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We need to have an open discussion of the feminization of mori calliope
There's nothing unfeminine about male collabs.
She's honestly pretty cute now.
>Says before Holo she disliked idols but after seeing it in person she saw that she was wrong
>/vt/ takes this as her saying she hates idols forever and will always hate it
>/vt/ proceeds to be surprised that after she said she was starting to like idols, she became more idol-like
idol "culture" is just a way to fleece ronery incels. It doesn't add any value to music or streaming.
On the contrary, idol music is crap
Nah she's just desperate for views and money
Mori 1.0 was a crass thin skinned bitch who hated idol culture and was dry to her senpais, her feminization arc was thanks to
>Her rapper ''friends'' calling her sell out for being richer and more famous and leaving her
>Being told by mane chan and the hugbox that is reddit to shut the fuck up and stop retweeting 2 weeks old cuck art of her fanbase
>actually getting a contract with UMG and learning the inner workings of the music industry
>Helping others at the cost of your mental health and time is not worth at all
She's actually grown up before something more serious happened, one example would be that KSI guy who is going around crying because nobody likes his newest song by the point of being owned by Adin Ross.
>Sometimes you can put your tears, blood and sweat into a project, but that doesn't mean the product is gonna be good, sometimes it can suck ass -Mori
I thought KSI was a wannabe boxer?
is "rap culture" any better then?
it's impossible and a waste of effort
Current headlines say no and the gangbanger culture that birthed the genre was already an indicator that it was dogshit anyhow.
I think she improved and is more entertaining now. I enjoy her interactions with Biboo.
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>She gazed up at the enormous face. Four years it had taken her to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the curious expression. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two Lean-scented tears trickled down the sides of her nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. She had won the victory over herself. She loved Hololive.
He's also a wannabe rapper now
something happened after she got the UMJ deal. Forced her to pander more to her fanbase than constantly going against the grain and trying to strike it big with her other music career.
I will only accept that she is feminized if her 3D model update has more physics to it.
The most I'm willing to concede is that she hasn't done anything really stupid in a while.
You guys keep talking about it like it's something mysterious but if you actually watched her you'd know she's just matured a lot
You lost. She won
I didn't mean to make it mysterious. She "matured" when she got her dream and is now bogged down by her music contract pressuring her to work. That's all. I can't watch a second a modern day Calli because of how fake she sounds. Plus her fanbase, like you, are fucking insufferable. Congrats on making, Mori.
Anon, your english reps
He was a wannabe rapper first and he was just as shit back then.
She's more desirable now
I woke up in my bed at noot, feeling a bit sore. Looking down at my body, I saw that I had no clothes on. My underwear was lying next to me on the floor. I had dreamed about Calli again. That's nothing new, but this time I woke up with pain coming from my rear end. It felt like I had just been ravaged, but I didn't remember anything about that.

I sat up and looked around my room. My place is a mess, as usual. Clothes everywhere, dirty dishes in the sink, bed unmade... Yeah, it's definitely my apartment. Oh, and there's also a black marker on my nightstand that isn't mine. I don't remember where that came from.

I got up to use the bathroom, and as I was brushing my teeth, I noticed some strange noises coming from my phone in the next room. It sounded like moaning. Was someone watching porn in my apartment while I slept? That would be very rude... I turned on the lights in the living room to find that nobody was here. My phone was still on the couch with the screen locked, and it was making the noise.

I checked what was playing, and I was surprised to see that Mori Calliope's new single was paused. It had autoplayed after I had fallen asleep, but I must have been too tired to notice. So now, my boner was coming from Mori's sexy moans in the song, and not from any porn...

Thinking about the black marker on my nightstand, was it here last night? I was starting to remember my wet dream about Calli. She had a strapon with a horse-cock on it and was raping my ass with it. She was calling me a filthy pony boy while she did it. She was also wearing a bridle on her head, but that's probably just because she wears one all the time.

Wait, was that where my pain came from? I looked down at my butt in the mirror, and it still looked red as if it had recently been fucked. It felt sore too. My ass cheeks also had some marker scribblings on them. They read "Filthy Deadbeat" and "Pony Boy". Well, she sure wasn't lying.

I finished brushing my teeth, cleaned up the mess in the bathroom, then went to the kitchen to make breakfast. I was just about to start cooking when it hit me. That was no dream! It actually happened! Holy shit, Mori Calliope came over to my place last night and fucked my ass with a horse cock strapon!!!

I felt like screaming at the top of my lungs. But I couldn't do that, because I would wake up all my neighbors. Instead, I just jumped around the kitchen making breakfast. My hard-on was back again, this time for real.

generated with Moistral AI
Beautiful 10/10 but you could have just edited the Shrek visiting at night one.
Gotta be careful with Mori anyway. If she gets too feminine she'll start ovulating and Mori on the rag would be concerning to deal with.
I don't want some rap song written about me because she has cramps.
I really can't blame her, tho. When Calli debuted, being an anti-idol idol was the cool thing to do (see Cocochi).
Mori facts
>may seem like a nice person at first but the truth is she has all the traits of the typical bitch
>her most popular song is the debut song
>her second most popular song is the leeching song
>her third most popular song was slain by the Trinity
>constantly leeching off big names like One Piece and going nowhere
>almost 3view
>is a slave to UMG
>her best friend is a SEA zoomer who spouts gibberish and memes
>said SEA zoomer friend also steals your gimmicks and mocks you in the amount of hours streamed
>needs MORE money despite her doing T3 membership and often bating for superchat money
>Connor doesn't even know she exists anymore, ignored in favor of Griftmouse
>the homos you used to collab with were all terminated (LMAOOO)
>tried to be nice to Vox and it backfired
>made a mistake trying to leech off of Kson at one point
>collabed with Ina one-on-one and gave her the biggest yab of her career life
>was roped into TakaMori pre-debut
>made the latest album while feeling burned out from creating music, quality's dropped if she had any to begin with
>even hololive antis that root for her admit her music sucks
>2nd sololive never
>both normies and right wing chuds hate me
>her goal to make an original song with each of her genmates is now ruined forever
>now she's setting her sights on the chink gacha money
>currently she is on some power trip thinking she's some hot shit and the EN daisenpai

My cute feminized reaper getting into Warhammer can't be this cute!
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>both normies and right wing chuds hate me
i hate the feminization meme so much. you faggots spent so long trying to convince everyone that being a dumb loud wigger is actually super cute and tomboyish and then turned heel in half a second the moment she started leaning anywhere remotely in the other direction. spineless.
Mori acknowledges all the hate dude, like that one time she made a fuss about the TikTok users lmaoo
I have literally no idea what /vt/ thinks the definition of the word feminization is.
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a girl they don't like acting like the girls they like
I miss the loud and obnoxious mori the one who ran the Shrek jokes into the ground and ruined Jojo for me with the constant shilling. She at least had soul then and cared. This whole feminized version of her I'm not digging feels forced for me to fully invest my attention into her streams now.
She was always cute.
If she's desperate then then every other Vtuber is even more desperate considering she's probably the most successful EN Vtuber ever.
She's just hard working and actually passionate about her job which is why she tries so much harder than all her branchmates. Losers on /vt/ just can't comprehend having ambition and putting effort into something.
>idol music is crap
this hobby might not be for you
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But are her ambitions enough to quell the chaos of /vt/?
You're an idiot if you think Mori had even a fraction of Coco's charisma.

Coco worked because and with Idol culture not in spite of it.
Your existence is so fuqing sad, stop creating these cringe ass posts, get a life you fucking loser.
>her goal to make an original song with each of her genmates is now ruined forever
She had 4 years for this. How come she never accomplished it?
>collabed with Ina one-on-one and gave her the biggest yab of her career life
It wasn't that bad...
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>She had 4 years for this. How come she never accomplished it?
Two of her genmates are Ame and Gura
Not anymore. That train has taken off!
Coco "worked" because you were a newfag who didn't have SEAmonkeys in your ear yelling how she was going to destroy nebulous concepts like "Idol culture" or "Hololive culture" like they did Mori
you LOST
Grow up
Not an original, but Kiara DID manage to get Ame for Dreaming Chuchu. To my knowledge, that's the only song release Ame did with one other person.
she had a cover out with Haachama too, but it was a long and arduous process, especially with Chama's hiatus
for Mori it was mainly label interference, they really limited Mori's ability to work with most Holos as far as original songs went and it took until her 3rd big release under it till she negotiated a workaround that allowed Fire'n'Ice to exist
That's right, I forgot about that one. I had a feeling there was a JP holo I was forgetting about.
basically this. She's no longer the struggling artist. Her fans will defend anything she does or pretends to be, it's obnoxious.
Tell us what media you consume then so thaf we may be as high class as you
>seething about Mori's fans still liking Mori when she got cuter
that's really fucking weird, gringo
Grow up
Underaged mori fans who started watching 3 months ago btw
Nah fuck off I was here before vtubing got flooded with idol trash.
Thank nigisanji for innovating the idol virtual idol first.
Mori Calliope needs to feminize me
You sound like the catty bitches Calli warned us about that won't make it into Hololive
Everybody was here for Kizuna Ai, don't act like you're special
But I always liked Kronii.
>Everybody was here for Kizuna Ai
At least 80% of today's board is made of 2020 tourists.
God damn Cbug did damage to my wife
I will kill covid personally
Calli has always been cool, even when she was a bit edgy
Could she lose some weight then. Not enough to stop the facesitting from being pleasurable but enough so she’s no gonna die of a heart attack in 6 years
>*after seeing how much it made her she saw that she was wrong
See the failure of trying to make homostars mainstream or to break the holoive bubble
She is an eternal grifter but I can’t blame her for making money and I guess I have to be content with her not tearing down hololive in the process
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You're welcome
Mori is chubby and I'm fine with that you faggots act like she's like most of you in your 300 plus lb or that she's as fat as Rosie o donell and whatever land whale you share your home with

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