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What can Phase do to increase its numbers?
Terminate Pippa.
why should they? it's comfy numbers and all the drama fags don't care about them.
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Some of the members make so little money they are forced to have a 2nd job.
>and all the drama fags don't care about them
More like the dramafags are in bed with them.
>all the drama fags don't care about them
wonder why that might be
That would literally do the opposite
>all the drama fags don't care about them
>literally every thread has dramafags shitting on them
Unfortunately they're already big enough to have dramafags orbiting them 24/7
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They should do more /pol/pandering, also add some cuck content on the side
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Dramafags are their audience, ofc they won't shit on them. You don't shit where you eat
I think he meant dramafags like falseeyed, khyo, and rima, /vt/ dramafags are already in the thread currently
Very organic posts here
back to your catalog faggot
Phase-Connect is effectively split into two different parts
The "I'm not like the other girls" Phase:
>Lia, Pippa, Tenma, Lumi, Rie, Iori, Dizzy, Clara
And a mostly normal vtuber small corp
>Nasa, Uruka, Michiru, Jelly, Ember, Wemi, Shiina, Erina, Panko, Saya, Hina, Runie, Muyu, Eimi, Loki, Yuu, Memory, Pico
To increase their numbers they should double down on one of those two, the problem is that the second category makes up the majority of their talents but the first category is vastly more popular
Viewers that tune into Phase for the pickme girls will get bored with the more normal talents while viewers that tune in for the normal vtubing content will be weirded out by the crazy chicks. These fanbases can't cross-pollinate and in the worst case one side might turn off fans entirely from watching the rest which is bad for the growth of the agency as a whole.
Why don’t Holofags enjoy their own corpo instead of obsessing over everyone else's numbers?
Fire all the girls who are NTRchubas
What they are doing rn? We have literally a monthly stat numberpost proving they are having an annual x2 increase, these schizo posts are funny when their receipts are proof of the opposite.
seems fine to me
watching a holo talking to herself instead of interacting with her chat is kinda depressing
Phase just kind of awkwardly exists between the cracks of Hololive dominating YouTube with their brand alone, and VShojo on Twitch with all of their connections to popular indies and flesh streamers. Both Hololive and VShojo mostly don't feel like collabing with Phase, so Phase's main avenue of growth is orbiting filian.
Nothing. I don't want more normies watching my oshi
weird, rima watches phase streams but only watch clips from hololive despite her content primarily revolving around them? I could have sworn such actions lead to missing context around numerous issues.
burned the bridge by joking around the dox stuff
more leeching
Rima applied to HoloEN but was rejected. She had an axe to grind with Hololive ever since.
Shill more on r/Hololive.
Go back.
it's literally pippa: the corp
there isn't a single phasebrown who isn't also a doxxing /pol/tard.
ever non-pippa phasemem that is watched is only because "gee i should branch out to pippa's co-workers every once in a while" and some of them provide the cuck/NTR experience even better than plappa, which phasebrowns love
The blacked NTR box isn't big enough for them to grow. They'll need to change completely, but they risk alienating their core SEA demographic.

I'm also not sure if the talents will be happy pretending to be something they're not. It's a tricky situation to get out of
they could sell some fucking coffee. do you know you can BUY PHASE COFFEE at shop.phase-connect.com/collections/coffee?
Do a watchalong with bvtm+Legalmindset. Boom ez 10k ccv
Who did what?
That would kill Phase Connect. If Pippa goes, most of gen 1 would probably also leave.
Imagine the smell of the entire phasepag group in one chat...dios mio...
debut legal and all the other dramafaggots into their org since phasecucks love watching and paying them more kek
Tenma hoards shekels like a dragon anon
>cuckposting out of nowhere
>calling everyone who watches phase brown
hello projecting nijisister
and it's one based on phase!
guess the dramaniggers and numbersmonkeys got tired of shitting on kurosanji?
wife material
They aren't pandering enough to polfags and kiwifags
>falseflagging numbersfaggots and nijisisters are all totally organic phasefags bro!
move its talents pomf to get them more freedom
Anytime you retards pull shit anywhere outside of /vt/ it's always someone with an extensive Pippa/phase posting history. Literally every single time.
They already say and do pretty much everything they want, I don't see what streaming there would add.
>worst case one side might turn off fans entirely from watching the rest
Yep, this is me, I used to watch Jelly and Tenma because they usually play interesting games that aren't basic FOTM stuff and I got turned off by the first category, not to mention their fans and orbiters.
I’m always amazed that people who have never watched Phase spend their time writing fanfics in catalog threads about how much they know about Phase. Makes me laugh everytime I see it.
Yeah, all of them belong to the first category, this guy is just trying to shill his "not like other" girls
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More ads
So everyone?
i actually hate that this is a genuine answer in a shitposting thread and you can't tell it from the garbage
>not a single argument
NTA but I accept your concession in his stead.
Collab with Holostars more
be interesting
appeal to the kiwifarms/dramafag audience
also hire more interns to shitpost on vtuber forums about rival corpos
Holy kek Bettel gets better numbers than all phasewhores combined
Isn't pippa the only one who earns enough to do streaming full time?
Kek. Of course it's another seething 2view reject
Tenma is financially supporting her mom and puts away part of her income to a retirement fund so she isn't left high and dry when the vtuber thing ends.
Oh geez I wonder what thread could possibly be behind all the Phase cuckposting and catalog spam?
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Ngl I'd eat Jelly's ass for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
She has that job before she started working for PhaseConnect, retard-kun. She literally said in that that that she wants to keep working there.
Anon... All-things considered VTubing could come crashing down the stairs into the floor of irrelevancy anyday for literally no reason.
Anyone with a brain who's making bank or above enough is saving up so if this thing blows, they aren't left bankrupt.
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*squeezes your ass cheek while slipping a finger in*
off collab with flayon
>you're not shitposting? uh-oh you're having a melty!
Become a subsidiary of Mythic and get their golden ticket.
I don't watch pippa though.
OP asked how not if they should
Maybe don't have the stream start 45 minutes late in the middle of the day and host it on the official company channel
Would Mythic even give them that big of a viewership boost?
they get preferential treatment from twitch and the asmongold mafia so probably
A lot of phase streams on youtube though. Plus doesn't nyanners hate pippa still?
Unironically just advertise more.
On the rare occasions where the company has advertised the girls on YT/etc they see a boost in noombers.

Fish is too jewish to spend money though so he doesn't.
>two thousand is bad now
it's higher than niji's most recent en concert, isn't it?
They don't need to change anything. Embrace being a high 3-view - fringe 4view collective that does the convention circuit with 2 concerts a year. Keep making connections with big liggers.
Keep on the road of a total company 3d concert.

I noticed they opened auditions and that concerns me. They are at risk of becoming too big talent wise. There is a lot of bloat and overlap is a killer. Either cut the stragglers who don't bring in money, or if they are so intent on getting new talent let some of the older talent walk with their IP.
It's just some invaders for now. No new 'gen' is suppose to come for a while or so it's been said. Overlap isn't that bad either because quite a few of the girls have dedicated fans who only really watch them.
they are almost at 30 talents.
how many more can they reasonable add to where everybody stays happy and everybodies needs are met?
it is the curse of having great talent retention is that spots don't open up.
Sakana has done well enough so far, and is willing to keep putting money into Phase-Connect. As long as he keeps getting choice girls who can shine in the right environment and keeps the manager to talent ratio fine it should be okay. No nijisanji stuff where they give a manager with 2 weeks of training to a group of six new chuubas.
at a certain point, talents will need/want to leave. he's not gonna keep 30 people fulfilled forever
a lot of it will depend on what happens on the indies.

at some point you will see phase girls not re-sign and opt to go indie. vtubing feels like it is shifting away from corpos and more about indies.
You say this but every indie is making their own corpo or joining one nowadays.
I don't know if I agree. Phase gives the girls a good amount of freedom to do whatever content they want, and they get good, genuine managers that help them(all of whom are female, so most likely they wont get sexpested by their own managers). Phase has also been steadily inclining over the years, and most of the girls have been benefiting from that.
Phase has better talent retention than the biggest and most successful vtuber corpo in the world. Clearly they are doing something right.
Sakana just wants to do all the sexpesting himself
If he was I'm pretty sure we'd have heard something about it by now. He's a married man looking for a Marine for his corpo. Plus he has the key to success, which is listening to what Dizzy says, and then doing the opposite.
They are doing something right, but at the end of the day it depends on talent ambitions and whether or not they are feeling complete and fulfilled. When you have 27 talents, that is 27 different sets of needs that need to be met. Only each individual can determine what matters to them or not.
Seems like their needs are being met so far, or we'd have had an actual graduation by now.
where does she live, japan?
I think so? She's never said where exactly which is probably the smartest thing to do.
very funny he put Jerry and racist coon on the other side
Just goes to show he's never seen a Jelly or Panko stream.
2025 will be a big year in terms of seeing the balancing act.
The introduction of the 3D concert was a big move for the company in 2024, but also could ruffle some feathers internally. It will be interesting to see who gets the next 3D: the tenure of Origins JP vs. Alias who probably deserve it more. Not all of the talents care about that, but I think enough of them do and it is time for them to get it.
it's gonna be 2025 soon and the 4 girls that have 3D haven't even had official 3D debuts yet, which those should come before any new ones being introduced.
Married man, but spends his free time hanging out with the phase girls on discord and league? How cucked is his wife?
your mom
my prediction is we will see Origins + Alias 3D group main stage concert at Offkai 2025.
I'm assuming the Kiara stuff. Pippa made a joke alluding to it years ago.
What about during snack time
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I doubt it. Considering Nyanners gets less views than her nowadays she'll be asking for that collab eventually.
Nyanners should submit to the Rabbit like Menace submitted to Lumi.
ccv is unimportant. All that maters is the hours watched and the amount of superchats that come in
He gets all his sex needs out on Dizzy so no need to bug the rest of the girls.
Pippa is losing viewers too. Maybe they can meet at the bottom
Phase likely has had a plan on 3d for a while and it is still in progress
>2023 was used to work on pippa, tenma, lia, uruka
>2024 origins concert; the 3d modelrs now working on alias
>2025 origins & alias concert; the 3d modelers now working on invaders & euphoria
>2026 origins, alias, invaders concert; the 3d modelers now working on euphoria + origins jp

so long as the money stay good, the promise of the 3d concerts/projects will keep the girls re-signing every year.
And at the end of the collab Pippa needs to sing this

Sakana finds Dizzy to be gross though...
That would provide Pippa with INSTANT dominance over pink cat.
>begging for a nyanners collab
what other relic for 4 years ago you gonna collab beg for next kson? kiara? ollie?
What part of 'Nyanners should submit to Pippa' is collab begging in your brain?
Is anytime two vtubers are mentioned in the same sentence collab begging?
Annoying Orange
nah, pippa is irrelevant now
Pippafags will cream themselves if pippa gets to suck asmongold's dick
>full branch 3d debut
>not even 3k
Holy grim
I don't think so lol
Of course phasecucks like the thought of their oshi drooling over a popular male streamer for an entire collab
Nobody watches them to begin with, so they can pray for a miracle I guess
Anon, she spends hundreds on gacha husbando pngs and lego toys.
Oh that's old shit, I thought you were talking about something recent, yeah Pippa is really fucking stupid for joking about that.
A lot of people would watch them if they were out of Phase and no longer associated with grifters.

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