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Take this max Edition

>What is /lig/?
/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.

>Why /lig/?
Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.

Numbers for 10/9:
1: https://twitch.tv/filian (7,064)
2: https://twitch.tv/vei (3,367)
3: https://twitch.tv/SquChan (2,815) *Tie
3: https://twitch.tv/OliviaMonroe (2,788) *Tie
5: https://twitch.tv/CottontailVA (2,694)
6: https://twitch.tv/daph (2,439)
7: https://twitch.tv/HalO_Sweety (2,284)
8: https://twitch.tv/chibidoki (2,055) *Tie
9: https://twitch.tv/LaynaLazar (1,976)
10: https://twitch.tv/LucyPyre (1,791) *Tie
10: https://twitch.tv/KittyfluteVT (1,773) *Tie

1: https://twitch.tv/akamikarubi (4,024) *Japanese
2: https://twitch.tv/Kamito_JP (3,761) *Japanese
3: https://twitch.tv/KSPKSP (3,492) *Chinese

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
/lig/ is a thread for chuubas of a decent size who aren't defined by their corporate branding, either due to the small size of the corporation, lack of brand cohesion, or the independence and lack of oversight granted to the talents

>/lig/ Numbers

>Twitch Clips Guide

>VOD Archival Guide

>/lig/ VOD Archive

>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEEEX)

>/lig/ Wheel of Names


>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>Upcoming Birthdays
October 14th - MissPeggy
October 18th - Squchan
October 21st - Grape
October 24th - Batat & YUY_IX

>OC material for the OP

(embed) https://www.twitch.tv/dashducks (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

Other useful threads:

Previous Thread: >>87214928
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Our Queen.
Shondo is a whoreslut
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I love my cute, horny and bratty sex fox. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! Erm!
I want to be Para's mommywife and change her diapers
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i miss beri
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Liggers for this feel?
stinky boat
I wish I were cute like him
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Suko should shove that gloved hand up my ass
this looks more like someone wearing a skin tight blue suit
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I must
i want to punch her tummny
Please catbox these I need to cum
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>RTX accurate size
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I'm starting to think Kuu has the hottest ligger design
not even close
i wanna rub my head all over it and then zap someone with my finger
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Kuu just said she's gonna do karaoke on stream today but how am I supposed to pay attention to her singing with this image burned onto my retinas
>fake anny hasn't streamed for over 3 weeks
They don't call her fake anny for nothin
Did she finally get killed by korean medical malpractice
wasn't she prepping for a redebut?
Grimmi keeps looking at Gaspar then looks away when Gaspar looks at her in response
What does this mean?
Learns from the best
Her design is very good, simple but effective
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It's because for some reason she decided to speed up her redebut, which includes an entire new design, during one of her typical shorter breaks, and so has to wait for a 3D model to be entirely done to actually stream again since the 2D is still like months away.
Who the fuck is fakeanny. Anny's alt? I swear half of my brain is filled with /vt/ vaguepost translations. Just fucking use words
anny alt is notanny, fakeanny is fake anny sometimes called moonbun
All the best vtubers have fat girlcocks
former kick vtuber, who very obviously copied anny's design
Need more chuubas into shotas.
well now that he's dead we can say that beri is recovering well and is in korea posting photos of bootleg pepe the frog merch on twitter
post it anon
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bro why is it's asshole so blown out?
was expecting poop and was disappointed twice
>for some reason
probably got spooked by anny's breakdowns
you're watching too much rainhoe
actually i watch meat, the fecal mistress
I'm glad he's dead.
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>getting off early
>kuu karaoke

life is good
happy for you ligga
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Love my wolf wife
which one of you guys commissioned lyra coqui sprite art
well are you gonna post the art
i really miss beri so much. so so much
please come back already beri uuuu
Bro I wish I could get off early today.. I just hope the anon who usually records Kuu streams does it again today so I don't miss any of the songs in the beginning
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Good morning saru! See you at stream
nobody misses you anny. you don't have any friends. everyone's tired of your constant ghosting.
I added kuu to my 24/7 recording setup, so if the twitch-recorder doesn't crash, which it rearly does, i'll have a recording
kill yourselrf
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Thanks bro
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lig has fallen billions must watch corpos
do you speak french yet
Sing it with me:
IIIIIIIII just wanna die
Put your arms around me baby,
put your arms around me baby
clauvio go live
quick someone set a jug of compressed air next to this fiend
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two hours until I see my wife again AAAAHHH
According to duolingo I'm at a high A1 level
How are we feeling about sarus stream today, I'm getting drunk just in case
Oui, me too, and I only know one word
I don't know who that is
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bonne courage
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Pretty cosy chuuba from the mari > ashton raid pipeline. Finally an australian who doesn't put on a bad american accent
>refers to the gundam with they/them
fuck, Miya was my secret oshi, easily best straya kunt
Miya uses they/them about herself too
Is Inis the only funny person from Germany, and is humor banned in Germany?
I woke up with the fear that saru hates us today. I have a bad feeling
bury pink gril
I just woke up, what are the provocative topics of the hour that will make everyone seethe
Good morning frogman
>actually does thumbnails for VoDs
pretty cool
Sacre bleu! https://www.twitch.tv/saruei
I don't get it
soya exists you know
she's a one woman show, made her model and all her assets
I'm a bit tired so I might leave stream on while I nap for the first hour
Watching it until faker plays in worlds
whatever happened to DaphVT?
streamed yesterday
You don't have to keep bringing up the dead, anon
Whatever happened to Clauvio
My predictions: She's gonna seethe about the new twitch rules, mention typo or any of her other male orbiters, promise more things that she's never going to do and watch some tiktok videos
why are sleepyheads like this?
All I said was...
She was moving and is now having problems with her ISP at her new place.
Lyra was the best part of the 3am collab
I don't understand streamers. Isnt streaming their job. Don't they need to find a way to stream so they can't eat from one day to the next or are they all independently wealthy
aka BF's dick
Vei was right
She is entertaining but somehow can't grow. It's a bummer.
has she tried Dominos
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>no new pookie this weekend
It do be like that sometimes
i hope your internet goes out for days and you get sad about it
lol you believed that
I enjoyed all the girls personally.
what's the point of shitposting? you're presumably doing it for an audience, but no one here (except the absolute dumbest of catalog dwellers) actually believes this, so it's for an audience that's intended to find it funny and not an audience that's supposed to actually fall for a trick

who's laughing?
are you retarded? her numbers have been up.
just read a book like go outside, ligga lmao
God I really want to cum inside Shyrei (Squchan)
I don't need internet to play video games
Probably not, she's too perfectionist.
Saru going to post ryona and diaper furry drawings on another twitter.
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She jumped from an average CCV of 258 in june to 370 in september
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which liggers have applied to 3am now that they have auditions open?
dumbest post itt
Anny good liggers (or smigger desu) online right now? And don't say saru
I would like Clauvio, Vesper or Kuu to join them but idk if anyone has actually revealed if they've applied or if they ever will
Saru looking like this is making me too horny
Kuu joining would be hilarious for Coqui's alien phobia
Para should
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They're all in japan bro
Have they showed the benefits of joining? It doesn't fill one with confidence when they're doubling up with mythic. Why not just apply for them instead?
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3AM was scouting para until she said the hard r n word on stream, I remember the girls being in her chat until the paramochi incident
I wonder why they bother with auditions, everyone knows they'll only ever accept someone they're already friends with and has a sizeable audience.
maybe... so people they don't already know........ can be vetted by them..................? and become friends with them..................................?

you stupid fucking retard bitch. shut the fuck up
chill out meat before you blow a fuse again
Where do these people come from?
but enough about vshojo
krimbo and rumi
These videos are kind of cringe but it's nice Saru likes them
Haven't heard anything about that in a while.
dumb rrat Meat still interacts with her
isn't this the girl who wrote shit about other vtubers on wvt and lied about having a boyfriend
oh yeah she did a whole collab with her.
i feel there's a fuckton of those
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that's denpa
that makes other chuubas respect you more
>not lig
that's gumpai
Irrelevant 3views
I wonder if Frog would like the old CBoyardee stuff but that might be too esoteric.
i still can't tell if her current bf arc is supposed to be a real thing or another one of her weird engagement-bait larps
only the racist ones like meat
don't care, not gonna watch her either way

if her asmr was good i would watch that but it sucks so she's irrelevant
It quickly put an end to my denpaposting
How's your water taste /lig/?
Really great actually. I pretty much only drink tapwater
The stop-motion stuff was much nicer.
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I got my drinks ready for kuuraoke
I usually don't like those kind of meat canton weird animations but that Jesus ine was good
God uuuuuuyyyy, why's her body proportions so hot today
i like grape
she's baiting the ban
Yeah it's Ethereal Snake and I know what you mean it's in the same vein as those animations though Meat Canyon changed a lot. It was good but I've seen so many of the same kind my brain sort of turns off when I see the pixelated styles.
Nice work, sex.
The way she talked about her current situation in those angry threads asking people if they would drop a vtuber for having a bf that she made right after the original wanting a bf tweet does sorta heavily imply that It's real depending on how you look at it, and she still has him in her bio days later which would be weird for a larp. In which case she's a double retard, if she really wanted to wash her hands from this matter once and for all she really should have just said it clearly on a normal tweet instead of staging a cutesy joke thread with him

But in the end it doesn't truly matter if it's real or not anyway since he still let's her show her naked body to strangers on the internet, which is the main reason /lig/ ever cared about her anyway
5 threads shit up by the 3amtards and one of those was talking about some viewer. Might just send this to Twitch so coqui gets banned :)
ligga shut the fuck up or talk about your oshi
Olivia's butthole that is all
how long till she starts?
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Good aussie evening I want to have sex with Jets
>he still let's her show her naked body to strangers on the internet
that objectively puts her miles above every other bf-having ligger at least. would any of you even care if she didn't leave it oddly ambiguous as you claim?
catbox is too fucking slow for me to care about whatever you're blabbering on about
I don't watch or talk about boyfriendhavers (outside of instances like this). Don't take it personally
damn i'm like pretty fucking tired
>he still let's her show her naked body to strangers on the internet
half of flesh streamer gfs do OF content so that's not a huge deal for anyone. The bigger issue is that Denpa is a menhera that would ruin anyone's life and to think otherwise is to be an absolute retard. It's like trying to date Pinis and thinking that you won't have to deal with an Exorcist type shit now.
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forgot the image of the whore
kys traitor
that's an obvious lie since she's in love with para
when Vesper stream
ok but every 3view vtuber is in love with Para
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I guess I'll be watching blue then..
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the vesper morrowind streams. storage temporary download if you want hem.

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Saru's too perfectionist to ever be an effective animator. For illustration it's fine but you need to find what works in animation and run with it. And she's also got the not smart and short attention span genes.
a grand piano fell on her while she was taking a stroll
he posts in the traitor thread, he should kill himself
I am lubed up and ready to go.
>>87225355 (Me)
I'm autistic btw
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i don't even know, it's just the way she did it was so fucking stupid and confusing it's genuinely impressive

i don't really otherwise care since again, still posts her bare tits on alt and >>87225026 is objectively correct, there's no way it will end well for them if they're an actual thing
I would like anons to post Silvers with the biggest asses if they have any
keep your faggy screenshots out of this thread
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Filian is a wonderful person who is worthy of love and support
only if she was feminine
is kuu opening the request list today? she knows it will be spammed full within the first ten seconds right..?
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morning hours are weird because the femanons are /here/ and the bigtard is /here/ and the batposters are asleep
>>87225548 (Me)
I'm retarded btw
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Why not lay down?
you know where none of that shit is? /big/, actually
She probably has no idea kek we'll see
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Good morning (afternoon even)

enhanced interrogation:
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It's 8am I have to do things
And you know what is also there? You Satan. And stay I don't care what you like.
bigtards get the rope
buy an ad faggot and kill yourself
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who is this its in my folder
>no horse cock inside her
all that concentrated rage in such a little body
get bigger little guy
I wish Tanya would stream Minecraft again.
I know Chibi got one but what other liggers bought Nintendo's Alarmo?
Nothing is more pickme that a female liking warhammer
pink cat (good)
blow you brains out traitor
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She hollowed out an ocean monument I think she's bored of vanilla, doesn't trust mods anymore after the Curse issue, and kind of did the hardcore/speedrunning circuit for a while and maybe just wants a break

I say as the resident minecraft autist the recent updates aren't as game changing as when they updated caves or the nether so there's just not a ton of interesting content right now
I'm bat?
>you brains
you're doing great, you'll get there some day shorty
>blow you brains
How will this faggot recover?
She likes challenges. Tanya loves quests like Skyrim.
Give Tanya micro tasks for a bounty, and Tanya will never get bored. $50 bounty to cover her ocean monument with pink wool, and then set it on fire. Stuff like that.
why do you care about what threads anons use? stop being a whiny bitch.
It's true, there are midget pussies in the thread right now.
We'll know for sure If that part of her bio is still the same next time she changes It.
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womp womp
he has severe autism
ze dildo turned them all into blown out, busted cunts
make a (true) post about how flappy blown out pussies disgust you
no man would care about that
i have observed this trend the last two weeks
does that count as a covered hip or not?
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Okay genius tip her $50 right now to do it

I'll do it cheaper if you tip me 42 cents and also get you a kinder egg
How is that supposed to make me feel? Sorry I'm autistic.
why lucyposter are so feminine?
No good holes live... I'm watching Nako Ryu...
>we're okay with bigtards being here now
you're glowing bigtard traitors, kys
i just woke up why is para seething at denpa here again
shut up already faggot.
Liking warhammer is just good taste
take your autism meds
Pretty sure he's saying that her continuing to show off is a good thing. I don't think anybody itt is particularly concerned for any chuuba's boyfriend if they ain't a chuuba themselves.
Why is this guy having a fake argument with himself?
>>87226342 (me)
i am brown and retarded btw
I don't know but vivi just went live
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vivi should team up with shira and have sex with me
i think we should let /big/ be
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He's approaching 2 weeks of this particular schizo episode
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I'm going to post Saruei here and you will just have to keep crying about it.
nah, i'm just baiting the sperg
faggot retarded traitors
why is she blue
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I love how expressive her chibi model is
Vivi is the only chuuba I want to fuck while her husband watches, shira I have 0 attraction to she's a fucking nerd
your fault for unironically falling for the 'bfs are cool as long as you don't hide their existence' meme while still managing to fuck up the don't hide bit denpa
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close the tab para
as long as you don't post in that traitor thread we're cool
i hate autism mornings
post boobs
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I just realized that the vtuber cliques are racial.
shut the fuck up smasher
Last Sunday was the pinnacle when they were just talking to themselves and pretending they had friends in the thread. The schizo hasn't reached their full power yet.
What if anti-/big/schizo and splitschizo are actually the same person
kys traitor
That's probably true and I don't care about them anyway
Spill the beans Denpa is It all a big joke or not
What if it's just shitposters with no goals or reasons.
The bigschizo is better than any 3amtard
close the tab para, this is embarassing
not really
>ze spoil
'ate bigtards
'ate splitschizo
simple as is
I think rikku is on to us
Very nice but shut the fuck up about it
Focus on the stream you literally just started Denpa, and make sure to address the other elephant in the room
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Cliques are all socio-economic and tend to be racial yes

I remember in college passing through the art school during a walk during finals and seeing all the groups talking to each other about the upcoming music final, one I noticed was people dressed in nice clothes, all in line with the Christmas season, the other was people in worn down clothes, pretty much no Christmas in their chosen fashion

Networking is bullshit because people will only network with people they can relate to, which means people who grew up in similar lives as they did
focus on seething para and make sure you don't stop embarrassing yourself here
Might be both in a way, a shitposter who enjoys mimicking multiple schizos
She been having a melty on stream and saying thing that sound like she was egoseaching yesterday
she's on me for sure
i would but fags from there use screenshots and images from there and i'm going to call them out for being traitors
lucyschizo keep your babble to 3 words or less nobody cares for your retard opinions
do you think they care what you think
vee ecks let me fuck your gf pls

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