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What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as rival nations fighting bitter battles or beginning wholesome friendships for the glory of their oshis.

drunk edition

Previously: >>86688709

Interactive map:

Introductory document for new anons:



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Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day after the thread has been archived. You may also ask for your own archive posts to be updated or organized according to your standards.
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Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP.
Good afternoon. Today's special is dodo dumpling and rice soup with onions, carrots, and peas.
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Today's story prompt: butts
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Would a wisp be interested in making a haunted mansion resort? We just need a swamp that has will-o-wisps.
The rrat infestation continues in awat as they continue to build a train station
Are you confusing rrats with jerboas? Jerboas are rodents but they're not rats or mice. Like how shrews are not rats. Fun fact: Capybaras are related to guinea pigs.
well, I guess there are lots of both rrats and jerboas in awat right now...
Oh boy the board is getting fast again.
>The jerboas learned to ride aligators to save themselves from the hurricane floods.
>The jerboas eat the annoying bugs that try to bother gators.
>Gators also eat snakes and fish that try to eat the Jerboas.

I doubt this'll happen. But I wish it would.
Someone should make a gif of jerboa and aligator dancing.
So what jerboas are like avatars of Ame? Like how cats are holy for ancient egyptians
I'm at a wait and see with this one. What I do know is Jerboas are cute.
How are the Joshu handling the absence of breadogs?
If you get severely dehydrated eat pickles. If pickles taste sweet then you need salt. Pickling is an essential food preservative. Personally I like eating pickled vegetables over pasta salads.
I need a new topic.
In other awat news
They are preparing for Halloween in the city, praising the pumpkin they call "Wife"
Does wife have Ame's face carved into it?
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this but a stone statue in the middle of the corn fields
Same as it ever was
I should have more detail notes tomorrow
its over
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w..will we live that long...?
does your nation have terrorists?
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Any spoopy lore? What are some classic monsters and ghost stories from your nation? Do they have any basis in reality?
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>The creation mythos that surrounds the Candy Kingdom describes the holy octopus, Hiro Papa, who is known as the father of Luna and of the whole species of Lunar Octopi which populate the coast of the Candy Kingdom. Hiro Papa is a divine figure to Luknights although due to the culture of the Candy Kingdom and the position Luna herself holds as the primary deity and figure of worship, he is venerated separately from Luna as a being of great skill and wisdom to be aspired to however he too is a being whose powers are in service of the lunar princess and to call him a diety stirs uncomfortable feelings in some devoted lunaitos. It is said that Hiro Papa, who was known to have a great fascination with the nubile youthfulness of young girls, sought to capture the beauty of immortal youth and cuteness in a perfect form. Under the sea with his eight limbs, Hiro Papa carved out statues that depicted beautiful girls at the height of their youth yet still he found that he was not yet satisfied with his creations and saw in them either an age of maturity which hinted at the imperfections to come or the smooth yet undefined features of infancy which lacked all sense of personhood and lacked differentiation. On the sweet shores of the sugary coast, Hiro crawled upon its beach and gazed longily at the moon whose light illuminated his creations so that he might work upon them with a greater clarity to carve away their imperfections. The moon is known to be a great beacon of magic and insight and as each night passed and the moon grew more full, Hiro Papa's creations became closer to his ideal yet never close enough to satisfy his great will and passion. Though Hiro Papa loved his creations, inevitably he would begin work again and would devote all of his passion to his craft, relentlessly perfecting his creation until it depicted a form of true beauty it is said then that Hiro communed with the moon for the first time.
Need help with creation myth of Candy Kingdom in Viti, the idea is that Hiro Papa didn't "create" Luna persay but created an image of Luna that was cute enough to reflect her divine nature which would be the start of the new method of autocratic rulership the Candy Kingdom would commit to. Hiro is supposed to be part of a species of pink octopi that make loli statues out of sea clay and occasionally abduct people and are native to the Candy Coast that are a protected species that are only eaten during festivals or by royal edict.
Its very similar to the Old World concept of the Hime Vessel but this ruler would be much more explicitly the sit in for Hime as opposed to being worshipped as a divine figure or as someone who has divine qualities, more like how you would praise and cherish a figurine of your oshi. Should pre-luna lunaitos/protonaitos be described in any detail or should it just be left alone? The gathering of lunaitos is also something that I'm scratching my head over like how lunaitos would eventually gather around and begin worshipping Luna although I could probably figure that out.
other things I'd ask for advice on is how best to format a lore dump from things like civilization, land mass, cultural idea, and things that lead into other ideas that are interconnected.
Lunatio love!
Board hate.
Which nation have NIGGERS?
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I need to check my biome but I'm pretty sure the Candy Kingdom is in a tropical environment, I like the idea of giant man eating ants and other insects that have gotten bulked up due to the extra nutrients that are the great terror of the jungle.
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Thank goodness thread didn't die while I was mowing. Today's menu is crisps (chips) and dip.
Crisps love.
Archive hate.
excuse me I only speak american

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