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Mad Gab Edition

>What is /BIG/?
/BIG/ is a thread to find, share, and discuss the biggest indie vtubers who have a 3-month average of 1000 viewers or more

>Can I shill my 999 CCV oshi here?
No. 4views or higher only.

>Vod Channels

>Wordcloud Creator

>OP Template

>/BIG/ Logo


Other useful threads:

Previous thread: >>87186336
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Love this Ferret
we're no longer on the tele again
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I do not wish to go fast.
If I missed anyone feel free to post them
marimari industry baby my beloved
she's beyond autism
ferret love
Glad they were able to get the full version as a soundpost because the last 30 seconds is the best part
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normally not up this hour, feel free to wordcloud yourself, it's just a bit of fun and fuel for bumps gods forbid we need it
just remember to hard refresh the old thread first just in case
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I like to imagine she was a normal girl studying to be an English teacher or something until she got hooked on drinking these.
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>post live /big/ mating
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>hot /lig/ pov
Our oshis are getting BLUED...
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>limes cum
>big vtubers
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do not the limes
what would that taste like?
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Imagine Limes being your neighbor, someone you've known since childhood, who was always really nice to you and gave you extra cookies whenever she baked, and on your 18th birthday, she invites you over to her house for a special surprise, and when you open the door, she looks like this
it's piss with copious amounts of food dye
why is snuffy looking ToT
I would say "Limes, you forgot to put on your pants!"
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i miss marimaris fun redeems
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Welcome your new Bunny overlord. Or put Woofycakes on your blacklist, depending what side you're on.
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What happened to them?
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Do you think Snuffy's model is at risk of youth risky?
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The Holy Trinity of Autism
Relax, it's just a chibi although a different chuuba with the same build got banned just the other day
Cute Onahole
these days at the beginning are nice and slow and peaceful, but more anons will come, more chuubas will qualify, speed is only a matter of time, and for better or worse we are already getting faster
Why is Chibi so autistic?
what is this and where does it come from?
From /HAHA/
Kind of a letdown but thanks anyways.
the last two are hot
Salacious ferret is salacious. Especially the last image.
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Were these made during the collab? If so their koikatsu anon works pretty quickly.
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Sex Ferret
I don't know if these were made during the collab but they were posted during it
Were these user submitted or did she come up with them herself?
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Why does MariMari have a QRcode on her head?
scan it
Got a coupon for Five Guys
holy shit anon can get a 14 dollar cheeseburger now what a steal
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what are my crimes officer
>POV You're a minority and not a barely legal boy.
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>Archive Links:

- Complete Nyanners (Post Vtuber Debut) VOD and karaoke clip archive [Starting at 2020-07-17 and running until 2024-12-31]: https://rentry.org/Nyanners_Vod_Archive

- Directory of random Indie Vod archives and links to official vod channels: https://rentry.org/Indie_Vod_Archives_lig

>Other things that may be of use:

- Twitch/YouTube Live Stream Vod Archival Guide: https://rentry.org/Vod_Archival_Guide
Love ya Pink Cat Archiver
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stay pinkin
This is the second time today a /big/ger has made me uncomfortable. The other time was Juni sharing cursed art.
Longer version with download here: https://streamable.com/0zrern
Filian is based
wtf kek
rare filian slow dance
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Some she found, some she made, some were made made by a friend, and some were made by ChatGPT. The one in the OP is an edit though.
Thanks for answering
>League of Legends
i like her but i'll pass
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>dokibird camilla press collab
Why delete?
would be kino
What was it?
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uuuu i miss oli v1
crazy eyes
coconut doggy
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It is liquid dreams and it comes from the early 2000s (it's not made anymore).
I see
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these dumbasses have no self-preservation instinct lol
did it taste any good?
I think that dog may have autism
The cappy or the vtuber?
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I remember someone posting a GIF of a pelican trying to swallow one and it just stood there.
There's really nothing to compare it to. The Strawberry Banana, the pink milky colored one, was my favorite. It had milk in it. Not all of them had milk in them, but the pink one was popular. Maybe if you took one of those Naked drinks, strained it and mixed it with condensed milk or cream it might be similar. It was heavier than whole milk, IIRC. Creamier. A lot of good products aren't made anymore for one reason or another. Hawaiian Punch (upper case, company) used to make these hawaiian punch (lower case, flavor) gummies in the shape of their mascot that were the best gummies I've ever had. Just stopped making them, for some reason. In the case of Sobe, IIRC, someone came in one of their vats, and other things happened to the company. Truly, lizard milk.
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I wish Camimi got over her rejection from Vedal and collabed with him again, those Vedmila streams where the best. I hope that supposed Call of Duty Zombies stream she said they would do in October actually happens, anyways, here's some old Vedmila kino animation
Vedal seems like a pretty busy guy with a lot of people vying for his attention. I remember Camila doing a spin the wheel challenge recently and calling people to roast her, and when she called Vedal he said he wouldn't do it.
thats just cuz hes british and avoids confrontation
watching coqui's stream and her VR chat model looks like the old one
hes autistic and he just follows the bit, he thinks thats what she wants him to say, so he does it. She should just reach out and tell him what she wants. All that whole tsundere kayfabe british boy thing is just a bit anyway. I remember when Vedal send Camila that heartfelt happy birthday message that made her cry
She just needs to have better communication with him
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maybe even lower screenshot than the one anon got earlier
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Well damn, missed the previous thread. First time that has happened. /big/ is growing up.
I'm usually only into thick women with big tits, but camimer makes me want to utterly mating press her just with her cute voice and personality alone. Very good vtuber.
>mating press
I got just the fanart for you
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good morblin
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Good morning Chatblin!
thoughts on your oshi's recent melty?
Mating press in too vanilla. You know what would really break her mind?
Loving her unconditionally
So i randomly found out the guy who made the virgin-destroyer sweater is Vei's concept artist.
Yet I've never seen any art of Vei in that shirt.
silly italian woman is always melting down
Careful, that guy gets massively buthurt over the fact people don't know he made the virgin killer
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Will frog stream today?
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happy egg day /big/
does sunny splosion go here or the other thread?
Last couple of times she tried vrc it was a mess so I'd rather she take another day off to get it working properly
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She has a 4view three month average, so you can keep posting her here until she falls below that.
cool, ty.
no sadly
Good morblin
>13 hours streamed
not how it works
It was a good thread
you mean a big thread
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for you
who this
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I like her pixel art model.
>clearly going to fall below that in like 2 streams
>couldn't even break 4view MAX last stream
it's over splosionbros, asta la vista
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hi chat
rikku's talking about the guy who's ripping off her work.
So is the person basically copying her techniques, style, and specific types of rigs?
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Love my wolf wife
sorry but dya sounds like a bitch
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Cozy bambooshark
is this a 1view lmao
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Good morning saru! See you at steam.
yeah, like 30 viewers on youtube or something
she's alright, but no fucking clue why that retard would post her here
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I wish she would play more fantasy games or indie horror. Fear would be cool as a compromise.
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She doesn't like fantasy, she's played all the good indie horror, she played all the fears
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let's go
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Our Queen.
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