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The hololive OFFICIAL CARD GAME is a trading card game with the concept of “competition,” in which we build and compete in this game with our fans.
t. Cover

Official Twitter Account


>Online simulator (automated):
>Alternative simulator (manual):

>Twitter hashtag

>JP Online store for price checks

>Set 2 info

Previous: >>86942106
Which existing TCG is this closest to?
Never played it personally but people say Pokemon
It's basically Pokemon if there was a dedicated Trainer card with Trainer moves and doubles were implemented.
jesus christ that official website is ESL.
and why the fuck did they disable the fucking scroll bar
It has enough differences to change it up, but it's practically a Pokemon clone.
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Welcome to the card shop where I show you expensive cards that you will never get your hands on
This weeks card: https://www.tcgjapan.com/hoshimachi-suisei-hbp01-007-sec/
>737 dollars
lol I say Anon-boy
Also on the flip side
A measly 15 dollars. Worth the price this early? Who knows
I haven't tried it, but the translated cards are also available in Tabletop Simulator, by the way.
>This weeks card: https://www.tcgjapan.com/hoshimachi-suisei-hbp01-007-sec/
>737 dollars
Isn't the price going down?
possibly, which is why I'm laughing but anything could happen from now land the future. From previous experience, some card drop super hard but then go back up in price due to people missing out
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I'll do the first two thirds
Why did it make it so bad? Why can’t they give it a simpler ability and thus give it a bit more damage
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That feeling of dread when you're down to your last 2 hololife, and you see the Kanata player with 2 holopower. They collab their 2nd stage Kanata, and their holopower increases to 3.
>activate Squeeze Squeeze
I'm trying an AZKi+Iroha deck. Anything I should add or remove?
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>match against a promise meta sheep
>2nd stage IRyS center
>two fucking 2nd stages Mumei in their backrow, cycling one after the other every turn
>another 2nd stage IRyS as backup just in case
>two 1st stage Kronii farming cheers
Banlist when and which card do you hit?
NEED holopower disruption cards.
>banlist this early on with only 1 set out
I have no direct personal experience with the archetype but I’ll give feedback based on other decks I played like mono azki. You need to play the deck yourself to further evaluate. I don’t recommend amazing pc at anything more than 1 copy. 1 cheer is expensive to tutor a card when you can just run a critical mass of various 2nd blooms and similar. Drawing many cards instead of tutoring 1 tends to grants you more resources. Prioritize more copies of Nodoka over first gravity which averages 1.6 or so cards. Consider the boring 160 hp Azki to tank some hits as the 100 hp Azki isn’t particularly good.
The game is going to change completely when they release the second set. There's no reason to ban cards this early.
The problem card is Mumei 2nd, she makes the whole 2nd line online in a single turn. And also Mumei oshi skill is pretty broken as well.
the most powerful tool promise has access to is 1st bloom irys. +60 damage for the turn is an incredible swing. You just end up with 2 cheer worth of additional attack with the bloom effect. It also makes 1st mumei feel very powerful because you run 8 copies of 1st irys
did they mention how frequently they play to release new packs/cards/decks or whatever they are called?
plan to*
I heard Gura's cards don't have any actions. You know... because she doesn't stream.
Every 3 months
Standard card game practice. While I don’t mind, it would be nice to get a card reveal every week while waiting
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I want a card reveal
They'll probably start reveals in November.
deck out
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Uh-oh, Promise might me in Tier 0 status now
handtraps when
They did daily card reveals for set 1 closer to the release date

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And that's a good thing
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Uh oh
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Notably yesterday promise was at 70% as well. 20% of them were just labelled at "Kanata Promise."
>suisei gets errata'd pre-release
>promise shenanigans are fine for some reason
But why?
With the holos playing the tcg shop simulator it would be kinda cool if people could mod the cards into that game could be pretty neat
not sure if there's enough cards to replace all the rare variants unless you add in the bushiroad cards along with them
>Online simulator (automated):
Since when is this up? I want to try this holo card game with no commitment
Been up for over a week already. There’s an AI where it’s only the starter deck as an opponent so you’re free to mess around until you get used to the rules

Or use the Queue option to play with another person
Stats from 6000 holoduel games

At this point they might as well give you three free 3-draws per game
You drew a card you already have in hand!
I discard both to draw again!
It's because the pool of support cards is so bad. What else are you going to fill your deck slots with? There's even multiple variants of a similar support that, even when put in a deck perfectly matching the type of holo they are designed for, are generally just worse than drawing 3
>suisei gets errata'd pre-release
How was Suisei before release? Did cards she down with her Blooms and Arts' effects knock off life if they killed?
She counted herself for the damage boost which resulted in a 240 minimum damage attack ((debut +1st +2nd) x60)
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Nahone. Promise may be dumb but at least they need (easily available) help to break 200 damage.
I wonder how will the card game deal with future support to maintain variety?
set rotation
You mean graduation?
I think the only ways to really get variety are rotation, or powercreep. Most games end up doing both.
But just in the short term I don't think they need to do anything fancy? The draw 3 isn't like pot of greed, where you can just play a bunch of them freely. Because it's limited, it has an opportunity cost, that is, not playing any other limited that turn. So if the other limited supports were better, its insane play rate would drop.

Like if the PC didn't cost a cheer to use. Or if the cheer removal mumei card didn't have a coin flip. Or if the collection of themed drawers (idol mic and etc) looked at 5-6 cards instead of 4. Or if penlight didn't delay your oshi skill.
I don't think a limited draw3 is overwhelmingly overpowered or anything as an inherent concept but nearly everything else competing for the limited slot is just so scuffed in one way or the other
Anyone have a sample deck list for Kanata oshi deck? I want to try but have no idea where to look up decklist
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This twitter compiles sets from Tourney winners.
Oh neat, I'll follow them.
Looks like they have the deck lists on their website, too.
remove kanata
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Also posting this again just to show you how hard Kanata can swing.
This is my personal list for Kanata. Beats up basically everyone in Holoduel if played correctly.
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>use promise deck
>keep on losing
It's probably a good thing that just playing the tier 1 deck doesn't auto win you the game.
look at this dude
3rd rate duelist lookin ass
are there any fun guest artists for the cards
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You can have a card drawn by Hyde if you buy Korosan's birthday set. It would be cool if they got some popular fanartists to draw some of the standard cards.
I was just thinking they should get artist holomems to do card art.
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That would be pretty cool too. They used Ina's own promo art for Weiss Schwarz, but original art would be even better. It'll be interesting to see what art they use for her in the next set.

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