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Why does everyone hate vtubers?
We're not hated enough
Attention whores + anime avatars
Preying on lonely men
I don';tr wantr to be hated/ I just wantt to get drunk and play vidfeo games with my friends )(in my head)
who is everyone
because it isn't 2019 anymore, it is infested with streamers with anime avatars rather than actual vtubers.
Mentally sane people
Kill yourself pekofrog poster
Some of the cringe ass simp fans don't do vtubers any favors
They do if they pay alot of money. That is kinda of the deal here. Women put up with cringe men in exchange for money.
You literally appeal to those cringe ass simp for money. Non-cringe ass fans wouldn't donate much or at all in the first place.
add you and cringe simps is complete.
Fuck you pekofrog poster.
Love you pekofrog poster.
kill yourself
Fuck you pekofrog poster
The best thing about liking something is seeing it ruined for everyone else.
>lots of people hate anime fans
>lots of people hate those who watch streamers
>combine both together
>the result generates enough seething to power a small star
Because their only exposure to them was through "haha sex" clips featuring some twitch whore
These clips became the only point of reference normgroids have for what a vtuber is
Their reaction is understandable
It's something new and still niche. It's like the culture against video games and anime in the 00s and early 10s. Women are more against it because it takes attention away from them. Instead of showing off their cleavage and degrading themselves on camera for attention and money, vtubers can just play video games and sing to earn fans.
Clip channels have been a curse upon vtubers because of how it affects people's perception of them.
Yes, anon, that's what I was trying to say, thanks for spelling it out
2019-2020 had a lot of clips of cute girls doing cute things. Sadly today, it's thurst traps or milking drama, at best you can hope for "ha ha, she's being stupid.
Clips channels are the sole vtubers grew.
>Replying unironically to frogfaggot thread
ESL are sole reason anon cannot /vt/ just enjoyers.
People don’t stay dumbfounded forever, and VTubers haven’t been subtle about the kind of entitled bitches and whores they are.
>Implying those isn't the frogfaggot
Have you seen ruffians and deadbeats?, they are absolutely lost causes already what else do you need for proof?
Take a look around here dude. This place is so insufferable. None of the girls you watch would be proud of what you do here. You know who I'm talking about
Based on what?
Based on drinking and having fun
Because they're fake.
what the fuck is an "actual vtuber" to you then? cookieswirl? annoying orange?
they equate it to GFE dork shit without realising most of them are actually just normal ass streamers with an avatar
Why is there no videos about negative side of whore culture yet.
This is why holostar fans are respectable for making sure clips don't go unwatched.
because they are GAY
gfe and simps are inherently repulsive, there's no getting over this.
because of holopies on the yt side, and for pickme behavior on the twitch side
Nora Cat's clip going viral ruined everything.
Because they're cringe.
shut up
whores are taking over
>Preying on lonely men
Oh, but when flesh whores go on Twitch to advertise their OnlyFans...
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are there any group of people who don't hate twitch and onlyfans whores?

other than the the whores themselves and their johns of course
Seems like we need more pekofrog threads tbqh
Kek based
Based on what?
I know, hot right?
vtwitchers and in general western vtubers ruined their reputation
just like how feminist/western women are ruining woman's reputation as a whole
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This is why it's a shit show right now. Twitch sisters got called out and is now seething tantrum.
Most of the retards on this board are bitter incels who only watch vtubers because they see them as their surrogate girlfriends/wives and want to groom them, and the women who browse this place love drama and gossip although it's hard to tell because a lot of men here act like women.
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Because they damage the morale of the men in my country. I need strong, capable warriors to fight the motherland's enemies on the front lines, not weak simps!

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