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Why did pippa fell off?
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Why are they so fond of blacks?
American culture
She didn't tho?
>fell off
Untrue. And there's nothing wrong with liking black men.
White bitch
>there's nothing wrong with liking black men.
Another white woman spotted
she collabs with males
She stopped pretending to be a chud
she's not gonna get an n-pass by saying that
we only interested in cgdct
t. black
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Then where did her signature racism go? She also apologised to Hasan and said she loved men who pretend they're women.
all small corpos are falling off this year for some reason, it's like they all decided to give hololive monopoly
I'm a black male but yes, Pippa fell off a bit by exchanging a rowdy edgier fanbase for a larger, more normie one. It worked but she no longer sits at 4k ccv like she did a year ago.
I liked the tangent streams and conspiracy talk. Now her content is somewhat stale but that's what makes the most money apparently.
slow night?
when will you fall off a cliff and smash your head to pieces upon the rocks?
I never watched her so I need to know, just how chuddy and schizo was she actually, like what level?
>le epic flat earther, nanobots in vaccines, pro zionist
>nasa skeptical, knows mrna is scientifically proven to increaise reinfection rates and cancer, anti zionist
>full on magapede, full on zionist
Did she ever show a stand on
>central banking
>free software and altnets
>disliked all non-whites or just niggers?
I see many guys who claimed Kirsche filled the void Pippa left, but goddamn Kirsche is such a massive pickme it's disgusting
Basically she was the anti government, nasa skeptical, bathroom gun, lolbertarian type with mostly socially right wing views on family and sex. Kirsche is old Pippa but openly political while Pippa has always hated politics in general. She just expressed her views in an autistic manner and garnered that kind of audience especially when she openly discussed kiwi farms and /here/ shit.
It's because she dialed back the react streams (mostly bodycams) because she presumably didn't want to do that content for whatever reason. I personally had no problem with it but ok
If blacks had been meant to watch vtubers you would have invented electronics.
>Pippa has always hated politics in general.
>he says being able to repeat political stances she has just off the top of his head
If you asked me what my oshi's political stances were the most I could do is shrug and say "maybe gay marriage?". People like you've just described don't hate politics, they just hate being told their politics are dogshit regardless of if they actually are or aren't dogshit; AKA cowards who should'va never spoken in the first place.
She betrayed everyone. Holo, idol, polfag, ... Only kiwifag stick with her in the end.
Many vtubers afraid of her army of doxxers
Pippa is only happy about "Blacks" being in her fanbase because she can display them as circus attraction to everyone else.
>openly thirsting over BBC again
What the fuck is wrong with her, can't she control her urges?
How does she think her white fans feel when they know at the next con she's going to be gaped?
>nothing wrong with liking black men
anyone who agrees that diversity is a good thing must disagree with this statement by necessity.
>signature racism
This was always projection.
Did you?
Based fuck white people. Less inbred the better
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>How does she think her white fans feel when they know at the next con she's going to be gaped?
Obviously they will bring in a chair and lotions.
Someone has stream and timestamp? I'm just curious to see the context
I really wanna rail her rm on gronk bro
It's a Fillian collab where she brings up the topic of blackmail, a chatter comments that Pippa hates blackmails which sounds like "black males" because of the TTS, which leads to OP's pic.
When will meidos delete shitty falseflag bait threads like these that were made in the peak of SEA prime time?
alimonysisters can't stop winning
Year of the rabbit ended.
I was hoping for Towa baby
Isn't Pippa from a redneck family or something? Those people are always bending backwards trying to prove to everyone how totally not racist they are. The conditioning and brainwashing of white people have gotten so deep even the most racists fell for it. Many even put blacks ahead of themselves as seen during those BLM riots whites kneeling and kissing their feet and stuff.

And women in particular the propaganda is always aimed at them first because they are the easiest to manipulate. Once you get the women the men become easy target because now is more about access to pussy. Men do anything for it.

You have to be high IQ and unafraid to think for yourself to be able to resist and notice stuff like this and if you have ever worked something like retail or a call center then you know most people are actually pretty goddamn retarded. So you might think propaganda doesn't really works because you feel like it doesn't work on you but it does work. They just keep repeating it over and over again throughout the years and eventually you crack and fall for it too.

Pippa might feel like she needs to love blacks and be excited for blacks and do anything for blacks but that's just the conditioning and brainwash at work. I mean, before vtubing she was a Tumblrina.
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I had a white classmate in high school who carefully explained that every white is racist and deeply they all want to enslave everyone again and I thought it was ridiculous at the time but almost two decades later After seeing the bunch of ridiculous shit whites have put themselves to prove to themselves they're aren't racists sort of reminded of what he said.
This is why she needs a racist minority like me as a husband to tell her it's ok.
She didn't she was always a grifter, that knew how to exploit lonely men since her times in kiwifarm and 4chan. After all, she used to spam and bump her own threads here with her mods.

She simply becomes too popular to spit and regurgitate any shit she would see in 4chan, specifically from /vt/ and /pol/, because she became popular enough to fall.

Furthermore, she just realized that she have to separate herself from her old fans to grow more and appeal to a wide audience, her old fans are affecting her negatively because they are chuds that aren't accepted in popular and judging settings.

She is slowly but for sure, trying to humillate her old fans to make them leave, and then bomb love the old fans that stuck with her, just by saying "You aren't like those anties or chuds"

It's the e-thot e-celeb from 4chan meta, it happened multiple of times, you can see Nyanners, Ame or Vei for some examples.
real face doxxed
She's invited to the cookout with this statement.
She likes them because they invented react content
twitch dot tv/videos/2270192559
very simple, cultures strongly tend to share geographical area, and congregate together, and thus intermix. Thus why any culture flattens it's racial makeup, thus the strong and inexorable correlation between race (ie. skin color, features, etc) and culture. So if all cultures blend together, the eventual result explains itself both culturally and racially - the erasure of diversity becomes the trend until completion.

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