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Ask shondo
She's picking up fights with other indies for no reason these days
freudian slip
It's just bantz until nise girls get banned for no reason
I don't think she means any harm though I agree she has seemed really aggressive and meaner than usual, definitely punching down lately. I wonder if she is get
>i wonder if she is *ogey
>I wonder if she is ogey
Considering there's a seeming manhunt for her on Twitch and if she so much as says a word that someone who works at Twitch doesn't like, which could be any word, or if she moves her model the wrong way she'll get banned for it? I'd say she's probably not ogey. She must be very stressed since it's her livelihood.
Yes. My family tree comes to America from Scotland and England.
It's in my nature to stand on a bridge facing a Samurai and shitpost until I can do it no longer.
Tell that to shondo lmao
>I'd say she's probably not ogey. She must be very stressed since it's her livelihood.
Well let's see how we can remedy that. Let's start by getting a model that actually represents her, since that's what she is currently claiming. Oh wow, now all the pedophiles left. Suddenly she doesn't have any stress because Twitch doesn't care about her anymore. Strange how that works.
shondo is nise unless you're male, less than 6', gay, have a manager as an indie, be a corpovtuber, etc.
It goes beyond just her model, retard. She's been banned for other bullshit rule bending reasons that has nothing to do with her model that no one else gets banned for. Someone there just really doesn't like her and will look for any excuse to bend the rules simply to ban her.
Keep sucking that withered Clancy cock though. You really seem to like it.
This anon is an example of someone who has a hard time being nise
It seems like Shondo tries to speedrun every possible woman moment.
Don't forget shadow told her community to harass and report chromu over art that she didn't get delivered. She never even tried to dm chromu about it instead sending schizos after her
pointing out the truth that managers are actually bfs is nise for the viewers
o no shadow schizos don't look its the proof that shadow caused all of this
And your screencaps, faggot?
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maybe if it were the truth
>Keep sucking that withered Clancy cock though. You really seem to like it
I try but I simply can't enjoy it as much as shondo loves her mods cock
I saw her room mates face and I'm not surprised at all.
Why doesn't whiskey just tell the truth about her inappropriate sexual relationship with her manager? That's the real question
What does a manager even do for a streamer this small? Are they genuinely just fucking incapable of self-governance?
>Let's start by getting a model that actually represents her, since that's what she is currently claiming
To be fair Shondo actually is flat as a board in real life.
Tell me where to find it.
handling copyrights issues, sorting out venue rental schedules, negotiating sponsorship deals and vetting off business opportunities that are too small for their talent, and handling out pffffff I can't bullshit no more
/v/ had a thread about the Coffin of Andrew and Leyley hijacked by /vt/ yesterday. Go nuts.
Whiskey is a working streamer, so it's not like she's some 2view who has nothing to manage
>chromu didn't deliver for almost a year
>shon only reached out once about it
>vents to her chat instead of reaching out again
>shondophrenic emails chromu
>chromu reaches out with the drawing because it was already finished
>word doesn't get out about it for a month after
>some retard was still bothering chromu about it because nothing more was said publicly
>the "beef" probably made worse when shondo calls out a fan for watching chromu with shondo implying she knows about chromu having a bf
shondo should still know better but it's not so bad as you make it out
not delivering for a year is unprofessional but I don't know what she expects to happen when she does this
no one here deserves any kindness
sounds like she has a good reason to be pissed at this Chromu person to me
oh boy oh boy you know how they say pets resemble their owners, well I get that with Otis
it's also kinda retarded to let a year go by and only ask for an update once before venting to fans who you should know are going to harass the other party
it's like how most twitter beefs can be resolved if they just went to DMs instead of the public
truly a certified woman moment
Everyone on this board is awful, catalog threads should be forbidden.
Kindness is just an illusion if society failed everyone would become brutal savages and those that didn’t would be dead. This is the lie of order, the hubris of humanity to think that we could change nature. The strong win and the weak die.
if you just b nise then yu b nise
I am nice
It's also why there's a statute of limitations for collecting debts as well as prosecuting crimes such as fraud. Not saying 1 year is too long for those serious issues but for something like this... and then mentioning it to your psycho community....
Doesn’t Shondo have a bf? Why is she ragging other talents for having bf-managers
We're not allowed to talk about that here, it really upsets her 'husbands' for some reason...
I'm not going to say it's not shitty to not deliver a comm for a year, but if Shondo's willing to be publicly retarded every other day of her life due to her clearly melting frontal lobe, I don't see why she couldn't put her foot down and demand a refund or publicly shit on this Chromu person for not giving her what she paid for over a year.

That would be the logical thing to do if you cared enough about it, this complaining in offline chat shit is peak Woman.
>she's not even a 5
>it's like how most twitter beefs can be resolved if they just went to DMs instead of the public
It's fun watching the flames go up though.
She's fucking hideous, what the fuck.
>pickme turns out to be a massive hypocrite
Who could have thought? She's a tall hag pretending to be a 4'6" loli because she's desperately clinging to the last vestiges of her youth as her eggs dry up.
Couldn't even find it. Be honest, woukd you pity fuck?
Just say you're sorry, maybe she will unban you, incel
It's cute when beggars LARP as choosers
>don't think she means any harm
>aggressive, meaner, punching down
anon... Those are mutually exclusive.
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Doesn't she constantly shits on other women?
She acts that way without meaning it or intending to
she dropped the pretense of being friends with everyone and is just meangirl now
Sounds like someone who needs a manager to prevent her from sounding like a mean bitch who starts fights and punches down.
why, it's getting her views from the leagues of dramatard containment breakers from /here/
>one guy says she's normal
>another calls her disgusting
>assume they're the same person
Sorry you're getting cucked.
shondo is 5'7
The Rushia of Twitch.
hot, i could still lift her up
But the cat of mike also streams on twitch.
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Clever OP
It was nise (lie/fake in Jap), not nice
shondo isn't even nise to her own "friends" rumao
Whiskey is a biological male so it doesn't count
Fuckboy recruitment confirmed
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Come. In all the real world do I defeat forces of United Nations that work around the clock in /vt/ for "influence".
From perfect nonexistence.
Asking to be nise while not being nise
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>My family tree comes to America from Scotland and England.
What a downgrade
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>She never even tried to dm chromu about it instead sending schizos after her
the imagery this evokes is amusing so I'll allow it
Fucking fake loli bitch.
I see way too much focus on whether shonshon is nise. Let's say for the sake of the argument that shon is not nise and that she's a total hypocrite for expecting (You) to be nise to your fellow anon.
You should still be nise to each other, even if she is not. 2 wrongs don't make a nise.
You really love reposting your own posts huh faggot? Pray that her schizo fans don't find you.
>ywn be a 6'6 gigachad with a massive cock smashing and nutting inside an infertile 5'7 thinspo girl while having all your living expenses paid by random incels
why even live...
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well when you put it that way...
how did you find this picture of me and my subconscious?
Oi vey put that monkey post down
I can't argue with that. Nise fit shon perfectly
>Virtual thot butt blasted at being singled out for her coomerbaiting loli bullshit

Hope she gets permabanned
Holy fucking shit take your meds
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I say the curse of the Angel of Death visit your kind in the night.
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Just stream on Youtube. Dumb bitch. Why would even be on the same website as hasan pike and twitch thots?

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