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(^・ω・^§)ノ おはこぉーん
Previous: >>86785665

>YT Channel
>Do your reps!
>Shirakami ZOID
>Shirakami Fubuki "Comfy Fox Inn" ASMR Voice Pack
Buy: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/comfyfoxinn_asmrvoice
Translation: https://pastebin.com/uUJw7Fzh
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Sorry, friends. I was pretty busy with work this week so I didn't have much time to look after the thread or remake it. It seems like we were down for a couple of days without anyone making a new thread despite her streaming a lot. Is there no longer much interest in having our thread around?
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I actually thought this thread merged with the Bakatare thread, so I've been posting in there for a bit...
Even though there's not that many of us on /vt/, I still want this thread to live.
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I love Shirakami Fubuki
I would not want this thread to die...
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Card shop at 20 or 20:30
Assumed we merged with the other thread like how /mogu/ and /doog/ did, glad with either but I like having a fubuki thread only as I'm not the biggest fan of any gen other than gamers.
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What thread?
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With bakatare, there were a couple events between this thread and the last /fbk/ that made the board fast so I just assumed we merged for a bit to keep a thread up.
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Finally! She got one. Sorry Mikochi, our fox has won.
They agreed to continue and aim for 2 million instead!
IF we merge, isn't it better to do it with /mion/ or something?
Please bros, I don't think I can take any more Card Shop Simulator...
I love it since it's easy to use as a work BGM since you don't really have to pay too much attention.
If we merge I agree that /mion/ would be a much better choice yes, I remember in the past /mion/ combined with either us or /mogudoog/, cant remember which, and they were pretty nice and kept the thread alive for longer. Also Mio has good chemistry with Fubuki so I'd be happy if we were to ever forced to merge for a while as theres stuff to talk about, though I'm not If they need have a need for merging or not anymore as they use to have not many posters but that might have changed for all I know.
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I pulled a rare Fubuchan!
Fubumiko day of destiny!
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1 2 3 fox
I want another collab with Mio, every time it ends too soon ; _ ;
Glory to the FBKINGDOM
I really hope fubu's new project and album becomes a big hit!
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4 5 6 fox
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Its face always makesbme laugh
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Hard times. I love to see /fbk/ around but for the time being Bakatare Circus and /okfams/ are also fine.
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I love you, Fubuki!
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I haven't seen the Bakatare thread around for a long time, maybe someone thought it would be a good opportunity to revive it since our thread had been down at the time. When the topic of a potential merge came up in the past (regardless of which thread it was) the majority of us was against it and said they would rather keep our thread independent, and I'm inclined to agree. I don't care enough about any of the proposed merge options and it feels odd to talk about Fubuki-specific topics in a shared thread. I like our little space that we have here and put a lot of effort into keeping it alive and making it useful/interesting with my summaries whenever I can, so it's a little discouraging to see it be dead for days when I don't have time to take care of it for a while. It is what it is, though, we used to have like 3 or 4 people that created threads but it's been a pretty rough year and a lot of regulars seem to have disappeared, which is why I asked if people are even interested in keeping our thread around. Seems like most of us do want to keep it around though, so that's good to hear.
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I've baked in the past. But it didn't feel right to bake recently because I still haven't found the time to process the GTA arc. I'm split between joining okfams or remain independent. /mogu/+/doog/ also struggles a bit but some tenacious posters refuse to pots in joint threads. I've also observed this in /mion/. Suddenly there were more Miofa who seem to have ignored okfams. desu I'm a bit tired of fighting against the catalog spam. It's nice to have some people watching the thread around the clock, ritualpost or start a discussion. I appreciate everything. Unfortunately, Bakatare Circus is almost dead. Watamates have their own thread. Zain are in Nepolabo and Elfriends... I don't think there are many. It's actually not that bad yet. A thread manages to keep itself on the catalog for some days and we still make it to the bump limit. It's not a bad situation at all. Regardless of what we do, I'll be around in all Fubuki threads.
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I agree
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Good night, friends!
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fyi, I'm almost certain some fellow watamate pops those bakatare threads back when sheep can't stream for longer than a day
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Good night, friends.
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feed your fox friends!
I miss friend
I'm over the card game thing, from all of holo.
I miss fox phasmo desu senpai lol
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remind again where mio placed fbk was it central?
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Exactly in the middle. I think she originally put her a little further to the bottom left but was convinced otherwise by her chat, so I guess she must learn towards that corner more in private than she does on stream. She really is super versatile.
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Good morning, friends!
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I miss her...
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I don't care about Venom but this artwork is pretty cute. Pretty funny how different Japanese marketing of western stuff is.
Quiet Fubuday
i love fbk.
>miss fox phasmo

I mean, I'm still sad she gave up on finishing her sakura tree, but phasmo?
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I love you, Fubuki!
It's the halloween season.
Also those streams were comfy.
Also I just fucking hate collectable card shit in any form
There's so much cool stuff that she never got around to finishing, but these Sakura tree building streams really were the best. I can't believe these were almost four years ago.
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Friends, wake up!
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Nice torpedo foobs
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Looks like our friend is back
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She's thrusting forward in the water so they're moving in dynamic motion.
Oh yeah? Describe their trajectory mathematically, nerd!
You know, I actually started doing so but remembered why I flunked out and I'm gonna go fap instead.
Torpedo? Not torpedo? You'd suckle either way.
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HoloX will claim /fbk/ for their own!
Surrender now, friends!

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