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Veener edition.

>What is /BIG/?
/BIG/ is a thread to find, share, and discuss the biggest indie vtubers who have a 3-month average of 1000 viewers or more

>Can I shill my 999 CCV oshi here?
No. 4views or higher only.

>Vod Channels

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>/BIG/ Logo


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Previous thread:>>87120280
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I love Lucy.
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titlian is mid but i mildly enjoy her regardless
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Love my wolf wife
She's yapping and waiting for chat to chose game (tcg will probably win)
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What a coincidence, I also love Lucy
i love venner
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>filian vienna love
i still believe
>veener went live to give updates a few hours after I posted about her in da /big/
All me
>based german pooped chibi
based believer
>vienna love
Me too. She's so cool
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>mean lumi piss
Love this Ferret
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I've definitely been sleeping on Vienna. To me she was always that chuuba gay veenerposters shilled and never bothered checking her out.
Vienna should fart on her microphone
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>gn mama oli
Made me think of that owoclap emote she likes so much
Vienna is a dumbass who claimed that despite human's space tech, "we need animals but animals don't need us." She needs to reread the fate of the dinosaurs and to read about planetary defense.
She also thumbs her nose at her hardworking farmer father for being "politically incorrect" and she wishes for less people even though she would never sacrifice herself or her electronics for her four legged masters. She also thinks spiders are cool even though they can be replaced with other animals like frogs and lizards as well as repellent.
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>little doki
>t. ladybug
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vei stream imminent
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Not to sound like I'm shit-talking chuubas for no reason, but when /lig/ was made Vienna was one of the top 3 thread darlings and now no one ever talks about her there. That's not just because conversations are drowned out by the 3views, it's because she's so inconsistent it's frustrating.
The cycle of watching Vienna is
>oh hey she's on
>she sounds like a nerd but it's kind of sexy?
>she's talking about boring stuff but I can't stop watching
>god how did I not watch her before she's so good
>it's been a week where did she go?
>I miss veener uuuuuuuu
>fuck that dragon bitch she doesn't care about us!
And then the cycle continues.
My opinion is that Vienna is frustrating because she's got natural streamer talent but doesn't capitalize on it. At least she's got skills in other departments so I don't have to worry about her turning into KAngel.
No, she should not do that.
I only just found out about her a few months ago because I was looking for more random playthroughs of Shadow of the Erdtree. I just spent a bit of today reading through her semi-personal twitter alt, and it's kinda crazy there was someone that felt genuinely relatable like her. She's obviously super famous so I'll just watch her with that in mind but it kinda filled me with hopium just knowing people like her exist out there.
Your Vei sense is tingling?
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>oiler makes huge dono
>Silver says he's the best and gives him kisses
>I pretend it's for me
nothing personal mr oiler
Kek here’s your case study:
Anon, I’m sorry to say but you’re already cooked
>reading through her semi-personal twitter alt
Why do anons do this? Lots of people on 4chan are so polarized and dogmatic that it takes a single post they disagree with to go full scorched earth schizo. I hope (You) are not one of them.
that's a little bit sad anon
t. oiler that bought me free kisses
I love Bienner
Cooked how?
I don't think I've ever had a schizo moment. I was just bored at work and just came across it and thought "sure, I'll read that"
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comfy thread
I want to be comfy inside lucy
>Cooked how
She has the highest number of T3s out of any vtuber. Youre getting dangerously close to the event horizon
I don't understand what you're trying to say.
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buff is using the good model today
She will use your dick as a straw and suck out your soul.
she makes my neutral wiener the accelerated wiener

probably just warning that you'll turn gosling and then anti when she goes awol again
filian is based
just fucking play the game already tit filian
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manifesting wide bitch
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Honestly, the fact she goes AWOL is actually kinda one of the things I find relatable. I do the same thing with a lot of things in my life. Plus, I'm mostly a VOD watcher anyway, and pretty autismo to the point that if there's enough good moments I'll rewatch the same vid multiple times over the years.
Is Ikumi a 4view? I don't even know which site she uses I just think the soundposts are cute and mildly entertaining
she pulls like 2.5k normally
tit filian is mid
She's gonna have to get good at bjs because it'll take a long time to stretch out her pussy enough to actually fit my dick.
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during asmr, on both platforms combined, maybe
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yeah. this is after not streaming for a month
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The data corroborates with your claim.
tit filian is a shotacon
love me some wide bitch
holy mid
Vienna should sit on my face.
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stinky fujo
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excellent stream today vei!
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>claims to start playing the game around the 2-hour mark
>it's been 3 hours
>still reacting to shit
When is the next Vei stream?
mid filian?
When will Vei get married
>hijacker is still scamming and personating titlian
>the most interesting thing that's ever happened to her
what an arc
How did it happen, did she not pay them or it was scorned gosling that got rejected.
scorned gosling most likely
don't see it happening
she's already cooking, it's only matter of time
Vei is in her early 20s iirc so it's still some years away
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what a mf does to ditch another day
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Minto Sexo
she's stream-phobic; streaming naturally repels her
glad vienna is doing ok
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Sort of, she was a steady 4 view from july 2022 to june 2023, then she dropped to high 3 view from july 2023 to february 2024. From may to july she had a 3 month stretch of 4 view status re-qualifying for bigga status before dropping below that again in august and not streaming in september.
She's pretty much guaranteed 2k+ when she streams asmr but she likes to do gaming streams too but she's boring as fuck when doing that (at least that's what the numbers say) getting very low 3 view numbers on gaming streams on both twitch and youtube, that plus the inconsistency really fucks with her numbers.
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This is gonna be good
>she's boring as fuck when doing that
I think it's less that and more that most ASMR viewers only care about ASMR and nothing else. They're strange.
Yeah, sucks to miss out on Japan trip but I'm happy she didn't die and it sounds like she might actually be able to fix her heart issue soon.
Why is there so much art of Mint's butt? She's 2D and also I thought the lewdest she got was singing the Bustin song.
I thought she married Soda
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Have they come up with a friend group name yet?
the latest leaks showed she was going for a work-related green card
Looks like she tried.
Is she going to marry Coca-Cola or Pepsi?
nope i don't think have
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thats part of it for sure but i dont know of any other streamer that does both asmr and non-asmr that has a viewership gap of that excessively wide
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She likes butts
got the sense she's a perv kinda lowkey kinda not and probably encourages them a bit
usually how that goes, but I don't watch minto much
They could call it Haunted Forest because it's a bunch of woodland creatures and a ghost and also it's October
Minto Butt
it can be both, this specific cope is a little tired
there's definitely a group of people that don't really care about vtubers or maybe even streamers at all, the supertourists, and they're whatever, just free numbers
then there's a group of tourists that do, but just don't like the content outside of asmr, which is either taste or skill issue on the streamer's part
good luck figuring out the ratio
tit filian is finally playing the game
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took her 1h+ to restart her router and now she cant stream because shes crying
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Some audiences get honed into specific content. I love that Filian tries new things and it's fun to see her play games too but whenever she does she loses like 2,000 viewers.
Another one that's funny is whenever Shoto raids another /big/ger that's a woman the viewers immediately dip and they lose the entire raid after 5 minutes.
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What a bad luck, poor vei. Soda never has those kinds of issues, and they love in the same house.
I should send her some gift subs to make her feel better
i really doubt this happened
>w pen
Soda make her cut contact with that mod or she will pull Rosedoodle
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>it's too late now
What? It's not even noon in cowboy country.
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you really should because its looking grim
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I don't know if Saru realized this but saying she won't reveal her brothers age because it'll reveal her own age is just telling everyone she's been lying to them for years
Shondo said she has big boobs
love how all 4 faces here are a very in-character reaction to seeing your erect penis
saru is like 26+ years old
fuck saru age schizo is /here/
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mon dieu
massive shoobies
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I wondered if anyone made the connection. Discord always defends her age whenever some oldfag shows up asking why she's so young so they might actually not know (I don't mind, she's still younger than me)
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SquChan sex
post her thighs
>Shondo is on a mission to befriend all Vtubers
This looks like the kind of thing /big/gers would play ironically and then maybe end up playing it too much
She's around 31 actually.
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Just hit the go live button, dummy
sex with all these women
I hate it already
damn dokibird and mint get a lot of consistent fanart
I would not watch anyone play this. I'd probably get a migraine.
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Adulterous sex with Limes
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that's hot
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womp womp

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