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Nijisanji EN YouTube channels:












Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

To watch streams at the same time:

Our Minecraft server:

Graduated Livers and Miscellaneous:

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>87165956
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sex with my cute wife
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cocksleeve material
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>drives the Chinese market into the ground
>drives the EN market into the ground
>working on JP next
We should have stayed dead honestly
I'm starting to suspect Ike will never stream again
Twisty rabu
Because he's too busy having sex with men.
did you mean to attach a picture of Coco
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I LOVE this Feesh! Stream Fly Away! Millie's song is pretty good too!
Hihi! No one is live, I'm still watching my sauce video, throwing up and just waiting for someone to stream.
Man, Feesh is cute
HoloEN is doing fantastic though. NijiEN is the one that collapsed. Thanks primarily to Enna
i will rape petra
Ever notice how Enna didn't seem to regret Pomu and Selen leaving? In fact so far as I recall she never even called Selen "senpai"
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luca rabu!!
Ok Millie. Go back to sleep
your white people are kind of funny i'm watching it too
based, fuck those whores, I will watch enna now
Millie is a man?
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Rabu! Chu!
TY! They are funny and this video is going places.
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A little too cute. I'm getting cuteness aggression looking at her
>not a whore
The girl who threw herself vagina-first at Luca, Kyo, Hex, Vanta....etc?
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This is fake Twisty has no hips, no curves, and no thighs. She's a stick all the way down
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Do Reimu and Millie actually believe Enna is """hard working""""?
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if you had a tiny clone of finana what would you do with it?
get her a tablet
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I love this Rose like you wouldn't believe!
Would you feel bad about torturing it?
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Put her in a feeshbowl and feed her crushed doritos, and take her outside for walks
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Lemao. Even your deity Yagoo says EN isn't doing as well as JP.
Does is have her memories
Teach her about life.
He said that to explain his reasoning for opening up merch lines in western countries. Something Anycolor could never do since they are eternally locked to Japan now (thank you Enna)
How many of your vocaroos involve that line?
amogus suit
Who do you think from noctyx will be there in person with alban or at least join?
It just hit me that Enna is SUCH a nasty bitch even most Westerners think she's disgusting. What the hell are Japanese gonna think? Lmao
one single misstatement is all it takes, and it's Gundo all over again
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Take care of your feesh and one day she'll become a big sexy mermaid
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Ethyria put approximately 0 effort into their anniversary stream.
It really was Selen, Pomu, and Nina carrying everything huh?
Force her to do my dailies in genshin
Maybe 1/5 I dunno at least I haven't started Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tubeman, a meme is better than a Family Guy reference but one of my most degenerate friend looked like Prince Charming and could do it perfectly. I don't know what he's doing now but he was a very pretty man by my standards.
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Rosemi-samaaaaa ToT
imagine rosemi's tummy swelling after eating a big borger...!
dragoon fans are all always the same and for once I’m not talking about the mentally ill schizo
>call her bro
>get mad when she invites another bro to hang out with them
is this yaoi? how are these people "vspo en fans" lmfao

this is cute though, fun short guest appearance and her actual fans in chat were happy about it
Riku, you could literally just flush Enna and Millie and not lose anything
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At least get the spammer to meido. He's been doing it for hours.
Petra is a nasty lazy bitch
She is sucking JP cock instead of streaming
Sounds a lot like Enna
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Rosemi-sama digestion noises..
imagine being the ceo of a company and you're having a serious business meeting about money and graphs, and then sexy secretary Enna waddles in and says, "your honor, I do believe you should bend me over this very long table and give me a serious deep dicking"
What would you do?
Even the JP side is starting to lose a lot of audience. Investors are being disappointed with bad earnings reports.
Riku is now trying to replicate his failures with EN over on the JP side. Nobody was held accountable instead the disease was allowed to spread to the main branch
Well they killed the person who spoke up what' going on with holos, don't expect any fair moderation today
>hey am I gaslighting you
I was that person. That's why I'm requesting they apply the rules fairly.
Look at the posts after it.
Good if the main branch goes kaboom Riku will be in financial ruin and he will finally let me have sex with Yashiro for some cash
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The schizos are winning. >>>/vg/497902254
Why are you posting about yourself
i can't tell if this is implying i'm remia or if i'm ryoma but either way i wish
it’s comforting to know all the anti posts has been from 1 person despite his multiple attempt to convince there’s more of him
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Is it that bad over at vg?
This is fake. She's actually a hag sex goddess. Twisty has wide hips, big boobs and thick thighs. She's an hourglass from top to bottom
Yeah, shit sucks. Hate their deflection tactics and power abuse. Find it ironic that they don't understand how they're the poison to the medium, but I don't expect much self-awareness from schizos and no-life antis and teenage gossip drama fags
>Liveposts and posting about vtubers that are on topic with the thread
Ur banned, I sleep on my hand
>Ennaschizo, anons speculating which schizo is which, off-topic posts, cross posting to previous or other threads, pointing fingers at different fanbases, metaposting, other various shitposting
Yes because there is only one anon itt (all me btw)
dude NijiEN is fucking trash. Ethyria just got 1.5k for their anniversary stream if you don't count the Shu raid
NijiEN is literal steaming shit on a plate
Impregnate Rosemi Lovelock.
It's been bad for YEARS. I use to visit /jrpg/, and I didn't have internet for a year or two. Then it was gone. Many schizos ran through the thread. People spoiling games that came out in JP, people furious that the Vita got a Tales game localized, it pretty much killed the thread. I don't even want to think about what happened to Starcraft 2 threads. I can't comment about other threads on the board since /vitagen/ was always good, but I've heard other threads are outright terrible with ban evading spammers.
Terminate Reimu Endou.
I am convinced this is Uiha.
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time please go faster i need a fashion dreamer stream stat
NTA but yeah it's always been bad but these last years even more with the rgb community
>but I've heard other threads are outright terrible with ban evading spammers
well... at least we're not alone in that...
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I remember when 4chan got captcha. The spam was so bad the whole site was unusable. The last board to fall was /r9k/. It was truly a sight to behold.
The only thread I like using is the STALKER general because it's incredibly comfy, but I cycle in and out when playing so I have no idea if that's remained true (was true a year ago)
Idk how anyone with a straight face could call Enna "hard working"
>takes 4-6 months of vacations every year
>streams less than any other girl
>produces less music than anyone
>mostly just plays safe comfort games
>doesn't even pay attention to the games, sits there eating and doing chores while chat backseats her game

Compared to Nina, Selen, Pomu? Give me a fucking break.
Enna just spends lots of time whining about how much work she's supposedly doing
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>/vt/ without captcha
Just thinking about that, sweet monkey jesus.
People who affix multi colored lights on their computers are making vg worse?
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I'd like to captcha you and put you in a cage to protect you from the world
Feed her doritos and cakes
> Verify your email address
This board also needs this one too, schizos keep changing IP to shitpost, samefagging and falseflagging
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i think it would be nice if had a tiny shota ike to cuddle with right now
I guess i've been lucky because the "worst" thread ive been in was the one that has (had?) a spammer who would post the OP of our general in fast threads in other boards. even hit here once
also the svs vs aa2 thing going on but those are clear falseflaggers and they already seem to be getting bored
>Enna joins NijiEN and says "Pomu is my oshi"
>proceeds to ignore Pomu
>complains she isn't getting enough attention
>males debut and throws herself at them to leech
>leeches the chinese audience harder than anyone, starts streaming exclusively in chinese time and spamming female oriented content and chinese content
>after all her relentless complaining about being supposedly the "forgotten wave" management decides to put Ethyria in front of EVERYTHING
>totally forgets Lazulight and Obsydia even exists and just starts pushing Ethyria, Ethyria, Ethyria
>Ethyria bias becomes completely ludicrous even though none of them bring money and are all incredibly lazy people
>Enna's countless dramas and nasty cunt personality are pushed in front of everyone, drives away the EN audience
>as things are collapsing the entire branch is throwing themselves like bodyguards to protect Enna. Constantly raiding her every 5 seconds and pushing her to the front of everything
>Enna bullies Selen and Nina out of the company, Pomu leaves with them
>things collapse to such an extent that even Enna gets under 1k now
>now Enna throws herself to the JP branch which actually still has some popularity
>because they don't speak English they aren't aware of all the horrible shit she's notorious for
>it's only a matter of time

Riku actually decided that protecting this one utter cunt is more important than the future of his company.
Filter Enna and you filter the schizo
Enna bad
imagine in another timeline
>management keeps the males and females relatively separate so the women can develop their own audiences
>ethyria is reigned in and are punished for their dramas
>diversifies their audience instead of tripling down on chinese
>keeps Lazulight as the face of the company as it should be
>graduates Enna so that Pomu and Selen stays

Things would be fine right now
Enna extremely bad!
But imagine this timeline
>You hold out your empty hand in front of Sonny
>Sonny drops his mouth down to your hand and starts reverse-eating a hotdog into your palm and walks away
>You throw the hotdog away and wash your hands because that was fucking gross to watch
Nina right now has more viewers than the Ethyria anniversary got
how does it compare to your weight in pounds, she beat you yet?
Being in /WuWa/ at certain times is just like being in /NijiEN/. It's like I never left home.
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Nina doesn't exist anymore
I could say the same about /poeg/ I even see people call each other sisters and being schizo about D4 and poe2.
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Which generals are the most horny? Bag?
wait i never even thought about it but the moment you get your 3D you can use a more acurate model for Vrchat...and as i type this i remember rosemi just dance stream where she used her 3d model man i'm retarded sometimes
can they put them into vrc, has anyone? i always figured that was a no go because it could get stolen
Idk I think anycolor should stop being dumb and do what cover does and let people download the MMD sadly anycolor is to archaic.
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any beignets here, check membership
I think Anycolor should stop being dumb and graduate the bitch whore
The things ive seen mori’s fatass model do, I’m glad we do not have ours available
I love Sonny Brisko he's so cute!
most companies don't make them public these days, and even cover is pretty selective about which they make public i think; no new outfits and i don't think any members past 2023 have had their models put out
I know right, this was my exact sentiment on dookie, so glad we agree!
Sani Sani kawaii
I'm just waiting for some nijjers to go "okay I'm graduating now, bye!" and just fuck off and go do other things, and the company has no choice but to terminate them for breach of contract
People have lost interest in the branch to such an extent, even graduations barely make the news these days
Reminder that liveposting gets deleted but the faggot sperging about enna for two years gets to stay. Fuck this gay earth
Ikr, I feel so bad for ina
I am 99% sure half the stuff in Anycolor's contract is blatantly against the law in most western countries. If the livers just fucked off and refused to pay out any graduation fee, Anycolor would have to take them to court, and probably lose bigtime while the livers could rake in cash farming the drama of the court case. Anycolor would not be in a strong position either, having to sue someone on their home turf with a contract that is barely enforceable, if not downright illegal
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Yep, they are losing interest to the point that one of their biggest members are graduating, but it's still a nothingburger
he also got deleted but it doesn't matter because he ban evades
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That's a man's hand.
I love how Petra and Rika have the same dumb look on their faces in 3D.
Sad how jannies just delete his posts once instead of permanently banning all of his new IPs
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I want to give Twisty a golden shower
>new gintama anime
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Doppio's done getting his Brazilian butt lift and is starting
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i'm gonna manifest sonnyban magnet cover in albans 3d
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where i bet its just 3 nen gumi ginpachi sensei
That's my hand.
Sonny didn't get his 3D showcase yet so it'll probably be in Sonny's
The D stands for disease
The D standa for praDa!
poeg is funny they all call each other d4 sissies or other stuff but its not as cancerous as lolg or d2g back in the day
>Matara was drunk with XQC at Twitchcon
>speaking French Canadian to him
>she shared a hotel with him too
yes it is... are you not excited
I’m gonna laugh if it doesn’t happen
its okay....... but not mainline anime......
ike is genuinely the sexiest character design of all time
it probably won't happen, that's why i'm manifesting it into existence, help me manifest anon
Idk increasingly with the NijiEN girls, it feels like the room is "echoing" if you know what I mean? It's like.....they're speaking to an empty room. There's hardly anybody in chat anymore, hardly anyone even watching the stream anymore. They try to talk to chat, and it's like, the same 3 people. When one of their regulars doesn't show up, the room feels half empty
The D in Doppio is for...
And he's for men only.
Helping to manifest it just to spite this anon.
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tcb really is amazing...
Had to work and missed my latina wife, was she extra cute today?
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Will EN even have its own That's Keep?
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https://x.com/Hayama_Marin/status/1844487929772769592 i wish we had a gamer like hayama in en, the closest is mumu..
Zuttomo love and sex
Probably, definitely /bag/. Nikke and Snowbreak too because, y'know.
these whores killed the branch
Someone save Doppio
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sex with dog.
Eating out all of their assholes.
Your known nijiEN oshi should collab with males.
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sex with this dapper ojisan
he should stream first
Ike is already collbing with males in his bed.
holy grandpa dudes got fuckin loafers on.
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he just did :3
I'm sorry I can't not fuck him
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wish to chain them
The man who is cucking twisty wears loafers
I love Reimu so much
Coduroy pants!!
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>this guy is the apex harem master
Doppio doesn't know when NijiVersus is going to end and he plans for it to last forever.
Would be cool having it as just a monthly thing.
Unlimited Tournament Works
You still awake? I'm close to finishing the sequel.
make my rocket league tourney dreams come true pio
I think it would be better for it to be seasonal instead. Monthly would be too much.
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old man costume looking ahh
How sustainable even is this project? I can't imagine who else would even organize events other than maybe Wilson and Vox.
i'm manifesting a tf2 tournament now
Doppio has 500 tournaments in his back pocket so even if no one steps up it'll be fine
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Kek he really is an old man...
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not really i like ceci
Tonight I'm gonna have oral sex with my latina wife Reimu.
That's about 10x Enna's ccv average right? So she's worth about 10 Enna's
i wonder if sonny will play majora's mask even tho he already said that he didn't like how you just go in a circle and repeat the same thing but i really feell like he will play it one day on stream

Enna gets 800 people watching a stream, but 400 males watching.
CC's audience is unironically 98% male. So in terms of male audience it's like 400 vs 8.5k
Enna's audience is basically a rounding error for CC
didn't sonny once say he wanted to buy a wii u so he could play wind waker, he'll never do it tho
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Millie's new song is so sex
I watched her in her PL and I'm very happy she's doing well these days. I hope she nepohires Lily.
isn't she german? i'm mad because i love german accents and holo has 2 german speakers and we have none
Kiara is some mutt creature though. CC is an actual German
I'm mad because Maria should have been a horror doll.
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Feesh starting!
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still cute
Why do you reply to an off topic shitposter?
Reimu and Enna's (in that order) 3rd anni papes sold out! Millie's at few remaining still. I was validated in buying them all on day one.
BUD NO.....
The japanese women paying for that must be excited to have another useless stuffed doll they can pretend is their child
Not really an accomplishment if they set low inventory for them in the first place.
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i would fuck this ojisan i am wet
Maria complains about her numbers all the time though
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What the heck there's a chicken Big Mac? Finana wants to get one.
I'd say that chinese feet are about 3 times as valuable as german feet. Especially Enna's extra tiny feet, they would fetch a high price.
Cope and seethe you pulled right out your ass
German people invented damn near everything in the world. They are the most valuable people
It makes me mad because most EN livers just play the new shit(BOTW, TOTK or the Zelda only game) instead of the classics.
Kunai started Ocarina but obviously never finished it.
Proof next thread right?
I'm gonna need a latina and/or black gf if I'm gonna make it to the end of this year.
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I don't think Doppio understands fashion
Hey I guess those small victories count for you eh?
minus the glasses that looks cute
Reply to me like I'm your oshi NOW.
Dammit Feesh I'm getting hungry now
Please let me drink your herbal chinese pee!
Oh jannies are finally awake again
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>buy a wii u
he'll never do that shit kek the fact that he took so look just to get himself a vrheadset even though it was because of australia shortage and how it was taking dust in the corner of his room just tells you how he is with buying things
It makes sense why merch would be a big income source.

With a superchat, what do you get in return? Nothing? Only severely mentally ill people would superchat more than a token amount.
And indeed that's generally what you see. Superchats are dominated by homosexuals, nutjobs, freaks.....etc.

But with merch you actually get something in return for your money. Many more normal people will make that purchase, although the truth is that it's drastically overpriced, so only collectathon gachafags will really pursue merch. Typically a female behavior
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>Sonny said he wanted to buy a wee
stop taking breaks
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What's your favorite emote from your oshi? For me it's this one, she's so cute, smug, and tiny. I love her cute face!
that's why he is only the host and not the judge
I'm German! Do you love me too?
Of all your schizo nonsense, you larping as Andrew Tate is probably the most embarrassing shit of all.
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i see...
They rolled it out today.
So the 90% of hololive fans who are male just don't purchase merch? Retard
Human beings have a programmed behavior just like any animal species. The truth is that we evolved. Women have a particular behavior as do men
he just doesn't like buying stuff, i think sonnys house is one of those unfurnished gamer houses
Is Reimu a brat?
Unironically it makes me happy seeing that I made my oshi slightly happier by superchatting.
.....Scythekicks is your oshi.... you know...?
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It actually makes sense why a crass human being like Enna would misunderstand and misinterpret the symoblism put into Tetris Effect.

It's supposed to be a beautiful representation of artistic style. But all the meaning washes right over her head.
I'm sure this same person thinks that crass shit like Higurashi or whatever is rich with deep meanings rather than cheap shock value for the lowest common demoninator.

It's just like how she gravitates to mainstream pop music which is typically the most degenerated and most crass music of all
I'm not letting you steal my talking points.
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dis one
Happy Doppio is doing this bit Fashion Dreamer is such a shit game. The previous Style Savvy games where so much better, you could even make your own designs, the grind process for this one is awful.
A Pomudachi? Sadly yes
Make a TF2 tournament, Sonny
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>Men don't buy useless merch
bekommen krebs
weakest lovelive fan
I don't get it. You're giving 30% to a megacorporation (youtube), and 35% to another megacorporation (Anycolor). Then 35% goes to your (already rich) oshi who pays the top tax bracket.

You really think it makes them happy? Do you not notice how fake their smile is?
It's like Luca's incredibly fake "thaaaank you, thaaaank you sooooOOoooo muchhh"
You can just hear the sarcasm dripping from his voice
why would anyone superchat when streamlabs exist
It's a weird sort of revisionism to consider Nina as one of the "great" ones.
I spent half my time as a honey pissed at her because she literally stopped updating membership completely, she took the advice of luxiem and Mika instead of asking what her community wanted only for their fanbases to turn on her.
We went from cozy boomer core games that nobody else played to months of offcollabs during which Mika and I wanna say Luca told her that she should stop playing them and switch to Minecraft and zatsus because they did them and got lots of viewers from it.
The retard schizo doesn’t know the difference
All this Niji vs Holo discussion really reminds me of Nvidia vs AMD, with both sides thinking the other company is controlling the entire industry from behind the scenes.
Who do you think is giving money to these streams anon? Ask yourself. It's the nutcase people
I'm avid useless merch purchaser, but I never understood buying multiples of the same item. I'm satisfied with one of each item. But I salute anyone supporting my oshis.
My oshi doesn't read her streamlabs....ever....
I also low-key feel guilty using SL because I can type out a way longer message no matter the price
you're retarded
There is some kind of weird gambling mindset in Asia. They never got innoculated against it.
It's like how the Native Americans had zero resistance to alcohol so it destroyed their whole society? It's the same with the Chinese and gacha games
Nah just people who earn more than you
Ugh, I know right? The phasekeks are so degenerate and disgusting
Those people are making business deals, partying it up, or getting married and having large families. They aren't watching vtuber streams.
>pretending he's not chinese
you should feel guilty about your oshi not getting all the money and giving it to google (who hates you) instead
Half of streamlabs goes to Anycolor, the same organization that treats your oshi like crap for a quick buck
Feeshdad got her food for her
How much do you make?
I make a bit over 70k USD and I'm able to support my oshi fairly regularly
Will she pee or get water...
Wow Reimu, wow
I'm about 90% done with my sequel but then suddenly I got the writer's block. I mean, I know how to end the story, but the words won't come out.
thats not the point? Would you rather your oshi get 30% or 50% of the money? Just so you can say haha boop or some other cringe shit
>support my oshi
lmao I sure hope your oshi is an indie with under 200 ccv. Because otherwise you're giving money to an already-rich person in a billionaire corporation. You aren't supporting anything, you're being exploited
Thought you said they're poor?
Because anon, nobody really cares if the person who makes over $100k a year gets the extra couple bucks or not. They would rather get the extra attention that comes from the superchat
>nobody really cares
Projecting much
Open OBS and hit stream faggot
Anyone with more than 200 ccv is making a full time income as a streamer. They don't need your ""support"". It's all you can do to get them to even stream, they're so lazy
Quilldren are getting uppity....
based nozochad
/u/fags rule the world
I want to FUCK and FRICK Maria
Finana was so excited about the Chad jaw
i don't want attention from other chatters, i want my oshi to read my message, not out loud, and laugh at my little joke it's the only thing keeping me going
So Hololive fans are the ultimate cucks?
Their ccv is so high they mut be billionaires
I mean you're sweating your ass off trying to maximize the income of someone who doesn't care if you lived or died. That's kind of weird behavior right? It's a thankless task too, nobody really cares about you, or is impressed by you. In fact most people probably think you're a crazy weirdo
At least you admit he's gay.
I mean you're sweating your ass off trying to maximize the hate of someone who doesn't care if you lived or died. That's kind of weird behavior right? It's a thankless task too, nobody really cares about you, or is impressed by you. In fact most people probably think you're a crazy weirdo
They are getting 30% more money in the first place by you using streamlabs because jewtube isn't involved in the transaction
I make over 100k a year... I care....
SHUT THE FUCK UP ROSEMI’S STREAMING https://www.youtube.com/live/VJACID9i0Hk?si=jUhNeDQtVCqdiHH8
Yeah I'm sure the millionaire livestreamer is deeply touched by you as they roll in money.
If you gave that money to an indie though, you could actually change their life. The only reason you're giving to a corpo streamer is to get the attention and popularity
yes unironically
Option 1) Give to needy kids
Option 2) Give to the homeless
Option 3) Give to a rich livestreamer who will pretend they care a lot
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i cant watch doppio and rosemi at the same time...
i don't care if he's a millionare and i don't care if he cares about me or not, i don't care about if he's indie or corpo. i just like him alot
>single tooth
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Yes we can hear you!
>schizo pivoting to being a moralfag
You know he doesn't look like the .png right? He's probably some fat ugly guy in reality, the kind of guy you would never talk to.
so like you then
>Spend half the thread arguing that NijiEN gets no views, no SCs, no merch, and no money
>A couple anons say they buy merch and send SCs
>Suddenly everyone in NijiEN are filthy rich billion dollar corp employees and sending them money is a waste
Which mental illness is this?
next stream idea: rosemi eats the chicken big mac
Rosemi's supple fingers are touching greasy fastfood, contaminating her porcelain skin...
>Which mental illness is this?
He's jewish
That's Butterboy Browntrunks
kek feesh your timing... the game doesn't want you to eat your chicken big mac
In a way you can actually see the benefit vtubers bring to society. If not for them then he would have attached himself to some random girl and harassed her instead of an internet personality whose only interaction with him is clicking on his name to ban him in chat or block on twitter.
Anon, you lack the sense of scale to properly understand.
It's true that NijiEN's popularity has divebombed. But those people are still making Doctor's salary tier incomes. I think you just don't understand how much money livestreamers are making
>rosemi is gifted by the sauce
noooo rosemi-sama don't say that
are you retarded? when will you people understand he does not think or believe anything, he is a shitposter, how new are you
i don't like the guy behind my oshi, i like my oshi. he lives on the other side of the world so it's not like i could ever meet or touch him in real life. he's my sexy anime boyfriend in my mind forever
Hold on I need to analyze the echo of her room. Something sounds off. Judging by the reverberations, there's a large mass of flesh in the back of the room, almost like it's hiding. And I believe it's holding something, like a camcorder? What could this be.
Send your fake man fake money then. Don't send him real money
You sound like a poor person.
Get a better job or cope
i give him euros, those are fake right
sorry that's me im mr. krabby patty
It's such as silly argument because the reason they have all that money is BECAUSE the fans are sending them money, hence the logical conclusion of "nobody should send them money because they're rich" is the streamer ending up not being rich.
But of course, logic is not the domain of the dumb zoomer's failure of an attempt of trolling.
Stop perceiving me bro
Millie bragged she makes enough money on her vod income alone that she didn't even have to stream anymore. That's just vods alone, not superchats, not memberships, not merch, or anything else.

You realize how hard it is to get people on the tier of Luca or Shu to stream regularly? They make so much money passively there's literally zero motivation for them to even work
Actually Mint's talked about how Vod views barely give any revenue
The vod view money comes from ads.
The membership money gives you something for your dollar (extra content)
The merch money gives you a physical item for your money

But sending them money because you want them to have money? That's kind of lunatic parasocial behavior. That's why most superchatters are mentally ill people
they really fucked up the whole ass collab nothing is looking like how its supposed to and the patty is made of fucking meat where its supposed to have none
Vod views aren't the same for other people.
mint isn't part of anycolor's MCN which gets to get better rates compared to indies.
Sure but once you have 200+ vods? All that money is rolling in
Okay, how much money did Wendy pay Rosemi for this sponsorship?
does mint still get revenue from pomu vods? i assume not right
1 dollar pastry
Nobody knows but probably not.
The fuck is this collab man
What if Rosemi has been Plankton this entire time and this was part of his dastardly scheme to get his hands on the Kraby Patty secret formula?
Wdym it's not supposed to be meat?
Why are you guys talking about mint where rosemi literally said she bought the pineapple ice cream i swear thread readers are the worse
Rosemi what the hell happened to those fries....
Feesh found an imposter!
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The fries are literally a cube lmao
She doesn't have a vod gang? Wouldn't surprise me honestly. Her "fans" feel like they treat everything as one and done.
Rosemi is eating SPONGEBOB
it's canon by the creator and the people that worked with him that the krabby patty is a meatless hamburger with no meat in it, i thought everyone knew about it
>anycolor's MCN which gets to get better rates compared to indies.
Eh source?
I guess I would have been okay with an impossible burger being used instead but I feel like it wouldn't have sold as well
>i thought everyone knew about it
You expect everyone to care about spongebob lore??
rosemi's playing with her food like a child
Rosemi please take a bite and show me your cute teeth marks
Feesh bringing out the ban hammer
Rosemi is a child ToT
anon if you don't know that bigger MCNs can negotiate for better CPM rates idk what to tell you.
Because her VODs don't have much rewatch value, only music and ASMR VODs are profitable since they keep gaining views from both new and old viewers, while stream VODs mostly stop gaining views after a week.
holy shit rosemi just eat the damn burger before it goes cold
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>green meat
All these imposters have emergencies
Rosemi is eating my beef
almost everything after hillenburgs death has gone to shit tho, the new sandy movie is fucking horrible bro
>I can't even taste the lettuce
Rosemi lettuce is borderline tasteless
I really like how this anon is treating her like she some sort of saint of vtubing, and everything she says is absolute.
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Finana can't even remember she let some of these people in before...
Rosemi is very kawaii right now
any lettuce have no fucking taste i don't what kind she's used to but the majority of time its just crunchy water
I feel like ASMR probably is the key to getting more money from vods because people will rewatch them a lot. Millie has mentioned ASMR is passive income for her which is why she does it so often
Rosemi is so cute bros
t.only iceberg eater
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I know everyone is retarded but as soon as seed oil cooked food gets cold, it actually gets more gross due to the oxidation of the oils and its a shame that we have this retarded take home mukbang culture that ruins all this food
Ofc it is she's the love of my life. What kind of sicko wouldn't trust the woman they love?
i was about to say, romaine lettuce has a pretty strong taste to me but iceberg is just crunchy water
Everytime i see the miniscule bites rosemi makes on her buger it reminds me of how i finish any kind of burger meal in 5minutes...
Lettuce can be a little sweet and its freshness balances with the salt of the meat and sauce
She heard you
Hey babygirl you wanna be the bun to my burger?
I'm sure you can finish me in 5 minutes.
Rosemi-sama hands are so small...
Prediction which jp members will join alban 3D?
wose burg~
maybe sonny will join?
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That lady's eyeball
I'd so fucking steal a fry from Rosemi if she ordered fastfood near me. Imagine the look on her bratty fucking face when she finds out that she still has to pay the fucking fry tax get bent peasant and fork over the fry.
A really cute guy just looked at my butt! What do I do?
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Rosemi's gonna have some rank ass farts after this meal.
haha fanum tax
Yup, 7 out of Millie's 10 most viewed VODs are ASMR. That alone may help Millie easily earn a thousand per month
"VOD Gang" are just people who can't watch live so they watch the VOD instead, not people who loop VODs.
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Wosemi got an extra patty in her borg!
William Afton is in this game?
Why does the film on Rosemi’s stream look like it’s from some print from the 90s
Rosemi-sama mouth is all dirty from eating like a little kid...
wait alban's 3D is at 8 am.
bro why can't EN just always have the same 3D times I swear everyone switches when they do it.
I want to lick the sauce on rosemi's cheeks...
god the way she hold her fist this tight while thinking hard about the word is so fucking cute i just want to kiss her
da je ne sais quoi
its like people live in different parts of the world
If she showed her cute Asian hands I'd legit cum
what the fuck happened to those fries
outside of ASMR and karaokes, there's usually no reason to rewatch a VOD, especially when the stream was somewhat recent
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Feesh is doing good so far she's gaming and eating her borger!
every girls 3D has been at night EST alban lives in the same timezone as most of the girls -1 or +1 hour.
>jp member
I legit feel like even the employees hate this collab
Usually it’s the people whose audience gravitates more to western timezones do theirs then and vise versa, except Vox who had his in the morning in Asia for some reason
Feesh rabu
Yeah I can't tell if that's scar or hair. Probably a scar.
that because alban is a japanese
My cum hardened
>will miss enna's cover premiere
>will miss sonny's stream
>also will miss alban's 3D
i fucking hate the life decision that led me up to this point...at least i have rosemi eating burger before i go...
how dare you insult my true blooded japanese wife
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kek no hesitation she just gave baby hands the boot
Owh shit Alban 3d is today
Are you heading to war?
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she has the rosemi teeth
I feel like buying 3 krabby patties now
It’s just vanilla ice cream lmao
what time is it for you anon??? i'm staying up cus sonnys stream starts at 5

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