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The time traveler is making new friends.
>grifting mindset
when is this grifter leech "lawyer" gonna fuck off from the hobby already
He found out that interacting with vtubers is a nice grift. Ever since he started interacting with Kirsche and others his audience grew exponentially. Basically the same shit Koefficient did.
When you're a lawyer but you're so dogshit and worthless at what you do that you have to make videos online to pay your rent
Fuck! Is real...
When niji stops having yabs
why are vtuber fans so easy to grift
That guy is legit a parasite
When does a grift ever stop? Not till it stop making money, that is for sure. But it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say most of the vtubing community are nothing but grifters. Most vtubers never watch anime, read manga, play video games or even cared about idol shit to begin with. You know if the money wasn't there vtubing would be ultra niche right now. This board probably wouldn't exist either. It's always about money.
>Most vtubers
Most EN vtubers, ftfy
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A reminder he was part of the group that was attacking OffKai which lead to more vtuber doxxings
When phasefags stop giving him money
I really hate grifter mindset but trying to blame him for Ralph being the scum of humanity as he always is is unfair - Ralph went after vtubers because of his feud with and Pippa laughing at him getting beaten up years ago, and a separate feud with Gator.
kiwifarms unironically getting into vtubing was a mistake
Most of this board isn't any better. Every time S-tier seiyuu is mentioned 90% of replies are "who?"
with only one or two anons being aware of their significance. It's overrun by newfags who are either EOPs or SEA and have zero respect for Japanese culture.
That dude is a pathetic grifter version of LegalEagle. He knows he'll never get to that level normally so now he just gossips about vtubers for clicks, doesnt even have to be law related.
He still gets paid, more donations than from polics grifting even.
Why are you talking about irrelevant stuff? New fans aren't grifters, they have no financial incentive to pretend to know less than they do, they just enjoy their hobbies.
Most are redditors who worship companies too.
Brought to you by the same people who hate on 'underrated' 2view vtubers but then when they get into hololive start crying that their PL is doxx and that they "always" loved them.
I at least believe in Koe's genuine love for the tubers, even if it started as a numbers grift.
I could have done without seeing those cosplays though
All lawyers are grifters. It's literally their job.
how long before she forwards him a copy of the contract
If he is hated by catalogfaggots like you, the worst that humanity has to offer, he must be good.
Meh, Koe started liking vtubers for his will
Legal only “started” because of drama. They are not the same
Catalogfaggots love drama and he gives it to them. They have no reason to hate him.
Unironically when the niggers fans of pippa stop dropping supas on him
>men simping for another man that does nothing but talk about drama
happy he tapped into the bisexual/gay male demographic of vtuber enjoyers
Blame the phasefags who still feed him money
>Basically the same shit Koefficient did.
Legit never compare that pig and griftmindset to Koefficent,it's straight up insulting
If things continue going this way, ame will unleash her lolbertarian takes
when griftkin plappa dies
your thread is getting filtered
buh bye
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>Most vtubers never watch anime, read manga, play video games or even cared about idol shit to begin with
stop watching twitch cam whores using 2d model
there some holos like this too
Vutbing doesn't need idolshit
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>there some holos like this too
name one. Also if you're not baiting and want an anime & manga nerd with a huge knowledge, off the top of my head: EN - Irys, JP - Flare
>Michael cat
This confirms that all HoloEN “idols” would turn into generic twitch streamers at the drop of a hat. Ame desperately wanted out of Hololive to return back to the twittersphere muck. She never really changed, just donned the detective costume until she got bored of it. This is the fate of all EN
>when grifting off doki stops being profitable
>300lbs isn't fat according to a lard-infested burger
You don't even watch vtubers, never mind spend money on them, the opinion of people like you is less than useless.
Elizabeth. Biboo. 3/4 of council
So what do we call this new type of Graduation? A grift? Retirement? Long Vacation?
I have a tier 3 membership and drop akas via streamlabs to make sure as much of that goes in her pockets
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When Phase and Holo fans stop slobbering on his knob
Genuinely grim.
Stupid retard that don't watch shit
I blame pippiggers for his continued presence
90% of holojp never played a video game before joining
When you think about it, everyone is a grifter because there's always something to gain from people agreeing with you
t. grifter
reminder phasecucks give this grifter more views and supas than the girls in the company they supposedly support
>doesnt stream
>Wants to stream as mouse
I don't get it
they are retarded please understand
All watch filthy Shoujo/fujo animes from the EARLY 2000s in ERB's case or early 2010s. Have brought these up multiple times on stream, such as Fauna's stream with Cece talking about shitty shows for women or Ame talking about Golden Kamui and shit.
Gura doesn't even have a favorite anime list by the way.
Well shit, that ain't happening. Can't we get rid of this grifting faggot in some other way?
>all HoloEN “idols” would turn into generic twitch streamers at the drop of a hat
I'm gonna tell you a shocking secret
They were twitch streamers before they joined HoloEN too
I don't have a favorite anime "list" either because I'm not a 3x3fag who watches anime just to brag about it
>Biboo didn't play video games before Holo
They asked talents for some favorite anime to give some insight about them.
Mumei also listed Tokyo Ghoul x3 when asked for 3 favorite manga...
>Someone makes a tweet
>Someone replied to a tweet
>Get mad
>Post it on /vt/ for the sole purpose of being mad and making a low quality thread
t. Grifting mindset
You’re not slick buddy
Retards here still give Mel Nekomata the time of day and always hype her up reincarnations when she pretends to be a new chubba, are you surprised?
Being a piece of shit attracts the flies, they shouldn't have even been there.
MAGA grifters been going strong for years, I don't see vtuber grifters dying off any time soon. I just don't understand what people see in them.
Did you niggers just learn the word "grift" yesterday? It's really fun to use, isn't it?
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this board would be IMMEDIATELY improved if hiromoot banned twitter screenshots.
>random grifter replies to a tweet
>she doesnt even know who that is
sup legalmindset you grifter bitch
Lol, I hope it was worth it to go indie and be part of the cultural rot. Whatever I guess, just another contribution to the rot if she acknowledges him.
It can't be helped, because he is the dictionary definition of a grifter. There is nobody on earth who is more of a grifter than him.
collab with Kirsche and SmugAlana when?
basedtrannies LOST
fleshroasties LOST
chinkoids LOST
I'm just curious, and I'm not trying to be rude, but are you over 18? Please don't be defensive or evasive; just answer the question directly.
So she's definitely joining Vshoujo then?
She's joining Mythic
Hey, it sucks that nyanners won't sing pomf pomf anymore. What's up with that? What a hypocrite!
literally everyone who isn't a jap streams on twitch.
I already see someone wanting to bang whatever this lab species creature thing this is
Any vtuber that gives this cretin attention gets added immediately to the shit list
Koe is real, dude was a blazblue streamer before this, he's a textbook otaku.
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>90% of holojp never played a video game before joining
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Even japs do, the board just pretends they don't and hate her for it.
But when Miko did her watchalongs on twitch with amazon prime that wasn't bad, it was kino even!
LM seething this hard lmao
how can the word grift not become popular when social media is full of these parasites grifting to get ad revenue
fags on this board do misuse "grifter" but in this case it's 100% accurate
grifters are like woke in media. Is everywhere now. You can't escape it or ignore it because it is everywhere.
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Nta but the average /pol/magatard is in his 35-50 trust me those are grown men unfortunately behaving like this. Look at vince McMahon for example
>vince is a bbc poster
how did our sister board /pw/ react?
Lots of heat from aew trannies at first then silenced when wwe steam rolled them in ratings and Tony was KWABOTY by punk.
and also clip thumbnails
I’m pretty sure she’s not allowed to join any corpo because at the end of the day she’s still Hololive affiliated
Why use words like this for hiatus is hololive retarded she technically said she'll be back but for now she wants to do her own thing for a bit.
Okay but my uncle is a MAGA tard but he doesn't type things like
>collab with Kirsche and SmugAlana when?
>basedtrannies LOST
>fleshroasties LOST
>chinkoids LOST
In facts I struggle to picture anyone above 14 or so typing those phrases.
I can picture my uncle typing the McMahon phrases
>Bbc posters are real
As long as she ignores him I don't really give a shit I've basically accepted this grifter is going to be around
Who are these people
don't forget his other channel where he tries to convince people to move to the bastion of conservative freedom and unlimited sex that is South East Asia
amelia watson
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>Legal Mindset
ERB yes but shes a massive whore that needs to be beheaded regardless (btw, skipped yet ANOTHER gen collab)
biboo, biggest gamer and weeb in EN. just made a magical girl song and has done sl1 souls runs
council talks about anime all the time
>Legal Eagle
That reminds me, Legal Mindset has never said where he got his Law Degree or Bar Admission from.
I wouldn't be shocked if he's just Larpng as a lawyer as part of his grift.
He's a real lawyer he's just a grifter.
Sisters really hate this guy huh
Where'd he get his law degree and BAR from then?
>misinformed holotard adding his two worthless cents.
You don't have to be a nigisister to dislike someone who hangs with the likes of Rima cucksagi and nux.
His name is on his streams you know? You can just look him up, it's not like his identity is secret.
Somewhere in Florida I heard. Idk don't watch the guy only watched him when once when he shat on niji for the black screen stream
>3/4 of Council
What the fuck is Council and I feel like if it even existed, you're being a petty little bitch by leaving someone out.
Chat is this real
I wouldnt mind him if he actually had an opinion of his own but its ALWAYS the fucking 4chan opinion hes like those twitter pages that always post about the 4chan opinion.
They wouldn't be this uppity now without Pippa and Phase. Still debating if these people or nijiniggers are worse.
So he didn't get a degree
Good to know
You still manage to be the bigger retard for thinking that's his real name.
1. LM pronounced Ame as "Amy" right up until her graduation stream, he also did a whole stream commenting on the keeki assault without ever knowing it was the orange woman
aka he likely has no idea who doob is, and likely only commented under that post because someone linked it to him during his twitch ToS coverage and it's a funny example of someone dunking on it

2. dont you guys remember Ame striking down cdawgva related talk in her chat as soon as he came into her stream? on the trash taste episode with mori, mori recommended him to watch Ame because she's a "toxic gamer girl" and cdawgva heard that and immediately went "ooh toxic gamer girl? sign me up", went into Ame's chat randomly as she was streaming to say "is this the toxic gamer girl? i heard there was a toxic gamer girl here" and Ame shut that down immediately
aka she likely will never associate with LM if he's just trying to grift her, and likely doesnt even know who he is in the first place

in other words, you dont need to like or dislike either person to know that they will probably never be friends even if he mentions her occasionally, so it's nothing for anyone to worry about
>wants to collab with males
>goslings say no
>doesnt stream
>drops goslings, changes to mouse
>wants to collab with males
now you get it.
>>women are whores
incredible insight being shared today
are you retarded?
It's more than just that. Look at her old content and it's 40% react shit and 50% playing FPS with copywriten music and the last 10% is anything of worth.
On some levels he's alright. I think he generally likes v-tubing even if it's debatable how much can he watch. When LM tries to be objective and stick to the subject matter like vtubing and takes his time with research he can make good arguments and will present new things you can consider. But he will overuse buzzwords without expanding on how they apply and gets passive aggressive when he slips into political drama--which can happen even with unrelated topics--then he ends up using strawmen and nose guarding.

Pretty much he can be entertaining but only watch him for v-tubing content.
Fire all Holos that used to be tw*tch streamers
>Mori was a big indie singer
>Ina was an artfag
>Kiara was a genuine idol
>Gura was one of the biggest en vtubers
>Watson was a generic valorant streamer
Genuinely how did she even get in?
Was she supposed to be the group gamer?
Was she nepo'd through gura before they even debuted?
how many would even be left?
He’s a kiwifag
Whadda ya mean, "time traveller"?
Another Vtuber joined just the other day. At this pace they gonna become a vtubing agency.
Nearly all of JP and ID, Ina, Bae, Gigi I think?
Right? It's like that is an obvious bait post by a retarded low IQ sub-human such as yourself.
Wrong. Only Civil lawyers are grifters. Criminal lawyers are serving their country.
I've been saying this board is full of ironic weebs for a long time, a lot of people get mad at this for some reason
He doesn't watch stream he's a phase clip watcher for the most part.
Kiara was a failed Idol.
90% of successful VTubers are failed something. This is a last resort job for the half talented.
>Gura is a failed shark
This is the best part of vtubers. You don't need millions of people to spend money on your stuff. Just hundreds. Niche talents reaching niche audiences is a great thing.
>leaving hololive but still streaming
what, she wanted to avoid corpo meetings?
Doesn't this dude live in Thailand? What is a white guy doing living in Thailand for??? There's only one reason he'd be living in that shithole country
The city he's in is famous for child prostitution too
He pretty openly plugs his other channel dedicated to teaching guys how to become a "passport bro".
Most twitch thots are becoming vtubers nowadays, or starting as ones if they weren't streamers beforehand.

Unless you're an actual titty streamer, there's only upside.
go back to your shithole /v/edditor
the usage of the word is fully justified in this case
fucking ew, its the grifter lawyerfag
Yeah the unfortunate thing is his political bias and the damping in the political culture war with lawtube in the past really gets in the way of his own present judgement and the very thing he preaches. Examples: he supported state labor laws that benefited Doki against Niji and later hates them because he hates the state? He loves the US but shadow visits it and won't go to a convention there? He rants about the US government but is ok with Thailand/SEA government which tend to be stricter and more heavy handed?
You're so right anon
He is an ok dude, what's the problem?
I thought grifters were people who tea-bagged in Halo.
When Phase shuts its doors or Pippa literally dies, whichever comes first.
i want to give mel nekomata my entire life savings

Bae does nothing but dance and suck cock and pretend to be Japanese
gotta remember, its the fancy insult just like chud. ignore the fact they don't understand what it means and just give it a meaning.
I type like this too
He only supported those law that benefitted doki because by standing up for her it was a quick way to grift and make a buck. Something about him creeps me out.
Someone post that top 10 anime list by each myth member
Burden of proof is on you kiddo
blame pickme pippa for that

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