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follow yoroshiku

Previous: >>86878247
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the fastest
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Thank you whoever posted that thing before, now this showed up on my youtube.
the fattest (ass)
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take your time taso
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T-shirts when, Miyazaki?
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Surely Kanata won't be the only person to suggest a collab to Pekora for tomorrow right?
Why ask questions that you already know the answer to?
to not* suggest
Peko gave them the option. That's where she fucked up
mengen rescheduled
taso is probably gonna make it a collab now
Anxiety made her sidestep the collab, but social anxiety also makes her dread being the odd one out. It gives and it takes.
I just don't want her to stress herself out over trivial things.
no need to force it taso
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I don't even feel the urge to ask why is she like this anymore. I've just grown to accept and love.
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why is she
So, what happened? What is the problem now?
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Just the typical awkward navigation of social situations.
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