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non-schizo edition

/wvt/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss English-speaking VTubers.
Include a picture and a link so we know who they are and how to watch!

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Remember to report and ignore trolling, shitposting, and off-topic.

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>Previous thread
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Oh finally
Any events happening soon you're looking forward to?
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Lumi ending her subathon
Someone was lonely :D
Sorry for your loss
always make two threads so rebel get confused
Rebel literally made the other thread, and is the only one posting in it
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unhinged sea spirit lady's trying out the cut dual shock version for resident evil 1!
lets keep it that way
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I want to see just how long he replies to himself there
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finnish pokemon autist librarian's doing funny cat things in Little Kitty, Big City
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It HAS to eventually end, just a few more months...
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Peace and quiet ~
hang in there lumiposter
How long has it lasted?
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145 days, 1 hour, 41 minutes, and 27 seconds
fuck man
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military aviation shark's doing a first playthrough of metro exodus!
So many people are getting hit with the bans, I wonder if everyone will move to Kick eventually
Isn't YouTube at least plausible now that they have raids? I also sometimes get recommendations for 2views or even 1views
More gambling chuubas
>Last two threads couldn't even reach bump limit
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dutch magical girl's trying to beat SH2R tonight
the euros don't really like non circlejerk OPs for whatever reason, it's weird.
More like the euros have been dead for a year
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german part-time nun's playing phasmo with fr-
what the fuck is this?!
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loud goat woman's taking a look at Visage
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seafloor saffa angler's playing the silent hill 2 remake!
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robo kamen rider's trying the very first metal gear game!
I watched her Minecraft VOD twice today. I'm allowed to take a break to watch anime while she's live. Tanya streams for hours at a time anyway, and anime has short episodes.
Guys please stop dying : ( I'm trying to be active in this thread but it always dies after I post

Anyways any cool peeps here??
We got Atte, that guy who thinks he is Lamy and uhhhhh a third guy
The other three guys are schizos dont touch them
I wish ip count was still around so I could see how there's only 5 people posting in these threads
calling myself cool feels wrong
you should be looking for cool vtubers instead of cool posters
There's a bit more according to survey posts but who knows what the hell they are doing
Why did she change her name from Freida to Frieda?
I have nothing to gain from this threads survival, but my advice is if you want to gain momentum drop the cytube link, and swap it out for a official Microsoft Minecraft realm.
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i have no idea
Thread is slow. Post surveys.
Is it freeda or frayda
It's pronounced freeda
i think the other one is frayda
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she's back from her nap btw
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cozy eyepatch cat(?)'s doing more work on her hi-nu gundam model kit!
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Bessie has a child?!
anon her pregnancy announcement was ages ago don't start the timeloop again
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luv me shark wife
My bad. I'd been away from the threads for a long time so I didn't know. It doesn't really surprise me though
hell yeah mang
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denpa net nurse is having fun with pikmin 2 tonight
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In preparation for usurping the throne of Japan, Digby has decided to learn Japanese
So come watch as we learn Japanese with the funny photograph game!

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purity might be doing 40k minis too in the future!
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nina too
Whilst I'm not even slightly perturbed by her being pregnant and eventually a mom, I was right about day 1 mods once again.
Aaaaaaiiiieeeee, nnnoooooooooooooo
Not Ninaaaaaa
She was THE idol
arthur on suicide watch
Anonkun... Idols aren't forever. They will one day further humanity...
nina has talked about wanting tons of kids on stream plenty of times
>Supports sex workers
She doesn't see the harm that pornography has done to individuals and families
Wanna make a never met a nice south african parody, but striking a balance between edgy enough to be funny, without looking like an anti is difficult
You cant have muted tab sleeping viewers on youtube like on twitch
Like she uses their service or she's just giving lip service?
I wonder if she knows about the dark eldar and slaanesh
Man, I don't disagree with any of her rant - but I don't watch vtubers for that stuff. There's tons of other people putting themselves out there that I can give my support to without that shit.
ah yeah, that's pretty important now that raid numbers are getting counted for partner
QRD? Just tuned in and she's talking about getting sexpested at a concert or something.
what did she say?
>kk goes on a rant ONCE
>all of a sudden anons want to post about her in the thread
i see...
I miss the megbert rants
>cool peeps
Attention whore, you ain't fooling anyone! Fuck off!
I mean that's one of the ways how discussions start
I just want to seed her torrent really
the poals have been getting around 15-30
what does this even mean
For the most part she just doesn't do much worth talking about.
If she said she uses their service I would be lmaoing. She's basically just saying that she supports them as people and wishes them well
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I'm keeping the thread active
What game did she modded that got her pregnant?
That sentiment mostly comes from people who shame people who actually economically supports it which I'm sure KK is one of
do you think Ray ever feels bad for not being treated like a real "male" vtuber? he's collabed with women who have cgdct as their brand and would never normally 1v1 collab a dude.
the game of life
She's German. She doesn't feel bad.
I will never understand why a woman would be a reverse babi, don't think she is a troon either so its just weird
I mean yeah, it's okay to do that stuff if you need to survive but it's pathetic to actually use their services. Girlies shouldn't have to service you just to make a living
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Speaking of, where did that lazy bastard poalanon go? At this rate we'd need 4 poals in November to catch up.
Life ain't fair.
this thread would probably do a lot better if you left
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bread baker chuuba's trying her hand at working as a barista!
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her apartment is getting fumigated
oh so like a week or two
that's not too bad
she said the end of october at the earliest in the replies
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>kingdom death monster has catgirls
i have to ask bag about this...
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Please watch my pink imouto tenshi YUI
the KDM catgirls are SUPER lewd
are they safe to paint on twitch
probably not
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all the KDM models are lewd as fuck, the art in the books too
yeah i've seen the penis skirt
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flowerbirbs are live again
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tohael jumpscare
charlotte sure loves the jello tits rigging
does it really move that much...?
it's like the jiggle physics is set to maximum
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the purihalberd as seen from the puritable
i thought she was holding the bag with her right foot for a good few hours
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peruvian drow merchant hag's going back to 2012 with Mad Father!
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sibird's rating their viewers' kitchens and fridges
I hate that I can only connect with other chuubas as long as they are smaller than me but the moment they get larger I just get bitter and ghost them because it feels inevitable that they will ghost me for bigger vtuber friends..
NTA but I think it's a pun about seed also meaning semen
>they will ghost me for bigger vtuber friends
that does seem a common occurrence honestly, especially when they hit partner all the usual suspects seem to come out of the woodwork
That's natural. It's also natural to move up the ladder when you get bigger
Partner implies a bare minimum of dedication and seriousness to streaming. Somebody who is likely in it for at least the medium term. It makes sense to want to make connections with people who aren’t using being a hobbyist or whatever as an excuse for failure/lack of consistency/poor viewership desu.
Besides it's selfish of hobbyists to remain friends with and bring down people who wants this as their main source of income. It's just another form of crabbing desu
That’s definitely not true but the hobbyist rules should probably be way more understanding of the people who try to make a living off this instead of being bitter they aren’t a high priority anymore
It's Arypie's birthday today
Looks good on paper but look at /asp/. The moment anyone gets 50cc, crabbing begins
If people want to be a career streamer they should not expect to have friends, that's true of all forms of entertainment industry. Don't get mad that people you abandoned no longer want to talk to you or provide fanart or whatever
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chuuni brat dog's doing a Q&A stream tonight!
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garage kit painting owl's doin more painting
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progress on the kit for the stream, purity is saying she feels chuffed in regards to what she has done so far
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Time for the thread to be unusable for the rest of the day. See you all tomorrow
Not the same rebel, multiple people have that word in their username
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voidbro's checking out my friendly neighboorhood!
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3AM's celebrating their one-year anniversary
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artsy wood elf's burning more robots in NG+ armored core 6!
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>Vaguely talking about periods
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corpse is listening to a cytube music playlist with her viewers tonight
No one is streaming anything I'm interested in right now
anyaposter... your brackets...
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tulpa toitle's playing OG Silent Hill 2!
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im not sure but i think these are the ones she showed
big boobs but not lewd
Koopa's boobs are so big that it's kind of gross
Khubie is playing mahjong
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leaf tank absolutely destroyed another tank enemy this stream!
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lucky clover gnome's live with more fatal frame ii
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One of you guys did this didn't you
Its a different dude
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Alright I believe it, no one would pay money for something like this

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