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>Quinn doesn't show receipts: totally fair, understandable,

Love watching sisters eat this shit up, totally unaware of their own actions
Show receipts of what? Sayu being menhera? No need to prove anything
>It worked for doki, it will surely work for me
Why is he still defending a company he doesn’t even work for?
he's defending his clique buddies, he knows they're guilty
Sisters would abandon him if he decided to disrespect Riku
>Enna flies first class to location
>Kyo can barely afford coach
If Kson isn't off topic, why would this fag be?
Quinn did not disparage sayu in any way. Its a shame that so many schizos are taking it in that way just to stir up drama. Bet they probably don't even watch her.
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Like hell he didn't.
He was bitching about how he felt soooo sad about how sayu liked that "fuck kyo" comment after being harassed for months and being fired. About how he was attacked for liking the tweet under Zaion's doxx and screeching about how she deserved everything.
Then he claimed he totally talked to Zaion, despite Sayu being very clear about who she has and hasn't talked with because she can't shut up for 5 minutes.
So what he's not allowed to defend himself?
>liking tweet under zaions doxx
Nonsense. First it was doxxing her, now its this
>liking that tweet
He didn't know it was about her.
>Sayu being clear
Well funny, she never claimed he doxxed her either but that doesn't stop you schizos

I swear, you guys are like a cult who need to do their daily 2 min hate.
>quinn sisters exist
>people seriously defending Quinn of all people
who was talking about it?
none of the big news channels were talking about this
Who gives a shit about this wigger? Call me when something actually interesting happens.
obsessed chimp
I really don't understand. Discounting anything to do with Sayu, he's always been a snake and a terrible streamer who only had any popularity due to leeching from Enna.
please stop posting this wigger on the catalog, I almost forgot his name
Link an archive of the VOD. What did he say?
OK buddy, I'll you to your bait thread.
To think i believed that matara meeting sayu will fix your mental health problems too. Boy was I mistaken.
>snake and a terrible streamer
sisters love these types
I doubt there will be an archive - he has so few viewers that he clearly doesn't even have hate/drama viewers.
My headcanon is that it's all Quinn himself
Do you know which stream it was though? Even without having an archive
>No argument
That's what I thought. Flesh streaming should have never been normalised under the vtubing banner.
NTA but according to the archives, it was whatever he did on Oct 6.
Alright, I'm guessing it's "Chatting + Walking Dead", since I see it on TwitchTracker (started late on the 6th) but don't see the VOD on his Twitch channel.
Let me see what I can do
Yes, exactly. That’s expected when you’re not a suicide baiting BPD basket case.
It's expected when you've just lied about someone who already clearly threatened legal action against one indie who tried to smear her.
>he has so few viewers that he clearly doesn't even have hate/drama viewers.
pathetic and irrelevant is what typifies this fag
just post one of your schizo edits already
Enough of that BPD shit, can't even prove that's even true

Maybe you are the one with BPD
>"he didn't do shit"
>"ok, he did it, he should defend himself tho"
Here's the VOD for the stream:

No clue what the timestamp is, I'm not watching this shit
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Oof this guy really shoulda stayed with nijisanji
probably one of the rare cases that regrets leaving
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Shark drowned
I know Quinn is desperate for relevance with his dogshit numbers (99.99% of male vtubers don't work outside of Nijisanji, literally anyone could have told him this) but he's a moron to keep trying to drag up this old dead drama. It can only hurt him, not help him.
Stream to your ~300 fans and be grateful, or give the fuck up and get a real job.
damn, anon. good work.
Please explain why I should care about this guy.
potential for more Niji drama
>I totally have receipts I'm not gonna show them though teehee
This guy is as retarded as a Nijisister
Wow these cunts just can't leave Sayu alone huh
Found it. He starts talking about a "psycho 30 year old lady harassing a barely legal 19 year old" at 38 minutes.
What are you even talking about retard?
Really confused on him and others from nijisanjis Twitter engagement. He can get ten thousand likes on a post easily then only get 300 viewers.
Pressing a button is easier than watching several hours of a stream.
>Never interacted
...what would Sayu even gain from "harassing" him?
She really lives rent free in his head lmao, is he a Nijisister too
He says he's not doing vtubing because of drama but seeing this I think that's just cope
What's funny is searching twitter it was that insufferable faggot Nbinted who posted OP's pic - and seems to be the only large account talking about it. If it wasn't for Nbinted the entire stream would have gone completely unnoticed - but now an anon has dug up an archive of it.

So in complaining about dramafags, she has once again proven herself to be just as much a dramafag as the biggest of them, lmao.
it's really weird especially when those kpop tier motherfuckers do that retarded music video looping instruction shit but can't do the same for a stream
Looking at him now, is he gay?
His mannerisms just scream "I'm gay"
what's the history with that person anyway
i feel like i opened the catalog one day and saw threads about them seething about doki
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Turns out once spouting defamation has one's public name attached quinn isn't so eager to pick fights anymore.
Or rather he is because he's a spiteful piece of vermin but he has no balls for it. Just like all bullies the moment he faces a possible consequence he runs crying he totally would win but definitely doesn't want to fight because it's not worth his time. Not at all because he doesn't want a legal fist breaking his legal nose.
Like all bullies quinn is just a chicken.
Everyday we see the pitfalls of hiroshimoot removing the IP counter.
That is a great fucking question
They were one of the accounts posting the sisters' rentry from Nyfco, acting as though she was a fan of Pomu (and carried on pretending to be a fan of Mint when she returned - she only recently changed her pfp from Mint). Somehow she managed to build up an audience of sisters because she was one who wasn't just a screeching young girl - and has continued getting involved in drama to increase engagement (despite claiming to hate dramafags) to increase her twitter popularity amongst sisters. She now tends to play down just being a Nijifag and since February started retweeting a lot of Holo art as well.

Basically a grifter.
40:57. and it's nothing. said they talked and there's no beef.
>if it wasn't for Nbinted the entire stream would have gone completely unnoticed
and it should've.
she wouldn't and she didn't. that timestamp is about something else i guess
You are commenting on a thread started by the known sayusperg who's severely mentally ill. He also samefags a lot . Just let him wallow in his own filth.
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So what's the consensus of Sunny here?
this faggot is a loser in CCV and IRL
I couldn't care less about her to be honest, for better or worse. And seeing the people she interacts with doesn't push me to change my position.
Bint has gained twitter notoriety for being both a Doki critic and a Niji defender. Due to possessing more eloquence and clarity in speech than the average sister, Bint is now a figurehead of sorts. As another anon said, Bint used to have #1 Mint fan or True Mint fan in their name months ago which grated on wisps because of the opinions shared on that account. Bint has also generally shown many Holo-anti opinions in response to critiques of Niji in attempts to redirect and deflect.
There are a lot of wisps outside /here/ who like niji. I'm not talking about homo loving behaviour, but stuff like basically sharing arts of nijis, commenting under them, retweeting artists who make their art, etc. That sort of stuff. I was honestly very surprised.
She replied to not Hex again.
Quinn doesn't need receipts he wasn't the one who took down nigisanji.
However the savior who took down Nigisanji does need to show receipts considering a bunch of other people who had no nothing to do with what enna elira vox millie did to her and paid a bigger price than the people who were responsible for it.
>Doki doesn't show receipts: totally fair, understandable,

Love watching vt eat this shit up, totally unaware of their own actions
this reply doesnt make much sense in response to one of the biggest cunts on twitter
Difference being Quinn brought it up; in Doki's case it was Niji that brought it up.
>Sister would abandon him
>Checks numbers
I didn’t know sister were the ‘modern audience’. Explains a lot.
It's less about being pro-niji or neutral-niji and more of Bint acting in a very inflammatory and defensive way that serves no purpose other than to "defend against the antis". Bint also wanders the archives of vt and takes screenshots to post on twitter so you can honestly just think of it like a worse bvtm but sister-adjacent
She didn’t need to, Niji desperately spent an entire month sel-accusing and sister spent 6 proving to all the internet they are worse than the woke menhera.
>said he
>said he
>twatter post
Speaking of receipts, OP? Are you gonna at least clip shit or just post your menhera twit?
The reply isn't that relevant to what that guy was saying, but you're right. There's barely any Mint art you can like without twitter immediately recommending you some sister trash. It's wild. It's always those who have Pomu's oshi marks ahead of Mint's too.
There is a vod that is linked. Its kind of a nothingburger though. So far he hasn't said anything about 'receipts'.
Read the thread you fucking retard.
the modern audience is EXACTLY what he has, people who shout on twitter but dont exist otherwise
sounds like next level grifting using algorithms to me
They're weird people but I don't think they're exploiting anything intentionally. It's just that that's where they hang out a lot.
What the fuck is this thread, man???
Nuclear grade schizoposting
See >>87218657
Watched from the 38 minute mark and there's nothing exceptionally bad in there except Quinn ranting about sayufans /here/ attacking him.
>Muh receipts
Reigniting drama is always the wrong solution, look at what happened to the Froot doc.
so no receipts then? got it
Pisses me the fuck off, honestly.
I now believe he didn't doxx Zaion, but I DO believe he's an insufferable, narcissistic cunt. Holy shit, he's basically saying that Zaion completely deserved whatever happened to her, and completely ignoring the context of what was going on at the time to pitybait that he got a few mean comments.
Hell, he just admitted to joking about doxxing as Zaion was being doxxed, and is wondering why the fuck he was getting hate when she made a joke about a fictional character in a video game, as that is "way worse." He basically confirmed he was making fun of her twitlonger, too.

I'm also wondering if he's the anon who kept bitching /here/ about how "Zaion should've known better than to start beef with a 19 year old when she's so much older," which was a very specific, very strange argument that got brought up many, many times this year.

Anyways, here's the meltdown rant in its entirety, and here's the parts specifically about zaion where he's bitching at zaion for being 30 and liking a tweet that said "fuck kyo", despite losing her cat, her career, being harassed in person, and having her goddamn passport and address shown underneath every single one of her tweets for a week. He's calling her a psychopath and asking why the internet sided with her and not him... when it DID side with him and she continued to receive harassment for over a year.

...What's really unfortunate is I'm noticing and recognizing a lot of names responding positively to his bullshit. Guess that confirms Sunny really doesn't plan on playing nice with Sayu and was just using her as a weapon against Niji.

The only valid point he has is that he was bitching about the sisters being yumes, which is both funny and fucking retarded because he directly antagonized them and started crying that they responded to his antagonism.
circle of life lion eats the grass something something I think
Wait the Sayu schizos we’re right KEK. This guy is slimy as hell.
nice thanks for the info dump i never tend to bother giving a fuck till something that decently looks compiled shows up
He was talking about you lot it seems. You can just say you don't like him instead of writing all that drivel and then samefagging.
The difference between doki and quinn, you fucktard, is that doki only ever brought up receipts in response to defamatory claims being made about her person. She was stating she would disprove the lies being spread if need be through those receipts.

Quinn on the other hand is screaming about receipts after he's personally started drama nobody wants to listen to against someone he's long established as a harasser of.

Not that complicated dumbass.
Is like nijisisters are memory holing that niji did in fact admitted they bullied selen but didn't think it was bullying covering their ass.
Is like that bully who pushes the weakest kid around everyday until that kid kills himself then bully goes said I never meant for him to kill himself even though I made his life a living hell for years! I'm sorry.
I wonder if he's going to use the same "I didn't know" argument if and when someone will finally point out to his fans that he liked a meme implying a racial slur.
niji and former nijis just make me feel like i should never interact with filipinos
He'll say that it's different because when he likes something he's just making a funny, but if someone else likes something, they deserve harassment for being a psychopath.
After all, joking about doxxing a real person as they're being doxxed, making half a joke about calling a fictional character hot, they're both jokes, right? But the latter is "way worse."

Fuck, it's like he's everything that /vt/ claims Mouse is, a narcissistic cumstain leech clinging onto everyone bigger than him for a crumb of clout while using his disease to farm pity points for attention.
>and having her goddamn passport and address shown underneath every single one of her tweets for a week.
Wait, how the fuck do they get her passport, unless they from niji itself and spread by them or the organs.
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That's the running theory. Niji mishandled the info, just like they mishandled Selen's legal documents and leaked her shit to the organs like Vox to "thoroughly" examine.
Sisters started trying to claim recently though that she somehow posted her full ass passport on facebook or something (including all identifying information, front and back).
I bet it was someone in higher management who access to talents info that did this. And that person still employed btw
I'm slightly curious because I'm a dramafag but I'm not enough off a masochist to listen to that dumb wigger's voice.
I wouldn't be surprised if talents somehow have access to the management database with how inept JP sounds like they are.
Maybe, but it sounds more like one of the managers had an axe to grind rather than something the talents would do. The talents are easy to blame since we know them, but Niji proper is extremely spiteful on its own, too.
So Quinn is still a piece of shit? He never changed? And now, sunny is besties with him?
that seems to be the upshot
Are you guys sure he isn't in this thread himself? It wouldn't be the first time people guessed he was /here/
>So Quinn is still a piece of shit? He never changed?
Yes, although him and Sayu talked and are just neutral towards each other these days
>And now, sunny is besties with him?
Sunny is trying to leech from any ex-Niji who will give her attention, including Sayu and Quinn
Kson has some of the most mentally ill fans on this board and yes, even in comparison to cancer organs. They convinced themselves that kson is perfect and it's just one / a couple of schizos who obsessively hate her because there's no way there would be more people who dislike Coco -> kson change, despite the fact she lost ~90% of her audience or the fact plenty of people already didn't enjoy her content back in Coco days.
So, every time you mention kson and don't praise her, even if it's a neutral statement to any mentally well person, they will immediately attack you by calling you a chimp and acting as if you're that a specific person hating her.
One of many quirks of /vt/, catalog newfriend.
Please do not doxx Quinn by post his irl rm.
It could be that new at the time manager she had issues with and went over to contact their higher up directly.
>except Quinn ranting about sayufans /here/ attacking him.
To be fair, I watch Sayu and even so I think that her fans are annoying as fuck.
Well yeah but if being annoying justifies doxxing someone I'd know most of this board's names
There are 2 ex-nijien cliques forming. The good ones that includes Mint/Matara/Doki, and the shit ones that includes Kuro/Michi/Quinn/notHex/Sunny.
Are you legitimately retarded? Matara has a collab with quinn next week and is far closer to kuro than frickin doki. Mint wants to collab with michi and talks to her on twitter. Quinn and kuro do not even follow notHex on twitter and have never mentioned him. Only michi follows him. Sunny tries to talk to everyone( including sayu).
What fucking clique are you talking about?
Mint is friends with anyone who didn't try to harass Doki.
Holy retard. Work on discerning nuance or you'll fail your English classes next year.
Which is why claims that she will one day, eventually collab with either Quinn or notHex or both are hilarious to me.
all y'all thought enna was with kyo but that was just a meme, she was with Diego the whole time if it wasn't obvious enough
and you want to convince anons that they are the ones who are mentally ill with your wall of text.
>barely legal 19 year old
He was 17 btw
Close but it's pretty clear that quinn is firmly in orbiter territory and hasn't been let in to the clique proper.
Idk about quinn but notHex is going for the typical gachi strat.. Have a small but dedicated viewer base in his own corner and cultivate whales for getting that $$. A number of chuubas follow this.
>t. Diego
Sorry I don't want to discern nuance from pure unfiltered schizophrenia.
Because he has no other options. He can't afford to get big/leech from big names, otherwise his sins will be aired out to the world again.
>wall of text
Phoneposter get the rope.
He remains the most bafflingly retarded employment choices Vshojo has made. 0 positive effect and only a source of drama.
>the good ones
>literally collabs with the bad ones
? ? ?
You're onto something there. Especially with how immature their managers are these are people who just graduated high school or still in their last year of high school lol I really don't know wtf they were thinking. When they had the pajeets managers this shit wasn't happening it all started going to shit after they replaced their original team of managers with teenagers.
obsessed holocuck rumao he's not even in vshojo
Get a life you faggot
Gee, I wonder why OP? Maybe because one of them is just a random asshole, and the other is a perpetual liar, an insane bipolar whore, known for bouts of schizophrenia and endless grifting? WHICH ONE DO I BELIEVE??
Go back to Twatter, you don't belong here.
I believe the side who was doxxed simply because she exposed a multibillion dollar corp toxic work environment.
Doki didn't get doxxed tho???
0 respect for anyone who associates with this faggot
What sins? If you are talking about the zaion and cut4hex then dramatubers have already covered it.
People need reminders from time to time.
He is not defending the company but himself. He is aware vtuberfans hold more favor for Sayu than for him.
> I now believe he didn't doxx Zaion
Why do you believe that, considering the rest of the post?
Oh, nice. She got another 10k subs.
But he says he isn't a grifter because he doesn't receive any money from being a insufferable sister, anon
Did you actually watch the vod or are you relying on a qrd from a Schizoknight?
It's not all sayufans, but there definitely is a few schizoknights who seem to think it's them against the entire world
Because Niji showed receipts by self-reporting, that's why
there were hints that he was aware of, egging on, or involved in the doxxing.
He's defending his clique buddies who ARE the EN branch.
As to why he fucked off? He knew the branch would die and incorrectly assumed it would work out.
I'm just glad Sayu isn't getting involved as of now, lol.
for the clout and pity money/subs
yet Sunny is licking this insufferable faggot's feet after leaving Niji
There is no "this" as of now. Not that the schizo isn't trying his hardest to make it so.
Oh, he's 19 now. No wonder he's been so retarded.
OP, whoever this is, you should let them know that they probably need a professional to help them with their inability to remember chronological information.
Ah, is this why Rosemi just keeps mum? Teenage entitlement?
This is just WACTOR behavior.
He is not 19. Matara talked about going to bar with him and she wasn't sure if je could drink but he barely qualified. Also he never claimed that sayu harassed him and also didn't say anything about any receipts so idk what the fuck OP's pic is on about.
irrelevant hag doesn't have connections to mint/doki so she settles for leeching the other ex nijis. Purely number driven move
You mean when she made a song just for Diego it wasn't obvious to people?
We are going to rape you, Quinncuck
He was 19 1.5 year ago*
sayucucks lost 5x
Sorry, he's 22 today, 19 when he started with AnyColor. For your second part, I don't believe I commented on that and I will not because I haven't paid enough attention to the stuff in between the two (will probably never). If it's about me calling him retarded, it's about his other actions. Hopefully we get a transcript of whatever this vod is though. Quicker and more convenient to read than watch a stream sometimes.
>barely legal 19 year old
fuck this zoomer shit, 19 year olds are legal adults they need to learn to take it up the ass like anyone else.
Fucking americans would be shown lol
People there still shout him out constantly like Ver and Enna, not on their roommate accounts either or as references but publicly. With how his solo career quickly fizzled out even with his many connections, he has a vested interest in not scaring off the remaining Nijisis that follow him.
It's a nothingburger. His original rant wasn't even about sayu. Rest assured he said that he didn't know about the zaion thing when he replied to that tweet. Then he reached out to sayu and told her didn't know and she said OK. They aren't friends or anything but there's no beef between them.
When did this whole thing start?
>Says he has balls to say whatever the fuck he wants with no fear, proceeds to delete the vod.

I mean he is a faggot after all lmao!
19 year olds are retards and probably thinks being talked to straight forward like an adult is "harassment"
I mean dramafags knew for years about what Froot did, and look at what happened recently. It brings me joy to know Hex will now be forever trapped with a bunch of unhinged fans he probably despises, since he's hated by the general vtuber community, and it will be the same when Vox has the balls to leave
All male chuubas should go away forever.
After every incel starting with you kills themselves
I invoke the law of alchemy.
He's debuting tomorrow. Be sure to support him!!
twatter bots are cheaper than twitch or YT bots
>I now believe he didn't doxx Zaion
I don't. There's more than enough evidence in the archives do your reps, no spoonfeeding to show that it was indeed this fag who published her full doxx, and the only way he can clear his name is if he can point to the actual person AND prove them to be the guilty party.
Quinn was a snake, and most people paying attention (who weren't fanatical sisters) understood this. This was the expected outcome for being a low backstabber.
Same pussy who deleted his golf vod because he got so mad he got outbantered he muted himself in the collab and got pissy about it
This loser has the hugest and most fragile ego and zero self awareness
what did the wigger say about sayu
and this is WHY he doxxed Sayu.
Hey Quinn, I know your egosearching ass is reading this thread. No amount of seething and victim blaming will make people forget what you did you spiteful little faggot. And you so graciously provided us video evidence ensuring that it will be able to be used against you, even after getting off scot free initially. Karma is finally about to catch up to you, strap the fuck in.
He said he reached out to her because he wanted her to be his dommy mommy but she turned out to be a sub so he's very disappointed.
Did I step into an alternate dimension?
Weird, that's exactly what quinn said. But she is actually a sub inside. Sorry bro
...Yep, definitely an alternate dimension. Well shit, how do I get back?
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Sayucucks are fucking insane holy shit lmao
>view post engagements
Who even are the popular male vtubers in the west, Luxiem and Noctyx? Also Bettel? Ruze on a good day maybe?
Hate to say we told you so, but we told you so. Hopefully Sayu herself never hears about this shit. The last thing she needs is to get dragged into a mudslinging fight with someone who struggles to pass 200ccv on a good day after all her healing and progress this year.
I assume that anon is either talking about Sayu, or about Doki's confidential for-lawyer-eyes-only documents that Anycolor immediately leaked to the livers accused of bullying her
I hope she enjoys the rest of her soon to be short lived vtuber career being a 2view just like this wigger faggot she decided to befriend.
He's that type of leech in the group who talks shit about others while hiding behind his hosts, but the moment he's confronted, he's gonna fold like a chair
Why would you try to reach Sayu while pretending to be best buddies with Quinn? Women are really retarded.
Stop using my wife to shitpost, cunt.
Most people aren't aware of the animosity between the two to be fair. Although thanks to Quinn and Binted being retards I imagine that'll change soon.
I mean, she could use it to bump her numbers a little and become relevant again.
A slight bump to her numbers isn't worth the merry hell it would play on her mental state. We dodged a bullet with Kenji a while back but I doubt Quinn will be as reasonable.
>Quinn shits on /vt/ hard
>He starts pointing out /vt/ hypocrisy and talks about the edgy group morally grandstands just to get people to hate someone
>Quinn shits on the fact that people treat him like a war criminal just because they personally don't like him then make shit up about him
>Quinn calls out Sayu for not asking him about the tweet and says it was really immature of her to start saying "Fuck Kyo" since she was over 30 and he was 19 when she could have just asked in DMs
>Quinn clarifies that he did not that those clips of Sayu were going around and only found out after he started getting harassed over his tweet next morning
>Quinn says they talked it out in private but she still decides to throw shade
>Quinn shits on cucks that get offended when he talks to women
>Sunny joins in, calls Quinn based, starts shitting on cucks too then subs to him
>Sunny starts to mock dramafags by deciding to jokingly starting beef on Twitter

/vt/ fucking lost
>Barely legal 19 year old
Huh? Why do zoomies think 19 year olds are on the same category as children.
uhhhh how nijisisters defend this
sayuchads were right the whole time
The funniest thing about this thread is that it revealed the existence of unironic Quinncucks
lol she's been throwing shit at him even though they talked it out for her entire career. She's a fucking dramafagging snake
she's busy making her internet work in Japan so she can actually stream for us. I'm expecting the rest of her year to be shit ccv-wise, and she can start climbing again next year.
I know you don't have a clip of her doing that so I 100% believe you
Nigger, the only time she's ever even implied anything about him outside of the Fuck Kyo tweet was a vague statement she made once about popular people in the scene being trash behind the scenes.
>he's basically saying that Zaion completely deserved whatever happened to her
No one told her ass to be so edgy. Not like he said she deserved it either, just that the shit he did was not as bad as what Sayu did.
>just admitted to joking about doxxing as Zaion
No he didn't. He said doxxing someone was way worse than joking about some girl getting raped, Sayucuck.
>very strange argument
What's strange about it? She's over 30 and she was starting shit with someone who's old enough to be in highschool. It's not strange to begin shitting on her immaturity
>despite losing her cat, her career, being harassed in person, and having her goddamn passport and address shown underneath every single one of her tweets for a week
This is what he's referring to when he says the way to dramafag is to shit on something people don't like and have a sob story for it. He was just talking about what she did in regards to him, didn't mention anything about her getting fired and said the doxxing was worse than the jokes.
>He called a psychopath
He didn't, sayufag. Don't know why you're cherry picking or just lying when the stream is ITT
>quinn calls out sayu
His issue was more with people being less charitable to him despite him not knowing what was happening and being younger compared to sayu for liking that comment instead of talking to him.

>She still decides to throw shade
He did not say that. He said he told her that he did not know what was going on did not mean her any harm and she said OK and that was it.

In fact, some chatters were saying that after their talk sayu could have said something so that people do not hate on him but he said that she couldn't have due to NDAs and stuff. He was defending her there.
>but he said that she couldn't have due to NDAs and stuff
...what? I mean, Sayu has been saying whatever the fuck she wants for a whole year and a half, she even watched Kotoka and Hex backstabbing streams and talked about her personal relationship with them
Top fucking kek. Ms. Contract leaker doesn't give a shit about NDAs. Especially since she was shading Quinn after he debuted, shit on Vshoujo for hanging around Quinn and called it a clique then shaded Quinn even more after the Kenji drama
who the fuck is defending quinn unironically?
niji sisters?
vshojo sisters?
The point is not kind what she could have or couldn't have said. It's just what quinn said on his stream when some chatters asked him. You can check the vod.
Anyone not schizophrenic is your answer. Your ugly hag giving a sob story doesn't win over critical thinking
The point being that she could have said to not harass Quinn because they talked about everything in private and they were chill now. But she instead proceeds to throw sneak diss him every time she gets the chance when he already thinks they made up. Pure snake behavior
Anon, your point (or Quinn's, if you will) is that she didn't say anything because...
>but he said that she couldn't have due to NDAs and stuff
...but that's just not true. Now I'm wondering if Quinn is even aware of how much shit-talking Sayu has done about them and Nijisanji since she went back to her previous account.
Imagine defending some failed wigger fleshie faggot.
Go fellate a shotgun, Quinn. You and your shit model don't belong here.
>>87238513 (me)
Just to be clear, I'm a sayufan (or was, I guess, I haven't watched her content for a while) and I think Quinn is a cunt, but Sayu had plenty of chances to be upfront about her current relationship with him. She's clearly aware of what her fans think of him, so I find it weird that she went as far as excusing Kotoka's behavior but didn't say anything about burying the hatchet with Kyo.
So he just self reported? What an idiot
She's in japan without working internet right now. I hope this blows over before she ever notices, honestly. The last thing she needs right now is a relapse.
Got any clips perchance? Surely they must be floating around, Nijisisters would be spreading them like candy it if it really happened
Nah, she went off a few times when some random shitposters in chat brought up the Matara topic. She never said his name, but it was clear that she was hurt that Matara was Quinn's friend. I don't think she has ever talked about him again since Matara patched things up with her tho.
Sayu has not said anything about quinn. Anyways I was just relaying what quinn said on his stream because the prevailing opinion here seems to be that he was shit talking her which goes completely opposite to what I saw.
the very first thing he said was calling her a psychopathic 30 year old harassing a barely legal person, while constantly repeating that her joke about a video game character was way worse than him joking about her doxx and twitlonger.
This is the same retard that got both Iluna and XSoleil doxxed on day one by following their PL accounts with his corpo one. Some people are vicious, some are idiots but Quinn is the rare breed that is both at once.
Oh the schizo is back.
>her joke about a video game character was way worse than him joking about her doxx and twitlonger.
And sisters unironically believe this too
Yeah just ignore the part where he opens up with calling her a psycho and follows that up like 1 minute later with implying that the harassment and smear campaign was a 'sob story'. You disingenuous cocksucker.
>Sayu has not said anything about quinn.
I've watched her long enough to catch at least a couple of references to him in some of her rants. Even if she was talking about someone else whose actions just happen to align with Quinn's and his circle of friends, there's still the fact that she's aware of how much her fanbase hates him, especially a few schizos who constantly get into twitter fights with sisters and sometimes drag Sayu into it. Despite all that, she's never once mentioned or hinted at talking to him in private.

I'm not saying Sayu is a snake or that Quinn is lying, but it’s a weird situation. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing is just some kind of misunderstanding and both of them are complete retards.
You leave michi out of this you fucking faggot ass motherfucker rape child.
Stop samefagging schizo. Sorry the rest of the vtubing world doesn't believe in your fanfiction of him doxxing anyone.
BTW he has a collab with Matara next week :)
When Quinn debuted:
>Sayu: Not everyone who left Niji is a good person btw. It makes me so sad to see this person get so much support from everyone when I got nothing
When Quinn started hanging around Vshoujo:
>Sayu: I'll never get into Vshoujo because of certain people who don't want want me there. It's a clique
Sayu during Kenji drama
>Some of the people who were part of the hate mob from the original drama are backing Kenji and that makes me so sad

>psychopathic 30 year old
Never called her psychopathic, schizo
>onstantly repeating that her joke about a video game character was way worse than him joking about her doxx and twitlonger
He went on a 5 minute rant about how he literally never said he supported doxxing and he's struggling to understand how saying that bad jokes are bad somehow made people think he was okay with doxxing then said doxxing was not defendable, Sayucuck. Why are you lying? The stream is ITT
>anon asks for clips
>gets fanfiction in response
You had one job.
Not giving your whore a view. Do your reps and study up in the archives, faggot
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finana, you still stick out like a sore thumb
Aw leave the poor Hmongoloid alone. Oh wait, her ex viewers already did!
Wait, are you serious? Holy shit.
Mentally ill twitter really will destroy a real person's life because she didn't respect a cartoon character.
>At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing is just some kind of misunderstanding and both of them are complete retards.
I'm the idiot who actually sat through hours of that fucker's voice to post the trimmed version, and that's exactly what I think happened.
However, afterwards Quinn started poking the bear like he complains about throughout the rest of his rant. He started joking about her doxxing and twitlonger, which got further backlash. Sayu was in a very, very bad mental state at the time and took it as him being one of the many people dogpiling on her. (Which he still was and further did, but not with that tweet initially. He was just cloutchasing off a SA comment)

Just like with the korea thing and the cuck gag he did with Enna, he's incapable of understanding that his actions designed to piss people off aren't simply him being "based" and having "balls," but that it has an effect on real people who may or may not respond positively to his actions. Also him "speaking the truth" as his jokes is just justification for him going for constant low blows in his "bantz" as he is incapable of making any kind of witty comebacks or banter that don't involve picking at somebody's insecurities or reputation.
I like how you can spot the exact point in the thread where BVTM pagpags started posting. They really do tell on themselves.
She's still besties with Enna, she's just as shit as the rest of current nijiens
Bonus points for some of them leaving her for Sayu, lol
Cue in the NTR jokes
Sayu fumbled all her collabs with Filian despite her giving her multiple opportunities, I don't care about her and she seems like a lame boring person.
Enna wasn't involved, she wasn't on the black stream.
>I spent minutes clipping shit out of context to fit my narrative
The stream is right there, Sayucuck. We don't need your edited version. He literally said that he never defended doxxing and never will. Him and Sunny joked about her twitlonger because it was a complete joke. It's the most blatant attempt at dramafarming that someone can do and guess who did it?
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what's even worse is that Quinn simps DO exist! i wouldn't wish that even on my greatest enemy.
Oh man. He's one of those twitterbrained teenagers who do nothing but pick fights and spout stupid shit and then go "erm I'm basically a minor stop harrassing me you psycho" when faced with the slightest hint of pushback.
Why do you niggers keep trying these weak attempts at getting fanbases to fight each other? It hasn't worked with any combination of fans yet, do you just have a humiliation fetish or something?
>Sayucucks already start falseflagging
Worse faction on /vt/ by far
>Him and Sunny joked about her twitlonger because it was a complete joke.
>because it was a complete joke.
this doesn't sound like an "own" like what you think it is.
Sunny did not say anything about the twitlonger and neither did quinn. She arrived near the end saying "ow you are in drama again". Then quinn talked about people hating on him because he'd collab with female streamers and their fans would hate on him. Then Sunny. joked around.
only the gen alpha snackers who shouldn't even be allowed on the internet think so, the rest enjoyed both times Sayu went on for hours to torture Filian.
What fanbase fight? Just calling her boring and lame.
Did I hurt your feelings, Sayucuck? Writing a twitlonger is a meme because it's the most blatant attempt at a cancellation and dramagrifting that someone can do. Considering that Sayu is notorious for being the biggest ex-Niji dramafag and other ex Nijis avoid her like the plague, it should come as no surprise
Welp, the thread is inundated with the stench of half rotten Jollibee's and curry sharts. But at least we now have proof of Quinn being malicious. Silver linings I guess.
Oh they didn't say anything about a twitlonger. Sunny just started joking about writing a twitlonger about Quinn because he took her lunch money then actually tweeted it and Quinn laughed. She said that everything he said is correct
>Proof of Quinn being malicious
>Said proof is him saying he will never defend doxxing and he buried the hatchet with Sayu a long time ago
>Which makes Sayu look like a snake because she continuously shits on him anyways

Most you can say is he didn't like how Sayu reacted originally. Meanwhile Sayu is a confirmed cunt who will make up with you in private but shit on you in public afterwards
what is sayu doing in japan, anyway?
Sweet mother of God what the hell is wrong with you man? What possess a man to be so dogmatic and rabid? Have you completely taken leave of your senses?
Jesus Christ, is Quinn one of the fucking Rockefellers or some shit? I've never seen such an aggressive defense force on here, even NDF sisters weren't this dedicated to lying to protect their company.
It is a mystery, since they don't care enough to go and watch him as his numbers show.
if I gave you the real answer I'd get a global 3-day for "racism"
>Sayufags desperately clinging into Sunny because she's the only ex -niji who gives Sayu the time of day
>They become so asshurt that they have to delude themselves into pretending her shitting on Sayu's dramafagging isn't real

Life is hard for a sayucuck
Nah, man can't even afford bots.
Trying to stream and relax at the same time. There's been no end of Internet trouble to deal with but she's figuring out a workaround.
The twitlonger joke was in a hex stream the day after sayu released her document. Sunny was not involved, as she had not yet joined Niji.
torture by boredom maybe.
It's just too much fun to shit on a schizo
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what is this twitter tier eceleb drama
why does it need to be here
meant to quote >>87240927
Where else it would be? I'd rather it stay off twitter and is contained /here/
Doki did far more damage to the company and people in it so yeah.
You must be new here, therefore lurk more.
>oh nyo no new shiny thing every 10 seconds
we were entertained at your expense.
Ah, I see why he's doing it
Love how you're so much a faggot that you completely lied about him talking about evidence just to boost your drama thread, Sayucuck. OP truly is a faggot
SEAsters will do anything for a pasty white boy's approval
>Quinn: "We made up. I wouldn't call us friends but we don't hate each other. I'd say we're in our own lane and are moving parallel

That poor boy doesn't know how much shit Sayu throws at him in secret
>Sayu during Kenji drama
She wasn't even streaming during the Kenji drama you dipshit, she was on holiday.
Yeah, getting gang banged by a bunch on hawaiin dudes.
And what did she do when she got back from vacation? Cry about it on stream. That still counts as the Kenji drama, Sayucuck
Man, imagine getting boosted by nearly every large indie there is on debut only to nosedive almost immediately after. To the point where the woman you helped drive into the dirt regularly gets 2-3 times your CCV. I'd feel bad for him but he's a dox spreading faggot who should mainline sulfuric acid.
She was named
>To the point where the woman you helped drive into the dirt regularly gets 2-3 times your CCV

Why are sayucucks number fagging? She's a sub 100 CCV shitter while Quinn gets at least a thousand on Twitch and his videos on YouTube blow her out. It's like you didn't watch him say that he never supported doxxing and that people were just making shit up about him because they don't like him
Yes, they were all me
I seem to remember Kenji backtracking like a little bitch after clearly being threatened legally - probably why Quinn decided to delete his VOD. Just a shame for Quinn that the 4000IQ faggot Nbinted decided to broadcast to twitter about it in defence of him when virtually no one even knew it had happened it the first place.
Hey Quinn, since you're obviously in this thread let me give you a fun idea. Halloween is coming up so you should do a stream where you dress up as Ronnie McNutt. Make sure you fully commit to the bit, that way you'll actually have entertained people for once in your career.
>they don't like him
Has he thought about why he's not liked?
I'm not even a schizoknight but this thread is full of retards on both sides.
Quinn is an asshole who doesn't think about his actions, but Sayu is also a turbo menhera who will assume that everyone hates her without evidence and start crying on stream to cause her fanbase to attack that person.
I bet you if Matara and Mint didn't stroke her ego at offkai, Doki was going to be her next target because she ignored her
>Quinn gets at least a thousand on Twitch
see >>87218890
screenshot this post Quinnkek. i wanna confirm something.
A lot of this stuff is so self-inflicted. Just keep it to a discord or something. Instead, they have a bunch of clout-chasers as fans who need "public" approval and end up broadcasting everything to everyone else.
Narcissists are not typically blessed with the gift of self awareness, Anon.
What? Sayu is easily a 4view.
>Kenji backtracking
Saying that Sayu isn't a pedophile isn't backtracking. If I remember correctly, he said three sentences while she went on a multi paragraph long apology at how she overreacted and that she's sorry.
>probably why Quinn decided to delete his VOD
Explain to me how exactly Quinn saying that she handled it immaturely is something to sue over. I really want to hear your cope
If Quinn was in any way smart he would have recognized that he got away with what he did and shut the fuck up so no one other than /here/ would know. But he just couldn't help himself from taking another shot at Sayu.
If you watched the vod you would know that the reason he brought it up was because he was still getting attacked and blamed by sayufans
>Saying that Sayu isn't a pedophile isn't backtracking.
It quite literally is.
>Quinn saying that she handled it immaturely is something to sue over.
I didn't say there is grounds to sue, I'm saying Quinn was afraid the same thing that happened to Kenji (public humiliation, with even his fans asking what the fuck was going on) might be about to happen to him. Like I said it was a good idea for him to delete the VOD regardless, just a shame sisters like Binted are too fucking stupid to keep their mouths shut.
He already did. He gave three reasons
>They don't like my content or sense of humor
>They don't like that I talk to women they watch
>They don't like that I have guts

There's also the Sayuschizos but you're a thin skinned faggot if you don't like him because of a menhera
In my opinion, what Sayu did to Quinn was not a form of harassment
>I have guts
>>They don't like that I have guts
>Same guy who deleted his vod when he had a hissy fit
>Zaion completely deserved whatever happened to her
I hate Quinn, but he's right.
>It quite literally is.
So him saying Sayu isn't a pedophile is backtracking but Sayu writing an essay groveling for forgiveness isn't backtracking? KEK Sayucucks are mindbroken
>I'm saying Quinn was afraid the same thing that happened to Kenji
Why would he? In the stream you're shitting yourself about, he said they already made up and have no beef. The only one still shitting on him in secret is Sayu. This just exposed Sayu to be a dramafag snake since he didn't even know she was still shitting on him since they were supposed to be neutral now
>Ennaschizo is in this thread
Like clockwork.
>Sayu never calls out Quinn
>Talks about things she doesn't like in general
>Quinn cries and accused Sayu of "harassing" him
A hit dog will holler
Never forget the day the self styled King of Banter got clowned by two goofballs talking about rizz. KWAB
i'm thinking this binted person posts here defending quinn non stop because he was a niji
>So him saying Sayu isn't a pedophile is backtracking
Again, yep.
>Sayu writing an essay groveling for forgiveness
Pretty sure this is headcanon
>the stream you're shitting yourself about
Kek, I'm laughing about it - or more to the point I'm laughing about the fact he's now so irrelevant that no one even knew it had happened until the retarded sister Binted decided to dramafag about it for some reason
>he didn't even know she was still shitting on him
I don't follow Sayu but I'm sure if she'd said something recently about him her fans would be spamming about it /here/; clearly even she doesn't pay attention to him either
I think Quinn's just pissy that nobody genuinely cares about him. Even Matara only hangs with him out of pity.
Bint loves to post screenshots from here to shit on them, wouldn't be surprised if that's the case
KEK, did you just wake up from 6 months ago? Dramabuff ran out
Binted definitely searches for themself (I still think it's a woman because it's mainly women who describe themselves as non-binary, men just tend go full troon) in the archive because they've posted screenshots before, I'm relatively certain they do post in some catalog threads as well, yes.

It's actually probably them defending themself rather than Quinn, because even some sisters were calling out binted broadcasting about the stream.
Cool schizo post but she has cried about Quinn multiple times and liked comments shitting on him and Quinn never said she harassed him
>calls all the favors in the world to boost his numbers
>loses numbers instead
>mentally ill gender troon shit
so all the schizo name calling is projection
Sincroknight here, she's too occupied dealing with the dogshit Internet in Japan to care about some asshole yapping like a demented chihuahua. And any retard that tries to bring him up in the discord or on stream will be verbally ripped to shreds for our amusement.
kill yourself
Lurk more.
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Oh no no no, Sayukeks, not like this.
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>Pretty sure this is headcanon
She fucking KNEELED
>Sayucuck is obsessed with some woman on Twitter
Too fucking funny. They literally can't breathe without drama
>if she'd said something recently about him her fans would be spamming about it /here/
Goalpost shifting is real. She dramafags enough
Reminder this thread is full of sisters (and Quinncucks if they exist, lmao) and bait
>One paragraph is now an essay
Sad state of sayuschizos
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>said they talked and there's no beef.
Picrel, unless Sayu says that they didn't talk and/or that there is still beef betwixt them
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e-celeb twittershit has always been off-topic
>I'm noticing and recognizing a lot of names responding positively to his bullshit
Got a list?
If that pic is your proof then I was right in saying it was headcanon
>They literally can't breathe without drama
A good description of NBinted - it's thanks to them that everyone has now become aware the stream. There isn't really any difference between Binted and random catalogfags - other than the fact binted pretends to have morals, kek
>Goalpost shifting is real.
What shifting? You said he was complaining about her still shitting on him - still. Where has she?
...You do realize that youtube isn't her main platform, right? She simulcasts
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>Complains about getting doxxed
>Defends a well known doxxfag who feels no remorse for doxxing Vtubers

Never forget
Don't bother with these retards, they probably think that Sayu breathing air is an offense to them
>Makes a random Twitter user their sworn enemy
Sayucucks are desperate as fuck to stay relevant. Quinn still thinks that Sayu and him are chill. He doesn't even know she was shitting on him ever since he debuted
It's hilarious to see you spamming these things in this thread that are clearly not true
>nov 2016
Yes, the graph does show her entire career and how she averages at 505 CCV. The charts also show that her CCV tanked too which is impressive on Twitch where they spam raids and viewbots. Sayucuck 9/11

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