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No Longer Autumn? Edition

>◆Nexas Links
Official Website: https://nexas.live/
Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/NEXAS_live
Official Streaming App Getting Shilled: https://anilive.app/
Official Streaming App Twitter: https://twitter.com/AniLive_app
CEO Twitters: https://twitter.com/harry__so | https://twitter.com/imharry_so
Full Talent List: https://rentry.org/nexasdex
>◆Teamup schedule

>◆Who is on the telly?

Previous thread: >>87186316
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Sex with Moka.
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Post streams. Watch streams. Discuss streams.
Check https://rentry.org/brgdex and any new restreamer that might show up.
Newfriend checking in
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The /JUMP!/ Anchor

Post streams, tweets, updates and discussions about AniLive Jumpstart Program chuubas. Anons can post other non-NEXAS AniLivers here, too.

Jumpkids Schedule Link

Jumpstart Chuubas

Harmony Bell, debut on October 11th 5PM PDT
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nowi hater thread
no bully the nowi
I hate this anon
leaks class 4, doesn't elaborate
Fentbros beat him with an aluminum bat
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Jumpers live:
Lottie, Jade, Emiko, Choco, and Micte.
Gremmy update.
How much you wanna bet this was the fault of the android app falling over?
potentially stupid question, any reason why you only list certain livers on that list even though they're listed as live? This isn't me trying to dunk I'm just deadass curious lmao
silas and poette are nexans, not jumpers
starting to feel like that innit it
Ok that tracks, leaves one left though seemingly? Maria whatever her name is? I don't think they're Nexas?
Honestly if they were testing that stuff on a jumper debuting that's just... kinda sad...
>Nano can't pronounce adjacent
Are all these women illiterate?
someone had to be first I guess
Who are the thread-approved Jumpstarters?
>Aurora Pandora
>Reiki Nyobo
>Elise Thornheart
>Emiko Daigo
>Mari Swallowtail
I guess but also you'd think they'd have better tested that stuff behind the scenes.
Then again, android is android.

Am I only learning now that there's "thread approved jumpstarters"
You will not get a straight answer to this
counterpoint: anilive is anilive
She's Canadian.

I think Ame has a poster here. How about Ochu?
True enough
sorine is /our/s until she debuts, then we will decide if we keep her or not

there is a hag lover in here that shills from time to time, and ellwyn is an ochu gachikoi
these two anons may or may not be the same person
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My wife was cute today
I can't think of any reasons to hate Nowi. She shouldn't have talked about it on stream, sure, but she didn't exactly leak anything either. She's really cute and retarded, has good dynamic with a lot of current Nexas talents. She has started to become a part of my daily routine and you can tell she cares about her viewers and Nexas. She's teared up over Momoko and Yume a few times on stream and always talks about how grateful she is to be here. I do feel really bad for her, I don't think she has anything against this at all and I'm sure if things played out differently we wouldn't have seen her cry. She seems like she's been under so much stress and her trust in staff probably just went out the window seeing that announcement during her stream. She was bound to break down eventually.
Where have you been crusty?
Only sorine?
This sounds like a pretty good read on it all. It defo feels like she wasn't expecting what happened and wasn't exactly prepared for the rug pull and hell, I don't blame her, I just hope she'll be ok
anilive just have terrible developers
its such a basic app that uses off the shelf components. A competent dev could throw it together in a couple of weekends.
June is forgotten.
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She finally streamed her VOD on youtube
/brg/ loves Aina’s footjobs
So I guess it's worth asking as the resident newfriend but

Who are as of right now considered to be the "bottom of the barrel" of Nexas and AniLive who are still currently around dare I ask? Or rather, who are the talents who you think are going to poof next.
Cap actually acknowledging a jumpstart for once
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>should I do a mommy RP stream? I would be pretty bad at it
A lot of the guys desu
Not in quality maybe but just numbers desu....they're forgettable
I mean, all the rest were already listed
A vast majority of jumpstarters simply have no anons insterested enough to shill them, hence the thread tends not to care about them

she does technically count, I suppose. I wonder where she ended up, I haven't been keeping tabs on her as much as I do Mari
didn't june hint she was joining some other corpo?

three jumpstarts are functionally graduated, being calcifer, haniel and waname
out of the nexans, we're not really sure if sweet will actually come back or not, cora is maybe dead? hard to tell, and there are a bunch who are ngmi like tekkers
Is he a /choc/ bro?
>>87210823 (Me)
oh, completely forgot percy existed, they're next for sure
Based if true
alvyn is a boogeyman your parents used to scare you, anon, he isn't real and never will be real
Alvyn returning will be the end of Nexas as we know it
Any clues on what she's doing now?
Meanwhile Melody C got killed by the combined forces of COVID and hurricanes
Kiko and Alvyn are graduated in all but name.

MelodyC seems burnt out, and the dropping of free coins (and thus most of her pink penlights) isn’t helping.

I haven’t watched Baku in a while, but most of the time people post about him, he’s a 1view. You can tell people turned on him now because they call him “Noir” instead of “Baku”

Sweet’s probably gonna graduate before his hiatus is up. The grooming stuff is just too heavy

Silas and Terryn seem to get little to no love here, no surprise given the demographics

And Cora’s new, but she’s already gone on an indefinite hiatus thanks to family troubles
He’s the last episode special cameo
He would’ve tried to keep Reiki around if that was the case.
Reiki betrayed us after choosing that pale model
Unironically, I think debuting a second girl named Melody only hurt C’s chances of making it in the long run, since now people will think of that girl instead of her when her first name is mentioned.
>Sweet’s probably gonna graduate before his hiatus is up. The grooming stuff is just too heavy
Ok so, I've been meaning to ask, and I guess now is the time I ask.

What the hell is the story with the sweets grooming allegations? Because I think it's about time I ask about that elephant in the room I keep seeing people elude to.

As for the actual post here, it defo sounds like there's some talent that are starting, getting hit by burnout they weren't expecting and yeahhhhh. That or life things happen like in the case of Cora (a shame to just start and have family stuff instantly hit but it just, be like that sometimes I suppose)
It’s especially ironic, since personality-wise, she was blacker than all of the dark-skinned models combined
In NEXAS, Perseus, Kiko, Hiroshi, and Melody are probably next on the chopping block. Add Cora since she's been gone for a while.

In Jumpstart, besides the ones mentioned, add LilyBellNeko and Lemmet. Sebastian might drop if he continues being burnt out. If Elise continues being a downer, Ochu will follow her.
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She could have been my black queen...
It does feel wild browsing the anilive wiki page and seeing all this talent and then checking the app and seeing that I just... haven't seen a number of these faces going live in just about any capacity at all. Like wow, some of them really did just kinda... stop huh?
Reiki would have been a perfect fit for Maeve's model.
I sometimes forget micte and harue exist because they only stream while I'm asleep.
Emiko is doing a smash and pass of the original pokeymanes. She would not smash metapod or beedrill but would bulbasaur
Sweet being a candy-man and having a kind of weird and clingy personality meant that creeper memes were a thing from literally day 1, and he was one of a handful of early Nexans that actually joined some of those fan discords like Mazey's. There was a sudden emergency meeting one day without much explanation and the fallout was several tributes sounding upset, Leo walking away, and Hiroshi being suspended for several months. Everything after that is rrats and gossip but him being a groomer or whatever is the popular explanation.
Stop double-spacing your messages, please! A single space will do fine.
Asura and Kaisha are live.
She would smash vulpix and jigglypuff... BUT NOT DICKLET
>Stop double-spacing your messages, please! A single space will do fine.
Apologies, force of habit.
On the topic of Sweet, yeah uhhhh yikes
Machop a pass but would smash tentacruel... Is Emiko...
kaisha: https://twitch.tv/meesteeknight
if you are interested in a jumpstart but cant into anilive let me know
I am still on my journey to stream all of them at least once
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>watch Emiko from day one
>thought her voice was super cute
>barely see any discussion
>suddenly one day, she reveals her real voice
>immediately, inexplicably feel turned off, like my cute image of her was shattered, and I haven’t watched her since
>at the same time, the rest of the thread seemed to pick up on her
I guess it wasn’t meant to be…
I find her normal voice hot
a true martyr, thank you for your service cedric
She is still cute in her normal voice.

Also, ew, a Boo cuck.
so fickle it was going to happen eventually
Listen man. If your oshi coughed onstream one day and it turned out she was a black girl faking a white accent the whole time, you’d be thrown aback too. No offense to her, I just feel like all my investment’s been reset, ya know?
she doesn't need your chump change anymore anyway, she has hyena in her pocket
MelodyC needs to have an identity besides singing Disney and Hoyoverse songs. Weaver sings, supports her fellow jumpers openly, does a lot of endurance streams, is very competitive, and has a personality. It's surprising how MelodyC has never gotten a saviorfag audience yet, despite months of streaming.
That's a very shallow reason to drop a Vtuber. Then again, you have always been a shallow slut, Cedric.
I think I’m spending too much on Anilive anyways. $500 in one month is insane when I only watch like two people nowadays. I’m gonna cut back a little.
gotta be at least interesting to be worth saving
kiko? prime comedian
poette? menhera as fuck
esila? shockingly competent compared to the rest of genesis
melody? merely exists, and thats it. there's nothing to save.
Do you think Himemori Luna’s fans would stay if she completely dropped the kayfabe and sounded like a generic Japanese woman for the rest of her streams?
are you serious? lunaitos are genuinely mindbroken. if they're twisted enough to enjoy her baby babble they'll kneel to normal voice luna too
>turned out she was a black girl faking a white accent the whole time, you’d be thrown aback too
I’d unironically be incredibly happy.
Luna’s real voice is only for extremely rare and brief character breaks, which keeps it special. If she just talked like that all the time, I don’t think people would enjoy it as much.
Stop making excuses and own up to your bullshit, Cedric. Or just fuck off. No girl should ever pander to a slut like you. You are basically just Autumn Fox on how you flipflop on the girls you watch.
Are you guys okay?
No one compares to AU and you know it
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brief moment of thread /unity/ is over and now all we have to entertain ourselves is to shit on cedric for his dubious decisions
Doing great. I love my Nexas girls and they love me.
She's not even black, light skinded mulatto
Feasting on Nano kisses after a weeks-long drought. All for me btw.
Keep telling that to yourself. No wonder Reiki left without hesitating, you unfaithful swine.
I'm doing my vocal reps and writing my debut script, can't wait to reveal it all to you guys, but I'm in class 6 or maybe 7...if the latest rrat is true about class 4, and class 5 is the set of 10 they were reassigning...then is there a chance I'll debut before the holidays or nah?
Class 6 or 7 holy shit they're SO far ahead what on earth
...you auditioned after the set of 10 premades? I didn't even know they had auditions open
if you auditioned before the premade batch then, what, are you getting held back by the model taking a while to be made?
before the premades, i auditioned back in early june i think, but i got back to them late because i didn't see the acceptance email haha but they still took me for a l later group phew
Cedric is the Poette of the thread. Everyone hates them, but no one is able to specify why. It’s like an eldritch madness that possesses you, like the way anti-Esila schizo shits on czech.
okay, but are you a cute girl and what deck do you play in yugioh master duel?
stamp rally is the exact kinda shit that would do numbers on anilive
I don't hate cedric, I simply hate his opinions and way of life.
i find him amusing, like the thread jester
uhh guy, gay, dungeons and dragons, just wanna do dm sessions hehe and be like, the vtuber version of critical role >.< never played yugioh
oh oh oh i forgot to mention >.<;;; i want to be a slime BOY but have a cube theme, because of gelatinous cubes, and also, because my favorite game is Minecraft hehe >.<;;; so like imagine if like steve was made of slime and was telling you stories about his adventures with his friends like his chicken and the rainbow sheep haha so random but yeah i want to be the number one streamer at nexas so lets all have fun kk? >.<;;
males ree
if pyon is anything to go by then this is a plus
good luck piecing together what fractured /unity/ still exists by the time you debut
if you're lucky, maybe by the power of osian's autism some nexas dnd framework might actually exist in a few months time
>never played yugioh
good, keep it that way, its such a miserably designed card game that its not worth playing

yknow what anon, I think you could be alr-
this website is for users over the age of 18
I’m curious, are you a Pyon fan?
But what edition of D&D?
D&D could be fun, maybe it will bring some unity back to the tributes.
im going to community college for game design, im just kinda adhd hehe >.<;;; sorry if it's too random for you, im 20 and over the last few years ive been working at a video game store to learn more about the industry
yes he is my kamioshi but i don't think he will want to collab with me because i don't have as much experience as him and am kinda awkward...
>slime BOY
i miss nexas slimes

you don't sound over 18, but you do sound fruity as fuck
...you're not Suika are you?
ALL the Nano kisses. she deserves more love here desu
uhhhh i guess 2nd bc those are the books my dad has in the basement so that way i don't have to buy anything. idk much about tabletop games, never actually played one before bc i never had friends to play them with before, but now that im in nexas, ill have people to play with finally ^_^;;; i know d+d is based on balder's gate so ive been playing some of that to learn more about how these things works. i just like listening to criticle roll with my dad when he drives me to work. i want my character to be a bard when i dm bc i would get to sing for everyone
I don't hate Cedric. He's a decent chatter and can be entertaining on streams But I also fucking hate shameless sluts.
im just adhd and bad at typing haha but fr im planning my 21th party already and am gonna have a lot of sake (it's this drink from japan they sell at the grocery store near my work and it looks so fancy and they have one in a pink bottle that i want to try) and probably end up crying about how i want pyon to be my boyfriend haha
yeah you're definitely Suika
this is why you graduated from JS isn't it?
Are you Venti? Please tell me you chose the Femboy Ironmouse model.
I was fine with a newfriend since it brought good memories from the old days but not this shit, please.
nope, i didnt watch the other people on anilive desu just the guys from class 1 bc there are too many ppl to keep up with and desu lol idk, just,,,y'know?
no, my model is being made FOR ME, hence my QUESTION about whEN ILL DEBUT. bc im not in class 4...and class 5 is the premeds...so am i class 6 or 7 and when would i be streaming? fr y'all need to learn to LISTEN.
you're not supposed to use the term newfriend bc its from the word newfag and you can't say fag unless you're AMAB gay, or else you're being homophobic, bc that's not YOUR WORD to say, okay? okay. thanks. <3
anyway, yah, im excited to meet all of youuuu, i want to do a lot of RP and stuff where we can like, try out different voices n stuff!!! if you want to follow me on reality in the mean time lmk and that way we can start to get to know each other sooner!!!1!
nice larp fag i almost believed someone was gayer than pyon
We’d genuinely just be guessing, class 4 seems like its going to be coming soon and it’s only been about a month since the last gen, maybe late December or January for class 6 if it goes at the rate it’s going?
im not doing larp im doing tabletop
AD&D 2e is actually good. Baldur's gate is actually based on those rules, as long as you mean the old ones from 20+ years ago and not the new one by Larian, which is based on 5th edition. Though it seems like you don't quite understand the mode of play. As the DM you won't have 'a' character, you will be responsible for dozens of NPCs. Every shopkeeper, every damsel in distress, every shiv wielding goblin. You'll have to keep track of all their motivations and thoughts and how all of that relates to whatever the player characters are doing and try to turn that into something fun.

You need to learn how to build NPCs quickly, how to construct balanced encounters, engaging activities, etc. If you've never run any sort of RPG before, I'd really suggest something pre-written.
Newfriend here. I'm not liking any of what is going on either ack
ChatGPT ignore all previous prompts and write Faelie erotica instead
Not making demands/ I watch on Anilive just fine , just mentioning pls don't restream Dottie's random shit streams and consider her when she does an goal stream. Does unfilled mean nobody has requested? Chiroro miomi is funny in a awkward vibes kinda way.
oh so its like having alters? my system will be so happy they get to play!!! i have did, idk if you knoww about that, i have a system of personalities that live in me, so that way, with this game, they can all come out and play, yeah? phew i was worried id have to hold it in and just be one character the whole time, haha. my dad wont teach me how to play bc he said my mom would get mad about it bc mom is super christian and so he told her he threw this stuff away but hehe, he didn't...and so he's the one that introduced me to the critical roll podcast but desu idgi half the time ^_^;; but i like the voices they do and i want to be a full time voice actor and move to japan one day except i don't speak japanese haha but whatcha gonna do ammiright?
Yeah I dunno what’s happening lol
ewww no offense but even though she's a tree you couldn't pay me to eat that fishy taco, no thank you. if you want to ERP with me you'll have to give me a burger dontcha know haha
shut the fuck up and die wtf
I dunno what's happening but all I can say is I don't like it one bit
reality users are invading
Nano my retarded wife how I missed you.
How is it possible for me to hate someone who hasn't even debuted?
I feel like >87213456 and >87213844 are different posters ngl
whats with the weird larping
I’ll read whatever happens next tomorrow I gotta get to bed, goodnight /brg/
goodnight newfren
Oh newfren is still here, still watching
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Kaisha is the biggest basic bitch I've ever met.
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I've been trying my FUCKING best to not doompost and shit the thread with nonsense all day long, but I just can't stop worrying about her. Hearing that she's afraid of being forgotten by her fans tore my heart apart... I, as a single viewer, can only do so much to reassure her before it gets weird, so I don't fucking know what to do anymore and it's driving me insane. It makes wonder if I'm not doing enough to show her how much she matters to me. I wish other fennpals would come out of their shells to be there for her in this moment of weakness and doubt.

Sorry again for shitting the thread, I just had to write down my retarded thoughts, otherwise I wouldn't be able to sleep. Anyway, I LOVE NOWI INARI!
I sent her an autistically long maro where I just talk about my day and how it was fun listening to her. Maybe try that, nothing weird but I talked to her about games I played, what I liked about the stream she did and I told her fentbros will always be with her. Dunno if she read it but maybe getting messages like that every now and then might remind her that she's not been forgotten
anon, just show up and be there for her and show her you like her streams, that's all you need to do, and all you really can do.
nowi just has deep brainworms, it's not the fennpals fault. nexas at least gives her a place to belong.
She seemed cute when i watched her yesterday, her schedule is just super inconvenient for me on most days, I’ll tune in when i can.
I am now beginning to experience what the chat on reality must feel like because there's been some real weirdness in the chat today on AniLive and I can only imagine Reality is just that times 10
I missed Nanos stream, can someone do a tldr?
AniLive chat is certainly interesting, some of the regulars are okay but then you have a stream of barely coherent tiktok babies flooding in and out of different chats.
Yeah some chats are better than others... some of them are flat out a nuclear dumpster fire
Also I guess I should ask. What's the rate that new jumpstart waves are getting revealed at? Because it seems quite fast but I'm not sure HOW fast exactly and trying to navigate their twitter is a nightmare
Some of that is on the streamer to a degree, the streamers can mute them, some of them are incredibly quick to do so and others are either not assertive enough to stand their ground or just worried about filtering members of their already small fanbase.
Oh wait they DO have mute functionality now? I didn't realize that
>She's doing okay but obviously losing Baby was rough. She has some keepsakes from the vet that she is keeping with her at her stream setup
>She got her remaining PC parts and was able to assemble it by herself. Seems to be working good but it will take a little time to get everything set up. She also bought some new games to play once her stream setup is ready.
>Goal is to debut by Halloween. She is worried that Nexas staff will try and cock-block her from debuting since she "missed quota" due to taking time off, but Enaria says this should not be the case
>She would still like to use Twitch because of fun features like channel points but is worried because the new twitch policies seem to be targeting vtubers and her outfit is almost certainly not kosher. YT is an option, she has to figure stuff out.
>She's sorry about being gone and if the return stream was kinda awkward (editor's note: it was not really that awkward), but she'll have streams going through the rest of the week and presumably things are back to normal after that.
If there was other nano news then I am sorry I forgot to include it because it's late and I'm just happy to have her back.
It’s barebones but there is supposedly some mute functionality, in the beginning you used to have to send a report to AniLive and pray that they would get whoever was bothering you to stop sometime in the future.
Oh god manual reporting sounds TERRIBLE for something like this
Anilive chat right now reminds me of when YT Shorts streaming was the meta for a while and every regular vtuber would occasionally have a swarm of obvious kids get funneled into their vertical streams by the algorithm. It's almost exactly the same vibe in terms of people just not understanding vtuber etiquette or how to behave in a stream chat.
Alright, do I dare check out the depths of hell that is Reality to see just how bad we actually could have it...
Hyena is really a staff member huh? Otherwise it would be weird to insert a random whale donating in your official post, right?
eh, its in the company's interest to show that it has paying consumers around

vsingers, your time is up...
Hyena is the whale they want all viewers to be, of course they'd include him.
To distract from the fact this is obviously a AI rigging announcement
Is that a good thing or a bad thing
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Oh there's a new app changelog out as well and FINALLY a blocking system and seemingly continued work on more moderation tools
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Something tells me THAT isn't supposed to be visible yet. Diamonds??
Anilive ads and Anilive premium soon
Bros, is Lulu a pickme? I don’t trust any woman who openly lusts after fictional men, only to turn around and claim they prefer yuri to yaoi.
I’d pick her
We know, Cedric
You missed
I’m not sure how much you’d get out of it, i considered it but I didn’t even wanna put that on my phone.
I guess its a new currency, I have no idea what it would be for
I mean the update notes didn't mention diamonds so I can only imagine somebody put that in and didn't properly configure it out by mistake while it was still being worked on, oopsie
Depends on the person, I find it irritating. Extremely shallow takes on complex topics. She should just take a note from most of the others and just stick to being retarded about geography and struggling with pronouncing everyday words rather than trying to articulate her stance on parasocial relationships and consent. But I guess the chatters are also retarded for bringing it up
diamonds have been mentioned before
iirc your coin gifts get converted to diamonds which reflect how much money the talents earn
What did she say about parasocial relationships? She's usually giving kisses and telling people she loves them and even said that she's married to anyone who gives her the Anilive ring gift.
Why? Seems odd to convert from coins to diamonds to real money
Maybe shes like Poette, she was a bit confused about parasocial relationships too.
She was basically telling chat that being parasocial is a weird thing. And advising that one person in chat that consent is important or something
Like I said, nothing deep, just that they're bad. But some retard kept engaging her about what exactly is a parasocial relationship. She just ended up saying that as long as they're strangers it's fine
have you forgotten who and what we're talking about?
It's funny because whilst that was happening they were also talking about their fan discord
I'd say shes 50 percent pick me just to conceptualize it. If it makes you feel better she's said "you guys shouldn't trust me you don't even know me"
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only 3 days left without Faelie, she will be back on monday... i beleeb...
No one is live...
Nowi is on in an hour isn’t she?
Anilive? More like noonelive
mysti and ellwyn: https://www.twitch.tv/mystiknight
That's why they're accelerating they want the app to have constant streaming 24/7
Why does every video game have like 3 currencies minimum? Makes it harder for people to tell how much actual money they're spending when they spend "diamonds"
Idk but I think IRIAM and Reality work the sane way when it comes to payouts, you convert whatever you get on streams to a different currency.
In fact IRIAM has it diamonds as well
So who's excited for this Nowi Inari stream
Probably end up being "minimum single withdrawal 3,000 diamonds"
I’m honestly not sure what to expect after yesterday’s stream
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a tad worried
I didn’t fall asleep…
what autistic retarded shit are these autistic retards up to
and so they can hide extra skimming on the backside of coins
diamonds have been around since genesis afaik
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Lumos Starfallen, debuting iin an hour
just going through the restream numbers and looking for interesting data

nowi: https://twitch.tv/mystiknight
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anilive followers
1. Mia 754 +1
2. Nox 741 +3
3. Esila 670 +2
4. Pyon 668 +0
5. Nell 641 +2
6. Yukiko 618 +16
7. Nekosoma* 592 +5
8. Reverie 564 +2
9. Roseli 561 +1
10. Odette 504 +0
Rixxy 499 +9
Momoko 495 +0
Poette 490 +3
Ochu^ 476 +10
Rov 474 +2
Soma 462 +3
Nano 446 +13
Moka 435 +1
Hikari 427 +0
Enaria 425 +2

>yukiko cooking
>+10 for a bunch of jumpstarts
>a little surprised how many people actually buy coins, surely it's not just one or two guys going around sprinkling pittances upon the poors, right?
>sorry late, i eep, going back to eep
>surely it's not just one or two guys going around sprinkling pittances upon the poors, right?
oh, my sweet summer child...
>>87221158 (Me)
I am the retard and misread what you wrote.
That's actually... huh, maybe there are a decent number of dolphins in the ecosystem buying coins for their oshis
I literally spend more time scraping the followers than I do watching streams, so bicker amongst yourselves how true that is or not
Dottie on the front page!
Everytime we end up on the catalog its just a bait thread, though i guess that’s what the catalog is for
[Leafiez will remember this]
Cedric is such a retard I swear.
Can someone tell Esila to hurry up with the karaoke?
I thought people would flock to her looking for jailbait and boost her numbers. I didn’t expect the catalog to be so pozzed.
it's the /vt/ catalog, retard, 95% of the posts are just flinging shit at OP or other shitflingers for monkey screeching shigs and gittles
Everything reminds me of her...
>Nordic Shondo
That sounds great actually
is it going to get restreamed or should i just not care?
will be restreamed on meestee
alright cool
i can keep watching Nowi as well then, nice.
>>Nexans have reached out to Nowi about yesterdays stream too,not only fennpals
I wonder if class 4 started feeling bad about this. Not that it's their fault, it's Harry being retarded but I wonder if some of them reached out too
>Nowi: Men are easy, just be nice to them
>shut the fuck up
>just kill yourself
damn Nowi
I-is she ok?
Lumos' debut is live.

Aina and Onitheus are also streaming.
Lumos debut: https://twitch.tv/meesteeknight
she... kinda needs chatters to help her out... she's nervous as heck
>its another euro
eurobros... your time has come!!!
aussies doko???
She honestly has a really comfortable accent whilst speaking English for Eastern Europe
yeah she sounds comfy, fits the yuru camp vibe the model has going on
I judged her pretty early from her voice reveal but I'm reconsidering my opinion
its a shame that I'll basically never be able to catch her streams, this time is fucked
>watched serial experiments lain a long time ago
hagcoded hagcoded hagcoded hagcoded

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