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Bloodlust Edition

Production kawaii:

First Live Concert:
Second Live Concert:

Song Covers Playlist:


Art Archive:

▼ Talents
>Generation EONIA
【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】
【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】
【Nene Amano 天野寧々】
【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

>Generation novamore
【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】
【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】
【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

>Generation Hanamizuki
【Kaya Nishikino 錦野楓夜】
【Yuno Hanaki 華鬼結望】
【Ran Tsukiha 月蝶蘭】[Graduated]

>Generation Ephemira
【Hiyori Mokami 桃神日和】
【Kohaku Yumekui 夢喰己白】
【Lethe Bonapuchi レッテボナプチ】
【Meimi Majokko 魔女っ子めいみ】
【Navina Nova ナビナ・ノバ】
【Tomoe Carmine トモエ・カーマイン】

▼kawaii Friends
Prima >>>/vt//ppg+/
Vereverie >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
V&U >>>/vt//vnug/
Pixelink >>>/vt//pxl/
Athy - https://twitter.com/owlthy
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya -https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Auri Lunami - https://twitter.com/AuriLunami
Felynne deRouge - https://twitter.com/lynnerouge

Previous Thread: >>87179789
Imagine both of them at the same time UUOOOOOOOO
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Is that a new one in the OP?
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Shee btw
Twisty raided Shee
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SHARTpoo x Isla forever!
Eww unironically over for shee
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Nah, Twisty’s one of the good ones. She’s openly GFE, and her loli ERP pisses off all the sisters
pathetic grifty selfpost
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I am retiring from watching vtubers. I said when kawaii dies, I'm out. I wish Isla nothing but the best in life.

>Gets money
>Goes to Japan
>Repeat the cycle

So you're telling me her cucks really believe that she doesn't have a boyfriend that she's supplying with money from her streams every time she goes to Japan? Yeah, I guess coping mechanisms are intense when you're an eternally lonely faggot
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Stupid anon, it's her sugar baby!
see ya tomorrow
Extremely underrated cover
>Twisty getting railed and flirting with males on stream to cuck viewers
>is a sister herself
Literally neck yourself
but enough about cloudtomos
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this nigga just says stuff like this unprompted
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good thread
Shee hates her fans for this reason
charzu cat + nene + reina + isla + hana + nami + shee + lua + kaya + yuno + ran + 589 + hiyo + nano + tomoe + lethe + meimi
Clara there would look less weird
she and ran will digivolve if i ever add non-kawaii girls to the image like last time, but currently it's possible to use only the official art that's meant to go together, so i went with that
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ms. asuka :DDD
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I love agency vtuber (virtual YouTuber) Ms. Lua Asuka of Production kawaii Generation 2 (novamore)


Latest covers:


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/pkg/ moving at this speed reminds me of the good 'ol pre-gen 3 days
It was nice. 1 thread lasting for 2 or 3 days instead of 2 or 3 threads in 1 day.
It's comfy
it's like i'm back home
Charcole love
I miss when /vt/ was slow and the threads didn't reach page 10 in 15 minutes
it was dead around this time even just 1 week ago, prime time starts in a few hours
Normies and trannys ruined most boards
I wonder if the anti-spam thing they rolled out on /vg/ would help /vt/
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too many women on this fucking website
The only woman I want on this general is charzu so she can see me posting about wanting to commit sins with her
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KEKEDpires lmoa
So now that everything's been laid out, on a scale of Lethe to Isla, how are you feeling?
I love Kohaku Yumekui a normal amount :D
I am in love with Isla-sama
im aite not like anyone graduated na mean?
I'm was "fine" for a while but little hang ups catch in my mind and I crash again. I need time to process it and let what could have been be sorted firmly in the past. This is far from the worst it could have been.
We all knew this day would eventually come, it just came faster than what everyone was expecting. Keeping their IPs and everything is the best possible outcome for them to keep streaming.
I am happy most decided to continue on as they have been doing with less back end support. The others that lost the passion will still be around to check in and that too is the best possible outcome. Outside of Kaya which seems like she wants to get away from everything and rebrand with a subs headstart.
The next hurdle is how many will have content changes and who will continue on under their "kawaii" ethics code. I won't speculate since I would rather not anti so only time will tell.
Support your oshis in these trying times, it can be as magical as the idol project push if we all play our cards right I feel
I just need to win the lottery so kawaii can be born again.
The idol song lyrics about that would be pretty kino
kawaii Ride or Die
(Pretty much, pretty much)

Be worthy of your oshi's
Charzu is going to be such a whore I know it she's been holding it back for 3 years my guy
give up retard, it's over
This is the best outcome that could happen to them. It is nice that they are at least going to be in contact with each other. Im guessing the girls doing their own thing for the majority of time in the company soften the blow somewhat. Everyone at least laid out their plans for the future with Eonia continuing with concerts, novamore being well novamore and hmz/Ephemira just sticking together. The only one that really lost out is Ran, I like her but the entire situation is just funny as hell. You really cant predict the future.
Now that the news has kind of filtered out into the VTuber "news" cycle the thing that annoys me the most are all the comments people keep making of "gen 3 must have seen the writing on the wall". It's such a "I have no idea what the timeline of events actually is or what any of the people involved have said about the situation" statement that it boggles the mind to think people are actually saying it.
Niggas out here actually so thirsty to look like they can see what's going on through the veil they don't care how ignorant it makes them look.

Thankfully there hasn't been all that much drama-tubing so I guess if that's the price for keeping it mostly "in-house" so to speak then I guess it is what it is.
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Gen3 allegedly saw the writings on the wall because of the corpo buyout. I'm pretty sure that was a very minor concern back then, if at all, but orangecat and the whorse complained about it in a roundabout way right after they went indie. They just happened to be right in the end, almost completely by chance.
Traitors dedicated their lives to badmouthing the company they scammed. This kind of malicious yenta behavior does have an effect, unfortunately which is why people like me were urging kawaii to go scorched earth and sue them for their blacklisting and smear jobs.
No one sent a fax warning them about this so I guess they didn't figure it out.
even having seen it with my own eyes, i still fail to consider how fucking many people just don't care enough to find information before they present to the class. i don't know what the hell lua is doing, so i don't make assumptions about lua and then use them to argue a position, but the catalog (and its dregs that leech into here) seems full of people who would. every single time an argument starts up in here that i know anything about, i'm immediately flabbergasted by how unaware everyone is. it goes beyond not watching streams into not watching clips, not reading twitter, and i think a lot of people don't even read threads. so i'm not sure how they find the arguments to get into them.
Lmao, there was no "writing on the wall" shit, it was Vdere that made the writings on the walls. They turned the company from good to black. They lit the fire under the company, slowly burning them from below so they have no chance to get out and save themselves. Gen 3 was the bane of pkg
>Traitors dedicated their lives to badmouthing the company they scammed
I'll say that their orbiters had a big part to play in that.
Gen3 disagreement with the corpo buyout was just one of the cope narratives that was thrown around by them. Now, foreseeing the death of kawaii because of the corpo buyout was a perfectly reasonable outcome because it happens all the time. I just don't think that was their thought process.

This thread predicted that kawaii had a good chance of ending up like Prism right when they announced it was sold to CE. It wasn't that hard.
This place is filled with parrots where if something is repeated enough times they will just keep saying it without much thought.
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Yeah, it's easy to control people from this thread even the ones who branched out.
Vdere won and they are laughing at us.
Thankfully I haven't seen anything like that because I'm already getting angry. Sometimes I wish our girls weren't so soft and passive. That's how you get fleeced by vultures like gen 3. At least the dissolution gives them a bit of fresh start but I feel like many will become demotivated and drift apart.

Vdere literally made their company the day before they graduated, and if you think well enough, you don't just wake up one day with a name for your new group or company, there has to be some planning. Vdere LITERALLY planned this and did everything they could to burn PKG to the ground, basically replacing them by destroying them from inside out
They took all the subs, clout, and info they need to run a company and after they did, they ran away and made their own company after they sucked the soul out of PKG and turning them into a black company, Fuck these traitors

Why do you keep calling it PKG?
Is this just a drama-tranny trying to play the opposite side from the usual narrative?
Looks like it. I bet they are going to take screenshots and spread it around too.
This is why I'll never forgive them, they were all guilty of premeditated backstabbing
What made him jump ship from Nene to shee? She seemed like she gave him an endless supply of free passes for being an absolute creep because he donated on his birthday and got her skebs over the years
The fuck am I supposed to call it then? Kawaii? Sorry if I'm not chronically online enough to know what else to call a company called "pkg". I just wanted to keep watching Shee man.
No offense to knee nay but Shee doesn't get one guyed
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Looking at the thread that got the news about Culture buying kawaii you can find some absolute gems in retrospect. I'm pretty sure one of the doomposts is mine.


>Buyouts, both public and private, have always lead to horrible things in the vtubing sphere. It's so beyond over it's not even funny, and none of us are going to be ready for it.
Cherish your oshi, bros, it's gonna get rough here soon.

>This is the death knell for Kawaii

>don't shutter the company the second things seem uncertain

>[corpo buyout] did precisely nothing to Prism [so don't worry]
Oh? Are you Vcucks scared to be called out that your company is actually built from stolen riches?
This has to be bait.
Does God make IQ's this low?
>Letti goes to Japan

be honest with me chat, does she really have a boyfriend in japan that she's feeding with her stream money?
you love to see it when retarded copeposters get destroyed by history
I think you're forgetting pkg is just the name of this thread, the company is just production kawaii, no general.
But aside from that you're completely right, they absolutely planned it far in advance. They just used kawaii as their springboard to get drama buffs on their redebuts and steal as many fans as they could from the corporate backed gig. They're lying cunts through and through.
I want to go back to these days bros.. when life was good
Hahaha, it seems that you've been quite offended being called "chronically online", maybe if you used those hands to lift some weights instead of shitting all day in threads you wouldn't be this retarded
The company isn't called pkg. This thread is called pkg for production Kawaii general. You can keep watching Shee, Novamore will still be around just without a company behind them
We are talking in this general so I refer to it as "pkg" and I appreciate your reply more because it tells me you're not a traitorous bitch pretending to be one of us in this thread that's trying to throw me out because they're getting called out.
Shee didn't really care about being an idol per se so its business as usual for pawtners imho
>a company called pkg
is this the threadshitter larping as a "pkg fan" hating vdere?
There is some serious larping going on here.
We are really stretching that phrase here. She may call out individual chatters but then moves on, one guyed used to mean the entire career or at least a full stream would get derailed by the one guy
I've called kawaii pkg in chat so it's synonymous.
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Oh I see, I misinterpreted what was written in the announcement, probably because I got focused on the pk collapsing but I'm glad I can still watch her with the same model
what the fuck is this larp lmaoooo
There must have been a ringleader who got the other girls on board with it. Very strange. I wonder if it was always the plan from the very start or if there was an event that caused them to turn to this.
they would've banned your ass, most of our tranny mods hate 4chan mentions
So you're telling me, when they said that they were "family" as a company, they were already planning to leave Kawaii and start their own group?
stop replying to yourself
Did they hire these guys from home fucking depot? What is even going on right now?
Hello gents. There was an asmr stream by Charlotte Suzu where she did kisses for superchats but I can't find it anymore. Can someone point me in the right direction on where to find it?
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This fucking thread right now.
"If you met yourself from a year or 2 ago, what advice would you give her?"


Coup d’état - the sudden, violent overthrow of an existing government by a small group.
Uhh there is a ring leader, it's the one who dresses exactly like the most despicable villains, the one that's colored exactly like Griffith, Aletta, who quite literally cucked kawaii's every success
I dont even think a tourist could get that mixed up
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>chuuni bullshit
this retarded flopwife is so pathetic
I just looked up the archive for you but the gofile is dead now, sorry brother.

Your best bet is to go ask over at /asmr/
Thanks for checking
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give tomo good ideas
smoking weed on the sun
Charzu can drain something else if yuno what Im sayin
Ah yes that was the title, thanks.
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just had a devious idea
You should have downloaded it while you could it is never coming back and you arent an onnichan you arent allowed to listen to it
Why are nene's boobs so big
This is the big boobs (dying) corpo bucko
still no Meimi porn?
nano's tits are fatter if you go by height to boob size ratio
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god I love nanonyan
Well said, the content change threat has many on edge on top of being anxious about being able to support all of them still.
didnt we have a numbers autist that kept track of streamlabs when most didnt have the totals privated? were is everyone sitting as far as donos per month?
who is the better kevin and why she banned kevin
We dont talk about Kevin here.
I always skip to the part with lotte kisses
Kevin is EL PERUANO, the strongest kawaiifan and discordtroons+nami hate him
All will do fine if they put some actual effort, exceptions are Lethe, Kaya and Yuno, Lethe has the potential to do fine but she said she doesn't care
thanks for donating to nano guys so she could comm this art for me to jerk off to
nanotetas too small, but otherwise bretty good art
any actual [yuno's fanbase name] here that are members? is she any different in members stream? has anyone ever called her out on her yunocore content and how much of a debuff it is? is she aware of how much she's hurting her career? she's going to be gone in 2 months and I'll never understand what she was thinking all this time.
Thank you!
her grift was lacking
nano doesn't get much porn art so I'm still looking for a lookalike for a rainy day
get ready for a lot of canceled nano streams lmao
she's a very girly girl with girl emotions, I give her 2 weeks of cancellation time total to get back on her feet.
grim for nyanocucks
what does this have to do with me jerking off
her modman will cheer her up
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The traitors framed Oceane for the doxing allegations because she wouldn't go along with their treason.
need this with audio for full
v-dere won
My new crack theory is that Hana saw the writing on the wall. She left knowing that Isla and Shee were going to become Fryla and Sheeberry, so she became food too.
That's stupid enough to be true.
oceane was framed by gen3, she is a dindu
It's going to get "worse" if you don't like the kinds of things Yuno likes.
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Someone commission Charzu with her ass out like this before december. thanks
I remember preparing for this stream
I wasnt prepared enough I came buckets
Nice gofile get.
the smoking allegations are now xanax allegations
after november she can finally light up
Around where was she doing the fast pecks?
Reading that dudes request doing it for a few seconds and realized what it sounded like but continuing anyways was how long I lasted. She knew what she was doing there
Nene gotta eat but man do I hate money going to the pockets of the company for the next month and a half
I am in love with my wife Tomoe
If only you were a part of her inner circle. She got around 4k surely her rent isnt 2k a month
Surely she is smarter than that...
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but who is the better kevin and why is he deemed the better kevin
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Yeah, my Baby Boy Chinchin
Its a guy whose real name is Kevin, so he just calls himself the better Kevin.
Welcome newbirbling >>74568327
Charzu will never make that burger and I already made peace with that fact.
Nene's vegan?
I will forgive her when she does
No? isn't her favorite food mashed potatoes which contains milk?
Watch streams, better yet watch her birthday stream and see what she ordered for her dinner. The answer you seek lies there
Thanks, I'm new.
I thought you guys were joking about the latina thing!
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im soaked
It sucks, the loss of little things like that can infect the fanbase with apathy that can snowball into apathy towards Lua herself. But she made her choice and I don't have anything to say about it that hasn't probably occurred to her a thousand times already. At least for now she still tweets throughout the day, things haven't gotten so grim yet that she only tweets about streams. MAYBE if her irl job stops kicking her ass she'll get her enthusiasm back, unless she chooses to direct the extra time and energy to watching more anime or playing games off stream or something.
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>I'm new
>surely her rent isnt 2k a month
2k is cheap rent its probably 3k more with utilities and all women dumb lol
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pillow knows who people will be there for not me tho
pay attention nigga, you do not even have to watch some old vod she literally just said “i used to be vegan”
Brazilian collab with kawaii friend Miki WHEN?
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im holdin and squeezin reina
keep liveposting bros I can't watch Reina rn
>Agoraphobia is the anxiety that occurs when one is in a public or crowded place, from which a potential escape is difficult, or help may not be readily available. It is characterized by the fear that a panic attack or panic-like symptoms may occur in these situations.
true crime media has ruined women.
>krav maga
when did reina become cool

>Why is England so expensive
>Pays five times the amount to travel to Japan
>Does it 5 times

She can't keep getting away with it
>>87236075 (me)
god damn reina. i take it back
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New York? More like New Delhi.
we don't care. we're all watching our favorite latina we pretend to like
charzu please unban me........
Reina seemed pretty sad when the news broke so great to see her being happy lately

Had forgotten it has been well over a year now. I am sort of surprised Nami still mentions him
If mozzu is so smart how did she see whorse being a pos coming? it's all mental gymnastics
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Namijob time
translation: give me more money
she can't forget Kevin big brown latinx cock
whorse won
you lost
I open stream out of curiosity, immediately start hearing about furry guy talk and wanting a patreon, proceed to close stream. maybe next time
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yall think Reina is naturally a beauty or she got work done in brazil?
ask ren zotto or her purple boyfriend False
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i wish i had a friend like reina
yeah but only if they're hot and I want to fuck them
KEKEDrojis lmoa
I love her. I was scared to death by that sheetpost thumbnail dude she needs correction after pulling that kind of stunt
she made that thumbnail when Ben left her, she was really bouta end it all but EONIA came through and made her rethink it, Charzu will find herself a new Ben.
ben knew
That new Ben? me
It's her chat that keeps bringing him up tbf
how do I get myself a hot brazilian vtuber girlfriend /pkg/ bros?
you should start by going to brazil
/vg/ user here. It only made thread shitters even more visible since they are on 4chan ALL THE TIME and people that just sometimes pop in to post something get discouraged by the timer and move on.
I'm watching Nene, what did Reina do?
I can confirm. I'm semi-regular on /vg/ and there are times when I say "fuck it, my opinion on this isn't worth sharing that much" and I just go elsewhere.
she's a better singer and dancer than Nene. fuck her
Ah well that sucks.
she's fucking ren zotto on stream
Nene isn't even doing a singing or dancing stream
yeah because she's a whore and will whore out at cons for inner circle fags
I know I'm just being a little shitter
she will turn into a full fledged twitch thot
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Reina is pigging out
Ok bet
she already has you are late to the party bucko
Why do you keep bringing up "inner circle"? How is that even relevant to what you're replying to?
Mashed potatoes is just potatoes that have been mashed. They don't have milk unless you add it
no one gives a fuck if you're in school sunjames troonstar
Who raided Nene's twitch?
KEKEDtomos lmoa
RIP reinas vod hope someone archiving
still the lost media company for a couple more months, bucko
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gen 3 was something
It's the latest buzzword stuck in his head that he will spam without meaning. It's why I started calling him a parrot. He will jabber until someone makes the mistake of giving him a cracker.
yes but also no
she isnt who came up with that?
Reina got a FAT dono
[Breaking News] Reina got a really fat dono
oh shit nice
Gen3 framed Oceane, she is a dindu
Tomoe's live btw
from the sun, smoking weed
I remember it being said that she eats her steak well done. I think this was when they were in LA for the concert.
shut the fuck up scott
uh oh poorfag melty
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don't forget to shake your hiyo
not a troonlover or a longboarder
shut the fuck up ars terrorist
I shake my hiyo violently first thing in the morning before i get out of bed
there's literally an archive link for these things in the OP
grim for kekedgays
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neena fat lol
I want to have sex with Reina's mom
ewww and you niggas gave Kaya shit for being a little chubby, neena is landwhale tier.
>Tomoe asks why is it so small
she knows...
she fucks leftover bbc units
Tomoe is a sizequeen for sun tyrones
she's wearing a sweater. did you think those are actually the size of her arms or something
guy, look at how stubby her fingers are and don't tell it's the gloves
Neena is fat and short, we’ve known this for a long time
Neena was a twitch thot before kawaii so we have a full dox, kaya the mistake only showed fat hands. Too early to tell which one is worse.
sigh another size queen. it's so over for us small dick bros
UUUUUUUUUUU I miss Reina Sun
I tried to find the guy who originally called her "a fat midget" and apparently it's me? This >>30176952 is my post and every earlier post with that phrase in it is directed at someone else. I have to believe this is Warosu's search fucking up through, I definitely remember multiple people saying >A FAT MIDGET in reply to anything she did for a few months after the incident and they're nowhere to be seen.
I take back the apology to Sprite
so he redeemed himself?
She looks way better tanned.
for some reason only Reina and Shee have tanned versions of themselves. what does it mean.
yeah,I feel like not even foreplay skills can save us
they like black males
i think you're the one who likes black males, buddy
I wish I was black and male
Nothing deep really, but you are more than welcome to make your own speculations.
bbc units won
latinas love to brown on the beach
til i find neena model cute
someone post the baby doll pics
anime copyright
kill yourself kekthan
KEKEDgays lmao
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Nene is fine...
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wait I thought the adderall was a meme lmao
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shee is tripping
they're fda approved multivitamins
she needs to go to jamaica
My ADHD wife
>he is still online
RUMAO no life
>he is still online
RUMAO he's mindbroken
Tomoe is for grey troon artists
Midlife crisis is a meme for the most part. When it comes to men, it usually translates into "Omg look at this sad faggot buying a sports car/bike, so immature omg midlife crisis". What people dont realize is that around that age, people FINALLY reached a point in life where they have some financial stability and can afford to splash the cash on shit that they always wanted. But nah, no fun allowed if you are a male especially. You need to dress like a boring faggot, drive some boring family car and just be a shell of a human being in general. Everything that stands out from that is "midlife crisis".
said no one ever
Nano is my girlfriend
I miss Reina Sun
>oceane shillposts
>twisty shillposts
>kawaii is dead and the corpse is a billboard to advertise kawaii enemies
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the whorse, she won
bad larp
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>by this time they already knew
ok, whorse won, now what?
>urging kawaii to go scorched earth and sue them for their blacklisting and smear jobs.
That would be difficult since none of them ever said anything about kawaii, but then you are actually unironically mentally ill I guess.
/pkg/ was dead ever since gen3 walked out. I'm going through the thread real quick and literally 80% of the posts is the thread shitter from 2 devices.
all lower case post from his PC
auto capitalized sentences or sometimes only certain words, from his phone
Whorse has entire hatebases devoted to calling her the bane of both production kawaii and vdere and a homocollaber, she only won a slow gfiting demise.
Uh Oh Melty
Eventually, she will abandon the other 3.
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Tomoe is being so gfe right now
Yep, melty. Now stay in this dead thread for the next 48 hours because you have no life and are mentally ill on top of that. You are "owning" all of us hard by doing that.
Her whole shtick is just to get into the OTV type crew on twitch. That is what she originally was as a flesh streamer. She wants to mix and mingle with e-celebs and hopefully become big as some of those people. She is allergic to honest work so grifting is just natural for her.
Hasn't she been able to score a collab with vshoujo? She's definitely abandoning vdere once she no longer needs them.
kill yourself troonjames
I hope this is not a rude thing to say but I want Koha to pee on me.
Yeah, with the zombie couple form vshoujo and ipn.
kohaku is being so gfe right now
>still melting down
uh oh
We all want Kohaku Yumekui to pee on us.
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Mildly interesting to me that more people on twitch cared about Nene's ordinary farming game stream today than her announcement.
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shut the fuck up aster
she got raided by a male
all women are size queens, sorry m8
it's over for micropenis anon
>this guy doesn't know what whisper networks are
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This is what Nami looks like IRL
naughty tomoe
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Collab chart anon still alive?
>mistake bitch and flopped bitch
I’m not that anon, and not sure.
My god, not only the shitter likes bbc cuck fantasies. He’s also a pedophile for shota micropenises. Only a matter of time till he confesses he’s a furry.
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I've added it to my shittier version.
If there are any other updates since the last time the other guy posted, I need to be told about them, since I don't keep up with a lot of the girls. I guess I'll need to start checking the Holodex stream logs every week or two.
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koha is a sizequeen too...
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would be another hundred hours of game for Lethe in this if, you know
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>schizo retard
it all makes sense
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This makes my :D become the D:
Shitter got banned. Enjoy the little moment of peace till he switches to another browser, ip, and device.
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lemme bake the next thread, i have an image cooked up
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let me feed you reese's puffs
Alright anon, you better not fuck it up

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