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Dedicated to the discussion and linking of any and all Vtubers with love for Retro Games and their Retro Streams.

>Useful Links
Retro Chuubas: https://rentry.org/vrt-Chuubalist
/vrt/ Divegrass Team: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//vrt/
Lumi ARG: https://rentry.org/borbv


Other Threads of interest:
Tsunderia Extended >>>/vt//tsunx/
Kiki Main Thread >>>/vt//pyon/
V&U + Korean Vtubers Thread >>>/vt//vnug/
Mozumi Main Thread >>>/vt//vdere/
Large Indies Global >>>/vt//lig/
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/vrt/ LOVE!
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Ongoing Streams

Ami is playing Are You Afraid Of The Dark: The Tale of Orpheo's Curse

Poma Pon is playing Half-Life 1

Indie Windup Doll is playing The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Ray Rabenstein is on the front page playing Halloween games with Alice Sawyer, currently Monster Party for NES

Riona is playing Resident Evil 1 Director's Cut Dual Shock version

Ronja Peikko is playing F.E.A.R.

Teddie Kuura is playing Sly 2: Band of Thieves

Kokomi is playing Haunting Ground

Sura is playing Fallout 2

Amalia Solaris is playing Morrowind
scary OP
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Rub this orb for a free wish
That’s a pretty good amount of streams
i wish for an Ami headrub.
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Seems trustworthy
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KK Cyber is playing Pikmin 2
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Hicky_Mori is playing Zone of Enders: The 2nd Runner
Isn’t someone going to free her from that wack ass Crystal?
holy boobers
Too bad Yuno didn't like Zone of Enders enough to play beyond the 1st one.
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Riona Strong
Scary moe
I never understood the appeal of ZoE. Definitely my least favorite Kojima series
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgjD3FW-TQI Bunny Girl Lira Seishi's playing Final Fantasy 9
Mecha anime fights, right?
fairy save me
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Resident Evil or Baroque tonight you think?
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But Ami has no arms to rub your head
baroque feels like a friday game
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Baroque would be best on the weekend when Yuma starts earlier so that Karin is more able to watch.
Poma Pon will NEVER finish Half-life 1
vile latvian witch
Teddie gone…
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Yuno cute!
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And raided into Retro Riona. I had been expecting Ronja.
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She raided Riona, who didn't notice the raid because of a puzzle. And now she feels bad about it...
/vrt/ unity
Well that means Riona has more reason to raid her back sometime
Ronja gone… I had been thinking she was streaming late today, 6 hours
Cow soon?
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moo moo moo Momoka cheers for you
do the cow
touch her now
uuuu I miss yuuuuno
Riona thinking about snek
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touch the cow...
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Momoka is finishing Paper Mario ttyd
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where's our nee-tan... bweeeeeeeeh
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Lovely Axolotl lady Lottie is playing Backyard Baseball '97!
Rare to see sports games being streamed
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Lottie is a good sport!
Uni gone... Those Finns all seem to have a strange relationship to Lumi (not that Lumi or that other Lumi, the wolf one).
Isn't wolf Lumi finnish too?
She is, yeah.
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Ami has finally cracked
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Haru Mizuki back to OOT Master of Time Romhack and starting the stream for it in 30 minutes
Unless he breaks it again or something
Free her!
He cancelled
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That’s a shame
This wouldn’t happen on an Alundra day
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Well get well soon then. https://x.com/HaruMizukiCh/status/1844498721201168653
Momoka already went through the pit of 100 trials right?
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Ami gone...
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>Amalia Solaris is playing Morrowind
Amalia is trying out Oblivion instead now
After 10000 years she's free. It's time to conquer earth.
The age of 10,000 is in demand
I wonder if Yuno, Karin and other retromantiques will be submitting lizards to Yuma's contest
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Yuma sick too so no stream...
She's planning on trying to stream tomorrow
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looks like he ate a bee
She's a filthy lizard tree licker I wouldn't be surprised
guess i can sleep early tonight
sweet dreams anon
>Riona introducing the Anti-cum rat to new raiders
the retromantique tummyhort has been synchronized
Riona said it was just a myth...
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Zenya is playing Luigi's Mansion and hopefully not getting banned
fairly safe outfit, no skin at all
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Kokomi sex
The other half of the new rules.
This vtuber suddenly seems super interesting and she’s playing the retro silent hills too.
Well she is gone but it was Haunting Ground today.
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The curse...
What curse?
of ra...
what have you done!?
pon be upon ye
thank you, I've barely been able to get out of bed
Riona said today that she thinks she is coming down with a cold too.
Hicky's so much cuter with her hair back. And yet she charges for it!
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>PON be uPON ye
Cow is lost
Would that have any effect? I took D3 and other vitamins for a few months and didn't notice any difference
It's common to be low on Vitamin D these days but not health-critical. Although people in northern climates, far northern, suffer it far more than others because of how little sunlight they can get in the winter.
Depending on the diet it may still not be needed.
>Momoka didn't realize the moon wasn't the final level of Paper Mario TTYD
>Figured she could beat the game in one stream
BEEG raid for Momoka saving the stream
I think Riona is nearly done with RE1
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maple is asking for which frame of king harkenian she should paint up for the charity incentives
The one where he has his arm around the other character is pretty great.
But the MAH BOI is too classic not to pick.
she JUST said she wanted to get away with not painting hands kek
i think that one's pretty good too
>I think Riona is nearly done with RE1
She beat it and is starting Resident Evil 2 right away
it wouldn't be as impactful if it were up all the time
like that whole thing about dressing more makes you appreciate it more when it comes off
I know I know but the gap might be too great.
Her new model fund goal feels a little high, there are some that are much cheaper and still quality.
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Ceelio is playing Final Fantasy Tactics
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Soarer the getaway driver girl is playing Half-Life 1
Lottie gone...
it is a pretty damn high bar for a small streamer but she was tallying the expenses and looking at prices of artists and riggers that she likes on stream and the math for what she wants is at least more or less in the ballpark
what she was unhappy with her current model was mostly how she can't move side to side or rotate much so it feels stiff also said that it is pretty lewd... dunno if that would herald the end of the udders
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Momoka's milk songs are music to my ears
Hicky gone... and HOLY BOOBERS
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Aussie Alien Miya Galactic is playing Silent Hill 1
Momoka gone…
Her model is a little stiff and the cleavage is painted on due to not being able to turn in a way that gives depth currently, so I can see why she wants to upgrade. Not that it is bad, for a starter model it is great.
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Vanille is playing Twilight Princess
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Jiri Mokaro is playing Metal Gear Solid 2. She got monetization unlocked now too.
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Chocolate dog Rara Rocora is playing Super Mario Bros 1
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Plum Rose is playing Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time.
Water Temple
And no cow stream tomorrow either
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Koopa is playing more of Silent Hill 2 original version
Riona gone...
I'm really enjoying the Resident Evil marathon she is doing and I think she is too
These marathons are some of her best work at being a vidya streamer, the metroid one last year was great so I'm glad to see more.
>click on zenya stream
>”are you cut” poll ongoing
She abuses save states so much it feels like parody.
We have entered a total recursion of time
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Rena is playing OG Silent Hill 2 and is plotting out her game to get different endings
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Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly
Meche is almost done with another skeb
Easily scared gnome
Mewu soon
Meche craves american food
Oh my god this is going to be great
Clearly she needs to fly to okinawa in order to eat at the only Arby's in Japan
Mark the calendar buckos
Yuno cute!
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https://www.twitch.tv/ashtonmarten REmake
she's starting again from a clean save so if you tune in now you'll get to see her play from the beginning
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Slumpneko's playing Silent Hill 1
she seems to be enjoying it so maybe eventually she'll play 3
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>45000 ¥
It's so over for me. Nobody would ever buy it for a stream.
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these dang chuubas deleting their dang vods! two different streams that i took a peek at earlier and hoped to watch later, now, the vods of are gone...
Which streams?
>Hurr durr I pirate games, look at me I'm so special
Go back.
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Too obvious.
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Shee Icho is playing Zelda Majora's Mask
Meche is your best bet since she's one of the only chuubas with a Famicom
Or Bloom.
I wouldn't be surprised if he already has that game.
He probably does.
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Rena gone...
That isn't the same
Just encountered her first crimson head. Very cute
Why not?
I mean if she's played Resident Evil 4 it should feel familiar
Bloom is modding his DS i thunk
Is that a DS or something more exciting ?
It's her very first RE; she knew nothing about the franchise prior to this
Fat fingers probably fucked up his soldering
Good morning Bloom architect. How are those Bloom architect skebs you commissioned coming along?
Awww, do you want his fat fingers inside your butt? You don't have to be so tsundere anon, but it's cute~
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Lioh is playing Pokemon FireRed. Her 2nd pokemon game after emerald.
I don't watch male vtubers so if Meche got it I'd watch that
I mean everyone can see there is one “fat” thing of bloom’s that /vrg/ bloom architect wants inside him but it isn’t really appropriate for continued discussion.
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Liliette is playing Final Fantasy 9
Stop it, you'll make him blush.
That’s fine but I wouldn’t hold my breath. Over $300 is a steep price if real hardware of it matters to you.
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JP Chuuba Clara is playing King's Quest 2
Why not?
She just got a raise and has picked up a lot of new viewers
That was a while ago, she has talked about her fans spending habits and I don’t think this is one that would especially interest her in order to splurge like that when she still has other things she wants purchase guests
If you want you might try asking her about it in a Maro but I don’t think there is going to be any rush for it.
I don't enjoy them. I watch vtubers to watch cute girls play old games
Ashton just lost probably close to 2 hours worth of progress heh welcome to boomer survival horror
I warned you about those ink ribbons bro...
It'll be easier now that she knows what to do
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Hey that's fine too different strokes for different folks
>JP Chuuba Clara
Humble spooder
She constantly spends hundreds on games so it's not impossible. Why do you guys try to stop people from watching Meche anyway?
I don't think Meru would be playing pepsiman on stream...
>Why do you guys try to stop people from watching Meche anyway?
You'll need to do better than that with your falseflags and lies. Doesn't even deserve a (you).
He can’t help that he isn’t very bright despite how he flows
Pepsiman is the perfect game for a rum & coke.
I mean that would be a tipsy chatting featuring Pepsiman
/vrg/fag isn't very smart and he glows.
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A little drink during a stream can be fun but if it is being used to self-medicate anxiety like she appears to allude then it can be worrying.
Stay strong Mewu!
Do you think /pkg/ will sweep the next divegrass league as they will get an X to their name?
It's because Meche represents the old guard, which the usurpers hate. She is seiso idol, and not down with trannies and male collabs. These are the highest values of the new occupiers, so they recoil and detest anything they perceive as heretical to this doctrine.
>seiso idol
>not down with trannies and male collabs
Also wrong.
Go back to your thread.
Don't reply to him, it's what he wants. Now he'll just continue replying to your post with something retarded.
He's just anti-ing Meche while acting like he's defending her. /vrg/ schizo is mentally ill.
It's just one of his usual strategies. He does it with Tomomi all the time.
Yup. And he replies to himself when no one takes his blatant bait.
It's sad that Tomomi fell for his shitposts and started being anti-unity...
Best not to talk about it, plenty of streams to watch and discuss and look forward to instead.
Speaking of when do you think Yuno will schedule her Kuon stream this week?
If she does it I expect Saturday over Friday. Unless she counts Sunday like it was scheduled before.
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Meiya is playing Oblivion
Ashton is hungry for saves... did she not learn her lesson the first time?
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She doesn't geddit
Clara gone...
I hope the news doesn't cause her too much trouble.
Did she manage to become japanese?
I'm pretty sure it will be at most a minor inconvenience like how it was for Ami or the Prism girls.
Why would it cause trouble? They're free to do whatever they want now. No more perms or restrictive no-males rules.
If anything corpos dying has given a lot of girls a boost in the past, since they get news coverage and sympathy follows + people checking out the drama who might become regulars.
Having to deal with perms in a small corpo is literal hell. At least with Hololive you actually get massive benefits to offset all the red tape.
Who else of retro chuubas got the sparkling virus besides Mitora?
>SH2/Sparkling/Metaphor triple trouble
This week hit hard
What happened?
>/vrg/schizo does his "What happened? starategy
Kek I'm really not them, just curious is all
Sarara is playing Metaphor
Mitora is playing Sparkling
The schizo shitposted hard enough to convince her that her fans want her to be anti-male. She wasn't like this before.
Dutch Nina and Tanya are playing SH2. It's a massacre...
Tomomi even said something about choppping her tits
She should play Dragon Age Veilguard.
I hope she will not waste that much money for a single famicom cartridge
Guyyyyyz! Yuma got a cake!
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Cake for a cake
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He even did an extra eepy Yuma
Lumi's internet is back
Steam has a sale on all Star control games including Origins.
And yet the only one that matters is free.
cute, Mr Bear looking good too
I think next one is going to be Meche's Ivy cosplay
Is this from the same guy who did that art of Lumi's room? Are all of the chuubas commissioning skebs from the same artist suddenly?
Yes that's the one. He stopped taking commissions the other day.
Oh no the schizo got him!
Nah, he will resume taking requests next week.
Also he likes Yuma
>He thinks the secret /vrt/cord was a joke
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Full picture. Pressing download on the request page autocropped it for some reason
He put Yuno and Lumi into his profile

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