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Should 18 year olds be openly doing GFE?
>GFE experience
Better question is why do this in English
She's legal so yes
no, kids shouldn't be pretending to be adults.
anyone who disagrees with this post is either a pedo, too young to be here, or too mentally underdeveloped to be living alone.
>an adult of legal age
No, that's too old
grifter experience
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No, 18 is too old.
Kids are getting dumber. They really should be raising the legal age.

Then again, this is nothing new. "18yo" is one of the, if not the most powerful sex ad even before the internet. Plenty of closet pedos out there, and that is the closest they can get, legally.
Every girl you've ever met in your life fucked while she was in high school if not even sooner.
Yes anon, kids
And? That wouldn't change the fact that they were still kids.
Eh, this is mostly only true in very poor and uneducated places, like the deep south or a third world country.
Fun fact, that's one of the main reasons for pedos. They couldn't give up the fact that everyone but them get to fuck as kids and want in on it even as adults.
Pretty sure the titular lolita book was based on that too.
"It's an infant adult, of course not"
It's true everywhere, *especially* in 'advanced' countries where noone owns the women, especially in the cities, especially in your hometown, and especially in your mom's hometown.
sorry you grew up in a shit hole anon
Not too long ago the the AoC was 10 in certain states. Age literally doesn't mean anything
Well yeah, obviously. Almost all pedos and lolicons are incel losers who're scared of actual women.
nah also kill yourself
18 years old is old enough to get married and die in a war. EVERYTHING ELSE SHOULD BE PERMITTED AND IF NOT THEN NOTHING ELSE SHOULD BE.
You also had to marry the girl in order to have sex with her or you'd be lynched.
It's ONE of the reasons. The other is on the opposite spectrum which is being able to fuck anything with a hole and getting away with it.
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Im sorry you had to find out this way anon, but women are sexual. Women fuck. Women put themselves into situations where they are likely to be fucked.
I'm genuinely sorry you grew up in a shit hole anon.
Maybe under that age they should do GFE too I think haha
thats whore behavior
>legality determines maturity
why anon stupid?
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WOMEN FUCK ANON. When you were in school, they were fucking. When you were in college, they were fucking. When you were at the neighborhood pool party as a kid, some of them were fucking.

It just wasn't with you.
they should just get married to me instead
I'm sure you can move out of that shit hole if you try anon
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>tfw no fuwawa-nee to groom you as a shota

Why even live.
epstein and everyone on his guestlist, most of hollywood, and every muslim in extremist countries are incels?
>muh 18 years old is pedophilia
post your fat disgusting tits, femcel
post your restraining order pedo
Most people don’t actually know what the word “incel” means. It means “involuntarily celibate”. If you have had sex with anyone, even a kid, you are no longer celibate, and are by definition not an incel.

Yes, pedos are rapists cannot be incels? Don’t like it? Come up with a new insult that doesn’t defeat its own logic.
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The only shithole here is your anus after I'm done with you gayboy.
that's virginity not celibacy

you can stop having sex and become celibate
Morally, no. Legally, there’s nothing stopping it and I don’t see that changing in the foreseeable future.
Morally, I don't really think there's anything morally wrong with someone able to consent and think for themselves choosing to do something of their own accord
And legally fine too
Reading reps, pedo. Stop fapping to children. Your brain is already rotting and losing literacy, if it even had one to begin with.
>reading this bread
Remember: there is a sizable audience of Twitter sisters on this board thanks to the multiple Niji generals
average age people lose their virginity is 16
That means a lot of people lose it before that, to offset the faggots like you who are still virgins at 40.
you literally can't consent until you're 25
This, not a pedo. More like a creep if anything, fresh from the oven yummy yummy

The real problem with aoc laws is that a 40 year old woman is no more capable of meaningful consent than a 10 year old one.
celibate does not equal virginity
Someone with erectile dysfunction is, in effect, involuntary celibate - unless you like struggling with a noodle. Incel means more than just 'unvoluntary celibate'.
Incel is a term coined by /pol/ to describe a group of men that are not getting laid, devoid of love - and falling through the cracks of a society that values all the wrong things.
Then normies hijacked the term and mutilated it, like they do with everything. And changed its meaning from unloved to undesireable. The very people that were pinpointed as the issue, then used it as a synonym for virgin.
A lot of normies never grow out of their highschool days, nuance is lost on them. And the joke that hypersocialised cattle are abusing terms to describe victims of their hypersocialisation to ridicule them, should not be lost on anyone.

Just visit a prostitute. Get it over with.
Pick one that is 18 years old.
the male vtuber audience is not very bright.
Twitter literally thinks only hags can consent.
If mental development was what consent is supposed to be based on then no woman on earth would be able to consent.
Less facetiously, the logical end of this line of thinking is literally eugenics, and you can think whatever you want with that but people just aren't thinking it through to reach that realization enough
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This is a funny thing to say since people in 'third world shitholes' actually take measures to keep their bitches under control like civilized people, which is why they are still reproducing. Feral girls being turned loose to run wild and fuck around however they like because feminism or whatever is a specifically western phenomena - and by extension vassal states under western influence, like Japan or Korea.
Unless she was groomed into it by an adult since she was a child, it’s just women being women. You can act outraged all you want, but at the end of the day, she wants to earn money making Internet strangers infatuated with beating off to her voice the moment she was legally cleared to do so. If that’s an innocent to you, I don’t know what to t:
the west has fallen
> Pick one that is 18 years old.
That’s pedophilia tho?
Based Mormon Saudi prince posting from Kabul city, keeping up morals and dogma in this den of filth.
It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta be around to inherit the earth when you folks all die childless and alone.
It’s a fully grown woman, dude. It’s starting a job or a university degree at that age and it’s been fucking or at the very least getting fingered by one or several guys close to her age for the past five years.
It’s certainly not going to be a hooman, you’re almost as big of incels as chumbuds and your taste in VTubers is non-streaming bitch who whored herself since she was 14 just to turn into a man-hating prude.
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yeah should be mandatory imho, my favourite ASMR slut just started college and shit is so cash when you know that she is young
so in conclusion
women are children
and shouldn't have sex
Those prices are too low girl
If you don't value yourself nobody else will either
Zero streams, literal child prostitution. Sorry to break it to you.
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It's just cute pictures anon, it's not that deep.
Frankly it should be younger, there are no laws against gfe
Your passive aggressiveness gives you away, roastie, just because your Tuna scented cunt drove all the boys away from you doesn't mean that other girls didn't fuck in highschool.
this, haachama (i think she still has one ASMR up from her underage days) and shion did ASMR while under 18
Old roasties want to shame men who are attracted to younger women so as to inflate their own attractiveness
Bad economy = women move to prostitution. You'll start seeing 14 year olds pimped out on onlyfans soon
Do you often think of other men fucking the woman you are speaking to? You seem obsessed
And the roastie has moved on from a shaming tactic to a humiliation tactic.
Just answer the question anon, a simple 'No' would have sufficed. Though I suppose most would find it hard to believe that no, considering how often you seem to bring up the topic of women getting fucked by other men. Is this a fetish of yours perhaps?
I'm not even the anon you replied to, you roast beef cunt.
Legality determines permissibility, twittershitter.
They can do GFE even if they're under 18, they just can't have sex.
Yeah, with someone their age, not creeps in their 30+.
Consent isn't relative, an 18 year old able to consent to sex with another 18 year old is also able to consent to sex with a 30 year old, a 50 year old, and a 100 year old. Consent is an intrinsic capability.
Which changes completely at the point they are of legal age.
They are of legal age at 16 already.
Depends on the jurisdiction.
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So there's nothing wrong with a 16 year old having sex with a +30 year old, your reservations about that are all to do with your belief that that +30 doesn't "deserve" to have sex with that 16 year old.
NTA, but I went to high school and was in the all the advanced classes. I was friends with around 20 nerds, most of them girls, and none of us were in relationships. We were too busy with AP calculus and AP literature and band and shit. We were all white, like the rest of the 2000 students in my graduating class, and only two of us lost our virginity by the time we graduated.
The other anon is right. You're from a shit hole and were only friends with retards and poor people. You have only ever known low value women.
Surely, this tale is not of fiction, and can account for the bending of the truth done by mankind since shame was first legitimized.
They were fucking anon, just not with you. 'Relationships' aren't even a factor in this.
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Roastie, did you forget that America is a shithole? Your evangelical parents beat a fear of sex into you, your sex "education" involves your local pastor coming into your school and scaring you about sex.

And just in case you didn't know Denmark, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden make your shithole look 5th world in comparison.
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You are as equally retarded as your target by believing anything that cannot be confirmed empirically. No, a poll or questionnaire is not infallible.
>it's okay when JP does it
>anons memoryholing the pioneers of VTubing were around 16 when they debuted including Sora
Why vt stupid ?
Lmao, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Unlike you, I actually hung out with girls in high school. Our group was really close, being the academic nerds of or school. It was a very conservative area. And we were close. Everyone knew the others. No one was fucking, lol. None of us even considered dating until our senior year.
Those anons aren't "vt", they're lolcow and crystal cafe (roastie imageboards).
Did your American teachers also tell you that the Earth was only 6,000 years old?
>anon believes I should take his word for it on the internet
And also that being close means you cannot be lied to.
America is a disease. Yellowstone cannot explode soon enough.
See >>87219099
Shit, you’re right, and as we all know, women never lie to one another.
ITT: jealous whores seething about the existence of pure virgins
Are the pure virgins in the room with us right now, anon? I wish they were, since the average woman is a huge cunting dragon.
I'm a man, dumbass melanoid.
You're a fucking retard and didn't know any nerds in high school. We weren't religious, but the culture was. It was a wealthy white area. Dutch and German descent, I think. We weren't evangelical.

And our education was better than yours. I finished AP calculus 1&2, AP literature, AP chemistry, AP Government, AP US history, and receieved college credit for all of them. Those were only some of the options available to us. Many of my friends took AP English and AP European History, AP Physics, or foreign languages instead.
Our graduation rate was 99%. You are not the same as me. Your shit hole is inferior to the town I grew up in. Your women are whores and that is all you know.
And if you're wondering. It was in the Mid-west. The South is full of minorities and white trash.
The Coasts are full of fake, debauched hedonists.
The Mid-West is the only good remaining part of this country.
>lies are impossible to tell in Advanced Placement classes
They should bring kingpins into AP classrooms to interrogate them, it’s free intel.
The Americunt thinks his education is worth anything. I'm European, while my country of Britain is going through some hard times recently, its still much better than your third-world shithole.
>Your women are whores
Ironic you say that, American women would make prostitutes in my country blush.
Here's a newsflash for you anon; you don't need to be 'in a relationship' to fuck jeremy meeks. And for that matter being 'in a relationship' certainly isn't an impediment to fucking jeremy meeks either.
you'll never be pure again roastie
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>Yeah, with someone their age, not creeps in their 30+.
I’m a wizard, anon, and will probably be one until the sun explodes.
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>It was in the Mid-west
Lmao, you say that as if I'm supposed to be impressed.

And by the way, I would rather my women be whores than to be genital-mutilators like Americans and Jews and Muslims. I'm glad I'm European, and I would rather be born in the poorest Venezuelan favela than to be an American.
I'm literally a mathematician. The level of education between us is not comparable.
Britain has fallen and your people are a disgrace. You are overrun with towel-drabbed detritus, and watch on complacently as your women are gang-raped in the streets and your children are stabbed to death in their dance classes.
You aren't worthy enough to entertain even so much as a fleeting thought of superiority.
Bitching about 18 year old doing gfe
While hololive hired Aqua shion all whom were underaged when they were scouted doing the same. I'm guessing the issue for cultists is that she's too old.
she was only 18 you sick fuck
Sad how the only thing you are proud of in life is how good of a hoopjumping parrot for The System you were when you were as a teenager.
>I’m the biggest faggot in the room (NA variant)
>>NO, IT’S ME (EU variant)
Riveting conversation, gentlemen, but not exactly on-topic.
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And yet we still live on average 4 more years than you while being on avrage healthier than you during our lives. And yet my country has universal healthcare while your country sends billions of dollars to Israel. And yet my politicians will get mired in political scandals and criticism if they so much as accept gifts while almost all of your politicians are in the pockets of Jews. Your country is not a sovereign nation.
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Your nerd friends were smart enough to not reveal they got fucked by chadzilla and the football team.
France does not allow for it's population to know the demographic statistics of it's people.
However, in 2023, more newborn children were checked for sickle cell anemia than those that were not. The test is only ordered for children of specific ethnic backgrounds.
There is no such thing as France anymore. It destroyed itself. And the rest of Europe is following in it's wake.
No, that’s impossible, he took AP courses.
They are legal so sure.
You would think they would teach him about penetration during Armor Piercing courses.
If you are 18 and can't act mature then that's the problem with yourself not the law.
>They are 18 they are still kids.
>They aren't responsible for why they date bad men.
Mindset like this is why we have hordes of 20 something womanchildren blaming men for their bad decision.
No they are already 18 and they should at least be able to know to use condom so they don't become a single mother at 19.
bro what the fuck even is this thread holy shit. if you think lusting after a whole grown ass adult is pedophilia you need the skin peeled from your face
Yes. We decided on a legal age where all things go.
Lmao this wall of bullshit
why not
Into the woodchipper you go
I can smell the larp emanating from your two week old unwashed underwear.
>Noooo but she's only 18 and is in her 'ho phase', I'm a fat 38 year old female lawyer in los angeles and I'm in my 'ready to settle down with chad' phase, you're not allowed to lust after younger women!
You are an adult around age 9
yeah if anything people are cagey about it and the real numbers are even lower
Yes in India where you obviously live.
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This is basically OnlyFans Lite for mini roasties.
There are three reasons why North European countries top that list.
1 Feminism.
2 Negro arab rapefugees.
3 Negro arab rape positivity propaganda.

Feminism enabled 2 through 3.
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I’m from the Philippines and the federal AOC here is 12, so yeah, free legal cunny for me. America can eat my ass lmaor2sxt
Can you recommend a good private investor? I need to find Muu Muyu and marry her.
"So at 17 I could start training as a Navy Seal, went to Vietnamn at 18.
At home, when I was 20, I couldnt even buy a beer or vote. But making me into a goddamn killing machine was ok!"
sorry to break it to you sister, but every single man on the planet would fuck an 18 year old if given the choice.
and if they say they wouldn't they're lying.
The amount of roasties with dry wombs and fags in this thread, holy fuck.
KEK this entire thread is a couple femcels seething about men finding legal women sexually attractive.
Did /nijien/ break containment?
I'm not a woman on twitter, why would I give a shit
Oldest chick I've fucked was 22.
Never going older than that.
17-19 is where it's at, unless you can legally go younger in your country.
Don't fall for roastie propaganda
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you weird ass modern day puritans can suck my nuts. i lost my virginity this year at 25 to a 6 months fresh 18 year old through a hookup app and there’s nothing you can do about it
and no before you ask, she thankfully wasn’t a slampig
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Not enough bbc for you vince?
too late anon, I've already pictured you with the slampig wojak in my head. purple mood-lighting and everything
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I always thought the ''Naive nerd thinks the girl from highschool is a pure virgin and marries Chad's leftovers'' was unrealistic but there's multiple people on 4ch that live the mantra lmao

>M-My wife doesn't give blowjobs she wasn't from a shithole...we just hugged on our honeymoon.
America is diseased, rotten to the core
It's the goddamn ATM machine all over again.
better than onlyfans
what is it with white americans and bbc
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Would I encourage it? Fuck no, get an actual career and do something with your life you fucking idiot, you literally just got out of highschool, make your time worthwhile, not pretending to be someone's girlfriend on Twitter and YouTube.
But despite what I think, you're free to do whatever you want with your life. Go and virtually marry your viewers if you want to, go for it kiddo. Shit, you wouldn't be the first one to try it anyway.
Why not? She's clearly slept with 30+ guys already and decided to take her grifting online
sure. the best GFE is hags who have given/gone fully parasocial. next best is bright eyed does like this one. worst is mid-twenties jaded girls that resent that the audience they cultivated desires it. if anything 24-29 should be banned from it.
Wtf is gfe?
>18 year olds
yeah, old enough for me to send her a tribute and it not being illegal.
Nobody of any age should be doing GFE
Does this female do ASMR?
Girlfriend experience. It's exactly what it sounds like. Streamer acts lovey dovey for you and does shit like "date night" type content. It's degen.
If you use that argument, then girls would be mature enough at 13
That's unfair advantage over the expired married women.
Fucking same
of course, they should start at 16 desu
and in some parts of Europe, the age of consent is 14.
There are 18 year old girls in porn, fresh out of high-school, already getting all their holes stretched out by Mandingo. Think about that.
Remember her? https://imgur.com/a/EYe9DCc
>brags about education levels on 4chan
here's a reminder that education doesn't equal intelligence
>Did /nijien/ break containment?
I don't watch Anilive Jumpstarts, so I don't know, but you can ask her there or on twatter
Did fucking /pol/ get in here?

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