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why do non-JP speakers watch JP V-Tubers & how do they manage to get enjoyment out of it ?
To learn?
Gear icon -> Subtitles/CC -> JP (auto-generated) -> Subtitles/CC -> Auto-translate -> English
such a pain in the ass to go through this whole scuffed process when you already have excellent EN VT.
Seems like the hipsters of V-tubing
Only a newfag would ask this kind of question.
Go back to Twitch and stay there.
you fucking retard, that's exactly why i'm here, I legit don't get it, so just answer the question or go get cucked by your favorite JP VT.
That's what reddit is for. Now go back there and fuck off.
Did someone mention vtubers on /v/ or something? There's been a lot of obvious crossboarding today.
dumb frogposter
holy boobers
I always assumed this would be an awful experience so I never bothered. Just tried it now and it seems I was half right. Hopefully they will get it in an actually good state one day.
cute girl makes cute noises. anon smiles.
it's half decent when the girl speaks clear japanese. but for babblers like miko and banchou, yeah it's pretty god awful.
Some of the JP streamers I admire a lot and want to support them in my small way, even if I have trouble understanding them. For big events and concerts, the energy and performances are engaging enough, even if I don't understand the spoken parts.
is this even available live?
Because they're retarded weeabos. Additionally those that know both Japanese and English always prefer EN vtubers because they're just better.
Is that still only like 10% accurate or is it better now
There's a good chance those people were already fans of Japanese media like anime or musicians so they have some basic level of Japanese that can make most game streams easy to follow and enjoy. Also sometimes reactions and feelings transcend language (like cute noises).

Otherwise most of the time, unless they're some literal who indie, they'll have at least one fan available who provides translations. In cases like large corpo vtubers, there's an abundance of clips.
im learning JP, why else? retarded frogposter
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>go to jp 2 view
>she noticed my presence and say "thanks for coming"
>followed cause why not
>can only type "w" and "gg" despite that the 2 view said thanks for the comment while also mentioning my name
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You couldn't just go to google translate and type in 'no problem' or 'thanks for your hard work' or anything like that?
It’s good immersion practice for learning Japanese, even if I’m still terrible at it. It’s fun to see my progress grow as I slowly learn more and more while having fun with the JP chuuba

I also like the cute noises they make
Kojimbo had a photo with him having a Pekora figure on his desk. Maybe this is why? I dunno
It was never even 10% accurate.
I don't think you have a language problem, you're just autistic.
Because JP is a beautiful language.
Then you stat studying it, now you hate it.
jp better
Such a simple question. If you are interested in JP Vtuber, then you can just learn it and you can understand the enjoyment
If you've been watching subbed anime for years and actually bothered to listen instead of just read the subtitles you've probably picked up enough Japanese to follow along with the ones that use fairly simple Japanese already. When I first started watching Matsuri and Korone in 2019 I could only follow maybe 30% of the things she said but that was enough because they were the keywords, nowadays I'm closer to 80% and can even follow when she goes into motormouth mode.

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