning, if I could bother there is an actually useful graph that shows what political position generations alight themselves with, with percentage in each political spectrum (right, middle, left) for Zoomers it was around 32% conservatives 45% Middle 23% left, or similar numbers, Millenials were like 45% left or something, so no there is no right wing dominance over young people and especially in Vtube Streaming
it’s been fun arguing, but now you’re just willfully ignoring data that doesn’t confirm your priors
How on earth that proves they are appealing to right wingers? Wouldn't she just endorse right wing talking points, you know, like left wing streamers are endorsing left wing talking points all the time and very open about being left wing? Have you ever considered that she just likes WOT and not trying to win a certain audience over?
Because your data doesn't confirm your point, retard, it shows general notion of males being more conservative leaning, it dosent show how many of them republicans how many centrist and what percentage redistribution at all.
Here retard virtually first search, completely disproves your narrative
anon… this is data series literally isn’t split out by gender… why am I even wasting my time talking to you…
why are we getting political in flip
Can you grow a bit of brains and divide it by two? Do you know how Statista carrying out its research? Do you not understand they poll equal amount of people of both genders to have a proper representation of their data?
you’re seriously embarrassing yourself right now, this is almost as bad as someone who doesn’t know the difference between a median and mean. Nothing in that data series is inconsistent with a gender gap in voting
people will endlessly reply to you if you do anything to cast a shadow of doubt on fil’s kayfabe
Oh my fucking god you are retarded,

Here another source for Congress. Same thing, there is an even split between left and right wing views in younger audience, these "red wave" is a myth, You own stupid graph doesn't even represent it, you like an idiot assumed that men chart below a line means they are Reprublican when they are just more conservative than women but they are still left wing.
NTA, but if there is a significant conservative/liberal split between men and women like the other study showed, assuming it's the same for both would be pretty gigaretarded.
>welcome to another episode of “/flip/ does politics”, in which anon2 links yet another poll showing the opposite of what he thinks it does
It doesn't take to be a match genius to understand that if you split by 2, 39% left and 14% right that you will not get men being overwehlemgly right wing and women left wing you will still get majority of participants lean left. Are you guys geniunely stupid?
american politics are retarded
>t. europoor
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna touch Filian's butt
you are literally staring at graphs that show (made up numbers, but you get the idea) 80% young women being liberals, 20% being conservative, 50% of young men being liberals, 50% being conservative, and then are like oh yeah filian is definitely not toning down her real politics to be more right wing friendly
> poll showing the opposite of what he thinks it does

huh? You mean poll showing there is an equal amount pro left and pro right people in young males, thats completely destroys the narrative that men are majority right wing? smae as the split of 39% left wing and 14% right wing in previous poll that is also by doing simple math clearly shows there are way more left wingers and men just can't be predominantly left wing with such percentage split. Like take an L and fuck off
>you are literally staring at graphs that show (made up numbers, but you get the idea)
Are you retarded?

>like oh yeah filian is definitely not toning down her real politics to be more right wing friendly
Yes you are retarded after all
European politics are even more retarded, every single ruling government is a coalition of 18 micro parties running the gamut from green’s to literal commies to center right people and then the opposition are literal nazi’s who get 40% of the popular vote
again, you guys sound awful emotional about this, it’s not the end of the world if your favorite canadian egirl isn’t as based and redpilled as you might think
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I'm not here to discuss politics of a country I hate on the other side of the globe, I'm here to discuss Filbert fucking the lemon whore.
sure, while we’re on the topic of filian’s kayfabe, do people know she’s openly talked about she’s not a virgin bf and has an ex bf or is /flip/ not ready for that conversation
I don't really care what her political views are, I just got annoyed by idiots saying most idiotic shit that can be proven false instantly, saying that Vtubing is some right wing conservative space is beyond retarded.
>do people know she’s openly talked about she’s not a virgin bf and has an ex bf
I'm not saying I think she's a virgin, but I don't believe this.
There's no way this wouldn't be spammed 24/7 on here if it was true.
You mean the ex boyfriend she held hands with? Filian is pure. Anyway that picture was proven fake. She literally lives in that small british house with her whole family and is the sole bread winner. Yes, her wrists are that small and she is very fragile. She also hates masturbation. Don’t draw her without the ribbons asshole
Yeah, like 0 chance she or even one of her friends said something of sort, we would have 100 clips of it if it happened
Nah she's cute as frick irl.
iirc that’s basically a nothingburger and unclear if they even progressed to third base
>5 ft tall
She wishes
She is most definitely 5.4 or 5.5, Layna who is confirmed 5.3 leaked that Filian is a bit taller than her
Ah, so you're that guy. Maybe next time don't tell normies you browse this cesspool.
>5.4 or 5.5
So not 5ft. Since the she wishes bit.
Watching an old vod and I swear Filian farted here
I wish she would do that on my cock
Once you get a timestamp let us know
I want to plap filian so bad. I can’t think of anything more pleasurable than excavating the subterranean depths of her virginal catgirl cunny
Is this better for you?
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Yo, was Filian going to show up on Camila's stream today? Or is my schizophrenia relapsing?
Fucking HOT.
I want her to gas me like a jew with her bowel brew.
she never streams on Thursday, so; highly unlikely.
Yes, in about 4h
Ah. Cheers. See you fellas then.
>Oh nooo I have to leak the history for this browser I use specifically for this kind of shit
>What, reveal my ACTUAL search history in my main browser, are you crazy?
In her defense, the latter could doxx her and vtuber schizo’s don’t mess around.
>browser I use specifically for this kind of shit
not only that she probably nukes it every few streams just in case. which is why she's never logged into youtube.

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