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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gawrgura
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@gawrgura_holoen

Songs: https://rentry.org/Gura_songs
Merch: https://rentry.org/Gura_merch

Gawr Gura 4th Anniversary Celebration Merch

Gawr Gura Pop Up Parade rerun

AVIOT TE-V1R-HEN Holomyth Earbuds

Youtooz figure

Previous Thread: >>87141342
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I love my wife so much!!
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sounds lovely, messy and delicious
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Day 10! Give it up for day 10!
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Gura is my tradwife
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I decided on playing ace combat 3 last. Apparently thats last chronologically
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MY wife
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Hey chumbuds, would gura play s.t.a.l.k.e.r?
>*Le touché*
I told you many times to fucking go back
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Dangerous antis, deadly homos, anarchists and bandits none of them will stop chumbuds on its triumphant march towards saving humanity.
Idk it honestly looks like a game she could be interested (could argue it's got Rust like vibes). The OG trilogy is coming out on the switch so you could try pitching it to her
It's got a lot of memes so Gura might be convinced to play it once and never again.
>Hail Gura, full of Gawr
>Yagoo is with thee
>Blessed art thou amongst lolis
>And blessed is the fruit of thy cunny, /ggg/sus
>Stinky Gura, mother of memes
>Stream for us shrimpers, now and in the hours of EST
I hope not. Unmodded S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is dog water.
You're really fucking dumb. Only idiot normalfags play games in any order other than release order.
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I'm sorry chumbie. Apparently ac4 was sorta like a reboot and I wanted to play that first.
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probably not, but I'd love to see it
Im playing on duty in clear skies, only thing is that every time i hit someone on master difficulty THEY EAT ALL MUH LEAD
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i tried stalker gamma (you don't need the game for it btw, its free). it took me half an hour to find some stupid bolts on the ground by a tree, which is the first thing you do in the mod.
Sex with a fembud.
oh yeah I wanted to play Gamma but forgot about it, good to know that I don't have to install the games, it's like an even bigger version of Anomaly, right?
it's a big mod pack for anomaly that makes it feel more like a survival game and like you have to earn your gear.
It's okay. I was in a bad mood and shouldn't have called you dumb, especially since I've never even played Ace Combat.
Gura is so smelly right now.
but is there still the main quest?
Bijou is moving to Japan.
wrong thread?
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yup you can still do the main quest but i think you need to be in the right faction(s)?
wow, what a retard
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I started overthinking and ended up wondering, what would even happen in a worst case scenario? How would they tell us that something happened to Gura? Would they have to settle some sort of legal matters before announcing it? Would they even actually tell us, or just give some sort of vague statement about her no longer being with Hololive? Man, I don't want to think about that, but my overactive mind likes to torture me, I guess.
Didn't FWMC move there too? When Gura said she and Ame considered moving in together I wonder if they were talking about moving in together in Japan.
it's a hurricane in florida anon
not a typhoon in SEA. this is routine for floridians
I know, I'm actually overall less worried today than I was yesterday, but I still ended up wondering what would hypothetically even happen.
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Baguraette honhonhon
so you can lock yourself out of it? by joining bandits, monolith or something I assume?
I suppose, sort of. Gura once said she was thinking about doing it too, but then decided against it. I wonder if she'll end up changing her mind if more of EN ends up following suit, or if too much of her "personal life" became entrenched in the US for her to ever consider it now.
I don't think Gura ever actually said she changed her mind, she just never brought it up again after mentioning she was seriously considering it a while ago. You can certainly conclude she must have decided not to, but as far I know she hasn't directly said that.
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yup. i never tried it myself though
i don't think gura would want to be far from her parents since it seems like they still help her out running errands and driving her around. her parents aren't going uproot themselves to japan
Mori, IRyS, and Raora moved to Japan before they joined hololive. Kiara was there too, but she moved back.
For the ones that moved after they joined, it's Bae, FUWAMOCO, Zeta, and now Bijou.
Also, Ina is strongly considering it and leaning towards moving there some time in the future.
Why are you replying to him again? Do you guys never learn?
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>what is the worst case scenario?
I'm not here every day, so I don't keep track of every schizo and shitposter. I like to give posters the benefit of the doubt, unless it's particularly obvious they're trying to shit things up. I don't see any harm in talking about how Gura was thinking about moving to Japan at one time.
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Its alright chumbie, I also usually do release order but starting with 4 seems ok with ace combat.
That's not what I was asking about, stop reposting your weird depressing fanfic.
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Living in japan sounds like shit. I feel like people should stick to their own countries
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Uh-oh, somebody's dumb and gwumpy!
Yeah, you for not recognizing him.
The fact that he put personal life in quotation marks should tell you everything, he loves doing that. Also anyone who calls Biboo Bijou is either a shitposter or a newfag
I think it would be amazing for the EN girls to all live in the same city, and I'd like it if Gura moved to Japan, but I wouldn't be able to stop myself from feeling a bit more lonely and disconnected from her if my nights were her mornings and my mornings were her nights.
But I suppose it wouldn't matter anymore, since it'd be difficult to feel any more distant to her than I already do nowadays.
>Also anyone who calls Biboo Bijou is either a shitposter or a newfag
Or just not a pebble. I don't really have any connection to her, so why would I call her by her nickname?
Right thread king
Ah, I see. I didn't even really register what that meant until now. It always comes back to cuckposting, huh?
Like I said, newfag
Anon. This is going to be hard to believe, but you're replying to a schizo right now.
what do shitposters eat for dinner?
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>if you don't watch bijou, you're a newfag
Do YOU know which thread this is?
that way lies madness, I don't assume it's cuckposting until the actual cuckposting starts, because it always starts
I thought he meant "personal life" as in whatever the fuck has been going on between whatever health thing it is she won't talk about and actual personal stuff she won't talk about
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Its kind of scummy that the girls have to move to japan to make things easier for them. I respect gura more for not moving.
>Gura living in Japan
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It's not so much to make things easier, rather that it opens new opportunities because you don't have to fly there all the time.
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I can't imagine gura moving to japan. Seems like it would be really lonely
Wonder if Cover will fuck up her visa too, that would be funny.
Probably not, since Ina's was a temporary working visa, whereas bijou's will be a resident working visa like Mori, Bae, and FUWAMOCO.
Well, she's told us she doesn't have friends. And she said it outright during the Family Feud collab.
I don't think they'd allow her to bring Chubie though...
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I mean I probably wouldn't move in her situation either. Fuck that
Oh wait. Mori has pets. So maybe they would allow him?
Except they definitely wouldn't allow Chubie to be an outdoor cat.
Chumbies! Can I please get some gura big brain pics?
If I didn't have anything connecting me here, then I think I would. It sounds fun and exciting to me.
no you can't
I wish Casino would draw Gura.
Here's a more permanent one since that one is litter.
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do people here even have distorted gura pics saved
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Gura looks funny in these
Random youtube recommendation with Goob.
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thank you chumbies
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sleep tight buddy
goob morning
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almost back from my vacation
never reading the thread
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i love gura
That's a big PNG. But yeah, it would nice to have a Gura image in this style.
where's your vacation at
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Chumbuds will deny that gura would want this to happen
Nah, she definitely would. It's Gura that would deny wanting it.
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Gura, let's cyb0rseggz to reduce our horny levels!
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Gura is a slut
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Then she'd pull off this stunt behind closed doors
Is Gura a lonely loli god?
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It's now 55%.
i had too much energy drink
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Which energy drink did you drink ( also drink a lot of water too)? I think goobs deepthroats monster energy drinks
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La basé
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For King and Cunny!
I like the ultra paradise
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I need to sexually bully and ryona this little whore T u T
Did the math and you would only need to ejaculate 700 - 1400 times to gura to lose a gallon like that meme says. Easily achievable
I goom 2-5 times a day. Not bad, seems like I fill 3 gallons a year.
Don't you ejaculate less if you do it multiple times per day?
Usually my first 3 are pretty loaded.
Cool, most chumbuds have done it. We could drown her.
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Oh wow. I thought it must just be humorous exaggeration, but doing some guestimation I figured out I goom around 5000 times in a year. Most of those times have been to Gura in the last 4 years, so I have literally lost gallons to Gura. Damn. I'd love to hear Gura's reaction to this information.
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>I think goobs deepthroats monster energy drinks
My daughterwife can be such a mess of a womanchild, but I still love her more than anything and I will always support her.
Man... remember when she actually talked to us and tried to make us laugh?
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Man... remember when you used to still have your balls?
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>5000 per year
Anon, you aren't ejaculating 13 times per day.
You need a doctor, specifically a psychiatrist. Because you're delusional.
No (You)ing
Only a real man would miss the woman he loves. It seems you're the one without gonads, my friend.
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Oh, I guess I messed up my math along the way. I average around 2 times a day. So 672 is the right answer. x4 is 2688, so I was still technically right.
A real man wouldn't be okay with sharing his woman with thousands of others.
She still does that. Please don't start this routine again.
It's funnier than that. Back then she was never chatting and she didn't intend to send that message at all.
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Or 730 if I do it by 365 days, actually. So 2920. As you can see, I'm as good at math as my oshi.
Not anywhere near the amount she used to.
She's streamed an average of about once every 10 days for the last 18 months.
Gura is an idol and that means she has made an oath to her fans. She doesn't belong to anyone.
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Why does it get way too cold for too long before the heater turns on and way way too hot before the heater shuts off.
It's impossible to find a sweet spot with the thermostat and I constantly get out of bed in the middle of the night either shivering or sweating to adjust it.
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Untrue, Gura is a cum bucket who owes me an insurmountable amount of sex T u T
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Makes me wonder how often she's typed out silly, weird messages she's never sent...
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With how she overthinks these things, she's definitely done it a gorillion times.
She's much better about sending them these days.
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I put a paper towel down in the sink to let the two cockroaches trapped in there climb up. If they're still in the sink by the time I return, their lives are forfeit.
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You would never know that.
Also, when's the last time she's sent messages that long? All her messages nowadays are at most 10 words long, but they're usually just 1 to 4.
That's really gross. Seeing a single roach means you're infested.
I've never seen a single one.
The roaches are my friends. My home is their home, and they're no grosser than I am.
My onaholes...
My daughterwife is so cute and smart.
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A child
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I just had a random memory of when I almost accidently drowned myself when I was a kid.
Please teach the little kids that if you exhale all of the air from your body to dive deeper, it's a lot harder to come back up.
I was a dumb little boy getting too confident in my swimming ability and it started with me challenging myself "I bet I can touch the bottom of this pool" Kids can be so dumb...
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goob morning
i love gura
i almost drowned while body boarding as a kid
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She is usually active in member streams prechat. In her last member stream, she sent more than 80 comments in chat.
Why are you replying to it?
>i almost drowned while body boarding as a kid
You almost drowned too?
Humans need to stay away from water and I don't think we're properly teaching just how dangerous it can be.
I remember working at a convenience store a while ago now and some 12-14 year olds that frequented it came in and asked me if they've seen their friend that they haven't seen since he jumped off of a bridge into a river they where all playing at, he jumped in and never came back up.
I knew who they were talking about, I usually saw them together, but the other was gone.
All I could say is that I haven't seen him here, they were so desperate to find their friend and couldn't admit that he had drowned.
>these days
She was back in August. We have no idea how she is these days.
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After I am done with this little slut
Does that work for winged roaches? An opened jar filled with used cooking oil works as a trap too.
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Ryonabud got her...
Yeah me
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Gura could be dead right now and we won't even know until Cover deems it necessary to announce it, isn't that fucking crazy? I mean I'm sure that she isn't but there's always a chance you know? Especially with all that happened. Imagine opening twitter and you see a tweet from official account stating that she died and that's it. Fucked up how life can just end like this and that's it. Same thing could happen to any of your loved ones too. Your father could slip on a bathroom floor and break his neck just randomly one day and that's it, dozens years of life snuffed out in one second. Imagine waking up to a call from your mom, you pick up the phone and she just tells you that your dad is dead.
What's even the point
I like her face here, perfect mix of disgust, self loathing, shame and despair. Why did this artist go from drawing slightly lewd stuff to hardcore bondage and rape?
Quit whining faggot
You know what else would be funny? If she actually got btfo by the hurricane.

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