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Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you:
Hololive English
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Patra is so based I can't believe how lucky fwmc are
Damn they are desperate for subs, kinda cringe
No wonder Ame quit, I couldn't handle having a fanbase like this for five minutes
They made it clear since day 1 they always wanted to be part of the JP branch. I bet they would never speak English again if they could. They drank that much of the weeb kool-aid.
>eops are SO mad that FWMC isnt pandering to them
>Be hololive ENGLISH
>Pander to the JAPANESE
Skill issue.
Then JP talents should start streaming in English.
Explain your logic here. How exactly does reversing the situation resolve a skill issue?
I think thats what bothers me the most, none of the jp talents pander to eops as much as fwmc panders to jps
Why does that bother you? You clearly don't watch JP.
Honestly, who kept watching them after that disaster of a stream when they moved to Japan? The one where Mococo was crying and pleading for like 2 hours while fuwawa vague posted about all the things they wanted to do that only could be done in Japan and how it's okay to stop watching them ect. That truly has to be one of the worst hololive streams to ever happen.
Fuck this gay shit. They half-ass their EN streams and do fun shit for JP times and ain Japanese frequently. I'm so fucking sick of it, so tired. I wouldn't have shit to say if 3/4ths of their regular streams (the English ones btw) weren't 2-3 hour trash games and fotm to bait subs. I'm sick of it, I seriously just want the pre-move back.
who in their right mind would pander to eop savages if they have an option not to
I would trade all of holoEN for Patra. She's my ideal woman.
So you find Patra to be a fun stream and expect her to speak English to make it fair?
These whores should've auditioned for regloss. Can I trade these two for kanade and ririka? Give me two real japs instead of two wanna be hogging two en slots that could've gone to people who do want to stream for an en audience
Get a taste of real talent freedom chud.
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Ririka and Haachama have done a lot of English content. EOPs don't support though.
Why didn't they just join JP
And now they are doing 3D collabs with Patra while nearing in on 1 million subs. Seems like they made the right choice. All while still being the number 1 super chatted channel in the whole company.
Eop only watch gura and fwmc
At the cost of alienating their en fanbase what a 4D chess move goyz!
Why is it an offcollab if it isn't even ASMR?
Because they're white, retard
imagine how this thread would look if they joined nijisanji en instead of holo en.
There are a lot of chinks, gooks, sea monkeys and halfus in JP
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Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you:
Phase JP
I don't mind that there's JP collabs or even JP streams. I'm not going to sit here and pretend that GTA was terrible. I won't watch a JP stream in full, but there were a lot of cute clips and funny moments from it that I could enjoy. JP isn't the issue, the issue is the clear divide between their efforts for JP and Japanese streams vs the EN streams. Pre-move it was heavily EN focused for all of their fun stuff they chose to do extra for their channel, but ever since the move the EN 'extra' stuff gets less and less.
>old Mr.Koro
>old Lui
I don’t see subs going down, only up.
All these blatant hate and vitriol, definitely fwmc fans lol, they already stream 7 days during EN hours, this is a collab with Patra (japanese vtuber) during JP hours, why would you stay awake just to get mad at it.
whats wrong with my mom being invited anons?
But patra carried this stream, and even then it wasn't that entertaining.
haato was the default jp for EOPs after coco's departure but her long health break and new EN gens kinda killed that niche for her

mr. koro also had a personal english teacher at some point in the past, too
Views matter more than subs
After 1m, viewers are vastly more important because the odds of them reaching 2m are miniscual.
Haachama tried and Management killed any and all efforts for some reason.
Remember when she was not allowed to play on the EN minecraft server anymore? And Ina built a red heart in the last place she logged in?
Only for the servers to merge a few months later anyways???
Cover cares about subs more than anything
Kiara learned her lesson in the first few months not to do Japanese streams. Why didn't Fuwamoco?
The hag power in this image is off the charts. I hope they never do this again. My dick will not survive
Fuuuuuuuuck I missed it.
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And off they go, once again retweeting every Japanese clip that comes their way. You never see them do this for their EN content.

Face it ENruffians. You were a nice boost at the start. But now that their foot is in the door, you aren't needed anymore. Maybe they'll throw ya some of their scraps from time to time.
it was runescape
doesn't subaru translate her streams into english, or at least she did when i watched her a while back
And yet their subs are going up and their ccv is still around the same level. Lost fans doko?
Should have seen this from the very beginning where they would read nearly every JP message in chat.
Because they have a ton of JP fans unlike Kiara. Their Japanese streams are some of their most popular. Compare the response to their GTA streams to ENReco
After 1m it's about sponsorships
Oh yes #chimps bottin the stream equal everything is fine
ririka and haachama know english but not the culture, that's the key difference
fwmc's knowledge of the culture of the other branch has no equal in JP
with that said i wish ririka did more english streams with cc and raora so we can finally have holo axis
So that means they should just purposfully dump on their EN content and gi hard on their JP content, even thought right there in their handle it says "FUWAMOCO holoEN"?
Yes if they give kanade haachama and ririka to holoen because we know they'll be taking pero with them to jp.
They are reverse Coco
I would LOVE for them to officially switch to JP, because then the ruffians can fuck off from the board and go post in /hlg/ on /jp/ instead.
Let them handle those fucks.
How come everyone shit on the Indogs for complaining that half of their chubbas conduct most of their streams in English, but suddenly its fine for EOPs to chimpout when Fuwamoco chase the far more loyal and lucrative JP market? You could just learn JP if you dont like it Wuffian
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Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you:
A faggot
>JP native fluent ESLs joining EN divisions for the lesser competition only to focus on JP content
>EN native fluent JSLs Joining EN divisions for lesser competition only to move to japan and focus on JP content


There's a chunk of them that don't like this who won't say shit on twitter towards them, but they put a little in their discord and let loose with all of their grievences here.
I want more biboo and ririka streams ririka loves playing the cdgct role with beebs and fits like a glove around her
I think Fuwamoco have streamed more in Japanese in 1 year, than Haachama has streamed in English in 6 years.
FWMC played the game and schizos are mad about it, they abused EN as a stepping stone to break into JP and why the fuck shouldn't they?

EN is inferior to JP in every way, Cover doesn't give a shit about EN and gives them way less opportunities. No wonder Ame left
>bait thread
>shit opinions from nijifags
For future Gens do you think Cover will only hire EN vtubers who also know Japanese so as to maximise their audience numbers?
>FWMC played the game... they abused EN as a stepping stone to break into JP
uh people probably don't like it because they essentially used their beginning fanbase to get enough clout to be able to abandon them? it's disingenuous and ratty behavior and shows them as dishonest and manipulative, it's hardly schizo to dislike dishonest and manipulative behavior

are you by any chance Jewish?
every EN needs to watch this before joining a JP company
>Shitting on Patra
kids these days have no respect
What do you expect from shitposters?
Has Patra started doing jerk off ASMR yet or is it still just tingle shit?
So this is the Nijisister thread.
You can smell the crusty vaginas and putrid tampons from here.
By the way, you shitting on the twins and Patra won't erase Nijisanji's sins or delay the inevitable merge.
So do you sisters constantly monitor vtubers you hate as a hobby? You cant even lie about not doing so cause I always see threads like this shitting on the twins in the catalog way too often. I hate a ton of vtubers too but Im not keeping up with them to the point of making threads to vent about it
I know, right? They're literally pulling a NijiEN move
Who the fuck is shitting on Patra here? The focus of the thread is on the change of FWMC's content over the last 6 months.
And it certainly won’t revive Luxiem, kek
And shitting on Patra.
I remember when ruffians were so full of themselves and bragged about how they would never be betrayed, all while shitting up the entire board relentlessly, shitting on FWMC's genmates and being generally insufferable. Turns out they were just a stepping stone so the girls could get an in with JP and now they're slowly but surely being abandoned as a result.
And ruffians deserve every last bit of it.
I hope we see more collabs between Patra and Fuwamoco. Both Japanese only collabs and English only collabs.
I don't blame them. HoloJP is just way superior to HoloEN just in every single way.
Compare Suisei, Marine, Pekora, Korone, Towa etc. to HoloEN and you get what? Gura? who's AFK most of the time. Calli? Kiara? Mumei?
They're just not on the same level.

That's why you JP fluent EN members like Bae and Ina are all moving to JP. Biboo is smart to follow suit. HoloEN has no future.
I hope some mindbroken Ruffian kills a bunch of women and your mother is a victim.
Y-your smile being protected, right?
Oh look, a beggar
>nothing but seethe and no counterargument
Many such cases!
illiterate? retarded?
You’d have to have an argument first in order to be met with a counterargument.
Just because you can't argue against any of the points doesn't mean there isn't an argument there.
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>t.mindbroken nijisis
Save nijien pls..ToT
>t. the man lacking any argument at all
>still no counterargument
I accept your concession.
So this is the power of ten seconds of silence
that seething ruffian is just handing out free you's while saying nothing of substance and being unable to counter anything, keep farming brother kek
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>crying and shidding his pants being unable to counter anything
Weird way to say you have no argument but alright.
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I’d love to slaughter you
Yeah, if he could actually counter any of the things I said then he'd have already done so. As I said, many such cases.
>not even an attempt at an argument
>claim to warrant a counterargument
>should've auditioned for regloss
Only young women in Regloss. Sorry
>unable to counter a very clear argument filled with facts
>claim there is no argument as a result
They should, but maybe the entuber talent pool isn't enough.
You sound like the edgiest kid in middle school.
and he just keeps doing the same thing over and over lmao ruffians are embarrassing
>”my very real argument”
>utter headcanon
They lied about protecting your smiles
Get fucked EOPcucks
>unable to counter any of the points in the argument
>claim its headcanon
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Can I not be allowed to want good streams back like cookies and cream? For them to but in a modcrum of effort to the EN streams on their channel? To talk about their interests to the EOP fanbase during an EN stream? I avoid JP streams because they basically told me to do it if I don't enjoy them, but then I see people talking about how they talked about VN today for a bit, and even mentioned playing Graduation, the first stream of their's I ever watched and what got me hooked. It just feels like they tend to be more cold and secluded when talking during an 'EN' stream, and that really fucking sucks.
No. I mean no one in Justice speaks Japanese fluently.
Japanese will show up to visual novels stream. En ruffians really let them down there.
>You could just learn JP if you dont like it Wuffian
How about you learn that you are not Japanese, anon.
bau bau
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>En ruffians really let them down there
>HoloEN has no future.
You are not Japanese and neither are the twins, Ina or Bae
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Now let's see niji en.
you faggots were insufferable. no. you can't be allowed to want good streams. you deserve this.
Management are scum in Japanese companies and it’s gonna get worse now that A Chan is gone
Who the fuck is even is she?
My favorite part was when she started a podcast with that one fag about Niji“EN”, but it’s all done for the JP audience. At least she knows they have no future outside of Japan.
Cover are not that different than Anycolor now they just hide it better, this is one of the reasons Coco left
Isn't she actually Japanese?
Fuck off, nijifag
She still does in most if not all of her zatsus

As for the thread, FWMC have been dirtbags leeches for years now, anyone following them should know what to expect.
Literal who
Yes, and a VTA dodger, yet the NDF are ITT claiming that’s what FWMC did. In reality, she used NijiEN as a stepping stone to get to Niji Proper. Something something, glass houses.
Just speaking the truth. When Gura leaves, HoloEN would be left with nothing. Maybe Calli would carry the branch to the Western audience.
But that's it. No one in EN would be even close to significance as Suisei, Marine, Pekora, Miko and even Korone. Just accept it EOP.
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Here's a nice look at their JP streams increasing 10-fold over the last 6 months.
Leaches? They're one of the most popular vtubing channels on the planet anon. And they've done it all without even acknowledging your homos even exist. Fuwamoco are the reason why you will never see Biboo, Cici, Raora, or Gigi acknowledge the homos. Compare their career to Bae, Elizabeth or Ame. They can speak in JP or EN all they want, so long as they aren't talking to the homos, they will always have the ruffians smile.
It's like the ultimate bullshit bait and switch. They said they applied multiple times as JPs too and didn't make it, but then they make it on the EN side and focus almost exclusively on cosplaying as Japanese people just because they're weebs. Same shit happened with IRyS to some degree but at least IRyS pretends to give a fuck about speaking English and isn't nearly as big of a numberfag as fwmc either. They really went mask-off on their mission once they settled in japan, good lord.
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I’ll accept that you are a faggot who belongs on /jp/, where your retardation is rooted.
>They're one of the most popular vtubing channels on the planet
Funny... I don't remember Gura ever begging for subs...
Gura is basically gone already for at least a year if not more, Gura was bigger in her prime than any JP whore though that’s for sure
Justice is doing really well. The future of EN is looking good even without Gura who has basically been gone for two years now. Cici, Raora, and Gigi are all very solid hires that build on the success of Advent which is the the generation which saved EN.
What the hell are you talking about, fucking insane pagpag schizo.
>slant eyes getting uppity
If you subtract the JP events there's really not much of an increase if at all.
More like Irys was forward from the start. She spoke a lot of Japanese, did JP streams and did a lot of JP collabs. The amount here >>87167288 shows just how much they flipped the switch once they moved. The big spot of white is the move for a month and a half where they asked fans (mostly EN) to just wait for them patiently, and a lot of people did. I was one of them. But now I'm just getting tired at how much shit they're doing in Japanese on a repeat, regular basis.
>If you subtract the JP streams then there's less JP streams

Anon, c'mon now
I too prefer 2020 rather than this bullshit we get in 2024.
Bring back JP members speaking passion english
Fuwamoco have way more EN streams than Irys has despite debuting what...2 years after that lazy whore.
Are they not literally Japanese.
Iron Mouse begs for subs 24/7 365.
I wonder if they would've hit 1 mil if they catered to the english audience? Idk what their number comparison looks like between english and jp streams but I have a feeling they talk to their jp audience like real people
I'd honestly rather see them do shit with the homos than speak a language I can't understand.
Go ahead and tell me you really didn’t know they spoke Japanese since even before their debut. Be sure to dress up this lie with some hyperbole, too.

If you really wanted to get your message across to them, then whenever they do a fun JP only stream, put in the comment section "this stream was so fun, I hope they can do this in English too someday" or "this collab was so fun, I hope they can do it in English some day too. I love passion English."
Pre move they hit 700k and got to 800k during the move. They killed their EN growth with the move and lost a good chunk of the casual viewers afterwords. Started going hard in late April on chasing JP subs, even had a members strean where they said theybwere going to chase for JP subs to try and hit a million.
JPs watch more streams, but their whales are EN. So when they need a big CCV stream they do a JP stream. When they want some more supas they do EN streams. That's why they do 90 percent english streams because of the money. If JP whales start coming through though, that's when EOPs should actually worry.
Yeah but that's because you're a false-flagging sister. Actual ruffians don't think that.
Just because they speak Japanese doesn't mean they need to go from doing 1 stream a month in Japanese to what they're doing now.
You're in luck. The more integrated they get with JP, the more likely they are to collab with men.
This translates as:
>I don’t like Japanese, so they betrayed their whole audience when they did something i don’t like
What they are doing right now? You mean where they have 12 streams in a week and one is a kino collab with a JP legend with the rest being in english? Yeah what a shame. What a betrayal.
>anon please don't point out the obvious, you're ruining my bait.
god you're such a lonely faggot.
There’s the hyperbole I was waiting for, nice.
I never claimed to be a ruffian, I'm saying that is why I watch others. I gave them a chance for a month or two but they were too cringe and weeb for me.
I didn't say shit about their audience. Way to read into nothing.
a hag from the second generation of the old guard who used to be in 774 as part of the company's branch HoneyStrap, nowadays indie.
She does gaming, ASMR, music creation and other sound-related activities not only because she likes them but because she is ultra obsessed with sound and music engineering to the point that when that one earthquake hit japan years ago, her first action was to protect her expensive mic collection, and then tweet about it. She also got scolded by the police when girl pretty much made and brought a portable music recording studio to a park once.
She is pretty fun and dumb, sometimes is like watching an amusing combination of Luna with Mio with bits of Okayu threw in.
I accept your concession.
So, this “betrayal” was purely against you, the sole most important anon in history?
NTA but you're a retard. According to your logic, Biboo's and Mori's "JP streams frequency" increased even more by just taking part in HoloGTA.
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You know there's a japanese thread here, right? Multiples, in fact.
>EOPs who only browse /hlgg/ and reddit in charge of knowing anything about /vt/
I remember that Meloco and that other pretend EN got a lot of shit for pandering to JP.
I don't remember Biboo doing JP streams and ignoring her EN fanbase though, not even for collabs in fact.

She's shit and you are shit for watching her, fuck you doing bringing her into this thread even, idiot.
stop arguing like a woman.
don't play dumb. You know what they mean.
Sorry, you can't be a Hololive fan if you don't speak Japanese on at least N3 level like Fuwamoco do. I suggest sticking to translated clips, and if that's not enough, an actual EN corpo for EOPs like you. Phase Connect and VShojo are waiting
No, I'm seething because these JP larping bitches have wasted two slots, also Bijou is a DEI hire, so Advent as a whole has wasted three slots, not to mention Shiorunt and her arrogant pick-me behavior. It's "fuck, imagine what could we have gotten instead", not "these run-of-the-mill whores are so talented and interesting but they don't pander to me"
most are just holo anti who know fmmc was the new star of holo and try their best to take them down. this is just a difference kind of "holo vs holo" bait.
Why are you moving the goalpost? They all count as JP streams for everyone, according to (you).
I don't. What does it mean and why does it only apply to FWMC?
>Biboo and Mori speak in English when alone.
>FWMC speak in Japanese when alone
Gee I dunno what he could mean by 'Japanese streams'.
and why would you care enough to come in this bait thread to shit on them? face it, you are a holo anti
i have no problem with this
>focus on JP content with 1% content was Jp
nice try sis.
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they have just literally play a VN game. nice try larping.
Explain Holostars then.
Or the massive health breaks that Cover allows their talent to take, even those who are not so popular.
Fuwamoco and Cici are the only ones even remotely relevant in those 2 gens.

>too niche
>Kiara's sidekick that cant stand out on her own
>Same as Nerissa but with Cici
>one trick pony

If this is the future of HoloEN. Its looking bleak.
hate calli, hate fwmc, you basically holo anti. what are you trying here?
biboo is more relevant than fwmc
>t. don't watch stream
The japanese are always right. Learn the rules
>>FWMC speak in Japanese when alone
They didn't, they alternated both languages, since they can actually speak both. You're a tranny btw.
That's how you can tell it's a Ruffian being a faggot. In EN, Biboo gets way more attention and viewership than they do.
No, they should hire JPs that are ESL enough that they can market as EN long enough until they can just make them JPs in all but name like Bae, IRyS, and now FuwaMoco
i told you 90% of this thread don't watch holo let alone fmmc. /vt/ now is just full of holo anti. holo fan is all in their oshi general. don't take it serious
>They didn't, they only spoke Japanese MOST of the time.
You're retarded.
you don't watch them
/bau/ is just /#/, fuwamoco branch
Neither do you apperently. I have no idea what stream you were watching during GTA.
I want even more JP only streams from Fuwamoco, but only if they start doing English only collabs with JP members.
you don't even speak english either, shocking
/#/ is actually /uuu2/ how new are you?
Who the fuck are these people that dislike jp
People who expect members of Hololive ENGLISH to speak ENGLISH?
>dislike jp
middle school level reading comprehension
They mostly spoke JP because they were mostly interacting with JP members you dumb troon.
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The JP members are interacting with 2 EN members so they should speak English.
Am I supposed to be incensed because you found a semantic argument?
It's simple really. When Fuwamoco collab with a JP vtuber. Fuwamococ should speak Japanese and the JP vtuber should speak English.
Sure buddy
Stealth suspensions and Holostars as everyone knows is Yagoo’s pet project.
my yellow oshi
Cici is good but overrated she got blessed with the best model all her brap fans disgust me
>focusing on these foreign whores
>idolizing whores in general
Psalm 95:5 ALL the gods of the pagans are demons.
Proverbs 23:27 For a harlot is a deep ditch: and a strange woman is a narrow pit.

I have found the way, anons. Drop this shit hobby and follow Christ.
The rules are whatever the fuck I want them to be because I’m the most powerful
they are literally not. the barely-intelligible baby talk tricks so many people, but they are in fact first language english speakers.
you might be genuinely retarded
the name is not the issue, it's just that the name happens to correlate to the role they're supposed to be fulfilling
nothing semantic about expecting EN members to use english, as they're intended for the english audience
It's not that easy
They are literally white
I just think that if they do 10 collabs with JP members, 5 should be English only and 5 should be JP only.
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I won't subscribe.
There's literally no reason for them to be EN
>he said in English on an English board
That's great.
Did you also make threads about every JP collab Mori, Kiara, Ina, Bae had?
self hating seaniggers that wish everyday they were Japanese see no problem with this
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imagine the smothering...
And the white last samurai do?
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It's hilarious that I'm meant to be angry over this when Patra is absolutely based and collabing with her and doing a 3D stream with her next week is extremely based too.

I'm literally happy.
Smells like corn chips under that belly
ook ook eek ook
literally only catalogfags get mad about it, none of them even watch hololive
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get my cute hag wife away from these english whores
I doubt you watch or care about Patra. If you did you would know how much she's into them, she only said it many times.
Justice has done more for EN than Advent in my opinion
Kiara used to do it where if the JP came on to her channel, she'd push them to use passion English a bit and do some live translating to cover the rest of the conversations, and if it was on the JP's channel, she'd speak almost entirely Japanese. I really like the way she did it.
because they can't speak english retard
nor are they westaboos
and if they could speak english well enough, they would probably be incorporated into the en branch
So what you are saying they never cared about their gen at all? How heartless of them, they just use them as fodder including biboo
Why don't just the karaoke marathon? Those seem to work.
>Nor are they Westaboos
What? There's mutliple talents that love Western media.
Every JP member can speak "well enough" English.
I have no fucking idea who this Patra person is, I only give a shit about JP chuubas if they have a blue dorito
Fuwamoco have done multiple JP only streams with Haachama.
You don't have a reason to be alive either
Well clearly you don't or you would have seen her plenty of times with many holos
So when are we EOPs getting the ASMR stream? They already popped their cherry to the JOPs surely they can drop the holier than thou crap and deliver on at least one promise they made (two actually since they lied about the first promise and cucked everyone)
FWMC fan here but this is pretty hilarious to watch. Truly an EN tuber.
Thank God I can understand JP at least.
>lazy whore
But enough about your mom.
Just give me the endurance or celebration stream at your regular time of 6pm pst and I'll be fine.
Lmao and Ruffians believes they truly loved them! At least they were 5 seconds silent for them homos, eh? EH? Boys and ENs are nobody to them.
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>fuwamoco anti
every time
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why are >people pretending to dislike jp content anyways
in an otaku hobby
I was always excited when JPs and ENs collabed. Same for those fellow fans. Seems like a bunch of entitled tourist faggots who are too lazy to learn even a bit of Japanese and enjoy kino content are getting too loud
The problem was never the fact that they do JP only streams, in fact every EN member should do more, the problem is that they can't balance it even though it should be easy.
They are 100% white and Canadian
>In case you didn’t know already, we’re Canadian, born and raised! Our mother’s side of the family is originally Irish-European and has been in Canada for a long time, whereas our Dad is Swedish since our grandparents both came from Sweden without knowing any English! That makes us half-Swedish and Irish mixed Canadians!
Ya hear what I said Ton? Remember Pearl Harbour.
I unsubscribed
>japanese company
Get over it.
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Ruffians let their oshi slip away, just like IRyStocrats.
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I can understand their Japanese better than their English.
same, and i only know a handful of jp words
> the barely-intelligible baby talk
No, that's just being French-Canadian.
They're not French Canadian, retard.
>Bijou DEI
qrd on this??
She is a half Thai and a dwarf.
Don't reply to me, dumbfuck.
Bijou is great thougheverbeit, don't bring her into this
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Behold, "Nijisanji EN"
>b-but nijien
holonigger's law strikes again
woah there, don't you think that's a tad bit racist anon?
well I don't watch them, so I don't care
No it isn't, I'm rock hard for her.
You don't watch fuwamoco either, but you still seem to care.
>I'm rock hard for her.
same. I wanna PLAP her so bad
I want to man handle her so bad ...
patra has always been a horny hag. used to do more lewd asmr, but that time has long since passed, however, and pivoted away from that. seems to have worked out for her, not likely for her to return to it
Hololive is the only entertaining part of this hobby, indies, small corpos, niji they are all trash. Antis are forced to watch Holo because of that.
What lewd asmr? I have never seen anyone post anything (compared to some other vtubers).
It's not like they can speak English anyway.
That's your opinion holoknight. You people watch nothing that isn't hololive. Your opinion is worthless already
Holoboard. Don't like it? Go make your own board, or go back to nyfco.
I love Pato so much it's unhealthy
Ih they tried, the only one who made it into the EN hearts through language was A-chan, if you don't count those who actually knew english before being holos of course (like Chloe, i forgot if Lui also knew some)
Somehow people have forgotten that Japs are Japs and hate non-Japs. Don’t believe any nonsense about how they admire white people. They hate us, the only reason they interact is because they lost the war and can’t kill or rule us anymore.
You can see this in how they sell products in which you are expected to consume it how they want. Games to food and even our precious vtubers.
boy am i glad i dropped them, numberfagging is not a good look
Brought to you by jew inc.
there are like 4 FWMC seethe threads in the catalog, how are fags this angry over 2 silly dog girls?
Like why do you care? Its not like any of you are watching streams or clips or supporting them in any way, so why waste your time seething about them
>be HOLOLIVE english
>pander to the JAPANESE
Why make an en branch then
>holoknight is seething about being called out on his ignorance.

Fucking toddler lol.
>comes into holoboard
>cries that people actually watch hololive and not whatever slop they're peddling.
Japs hate Kiara lmao
It's the opposite for FuwaMoco
lol you don't need to hide it, we know who you niggers are that start these threads.

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