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Jar edition

>So what is /InMen/?
This is a thread dedicated to all small and big male indie Vtubers out there, independant of language or platform.
>Can I post my corpo boy?
No, make your own general.
>Any other rules?
No girls allowed unless they're ontopic.
*shakes jar aggressively*
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I wonder what Xellarz is going to put on his new YouTube channel
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>no corp
Not even small corp like FSP?
There are other generals where small corp boys can be discussed, /CBDCT/ being one of them
Did you read the fanfic?
Not a fan of the vibes in there so I don’t use it, was looking for a more neutral space
At work still, I will when I'm home ^^
Nice. I'm close to posting the sequel by the way.
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Apollo is live!
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What "vibes"?
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LeizuShens view
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how do you feel about slab man
i want him to experiment on me
He counts!
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Lex Parte's Mouthwashing vod is up on YT!

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Reminder that if you're chuubing to have an army of loser girls fawn over you, this is what you're audience is going to look like.
I don't think we have aspiring vtubers in here yet, just Stars EN fans
whoops wrong thread or was it >:]
please no i dont want this to be another asp please no
They were making a Tempus joke, this is not an /asp/ associated thread.
a lot of them would be pretty hot if they lost some weight and got better fashion sense. yes even the guy
have you seen the average male vtuber fan?
Like…extremely average people?
No, you see, some of them aren’t stick thin. One is asian! One is BLACK!
fuck you the fat guy is hot
Done with the sequel
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So Nay or Yay?
not a chance in hell. he is who he is, and who he's been for years.
just checking
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CDI Lark my beloved
This is really good, thanks!
I'm on to the next!
is he gonna go for the same kinds of fans he did in his previous life?
Maybe, but considering just how bad it got at the end, who knows.
>Done with the sequel
>I am I am allll I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam
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I would marry and impregnate all of my fans.
>indie male thread
>its just a starsEN pl thread
the way he swears...
It will be more if other people post
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miss this dead slut
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in six hours!
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just starting new outfit reveal + horror gaming
done reading?
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I haven't caught any of his streams, but I always enjoy his recaps on the timeline.
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Bouma Bengu!
is ais rael still around?
Vtuber inactive, has flesh alt acct for VA work/other activities
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Hi, the name's Karlobster! I game, I sing, I make music!
Twitch streams every Friday 9PM JST
More things to come!

Live now: https://www.twitch.tv/karlobster
So this is just /asp/ 2?
>indiemen for everything else
It's mostly just someone bitter that both /mans/ and /orc/ didn't want her "subtle" RM posting
>>indiemen for everything else
That is just /asp/ anon, let's be real
See that makes more sense
aspies appear to all be /here/ and self shilling for startup purposes. this is a fan thread for established indie males. if cbdct can be made by a scorned anti-females vestie looking for peaceful discussion and grow into its own dedicated general, so can this grow from a kernel of scorned lex fan.
With respect, the Lex fan ain't gonna watch most of you. If she didn't before, what makes you thinks you think she will now?

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