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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JrYQ92Jk5w Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

Mata is NOT live but she IS on Taka's stream! SHe's just hanging out at the bar. Simple as. They're both huge Warhammer fans so that's where the discussion has naturally gone. Feels weird for the subathon to be over but it is so enjoy the peaceful night until Michi and Kson show up, and keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

Image source: https://twitter.com/Baku50110799/status/1844331855451128089

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KURO
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelody
Michi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochievee
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreya

Official Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojo

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/mouse/ for dedicated Mouse discussion
/lig/ and /big/ for extended + and former member discussion

Previous Thread: >>87186414
I love Michi so much.
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Hag Zen tits
I miss her
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Marriage with Melody
Michi live
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Michi LIVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Never bake again
i'm going to marry hime
i'm going to marry kuro
I still adore the poor Froot trying to censor Michi's boobs while Mouse is unironically doing a better job censoring her ass crack by just dancing on the small of Michi's back.
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Do not bad mouth our Goddess
Gunrun, Givie Michi a new PC
Well we aren't getting a pc sponsorship soon
michi and ollie are syncing
she should mouth my penis
Wonder what happened with Ironside.
I love how some in chat were spamming Ironside and Michi focused on other messages. I wonder if there's going to be a Michi PC one day.
This "guys, I'm so dumb" shtick got old so fast.
Possibly no plans in the future
They should honestly try and get another batch but this time in waves and making the cases more unique. Like the keyboard colla
puppeteer art
PC parts will explode on a plane!
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https://x.com/CYBERPOWERPC considering they started dickriding Mouse around the time she said the new people weren't ironside by saying they had a new PC deal
michi's pc got aids
Michi's chat is going to destroy her pc
>battlenet and riot client on auto run
Good God...
>they sponsor sykkuno
yeah, mouse is working on a deal with them
>K9KURO: if only u listened to me when u asked if u should upgrade your cpu and i said yes and u proceeded to by knock off ram sticks instead bcause u wanted ur pc to be "faster".....
lol michi is so retarded
God I wanna fuck Michi so bad.
Oh Kuro is there btw
That's AI Kuro
Kuro's gonna ram Michi
>michi paid someone to install ram for her
Michi needs an Onibro
That's haram.
I think Kuro nailed the Lois and Peter comparison... Michi...
Kuro became fat because of Michi
Kuro is two sentences of calling Michi a retard
Gunrun please visit Michi in person to set thingsup for her
Massive stalling
Everytime I start to think her retardation is an act someone like Kuro swoops in and re-affirms my faith in her
The catalog won't like the idea of Michi flying in another man to Indo just to fix her PC
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Just like reinforcing how shit tourists are
Bought the cheapest ram she could find too lmao
I don't know what Shopee is, is it like AliExpress?
Gonna lose it with all the bad advice in Michi's chat lmao. In sentence 1 telling her that having an SSD over 70% full slows it down then following it up with defragging.
I bet Michi is one of those who still fall for the classic "delete System32 folder"
Kuro called it Indonesian Temu which is like Wish but Indian or Chinese or some shit
Idk about 70% but having a very close to full drive especially on a boot/program drive can very much slow down things.
>defragging an ssd
so funny enough, defragging might come back with ZNS SSDs, although who knows when consumers will get them
It is
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Mouse, you don't have the right to speak about this
Ari and Mouse in chat laughing at Michi
>30 minutes to start
Okay her os has to be installed on a hdd. That or she has so many fucking programs installed that her comp is struggling to boot.
even the bimbos are ganging up on her, the absolute state of michi
I'm not incredibly knowledgeable on PC hardware but man my saviorfag is starting to come out
>installed on a hdd
that would be if it took 3 minutes, a 30 minute boot time sounds like a virus or hardware failure
Nope, she said that her OS is on one of the 2 SSDs she has
>how to do know if I've updated my drivers
I groaned
some HDD's really struggle with Win 10
She does now that we spammed TTS at her until she figured this shit out
Toaster used to be here...
It really does seem like hardware failure on some level or like fake parts that are disguising themselves as legit. Michi having a receipt for a Ryzen 7 but her CPU reporting as a Ryzen 9 is weird if she doesn't remember buying another one in the last 2 years.

But also she's kinda stupid and would 100% be the type to forget buying a replacement part.
That sounds like a windows bug then, the windows kernel & core userspace isn't that big so even if it tried to load all of it into ram it wouldn't take that long. Unless the ram is corrupted and windows has to check all of it for bad sectors... oh no
>the Gpu start with G so it's graphics
>Then the CPU is computer-pu
yeah it's the ram, scanning for bad/defective sectors on boot can be slow since it can't do anything till it's done. And bad/broken ram is slow to respond as well
Honestly even just having a third stick in could cause issues. It could be worth removing one and seeing what happens.
Damn she really doesn't want to play Until Dawn
It could be that it's the amd expo bios issue, but I doubt she could even enable expo in the first place. The solution for that would be to update the bios
The chemistry is off the charts. I'M GONNA SHIP.
>not cleaning dust out of your pc
I completely forgot Michi has a broken fan too lmao. Everything's fucked.
Michi half the point of Vshojo is to use them in situations like this...
rank ass cum stains
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Kuro's mouse. The keyboard doesn't look that bad though aside from my personal autism over not liking pudding caps.
Ok he has no right to get up in her grill anymore kek
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Bad news: I was like 90% of the way finished with Froot's card before she dropped the document and I was like this feels like an awkward time to release the card and decided I'd wait until things calmed down and then completely fucking forgot about it.

Good news: Until just now. So I think I can probably finish this tomorrow lmao jesus I even started an entirely new card completely forgetting I had this WIP just lying around in my folder that was almost done.
Godspeed anon
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amazing work as always
>sprayed air freshener
>forgot air freshener falls down (????????????)
>got in his cup
Holy fuck these two retards
Oh god this stream is going to be interesting...
>if i don't take meds, i can drink
So we get un-medicated and drunk Michi?
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Updated stamps. Michi and Hime are now tied.
>Game starts with screen reader on
are devs retarded?
age of mythology retold did the same lmao
why her hat bigger than her boobs
>drinking in a Muslim majority country
How's the alcohol culture in Indo?
How much you want to bet Michi didn't set her monitor to 144hz
are you? How is the kind of person who requires a screen reader supposed to turn it on in the first place
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Why do they always change the style when they remaster like this? Just upgrade the graphics of the original no need to change shit.
they're the reason this exists
i'm in love with zen geega froot haruka michi hime mata
>streaming to Kuro at 2k
Muslims are shameless hypocrites. You tell me.
What would Kuro's job on a pirate ship be?
the parrot
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Is Michi a Muslim?
bruh. do they fucking hate each other now? what happened to unity in this org? it's so fucking over for real.
What do you think jackass
weird posts oomfies
Is quinn blacklisted like toaster after causing drama?
I thought Geega and Mata had one.
Yes. Mata has a collab with him next week btw
she is devout and she believes all Indo should be like Aceh
Immediately killed both of 'em
https://x.com/ironmouse/status/1844630691016839316?t=91bYCUcaBKo6PDDZNW3N0g&s=19 Fanart that Anon wanted mouse to look at. You got your wish
I like a lot of the added scenes to this game but the new music they have for some scenes is questionable. I get it is probably a licensing issue but I hope we get mods to get the old music back.
RIP VOD watchers
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This game looks like shit
Saw Nyan play this before and followed along with the wiki the entire time. Those 2 die no matter what. I think everyone else is possible to save. Even the one other guy who was guaranteed to die in the PS4 original was given a way to survive in this remake
which one? there are 2 "deaths" that are guaranteed. or at lest 2 you can't "save".
you look like shit peepeehead

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