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Welcome to the VSPO! EN & Specialite General!
Feel free to discuss the streams of VSPO! EN and all Specialite talents here!

>Official Links


Remia Aotsuki:
https://www.youtube.com/@RemiaAotsuki | https://twitter.com/RemiaAotsuki
Arya Kuroha
https://www.youtube.com/@AryaKuroha | https://twitter.com/AryaKuroha
Jira Jisaki
https://www.youtube.com/@JiraJisaki | https://twitter.com/JiraJisaki
Narin Mikure:
https://www.youtube.com/@NarinMikure | https://twitter.com/NarinMikure
Riko Solari:
https://www.youtube.com/@RikoSolari | https://twitter.com/RikoSolari

Specialite EN
>Gen 1
Miki Hitsugi:
https://www.youtube.com/@MikiHitsugi | https://twitter.com/Miki_Hitsugi
Utahime Mochizuki:
https://www.youtube.com/@UtahimeMochizuki | https://twitter.com/UtahimeMochi https://www.twitch.tv/utahime_mochi
Victoria Valerie:
https://www.youtube.com/@Victoria-Valerie | https://twitter.com/Victor1aValerie | https://www.twitch.tv/victoria_valerie
Miu Akumiya:
https://www.youtube.com/@MiuAkumiya | https://twitter.com/Miu_Akumiya

>Gen 2 - EVE.EXE (FPS-focused)
https://www.youtube.com/@Elyza_EVE | https://twitter.com/Elyza_EVEEXE | https://www.twitch.tv/elyzaeve
https://www.youtube.com/@Bluebell_EVE | https://twitter.com/Bluebell_EVEEXE | https://www.twitch.tv/BluebellEVE
https://www.youtube.com/@Mischief_EVE | https://twitter.com/Mischief_EVEEXE | https://www.twitch.tv/mischiefeve
https://www.youtube.com/@Hysteria_EVE | https://twitter.com/Hysteria_EVEEXE | https://www.twitch.tv/hysteriaeve
https://www.youtube.com/@Azeria_EVE | https://twitter.com/Azeria_EVEEXE | https://www.twitch.tv/azeriaeve

Specialite JP
>Gen 1
Nano Kozuya:
https://www.youtube.com/@nano_kozuya | https://twitter.com/nano_kozuya | https://twitch.tv/nano_kozuya
Koma Oboro:
https://www.youtube.com/@koma_oboro | https://twitter.com/koma_oboro | https://www.twitch.tv/koma_oboro
Siu Aisaka:
https://www.youtube.com/@aisaka_siu | https://twitter.com/aisaka_siu | https://www.twitch.tv/aisaka_siu
Azusa Honami:
https://www.youtube.com/@azusa_honami | https://twitter.com/azusa_honami | https://www.twitch.tv/azusa_honami
Minya Scott:
https://www.youtube.com/@minya_scott | https://twitter.com/minya_scott | https://twitch.tv/minya_scott
Tsukasa Ryogoku:
https://www.youtube.com/@tsukasa_ryogoku | https://twitter.com/tsukasa_ryogoku

>Gen 2
Yoru Yorumo:
https://www.youtube.com/@yorumo_yoru | https://twitter.com/yorumo_yoru
Seira Chinen:
https://www.youtube.com/@seira_chinen | https://twitter.com/@seira_chinen
Planei Hoshikuzu:
https://www.youtube.com/@PlaneiHoshikuzu | https://twitter.com/PlaneiHoshikuzu
Kana Sasara:
https://www.youtube.com/@sasara_kana | https://twitter.com/sasara_kana
Mukuro Owarino:
https://www.youtube.com/@MukuroOwarino | https://twitter.com/MukuroOwarino
Lumi Yukime (does one EN stream per week):
https://www.youtube.com/@lumi_yukime | https://twitter.com/lumi_yukime
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Arij shall rule over here too
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uuuu i missed /spec/
Arij thread
first person shooter pectorals
>drag and drop instead of rightclick
mischef is a noob...
i think there were more earlier signs than that but yeah, shes not as good as the other two. she is cute enough to make up for it though
Vic streamed on Youtube for the first time in a while
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Brojobs all around
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Jira anal
I hope she is well. I liked her when she collabed with Remia and PixelLink in Payday.
is specialite the en neo-porte? where vspo reject fps girls go?
>I love stupid looking things
bros, im in.
Specialite doesn't have males does it?
the EN branch doesnt
>you can flame if you know they cant hear you
thats so... lame...
from her last minecraft stream 3 months ago
She seems well, she'll be in a collab with Uta, Scarlett and Estella in a few hours too
JP branch are all girls too
jira asmr when
her manesan said only for special occasions, maybe on halloween or her birthday
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Fuck you manesan, just get me my jira petplay asmr, narin whimpers asmr and abusive arya asmr
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on god fr fr
still waiting for pillow to fully groom my bro
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post Arya
Bluebell has a very cute laugh
Arya... You're making it awkward...
>i wish i was australian
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confetti emoji
let's gooooooo
jira changed her name to Jira Winstreaking Jisaki
the loss streak started from installing roru the first time...
where's the discussion, fps bros?
this is the moba thread
girls furupa master grind pls
that rez lmao
I thought all the Brave corpos were in one general, what happened?
donating vspo to keep this thread alive
I'm only a casual Arya fan that's why I won't call myself a wingman, and when I was first looking for her here I only found the JP VSPO general, where I got a few retards angry by accident until one pointed me to the de facto Brave general which isn't named as such.
p.s. /jidf/ also remained despite the merger
Mischief audio balance is off so I switched to Arya
i watch mischief solely to have arya that quiet
Idol never merged, /v4m/ is too packed, with more gens and agencies coming it makes sense for VSPO to join the other e-sports corpo
these brats...
rawdogging arya
this is how I understood it from the outside
v4m seemed like it had a lot
the gamer branches banding together makes sense and is the best hope for survival
I'll help it through the dead hours if it's still alive when I wake up
this is remarkably daring for circle 3
mischief just survived by a hair
>>87196905 (me)
nevermind that then
She cut it close like 3 times until she messed up lol
Why do they have eyes?
>remia, narin, jira
>noah, beni, toto, mimi, tsuna, ramuchi
specbros recommend me some of your talents please
>remia narin jira
superb taste
narin and finana from niji became friends, seems narin wanted to play valo with her and they've played a bit off stream now
Did Narin confirm this?
is the fish any good
also isn't she na? valo seems like a game thats rough to play with high ping
I thought there was region locks so unless shes in japan or someone is using a vpn its not happening
weird question to ask
no... we lost arya to numbers...
I missed it, what'd she say?
Shes going to finish Life is strange no matter what
She gets less viewers on those streams... Arya...
annddd waterworks
oh hey we get Utahime actually streaming today.
hey gamers, if you want this shit to survive, you gotta nix this vagueposting shit in the bud
attach screenshots (there's good extensions, just ask), mention who the fuck you're talking about, quote the going live post or a previous livepost in the chain, do something so people vaguely interested know who the FUCK any of these comments are about and by people I mean me and the tourists
*other tourists
but I also promise to not let you die when I'm awake

the niji members play internationally somewhat regularly with people in japan and europe, Leo from Neoporte is a regular on their Valo collabs; it's definitely not perfect but it's still totally playable and fun
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Elyza returning to Little Nightmares (no beans this time)
>doesn't want to play outlast duebto violence towards women
Red flag
I got you
>>87188140 could've used a youtube link
>>87195091 fucking who
>>87196905 I kinda get it, but what (SS, you're not phoneposting unless you are)
>>87197479 WTF is this about?
>>87200037 ??? wdym?
>>87200196 and this contradicts???
>>87200587 from who? screenshot?
>>87201247 based, a dog is fine, too
and don't fucking watch streams my ass, I and others will, but the posts have to pass the bar or bitches will just close the tab
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tell me about the arya
why does she cry so much
Holy shit nobody asked fuck off
this is just a crazy idea but usually when people post about a live stream, they are talking about the stream that is live
and yet anyone walking into what will be a backwater thread will have to do a mental puzzle to figure out what the fuck you're referencing unless you point them there with a name, quote reply, or obvious screenshot
charge your phone
menhera white woman
>please cater to tourists
Spoiled softie girl who still lives with her parents.
What hole did you crawl out of? /#/? /pcg/?
unironically, yes, to some degree
otherwise, what's the point of a thread, just enjoy your discord
charge your phone
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These posts are related
>wanders in
burger hours
>4am +/- in euroland
>11am +/- in sealand
so which are you?
which of your compatriots do you hate?
Reminder that gatekeeping is good. Ignore /news/fags trying to pick up rrats for their shitty thread
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Scarlett: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkHpgYlQ8mE
Utah: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uus_nscmMU
No frame for Stella and Vicky.
Dexview: https://holodex.net/multiview/AARM2uus_nscmMU%2CAMRMGkHpgYlQ8mE%2CRAHYchat0
hey, alright. thanks, great post, have a soundpost
also remember to never trust projecting rratmancers a la >>87203768
We don't owe you shit. Fuck off.
that uta thumbnail is something
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that's an ashumi on the right
i love narin
I love Jira
I love Riko
I like melon
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one of these is not like the others
yo real talk what's point of holocure after you beat all the stages, unlock all the shop and all the items
is it literally just achievo grinding
If there's a friends section in future OPs /corpo/, /vspo/, /v4m/ and probably /jidf/ make sense for the initial friends part
Only /jidf/ is a bit iffy since there hasn't been much friendship between any in OP and Idol but Idol is part of Brave so it's related to VSPO EN
yeah, cheevments
or she's a sicko who likes the gameplay loop
why bother, unironically
do you really think any of those threads catalog search their /name/
achievements and fishing
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i love korean women and i think you guys should trust them too
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i usually watch aisaka siu and thought she's indie jp, didn't know she's corpo vt
please recommend me more specialites
:) :) :)
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i love you jira good night

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