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Could I ask you to include the word dooby or doob in these retarded posts of yours so they get picked up my filter, thanks
She stole your and Holo's money and is going to use it to collab and flirt with males.
I can't wait to see this board having a meltdown over it.
Hope she has an original song where it's just
> Doobi doobi doobi bambam
rent a ad
That’d be about as unsurprising as Hollywood.
Good luck using her as a tool against hololive you scumbag liggers when she will still show up for hololive projects.
>cock obsession out of nowhere
You are either a seething 2view whore or a SEAster
Or the usual white retard who shit post as much as sea.
Thanks anon for being economically smart.
Of course
>And Immediately proves he is a pagpag eater.
Millie really did brainwash flipshits into fighting for Niji.
buy an ad fag
Ngl leaving after years of endless breaks and immediately getting your enthusiasm for streaming back is kinda slap in the face
She's been "setting up" for over a year.
Is she actually going to stream? Or just test simulcasting on alternate channels just to see how it works
How is it a slap in the face? It's not exactly news that nobody likes homework.
So glad Hololive forces their talents to stream on Youtube. Twitch is cancer and she's disrespecting Hololive by streaming there. It's like she just couldn't WAIT to get back on Twitch. Fuck off
>nijisissies actually thinking this is how people treat ex-members
god it's funny how fucking transparent you all are
I'm not using that garbage site. I'll watch if she dual streams or uploads VODs on YouTube.
I hope she sings ski-ba-bop-ba-dop-bop as her debut song.
Anyone who feels hurt by any member of Hololive known for their inability to stream has no right to watch Hololive.
Didn't she have all that set up before? Why did she have to redo all of it just because she left?
think real long and hard about the two questions you just asked and how they answer eachother
Yes, I prepared shitposts and edited images to shit all over her debut.
She is a Holo traitor and should kill herself.
If she suddenly start streaming regularly then yes, it's a slap in the face.
She really didn't give a single fuck about the idol aspect, did she? Even her model is an animal and not a cute anime girl.
I'm sure she'll be much happier as Dooby. She won't have to deal with perms bullshit anymore.
Didn't watch her than won't watch her now
Kys chang
how does she not already have a set up?
Did you not watch her graduation stream? She had mocap and everything set up just fine.
It would be kind of misleading to suggest that dragging a few 3D models from one folder to another is "setting up" her 2 pc set up and ability to mocap and stream.
Yeah. HoloEN has lost me. I don't recognize them anymore.
> Ame is a lazy liar
Shocking News
who said it's the same PC?
So fast? I thought the model would be done by 20th
don't give her a chance so she can back to hololive begging
>Did you not watch her graduation stream?
>set up just fine
Did you?
Keep living that fantasy, cuckfag
Gotta wait how is that thing worth abandon a precious job for
When is she gonna stream?
Can you write this post again, but in english?
Most clipper will follow, as seen with mike
Neger snälla.
Next week
She left her previous job for this? Must be very exciting stuff
buy an ad /lig/
Abandoned by almost all of them now
You're in luck she talked about testing restream.
no one cares, she's going to ditch again.
Why? She doesn't have any homework anymore, no longer has to worry about perms, and is encouraged to stream whenever she wants rather than being told to do so by a group that clearly only sees her as a product.
Or maybe she'll turn out to be just like kson with the twitter mesiah complex.
So how many people are getting banned on the first stream?
She'll probably has a chat filter that prevents you from typing any Holo's name in her chat. Hololive will literally not exist in any shape or form for Dooby. She'll also have to be very careful if she does react content or this will happen.
She can always do it on an incognito tab. It's not hard.
Hey guys, I noticed that Watson Weekly is a bit late this week. This has never happened before. Anyone knows what's the deal with that?
Why do you fags care about a lazy whore who goes afk for half of her important stream?
It's like you're all kids living solely for the meme, not caring if you waste time.
took you long enough to figure it out.
>most creative vtuber in the history of vtubing
>finally unrestricted by JP corpo autism
noone is ready for the upcoming creatividad kino that is about to be unleashed
>literally just stealing ideas from 2views and repackaging them
ogey, see you in a year when she burns out for good now that nobody can hold her hand
Will she be on Youtube?
Aside from home 3D, her biggest project was asacoco plagiarism which she dropped after two episodes anyway while also denying Kiara from hosting similar program that wouldn't be abandoned.
How many streams until she gets bored and stops?
And she'll stop in two more weeks.
she'll stream just as much as she did as ame. and it will be fps slop. she'll do some 3d streams at first and then they'll become too much effort.
>>most creative vtuber in the history of vtubing
Literal Walmart Fillian since you know fucking nothing about vtubers outside Hololive
And calling her Walmart Fillian is already insulting Fillian
We all know she will stream more regularly. She will even flesh stream and collab with males regularly. She wanted to leave Holo so much, she gave her fans a half-assed farewell.
Well, as long as she's happy. Good luck with her.
Dooby laxatives stream when?
She has new homework now that she's all managing everything herself. No one is forcing her to stream now, means when her motivation runs out, she'll fade to obscurity much faster now that no one is tardwrangling her.
I really hope she realize that she has to work extra hard now that she's all alone by herself. Good luck with her.
>forces their talents to stream on Youtube
vt is all vtuber anti. no one watch shit
Hell yeah I'm ready for some shooterslop
I swear if she suddenly starts streaming more than fuck her.
I guarantee you, if they could force Laplus to stream on youtube, they would, but they can't.
Mans not hot ?
Of course She will stream more , no 2-3 big training arcs a year for live events and no mandated travels to Japan
Sounds like a slap in the face to her genmates and old coworkers. Even Gura does the bare fucking minimum.
i bet you don't know ame twitch acc :v
>Sounds like a slap in the face to her genmates and old coworkers
Quitting a job you're no longer passionate about and doing the same kind of work the way you like means you HATE your old coworkers and want them to fail!!
any last word you fking subhuman drama tourist?
Trying to go back to the Twitch world is ridiculous ... It's 2024 now, ex-holo.
I mean, if she's just going to do the same stuff. why did she not just stream in her PL while being in Holo?
Calli, Kiara and even Noel has been streaming regularly in their PL and Cover is not stopping them.
She will last 3 months top of regular streaming then fall back into her old habits.
Will she have a melty about hololive mentions?
she is the type that would be draining if she can't do what she want, when she want. she wouldn't have energy left to do anything after dealing with homework and deadline
I predict 1k ccv for her normal streams
it was more of a slap in the face to her fans. she wouldn't even give them a proper graduation. how many of her old fans are going to even know about doobie?
There is no need to be so pessimistic.
Even Kson took 3 years from holo graduation to become a 3views.
What about it, moron? The Western audience on Twitch is bigger than ever and growing.
>you can't never leave your job even though the environment has radically changed because
>because you just can't
You're not entitled to people's efforts.
The biggest threat to the average holofag is seeing a graduate happier and working harder once they leave.
>things that never happened
which part?
They'll exist as senzawa nagu keeki dd shachi etc
Anon, the covid boom was the peak, for both twitch and youtube. We're never reaching those numbers.
Sachiowo, aka the person dooby is rebranding from, literally talked publically about her body count with guys once
If you’re a unicorn for this girl you only have yourself to blame
>working harder once they leave.
Funny you say that, when they usually graduate to work less.
Hope it works for her anyway, and I'm gonna tune into her stream.
Will she go back to burping?
Who is this illiterate?
Dooby has reasons for why she left Hololive but we aren't going to hear them because of the NDA. Ame didn't suddenly vanish like Magni and Vesper but the health breaks indicates that she was not getting along with Cover. The model redesign fights with Myth and Council had likely created a lot of bad blood with management which explains why they refused to even let her make smol 3D models for Advent. Who knows how bad things had gotten behind the scenes. Gura refusing to shill her anniversary merch and Ina having an expired work visa feels like more than random coincidences.
>holo suddenly just force graduates all it's EN side
>Lamy, Towa, Aki, Matsuri, Pekora, Miko, Nene, Ayame, Roboco streamed on Twitch when they wanted to.
Will her streams be just as hard to predict and find as before?
Like, unless you check her twitter 20 minutes before you might miss it?
Gura not shilling merch is the only thing that's a coincidence
There's a lot of different factors that could've affected ina visa issues.
A. Ina told them months ago they told her they will handle it, but due to all of them being overworked because of projects they forgot to send the renewal.
B. They did sent the renewal documents something changed then now ina needs to find another document in Canada so that they can re do the renewal process.
C. Everything went smoothly but some xenophobic japanese boomer incel faggot saw the application form saw she was Korean and tossed it into the trash.
>design schizo is back
Isn't time to update your copy pasta ?
kson was a 3-4 view even before graduating
Typo not a coincidence
i am going to groundpound your mama so hard
Wasn't hololive moving in a different creative direction where they would invest more money into developing their talents instead of debuting more gen?
I'm sure read that somewhere it explains someone like ame fucking off like this she's not an idol she just wants to be a streamer.
anon she wasn't burnt out, she wasn't tired of streaming, she wasn't busy doing projects for cover.
she was spending all that time on break and not streaming preparing for her indie debut.
>different creative direction where they would invest more money into developing their talents
to be more specific, into developing their IPs. Why do you think they let Ame graduate as long as they could keep her model as a mascot?
So what's the guarantee that she won't fuck off after about one month?
None, that's why you should live in the present and take what you can. Or not, it's your choice.
Lol I thought she was done with YouTube, guess she wants the holo audience that bad if she’s going to split her twitch stream
I’ve noticed no difference with her gone
Makes sense.
She takes too long to stream again that it kinda killed the hype a little bit. Should've started streaming a day or a week at most after her graduation while the whole affiliate thing was still hot
What was it? Clip?
I'm not really going to watch her outside of clips so she better do some creatividad shit if she want's to stay relevant. Ame already invented everything so I don't see how doobie can make anything special. Also her mocap setup is a massive meme, it's no better and less expensive than Filian's setup which is just consumer VR hardware.
Outfit Schizo is here, everyone abandon thread.
So, when and where is she fucking streaming?
Both yt and twitch on 10/20
Fucking traitor bitch, why is she suddenly acting so happy?
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is she retarded? 2 pcs is a huge waste in 2024
a 7950x / 9950x is more than capable of doing everything inside of a single pc
if you are ok with slightly worse quality you can also just gpu encode
FPS players use 2 PCs for the nonexistant edge they think they need. It will help her play better. And she's actually not good at tech, so she believes the bullshit.
Being a Phase fan has readied me for this. Thank you based, fishman!
Now, bring on the homo collabs and boyfriends!
>she still thinks that whatever encode settings the worthless pieces of shit called holo staff forced upon her are the best
holo is a prison
She'll get burnt out after a month or even less than that.
there is 0 reason to only stream on one platform for anyone. having a youtube stream allows easy vod management without having to record locally and then upload
you can play audio on twitch that you cant on youtube
so then unless you have some 5head audio routing you have to just conform to youtube
>Still bitter his darling told him to 'improve yourself!'
I think the twitch creator program (it might be called something else) locks you into only streaming on twitch.
naw they changed that awhile ago
Unicorns are nothing more than corpo bootlickers running damage control for Hololive.
I can't wait for the homo collab!!
Those bitches ignore the homos now adays.
I mean her bodycount wasn't exactly large unless you mean CS of course. Now she's living with her family also said her graduation is not due to "private issues" which would imply no bf at least for now but perhaps she's planning to date in the future.
that's some massive levels of cope
back to Elysium with you sister
now this is some good cope
well you know what they say
If you got no proof, you got nothing
I hope she enjoys being a 3view from now on.
Delusional, she'll be a 4view even if she tries her best to be a 3view
I wonder if that's where Kiara got this random idea to restream herself on twitch last year, was Ame really talking about graduation for so long behind the scenes? This had to be quite terrible for the morale to drag it for so long but considering her attitude to streaming makes perfect sense I guess.
perhaps she moved out of her family?
Cover will still give her money from merch and shit like voicepacks etc. that means she will still have some holo homework btw
I didn't watch her while she was in Hololive, I'm not going to watch her indie career either
or got a streaming office like a ton of twitch streamers
>She has new homework now that she's all managing everything herself.
And even if we assume she gets the exact same amount of deals which would be delusional she's getting 10% at best doing the work yourself means there's no "oh sorry we have to call you in for a meeting that leads to fucking nothing and", forbid me for using the zoomer example, "could'va just been an email".
Altare already happened unitranny.
Kiara wanted to do her news show without shilling homos Ame couldn't allow that
I mean if you remember her venting from 3 years ago she wanted to stream on twitch because you can get away with low-effort shit that will disappear in a week or two she felt pressured by yt VOD system to deliver lasting quality.
Doesn't seem like she's planning to use a human/anime waifu character either so she seems pretty anti-gosling to me.
Perhaps she will try to rebrand as 3D/VRchat producer more than a streamer.
Ok twitchcuck.
>said the number monkey
The first EN gen is spiritually out of Hololive. Mythboomers need to move on
probably most of those that still care which is not many if you look at her subcount kek
Although it feels like she was trying to get rid of her audience for a long time /#/ called her "debuffson" even when she did stream for a reason because it was often at bad time and with heavy overlap etc. as if she wanted to kill her channel with a 1000 cuts starting with homo collabs, shedding away her old fanbase like a snake it's old skin it's almost psychotic.
that would be in poor taste
I fucking hate Adventfags, how's the sub begging going by the way?
I just wish holo would have two sections. One for idol and one for gamers. So that way if the girls just want to game and really dont want to to do idol shit, they dont have to. No where does it state that holo is even an idol company so its tiring when thats all they keep shilling over and over. Just let the girls play games, man.
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You WILL wear idol outfits
You WILL learn the choreography
You WILL sing cringe anime songs even if you are tone-deaf
Permissions bullshit would mean that the gamer section would be kneecapped from the start.
if a girl cant be creative with the games perms list they currently have, then shes washed out and doesnt deserve to be in the gamer section. Plain and simple.
Ame isn't allowed to be her own person now?
Shes just really excited to finally be able to do cool stuff instead of idolslop for JP autists
Correct. If you don't have the blue dorito by your name, you are a nobody
so who is mori then
The sooner this whore flops, the sooner my precious angel Ame returns!
She signed the contract
A fat hoe
Are you trying to imply she was renting her PC setup from Cover, retard?
Do you honestly think the "new setup" will be any better?
If fucking kekson is a 3view than dooby could absolutely be a 3view as well.
You massive fucking retard. It's so you can have better control over your setup including failsafes. If the game pc crashes or blue screens, it means your stream doesn't go down. Every professional is running a two pc setup.
>Coco leaves due to differences in direction
>As kson she has done fucking nothing she couldnt do as Coco other than coom outfits and flesh streams
>People expect ame will be different.
>As kson she has done fucking nothing she couldnt do as Coco
Why would she be more burnt out streaming as an indie than in hololive? She can do things completely at her pace now
She couldve made it as Coco somehow.
audio routing is not that hard, it's baked into the software nowadays
Based spiteposter.
I liked Magni and Vesper.

It's the current homos who are shit.
Careful dude you'll have some fag list off 50 reasons in his head why hololive is still a happy family with no problems.
>got in because of a borderline beauty pagent
>she could'va gotten in as a drawn character
Don't rub your braincells too hard, the last couple you have left can't take it.
She wouldn't, anon's just retarded.
I have a lotta problems with kson as she is but there was objectively no way for coco to make it into Yakuza in the same way kson did. Kson owns her name and brand entirely for one, and secondly she only got in due to the hostess auditions, and after that getting into 8 kicking it off well or more likely being the only one with an actual amount of popularity behind her with the people here during said hostess audition.
There's a vtuber character in the main storyline of the game, but if you've played the game you'll know that it would have been literally impossible for that to be Coco. So basically there's 0 chance of Coco making it into Yakuza.
roru and rumao even, if the mask slipped on any single one among like half of these bitches, the stocks would tank to ubisoft levels
Bettel is similar to fagni and vesper in having a sense of humor. Ruze isn't really funny on his own but can play off the other dudes pretty well. Hakka isn't really funny but he can do retarded shit that ends up being funny. The other guys are kind of stiff and stuck in their archetype like twink, musician, homosexual etc.
>could'va just been an email"
True. Shit like this will be gone. But now she has to directly communicate to sponsors instead. And hopefully don't get scammed like other indies.

Everything really depends on her now on hlw hard she works. She might be able to pull it off but she's gonna need a lot of dedication and hardwork if she really want to succeed this time around.
it dooby like that
>Please note that discussion should pertain to a VTuber's streams and content, and should not pertain to their real lives, relationships, or appearances ("IRL").
kys doxniggers
>Waaah she fucks and sucks male meat
Looks like somebody never improved himself.
And yet Keison makes $700,000 a year.
she was doing filan stuff before filan existed
if anything filan is walmart sachi/dooby
>Aside from home 3D, her biggest project was asacoco plagiarism
coco literally gave ame her blessing retard newfag. also imagine still seething when kiara got over it ages ago
Is that after or before she pay taxes in both Japan and us?
That goes against their narrative though
Her own mom stole her money lmao
She was never this excited about anything in holo ...
whores gotta be whorin
they never were dating in the first place retard

also janny you missed some
>Please note that discussion should pertain to a VTuber's streams and content, and should not pertain to their real lives, relationships, or appearances ("IRL").
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uh oh holobros, he's approaching...
Suuuuure seasters. +20 social credit has been added to your score
cope and seethe dipshit
So she got sick of being an anime girl and became a literal mouse instead?
I don't give a shit about Kiara. I'm just pointing out the fact Ame took a great opportunity and wasted it while someone else wanted it much more than her and was capable of actually doing it. Kiara actually does things she dedicates herself to and doesn't abandon them two episodes in after initial spark of motivation burns out. Whether Coco or Kiara were fine with what Ame did is completely irrelevant to what I was talking about.
The point is that Ame never did much of value and if anything, took away from others. So, I was disagreeing with the retard who claims she's gonna prepare some "creatividad kino". No, she won't.
But I see you're a butthurt amefag who can only view the world in "this attacks Ame so I'm personally offended" and "this doesn't attack Ame so I'm fine with it" and are projecting your mental deficiency on everybody else, unable to understand that someone might simply look at things objectively, from distance. I hate retarded children like you.
holo faggots already turning on her as soon as she lost her blue dorito as predicted
niji falseflaggers*
If her money-hungry family allow her to be lazy, yeah
They can just leave, like S*n*
No one cares about your 2view whore.
Good, now we'll see who her fandom really are, the snakes that left because one collab and a pre recorded duet or the ones that only wanted her to be their e-wife
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And then denying they are doing it.
She's gonna be able to coast so hard and still earn a fortune off splinters of the Holocult who will clap like a seal at everything she does, she's got it made
If she does react content, I will drop her instantly
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she just ended stream with 2k ccv
>mocap, by no demand
Somebody tell her that filian only works because shes interesting when she isnt doing backflips too
Why holofags hate dooby?
She’s a WHORE
stream pc was only a thing back then cause shit ass cpus noticeably impacted fps streaming
>mocap and straming that's pretty poggers champers amirite guys?
so filian/codemiko but with extra steps. Ex-dorito buff is gonna keep her floating for a while regardless of what she pulls, but if all she has to offer is a marginally better version of an active niche, I don't think it's gonna work in the long run.
why do you bronies hate kson anyway she left holo because retarded chinese CCP agents wouldnt stop harassing her and rather that put up with it Cover decided to cut their loses and let her go, she didnt leave because she hated holo or something. though now she probably does get annoyed at hololive fans, not talents, for being bitches about something that happened outside of her control
I think Ame can mog Filian when it comes to design and what she does with 3D, since Filian really sticks mostly to free assets from VRChat and the like, that said, no way Ame comes even close to Filian's physicality. I mean, for one she's gonna be a mouse, not a humanoid, and even if she does get a female model later on she would still not reach Fily's level of energy and jumping and shit.
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Because her content took a nosedive in quality.
She just did a very short test stream.
>why do you hate her
>she hates you by the way
based holobronies deserve nothing
im gonna keep it a hundred, I just dont care about ex-holos because they arent interesting on their own. Its hololive culture and collabs with other holomems that makes me want to watch them.
>because they arent interesting on their own
I think this is why many Holos fail without the brand. They weren't able to make it to the top as indies so people like Kson appear pretty lackluster when they start collabing with talented people who could make it to the top of the indie scene on their own without a brand. I kind of worry that people will find the people Dooby collabs with more entertaining than her and that she'll lose some of her viewers to them. Hololive has a box, but indies need to prove that they're uniquely worth watching in a way that all the other indies aren't.
The vshojocucks are angry today, I wonder why that is?
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>She had mocap and everything set up just fine.
Watch streams
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how can such a smol mouse generate so much seethe?
>Sounds like a slap in the face to her genmates and old coworkers.
Please never enter the workforce, jesus christ
She's streamed twice in like 3 years you fucking idiot. Primarly only on her birthday. Atleast use IRyS who streams almost monthly on her fucking patreon.
we don't. it's falseflaggers stirring shit (again)
yeah yeah i heard it before holopony, dont you have a bait thread about phase or niji to start and or post in
>I'm sure she'll be much happier as Dooby. She won't have to deal with perms bullshit anymore.
Yeah, she will just have to deal with companies DMCAing her content. You realize that's what the perm shit was about right?
that doesnt happen on twitch, its more of a youtube thing, and she already showed she will focus on twitch
I will use one of the things i allways see in here, and that "we" means shit to me, i can only speak for myself and let me tell you that i love her and will watch whatever she does, but i do believe that a lot of the Holodrones will shitpost with her, most of them only care about the blue dorito and will pull out new things to anti her
Holo is like the military then
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>Yeah, she will just have to deal with companies DMCAing her content.
True, it never happens in companies that are anal about perms.
For example, Azki's 1mil karaoke, Fauna's 3D debut, Suisei getting DMCA'd for her own fucking song, etc.
>So glad Hololive forces their talents to stream on Youtube.
They're not forced to, twitch is just shittier for holos in particular (even before the recent changes) and having everyone on youtube guarantees everybody can see them on one platform.
You don't speak for me
it's a lot harder to raid/tell people to go watch X person's stream when it's on another platform and thus not automated.
Makes it a lot harder to keep people in the shuffle.
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>Suisei getting DMCA'd for her own fucking song
you can't be serious
fucking clown world
Yes, she tried to use her recently released song as bgm for her stream and it got DMCA'd and the stream was immediately taken down.
okay and? Please tell me which company would have the sanest mind in DMCAing game footage.
DMCAs come in when they do karaoke and music.
...Nintendo actually did that a lot back in the early 2010s.
They tried to make content creators give them a 70% cut (after youtube's cut) and ONLY make content on nintendo products if they wanted to be able to use them.
Yes that's what restream does.
Good to know that we still live in 2010 and that your post is totally relevant.
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It's not, but still something I found hilarious.
God, what a shitshow that was.
>why do you bronies hate kson anyway
Cover shills worship the Hololive brand name and kson has criticized the corporate vtuber system. Her complaints about talents not owning any of the brand IP are legitimate so they directly attack her by saying that vtubers need the Hololive bubble to get higher numbers. They aren't wrong but is the definition of a soulless argument where the only concern is money.
Rockstar dmcas big streamers if they are accepting donations when playing their games
not them but sharing public information is not doxxing. also, that rule helps more the corporations and whores to scam their audience (rushia) by keeping you in the dark.
People must feel really stupid now about her "graduation", no wonder she didn't feel a thing when people were crying and was replying in an apathetic manner. I hope she never shows up in any hololive event again.
>she was doing filan stuff before filan existed
And clearly she did it wrong because without a blue dorito she would wagie at the actual walmart right now
>trying to justify doxposting and evade rule 1
>dox still up
>>Please note that discussion should pertain to a VTuber's streams and content, and should not pertain to their real lives, relationships, or appearances ("IRL").
clean it up
take a look around the board, no one fucking cares except you retarded Holdrones NPC, in fact literally every single non Holodrone general on this board talks about vtubers previous career as long they are vtubers just fucking fine

But mention an Holos previous vtuber channel like Sachiowo for Ame/Dooby and you give a drone a free aneurysm
Yes but personal life stuff is off limits,what do you not get?
god i fucking wish
When will mods start deleting these off topic threads???
Good ! Waiting for her real graduation at the end of the year and the failure of the affiliate status
the report button exists
Dooby is literally a professional account for a vtuber.
If her goal was top be happier without Holo she would have totally quit and not keeping an affiliate status nor contact with her genmates
I did like 8 hours ago.

Forget it,you’re clearly ESL or retarded.
>a woman acting like a woman
color me surprised.
Kanata and Hololive's main channel also got an automatic strike by Youtube's system for using the material of a Chinese company they were collabing with.
Can't wait for the filian collab
Can't wait for the Randon collab
>Filian the reactslop spammer
>Randon the eternal 3 view
By this time next year Dooby will be getting full on penetrated by Vedal, and she won't even be one of his main bitches, hell she already follows Neuro and some of his lesser know harem members
i hope she collabs with kson so we can get maximum 4chan meltdown :D
This is the one thing I wish /vt/ wasn't ridiculous about, but that just says there are other websites for anonymous gossip and truthbombs. /vt/ mods have made it clear time and time again they just want this board to be purely about screaming horny things anonymously about vtubers who probably ban/frown people for mentioning it within their public social media groups, and not actually whistleblowing creator drama on anything more than surface level "my oshi better :) change my mind".
That's the vibe I get at least.
*frown at
But yeah, often times this place, outside of horny, cute, and drama, is just a second /r9k/. And I don't doubt there isn't user demographic overlap.
Vt mods are divided between holopony loyalists, vshojo Mousey mercenaries, and the odd Nijisister left, and 90% of them are troons anyway.
why is she so happy and excited after leaving the best and easy money company?
There absolutely is drama “whistleblowing” talk on this board
And yeah if you want to talk about rule 1 breaking stuf go to KF or something.
Stuff like Dooby is fine because it's literally her new face/job, but fuck the actual drama/doxxshit. Go back to nyfco.
The problem is that this rule exists because the holofans wanted it, but the vshojo "vtubers" made it impossible to apply objectively.
for example when froot campaigned to cancel her ex-husband. It was ridiculous that they only banned people who showed that she was lying and not the entire discussion.
no, fuck you.
Both should be banned.
...What? It's literally Dooby's new vtuber job. The fuck are you talking about?
I'm expecting she'll be lowering her voice to it's natural intonation, and if not, I will be disappointed.
>for example when froot campaigned to cancel her ex-husband. It was ridiculous that they only banned people who showed that she was lying and not the entire discussion.
Still haven't seen any actual proof of her lying, cheating, or poking holes in any of her receipts, btw.
I don't care, Dooby spam is ridiculous.
Yes, because when people demonstrated this they were immediately banned.
It is, but is it really any worse than the 40th "ERB/Bae/Fauna/Kronii/Fuwamoco/Suisei bad thread being pushed off the catalog?
Nintendo does it regularly. they hate people playing their games and win it becomes acceptable for them to do it they do it. Sony also does it when there are leaks. And no not talking about the leaks doesn't save you they will dmca your ass for talking about a game prior to that because once a leak happens they assume every video about the game are videos about leaks. look up the no man's sky shit for proof.
This approach doesn't stop you from getting DMCA'd dumbass. It makes it so you aren't totally fucked when it happens.Because you have a company that will scream at youtube instead of just hoping people throw a big enough fit that youtube will give a shit.
Lol doxxfags actually fancy themselves as some sort of Julian Assange types. Get fucked.
If it is anything like the "proof" of Ironmouse faking her illness or something it is has to just be irrelevant doxxshit.
You don't even know what doxx mean stfu you dumb retard nigger /vt/ is a fucking circlejerk board because of cock suckers like you kys
>They hated him because he told the truth.
This board was created because it was too fast for the original board global was in, you retards exist only because of that fact otherwise you'd be stuck on /trash/ like you all should be.
Learn what dox means braindead retard.
>and should not pertain to their real lives, relationships, or appearances ("IRL").
Sachiowo was also a vtuber.

>slap in the face
Cover's face, if only. It would only prove that bureaucracy, perms and idol shit are only hurting the motivation and enthusiasm of people that just want to fucking stream.
If you watched any Random stream you'd know he is unironically homosexual.
>announcing a report
Why are you on 4chan? Who thinks this board's rules are reasonable? It's literally plebbit tier behavior. Do you get banned on /pw/ for calling Mankind Mick Foley?
go back to /orc/ randon
why so serious? just enjoy it man, look at 4chan like you look at the zoo. no one takes 4chan seriously anymore. ppl outside ask why holo hate ame and said they saw it on 4chan? they get laughed at. wait, just admit you visit 4chan is alr an embarrassing
big things occurring
There are plenty of rrats that are completely true but you have to shift through all the false information from corpo shills, unicorns, and shitposters that want to defend Hololive and/or Nijisanji while putting all the blame onto the talents. Even if we could reference their RM accounts it wouldn't help much since they have to be vague because of the NDA. The corpo bootlickers will always muddy the waters so you will never get any type of consensus because there are too many anons that are mainly here to run damage control for their favorite company.
Stupid woman
you are one of the dumbest esl monkeys I've had the displeasure of interacting with
yes sachi was a vtuber but the rule 1 shit is offtopic as per the rule description
but whatever at this point its clear that the rule breaking is being ignored so let this thread die
Why the name change?
I don't think so
True. People say they love the vtubers not the blue dorito but they never gave a shit about them before they were in the company and afterwards as well
Garbage vtuber
I hope she's happy but I'm pretty "Doobius" about this. A big part of the appeal for holos is the environment they are in and the members they share it with.
Even in Ames quiet years I was happy for her to just pop up occassionally for a project, right up to the spelling bee stream and she was a big part of holo ens best project streams in the formative years.
I think there should be room in holo for pure streamers that don't have to use up all their energy on idol work. There should be room for both that and more idol focused. If covers autism was the biggest reason for her leaving then I'm pissed at them because it feels like a big chunk of holo ens soul has just been thrown away by nippon autism. I'm aware this is at least partly speculation though no need to fight me.
Would be nice if she can prove me wrong and still be as good as she was as Ame but it's doubtful based on few other similar cases.
Feels like things are just going to keep getting worse. I just want the soul back

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