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In a very near, alternate timeline, Phase could've had male chuubas
thank you for not following through, fishman
Once Pippa fans realize she isn't "based" they'll pivot in an attempt to rake in more money just like Niji and Holo, don't you worry.
I truly genuinely don't understand why a business made to earn a profit would want to waste any resources on male vtubers
companies want to replicate(and fail to) the success of niji males. theres an en company, First Stage Production that has JUST males, and they fair pretty well. Its definitely a case of you have to be Nijisanji or you have to solely focus on male vtubers. Mixing both males and females just results in a dead corpo like Tsunderia and Prism Project.
>Doesn't let males in the company
>Allows the talent to slobber over cock every stream anyways

Genuinely, what's the point then?
>males in Phase
Companies got utterly duped by Luxiem and Noctyx being FOTM for Chinese women who moved on to the next thing after 6 months
The girls hardly male collab. Only a few of them have done male collabs anyway and none of them have been recent.
The first time I heard of Pippa is because she collabed with metokur and started her right wing grift there
now phasecucks can be cucked inside and outside phase!
And they still managed to become the NTR company, impressive
indeed, seethe phasecucks!
So you guys obviously don't care that the phase girls collab with guys but it's also very important to you that their checks don't come from the same place because...why? I don't get the distinction.
Pretty sure the girls of this company have had more collabs with the homos than the Hololive girls have
>itt: people seething about phase despite never watching any of the girls
like clockwork
Do you want to go down this route?
>making fun of phasecucks = seething
cope harder
No actually, as there has only been a two collabs between Phase and Holostars.
The Uno stream with Flayon and Ollie and a song cover with Octavio.
ERB alone has interacted with Holostars more in the past few months than every single Phase girl combined. But who’s counting right?
>making fun of
To make fun of something, you need to properly understand it. Since you don't watch any of the girls, your jokes come off as seething. Sad and pathetic brownoid.
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not even close
Is this a serious post? Or are you having a giggle?
I want to fuck Rie so bad my dick hurts.
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The fish himself is already more than enough of an obnoxious male presence in Phase as it is. Touting "No males" as a big positive of the company falls completely flat when this fag is constantly being brought up by both the talents and the fans every fucking stream, not to mention his own attention whoring.
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They may not have males in phase, but they definitely have males in phase talents
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If it came down to a vote it would be overwhelmingly in favor of a male gen. They're into NTR anyway.
Brother, barely anyone watches Iori.
It's okay, Flayon is honorary phase member already. They can borrow him from time to time
>vetoeing males to not have any competition
Clever, I'll admit.
Sakana is married.
she has like half a finana average ccv
based adulterer
>They're into NTR anyway.
>reaction to stream was bad enough that she took it down immediately and apologized on twitter
I’m confused if Phase fans like NTR so much like you claim why weren’t they celebrating the stream? Why didn’t it become the most liked stream on her channel?
I don't think he is, at least not with any of the talents or his other employees.
Because he's a shitposting retard. Every time one of the girls has done something remotely like this they get lambasted hard until they remove it or apologize. Lia's big fuck-up got her shit on hard for weeks.
So which phase are the side chicks?
post skin
none of them
They collab with some of the worst males all the time anyway.
That's incorrect, she started gaining right wing/kiwi farms fans because she was making fun of Ethan Ralph on stream. The Metokur simping came much later.
>all the time
Why do you keep pushing this easily debunkable meme?
Airi is Phase's free use girl. Anytime she collabs with the other girls irl she gets groped.
>Males in Phase
I'd just watch whoever are the fotm psychopaths gambling, harassing or crashing cars on Kick.
This. And they're doing pretty well for a small literalwho company too. Seems like they understood the assignment instead of copying other people's homework like those dead corpos did.
numberniggers are cucks who spend their entire day fantasizing about a version of Phase that doesn’t exist. in their mind Phase is collabing with Holostars multiple times a week and literally having sex on stream. It’s a level of cuckbrain delusion that only some form of SEAbrown shitskin could entertain
Why do they do this? What causes such mental illness?
I don't think there can be phase males. That type of male behavior puts you in prison (probably)
This, no one but chink women want to watch sadboys and psychos(male).
They jerk it to ccv. They hate male vtubers but it's like half of what they talk about in their gay and thread
If phase were to have males they'd all be brotubers chasing the same "based and redpilled" audience that the girls do
numberniggers are truly subhuman animals and the scourge of this board
>>87180027 (me)
*gay ass thread. Autocorrect vs alcohol is tough
Would male pippa have a big /here/ audience too?
If only Cyberlive, kawaii, or Tsunderia won the small corpo bowl... what could've been... well, at least it's not prison project. Fuck Nia, Fuck Yura, Fuck Shiki, but above all else FUCK PINA!
Those companies were run incompetently and besides, Phase got the better girls from Cyberlive and Tsunderia.
I think phase is just going to continue recycling the functioning parts of the dead corps for the foreseeable future
Damn nazis must love jews by this logic. Stop posting for several days retarded female
Probably. And he'd be shilled in the Holostars and Niji threads as a "better" male vtuber than the ones they have
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Oh, are you one of the retarded dicksworders? How does it feel to glow so much you have to samefag your bait?
The numbermonkey chimping out when called on their faggotry right on cue
I think they should start picking up graduated niji males because those boys must be sad as fuck by now
Exactly. Management is the only thing that matters. Talent is meaningless.
>better girls
come on now, anon. They could've gotten the true big hitters but they've pussied out.
I could see some of them going to Phase, but again, not the hard hitters.
What part of 'No males' do you not understand? Sakana knows he cant copy the success nijiEN got so he wont try.
Lumi is better than any of the other girls from cyberlive left streaming. Ember and Dizzy are great additions.
Is there really a hard hitter outside nene?
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Ex Holostars doesn't count?
A few might have the potential in a less stagnant environment, but they're all nobodies as it stands.
Tenma is not GFE or unicorn friendly and has never tried to be. People watch her to see an angry womanlet play games and yell at chat.
Sounds like what BVTM does with Shiori
That whole Shiori shitshow will never not be funny
all this cuckposting about her and how she'll spam collabs with males and then she's done exactly none(to my knowledge.).
Gumis would cope themsef to death if Lumi did male collabs on the regular
Holy unicorn!
Why would it?
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ERB is not GFE or unicorn friendly and never tried to be. But why are you talking about GFE?
because usually the people who complain the most about a chuuba collabing with a male stuff like that is brought up
Yeah but Shiori never did it while phase girls actually have collabed with Homos before
>actually going against phase outside token displays to avoid favoritism claims
Anyone who likes BVTM is probably a doxxnigger/kiwinigger anyways and should not give a fuck about what he says or does.
>thread made by numberniggers to cuckpost about Phase suddenly turns into a thread about BVTM as soon as numberniggers love for cuckposting and general brown behavior gets pointed out
Not very subtle guys. You scream about BVTM but you are literally just as brown as the people that run that account.
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Just stopping by this shit thread to say that I would eat jelly's ass
Pippa even collabed with some filthy flip doxxer, you Phasecucks are pathetic.
Phasefags really do want males huh
And people shit on her for it to this day.
Yall dox every chance you get. Hypocrits
Phase is genuinely evil and needs to be eliminated. Everyone agrees on this and only trolls defend Phase just to be contradictory.
2 more weeks
Anytime someone tries to dox in the thread they get shit on and the post gets deleted and clowned on. Again, why do you keep making up easily debunked claims?
Been a terrible week for rain localized entirely on my face
Hard hitter. Top 4 talent-wise in cyberlive, definitely and unquestinabely, but that's just one girl. They could've gone harder at poaching the rest of Cyberlive. I know that it was more of a timing thing. They poached Lumi, and that closed the door for all the future Aetheria/cyberlive members, but man, if they only went a bit harder at poaching the virus. I think they could've pulled it off if it wasn't for phase's abysmal contract.
>skinny tsunderia girl
Fine. I like her. She was one of the Tsunderia's pillars, but as a streamer, there are a lot more talents that should've come before her. Mio's
>fat tsunderia girl
not a hard hitter. Good streamer tho.
Good one, I'm sure you almost believed that
Sorry bro. Could've gone down worse I guess
>corpo is a dying dumpsterfire
>hire males, they are received well
>corpo later dies
>oH NO iT wAS ThE mALeS, thE MaLES KiLLeD TsUNdeRia
not this shit again
Yes, that is precisely what you're doing right now
But enough about Yagoo. Every other holofan calls Yagoo their "best girl", and the talents talk about him often, mostly the JPs though (which makes sense, since he's JP too and interacts with them more)
>stream from 2 years ago
>she hasn't streamed or interacted with him on a stream once since then
REALLY reaching now!
It's funny because it WAS males that killed Tsunderia, but those males were the CEO and his boyfriend, not the talents
>CEO and his boyfriend
Tsunderia CEO was a homo?
>Haha look at Phase they NEVER interact with males and will never have them thankyou based fished man
>abject reality
>it doesn't matter this girl isn't gfe, she took that stream down, that happened TWO years ago
All i'm seeing is a bunch of crying and weak defending of cucking, Phase fans you've brought this on yourselves
technically correct, fair enough
Thanks. Yeah. Some of those girls might really have roped if the company took the IP to the grave.
>putting words in my mouth now
Damn son, your brown levels are RISING.
They got FlayGOD instead for frequent collabs
1 collab is frequent now?
Please understand. 1 stream is frequent to many holo fans
It's the only good explanation for him secretly rehiring the fuckwit who almost killed the company two years before
What is with you guys spamming this recently what does that even mean? Also how long does it take for you to be absolved from cucking is it two years?
lol nothing "ish" about it
simple, the more you're obsessed with cucking and ntr, the browner you are
simple as, mr. brownman
it would be so over if fishman brought on males to phase dont do it fishman !
>simple, the more you're obsessed with cucking and ntr, the browner you are
>simple as, mr. brownman
So every Phase fan is "brown"? I mean you guys are the ones making a thread about no males and always talking about how everyone that watches anything outside of Phase is getting cucked, little ironic doncha think?
>skinny tsunderia girl
which one?
whats it like living in your own world
Tenma collabed with Brandon a month or two ago. Otherwise fair as far as I know.
There's no pagpag here for you to eat gentleman.
ogey sister well i hate to break it to you there are no males here for you ether sucks to suck
>still obsessing over males
brown AND gay
what a poor combination
>he walks into the Phase bait thread
>filled with cuckposting
>to cuckpost himself and claim that phasefags are the ones actually doing it
Remember, They cry out as they strike you
lmao ogey sister
real and true
Who is this they you speak of?
I just want Fishman to save Tomo, Kazu and Nen
Why the fuck do they cuckbait so hard about Phase anyways? They always talk about how un-important Phase is and yet they cant help but cuckpost and shit on it anytime it's brought up anyways. It's weird.
The same reason anyone has to ever take down anything: because of antis.
Chapipi > lumi
They don't have streams
Chapipi is a much better singer for sure but she’s not as entertaining as a streamer.
Still more entertaining than wallmart veibae.
Singing streams are streams
Lumi is nothing like Veibae.
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Coworkers being male/female, in a job whose description is to socialize and be friends with each other, doesn't bode well for any fans who wanted to oshi either half and didn't want to be third wheels paying other people to date and hook up in front of them. Don't get me wrong I would rather there be no male collabs period and being outside the corpo doesn't suddenly make it perfectly acceptable, it's just if it is from inside the corpo there is no bullshitting me about it unless the two are kept very separate like hololive/holostars usually are.
>phasecucks can't recognize a nonpology
absolutely grim
>b-b-b-but what about hololive!!!!!!
>apologized and immediately deleted the stream, and will never do that shit again
>h-hehe it's a nonpology
>chooses an NTR game on purpose
>lies to the fans about it
>whoopsie :D
and you fell for it. lmao.
That anon is right. You can't bitch about Fishman while licking YAGOO's butthole.
>fell for it
Nigga I don't even watch Iori. It's just easy to realize she'll never do that stupid shit again, so her apology is an actual one.
>she'll never do that stupid shit again
until she does
Lia learned her lesson from her big yab, why would Iori not?
she'll do it again and again and again, grooming her viewers until only cucks remain in her audience, then she can run rampant.
good on those who dropped her without even saying anything.
I really don't think she will.
and if she's allowed to get away with it, she'll infect the other girls, too. mark my words, anon.
found the doxxniglet lmao
love how the go to cope is projection
>im a doxxing piece of shit so clearly everyone else is!
>she'll infect the other girls too
She barely interacts with them. Besides, she more than likely wont do the cuckshit again, considering the most popular she's been was due to the backlash from that cuckshit stream.
Bitch please
faggots on this board cuckpost about every chuuba in existence.
You're probably right, I don't go to non phase threads for the most part so I don't notice the others.
Don't put anyone's butthole in my mouth, deflecting phasepag. The thread is about you, not muh Hololive.
>pointing out that another corpo does it is deflecting
No one shits on holofans for sucking Yagoo off, so why is it a a big deal when people do it to Sakana?
1. Yes, they do.
2. You see it more about Phase because it's worth with Phase.
3. Stop deflecting.
>You see it more about Phase because it's worth with Phase.
Once again, thank you for showing how brown you are, and invalidating your opinion again!
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As somebody who actually watches and enjoys a lot of Phase and Holo girls I can safely say that the fish worship in the Phase fanbase is orders of magnitude worse than YAGOO worship in the Holo fanbase has ever been. He gets shoehorned into almost every single thing related to the company these days (official and fanmade) because he actively pushes himself as a semi-official mascot for the brand, and he's become completely unavoidable as result. It's incredibly annoying, especially combined with how often he behaves like a total dipshit.
>they are received well
you aren't in bizzaro thread anonchama
anyone who actually follows prism and tsun knows the male numbers in their corpos are beyond pathetic
even if you only know them from catalog its delusional to think they are received well
phasefags you really shouldnt play the holobrony game, not being autistim about muh males is a positive when compared to bronies that never ever stop thinking about cock
these threads are usually made by falseflagging brown people
yeah i know, holos always have a fuckton of falseflag threads made everyday, but i dont understand why they go so much after phase now anyways, most of the girls there barely break above 1k, and even pippa rarely reaches big numbers herself either. I though their main boogeyman was Niji anyway. I dont know, i dont really pay much attention to what happens outside of indie related threads.
I don't think it's holofags, but it could be. Smells more like numbers monkeys or nijisisters.

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