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The 263nd Wind

[link pending]

>LAST STREAM:【Zelda: Majora's Mask】100th STREAM!? Let's celebrate by overcoming my personal horror game!!!

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen
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>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous Thread: >>87180160
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welcome back
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Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
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for anyone interested in watching Ceci on 7d2d VODs it's mostly chatting, nothing too interesting happening except for a raid on Fauna's POV and the horde on the 7th day!:
Fauna: https://www.youtube.com/live/MMhqW1r-L3g?si=oz0aslgwIRY6ypf6&t=4756
until 1:54:54
Raora: https://www.youtube.com/live/6x5RaNVOQ2k?si=jtGeKRTqfhpvdxDn&t=7054
until the end!
Shiori was with Raora and Ceci, the volume is lower though: https://www.youtube.com/live/WEDnumhyQWU?si=ZSpvZDiKw6M11t8n&t=7134
Have fun!
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>it's mostly chatting, nothing too interesting
but that was the best part
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Oh, I pointed that if anyone wanted to pay attention to the screen. I was listening to it like it was a podcast, the yapping was amazing.
thank you otomo. appreciated it <3
Thoughts on the heartclub CC daki?
The what?
your oshi is so silly
thanks, yours too probably!
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FOMO is really hitting me.
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Drink tea.
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thank otomo but 10 minutes in and it's just kiara talking nonstop
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cecilia? more like cesillya. (haha get it?)
>Bob's Boars and Carl's Corn
Is this a Sneed joke?
There is a bonus of CC taking on a boss though
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7dtd looks kinda fun but I'm not sure if playing alone would be worth the time investment.
I still feel like this is just like apex, but pve
I was up all night. Not worth staying the night. Watch vods instead.
I don't get it.
It's literally just minecraft with mods
>You loot for stuff - Just like apex
>building base -> reinforcing positions and camping
>waiting for the waves of zombies to come -> waiting for the circle to move...

the only thing extra is probably crafting and the fact you and zombies can destroy nearly everything even walls
minecraft but with cute zombie nurses
I feel like timelines in 7dtd are 100x of Apex and that makes them qualitatively different.
today might be balltomo's last stream huh, gonna miss the little guy.
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o7 Balltomo
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What does she taste like?
My cum.
it's funny how the bird got abandoned, does it even have a name?
What do you mean? Ototori is always there.
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Will less than 5 hours of sleep be enough? Let's find out, haha...
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Danke Doktor
5hrs is plenty
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I work on just that almost every day, you will be fine!
look after yourself or ill do it for you
i-is this gfe?
/grün/ is a gfe general
>not sure if worth the time investment
Well, it is a videogame
They got you on blitzkrieg pills or something?
Cecilia feeding otomos panzerschokolade so we finish cleaning the justice HQ faster
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His only purpose is for Ceci to pretend that she likes it more and thinks it is cooler so we suffer. After Ceci causes enough pain, she abandons it again
she is evil.
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Just got back from a wedding and it got me wondering if i'll ever find happiness like that
If you are over 25 then it is all over for you femtomo
Videogames are fun. I just can't afford to sink thousands of hours into them anymore.
>Raora building a ladder
I can't watch...
It doesn't really seem like a thousands of hours type game to me, especially if playing solo
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CC is cute
Why would she do that...
that's messed up
CC in the AM?????????????????????
Why would you break the news... I was watching them...
I read that as
>Just got a jetpack from wedding
but the part where you say
>and it got me wondering if i'll ever find happiness like that
made me think I have to read it again...
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I HATE the bird
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holoctober was a mistake
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Have a prey animal
The fox one is kinda... I mean... If it was a bit less dangerously furry, all I'm saying...
okay that one is cute
get awakened
So this is it, huh? no game...
Didn't she say it was going to be Half-Life?
I hope it is Suika game
it's already started you fool!
There is no game.
I am very confused.
so this is game, huh?
hi very confused
man I sure love GAME
that's me she's holding btw
you're going to be abandoned
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heh too easy
were otomos made to be evil? or are we just copying Cecilia because we don't know any better? not that there's anything better than Ceci, but still...
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wdym? neither ceci or otomos are evil
I don't know a single evil otomo either
I'm single and evil
>I'm single
Not for long
this anon is a mimic
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>tfw no evil Otomowife in my life
I'm gonna eat this guy too
she like otomo's balls, huh
doll hands something something that anon is dead, I killed him!
this was the worst ritualpost. I'm glad he is dead
should I take a nap
20 minutes before the stream?
>welds together otomos into a grotesque ball purely for her entertainment
this is some wh40k shit
this post radiates CC energy
dew it
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Otomos are friendly and loving by nature but too dumb/innocent to know the difference between right and wrong.
Why are otomos a bunch of cry babies? I don’t see chattinis or grems crying pictures. A-are we actually the weakest of the trios?
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>with fanart like this

I don't think so
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>I don’t see chattinis crying pictures
then explain
chattini are literal plushies, if any creature takes damage from a punch of them then it doesn't deserve to exist
Are we still otomos if we replace all our original parts? Ship of Theseus…
(Keep going)
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tf are you talking about? we got a whole arsenal of weapons + we can get cool upgrades
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damn, you were faster...
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woho new emotes!
Pick up the pace slowtomo
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Those new emotes are really well made!
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You are all like little babies. Now watch THIS.
really cute emotes!
put it back in the box, I think it needs to pee
It’s officially confirmed
>me when CC stream is over
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shut up, food
Into the eeepy CC art pile you go
>not removing the bladder and intestines
It’s going to pee all over the rice and taste terrible
Food that can beat you up, how sad
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sounds delicious
mmm yummy secret sauce
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you were sayin?
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They would never do that.Grems are bottoms.
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I love grems...
You want Grems SO BAD
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No more brother wars!
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>open stream
>shes torturing us
as per...
I love sushi too.
How is talking to us torture?
Me on the left.
>step 1: marry grem
>step 2: make children grem
>step 3: eat children
it's an infinite food glitch, you're a genius!
God I fucking love the Source Engine
Balltomo is like the beast from homeworld cataclysm. Every little zap is actually him spreading. WE LIVE.
>follow npc out of room
>door closes
>immediate mag dump
So this is the end, huh?
holy shit
you were sayin?
i can't believe that worked...
she's just too good!
I kneel
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The finest mind of a generation...
jesus cc is so dumb sometimes
I mean it almost worked. Probably could work if she gave it another try
I just bunnyhop across the sand, Antlions can't do shit to you if you're fast enough.
I get that she's turned her first playthrough of this game into a challenge run with bringing the ball around, but has she sworn off using guns as well?
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I still don't get why this game is so highly rated, I guess it was just really good compared to other games on release?
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Can't really do that while escorting balltomo
Yes, but it's still great today.
i never liked it the whole boat/car thing is really meh
Yeah as somebody who didn't play it when it came out, looking at playthroughs of it nowadays I just still can't see the appeal of it at all.
Yes you can
nope, she just thinks it's a waste to use ammo if she can replace them with balltomo
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Zoomtomos, yuck
Wheeeee, I'm freeeeeeee
this will be so dumb when she gets the pheropods, pretty sure antlion ai will just attack combine balls no matter what
i played on release and it just wasn't as good as HL1
Theres so many weird little walls for balltomo
Almost like the entire game was designed to be played like this...
Wrong. I was in Middle School when it came out, I just didn't think it look interesting to me, and all these years never thought it did despite all the hype and nostalgia that continues to this day. And again seeing CC play it, I still don't want to play it.
but it was the most fun you could have with the environment since the OG Red Faction
That's BS and you know it. I love HL1 too, but HL2 brought a lot of new things to the table.
It was impressive and revolutionary during it's time, this and Halo are the father and mother of modern FPS games
>but Doom
Doom is the grand father
i like shooting stuff. as much as gravity was amazing the whole go on a boat stop every 2 minutes then go own then same with the car killed half the fun i had with the game.
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I don't think anyone who dislikes HL2 can be a good person.
calling anon pendejos because theny dont speak Ñ
Doom 3 was revolutionary as a horror shooter.
In the first release you could only hold the flashlight OR the gun and not both the same time lol
on subsequent playthrus the buggy and boat sections suck, but on release they were really impressive
imo the gameplay from nova prospekt onwards is still really, really good and the citadel with super grav gun is one of my favorite final levels of any game
God shes so lame
not the zoomer speak....
God shes so cool
I like the vehicle sections.
I love it when she makes fun of zoomers
eso es lo que vos pensas querido mexicanon...
Squeeze your hog, Freeman.
>CC tightly squeezing my pheropods
I'm in heaven Otobros.
the first one was always the better game
this is going to be a challenge
That's strictly speaking not true
What about it was better?
she's got more things to babysit now
i dont know if this is the best or worst playthrough of this game ive seen.
Have you seen a lot of playthroughs of this game?
Ina's will always be the worst

hehe, ok
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Doll hands...
This playthrough is legit incredible
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how many other playthroughs have balltomos in them? cause if they don't then what's the point.
think ive seen 20 or so different ppl play it
oh yeah, that was a thing
that playthrough reminded me why games have become more and more baby and have such insane hand holding
just no attempts by ina to actually try and engage with the games mechanics or physics outside of the very few things they explicitly teach you
very frustrating to watch
was it that terrible? I think I'll have to give it a watch one day...
I love Nerissa but she is unironically someone who NEEDS the yellow tape/paint on ladders and boxes. Actively engaging in game mechanics instead of brute forcing it is exceeding rare. Note that this only applies to non-farming/simulation games.
It was fucking horrendous. You can tell she really didn't want to be there and was just playing it to complete it.
>inb4 next stream we get Anttomo
>someone says in chat Normandy
>instantly reminded of Medal of Honor's Normandy
I like black mesa and hate most levels in 2
nova prospect is pretty cool though
that sounds terrifying
CC is used to being in the bunker with the machine gun, not being the one running up the beach
I don’t get why we have to use the bug for this part since it feel like it would be easier to stealth kill or normal kill them
>Immersense goes BRRRRRRRRRR
>carrying dog's ball through the game
Might have to watch her play hl2 now
The entire playthrough has been great, you're missing out
Got another one for bug duty or overtime shift in the furnaces
How broken she will be when she will get to teleport?
i absolutely cannot wait for when balltomo gets obliterated in the citadel lmao
>a talk to talk
cute ESL doll wife
Now I get what you meant, but it's still kinda fun lmao
>Listen here you little shit I am THIS close to leaving you on the sand...
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s-she wouldn't right?
> She took the bug out back and shoot them
Be strong brotomo, be strong for mother.
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im tryna think at which part she'll have to drop abandon at the latest, and im pretty sure for the upcoming teleport with alyx will be the end
Isnt she a millenial? Why does she look down at her keyboard when changing weapons on halflife
Can otomos even reproduce?
>Balltomo forgotten
Adios our friend!
not with that attitude
she's breaking up with me...
I bet you feel really stupid now.
It’s over…
it's so balltomover....
cc is going to buy some milk! don't worry!
Is this what it's like when your girlfriend says you need to "have a talk"?
What will happen first she get to the teleporter or CC’s patient running out?
She hates US!
I bet the next stream will be titled
>Who's balltomo?
balltomo got cucked by antlions
this sounds like a breakup aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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Think this is it lads... o7
cc is looking down at the balltomo right now and think
>is he really worth it?
and the answer is no lol
>kills her pets
Why is she evil.
She's green.
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CC this stream
getting kind of sick of the sound effects in this game
You would love half life 1
Cece looks forward to the day she can take balltomo out back and send him to the big balltomo farm upstate
> Emotional support
Pretty sure balltomo has been the opposite of that
It's like getting a baby with down's syndrome. You love them to death but you can't deny that it's taking a toll on your happiness to take care of them every second of every day for the rest of your life.
He's one of those stress toys where the eyes bulge out when you squeeze it.
>it's just stubborness at this point
yeah, she will be destroyed if she can't bring him further
God I wish I was balltomo
happiness +100 when that happens
She’ll act happy and then say “come on balltomo” and the realize he’s gone and be sad
I don't deny that.
Happiness -100 for me....
Ceci, please....just shoot the damn ship....
>what if I throw the antlion things up there
She’s learning
Pound for pound, sturdiest mental constitution in HoloEN
sometimes this automaton can be really, really dumb
CECIWAY sometimes is just like the AMEWAY
but 99% less angry and spiteful
cc is a hater, and evil, and sadistic
she did it! first tryyy
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She made it
Oof, that sure was one of the bossfights of all time
Is this the end?
Is it over?
is this the end?
is this it fr?
it's over...
Rip balltomo
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pretty sure this is just a load trigger right there once you open the door it should be fine-----
nvm its finally fucking over
good riddance
>can still hear balltomo
CC is crushed...
I love it when she does these lip sucks
I could just FEEL the relief in her silence there.
>she was prepared for it all along
Oh my Fucking God.
lol she had that prepared
balltomo in a suit
lmao CC already planned on killing him
German autism is weird
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I fucking love this woman
Dear lord, she prepared a funeral for us.
She has his funeral set up already…
I'm in awe
A fucking funeral.
I can’t take it bros it’s too fucking sad
omg I love her... (as my favorite streamer)
>autism is when putting effort into your job
she probably knew that this stream was where she would have to leave it behind
The kinomeister strikes again
Oh no..a sad montage..I am going to cry
Balltomo, had a hard life...
umm... can I now stop pretending I ever liked balltomo?
So this is loss, huh?
she really is built different, my god
I love german autism
Press S to spit
yeah, you are supposed to half ass everything and be boring like the rest
Kill yourself regardless of if you're joking or not
honestly? based
I love her so much
ok autismo
>The greatest cinema of 2024
omg, I'm in awe
this website is a safespace for autists
Yes, you can take ball from this point. It was just laoding script. But perma wall is like 2 minute further and you CAN'T take it from there so it's not a big difference.
How does she do it?
She doesn't even have access to a 3D model yet, its going to be insane
Baltimore is dead
I love when otomos stacked on top each other
Oh fuck I just noticed the new emotes. How long have they been there?
>always commit (to the bit)
- Cecilia Immergreen, ca. 2024
By knowing how to use a computer and putting effort into her job
that's why he's the only one smiling
Keep on rolling baby

may he ball forever....
>back to the game
>balltomo never mentioned again
It's so quiet...
>1 balling
I believe Hitler now, Germans truly are the master race.
> First stage of grief
> Balling
>reddit spacing
>cross-website avatarfagging
go the fuck back wherever you came from
Luna does the same thing when she gets super frustrated its very cute
>"maybe we'll see him again"

did you just dox yourself?
Dunno about the base game but he 100% returns in the beginning of episode 1
First encounter with a summerfag who stuck around?
I have been on this site since literal 2005 you dumb faggot. This whole reddit spacing was a dumb forced /v/ meme from 2011 that fucking inbreds like you fell for.
Balltomo you idiot. From Ball and Otomo. Jesus Christ.
Based doxxing retard/TTGLchad.
>"maybe we'll see him again"
It was just Denial of 5 stage of grifes anon
We can glue like 12 otomos to make a big balltomo
>I have been on this site since literal 2005 you dumb faggot.
my bad, millenial behaviour and plebbitor behaviour is nearly identical and equally obnoxious
balltomo would've handled that easily
I feel like an idiot for just realizing the portal turrets are just reskinned combine ones
I'm deleting because the thread is being full of faggots today. Not worth, most people will get out of doxxing me is autistic poe videos from like 2 years ago.
How do you do fellow Gen X'er?
>Luna also playing the piano on stream
>Luna also can code
CC riding the motorcycle confirmed
dont ever call me that again
Naw he fell for shitty reddit spacing forced meme, he's more than likely a zoomer
she could just used these stacked otomos to make another balltomo
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The internet doesn't forgets, Oro.
I feel like the reaction would've been the same on every thread otomo, don't know what you expected.
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Why did he do it?
cc wouldnt wear a helmet because shes durable
shes totally not played this game before, r-right guys?
>doesn't forgets
how about you learn english first
from the start of today's stream
Porcelain isn't exactly durable to impacts...
I feel represented!
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>she's /here/
What if she wants to look cool?
Ok? Not particularly hiding my random ass youtube account.

I haven't been in the thread for about a month. It was pretty comfy from debut until then.
She’s made of super special immerheimian material not porcelain
>makes a typo
>retard gets triggered
Suck my dick nigger faggot.
Balltomo was hogging all of CC’s attention
there isn't any typo, do you grammar reps!
ehh... prolly not a big deal. Nobody cares about some random anon's superchat, unless it's extraordinarily autistic.
can't she just use a console command to respawn the ball
it immerheim tech, it's very durable
autism speaks
An extra s you retard.
she made out of gmundner ceramics
yeah. maybe one day.
she clearly doesn't want to, dipshit
I feel like in lore Cecilia would be the weakest in Justice. She really has vibes of first, weakest boss in Touhou like Cirno
Well was more the fact I derailed the thread more than enough.
Why does anyone care?
>wow now we know that superchat guy is also on 4 chan

cool I guess??
he wanted take spot 6 of the balltomo fusion
She asked if there was a way and was told console commands, so she accepted that was the end
no one cares.
that would be cheating
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You guys are stilling talking about that? This is what happens when you have 8 different autists in a single thread.
does she know she can carry the turret with her?
Turrettomo soon
You need to accept things sometimes.
It's fine, it'all be faggoten when the new thread spawns

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