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A thread for the Uriah of Undead Euthanasia Mori Calliope and her settlement of Survivors
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Remember to love your Morp
What about my Meep
You love your meep a little too often. You're gonna go blind at this rate
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Nice someone baked a thread right before bed
what if mori... y'know?
I think monster hunter will be wild when it comes out and everyone will be playing it
I don’t know
Ama be honest desu I'm not liking only 4 hours of 7dtd a day I want normal streams back already.
I prefer normal streams, but I've been enjoying these. A week is a lot though, not every event has to be a week
>only 4 hours
How do you do it, debbie? I start feeling I might want to do something else after watching for 3 hours on end, even if it's one of my favorite games (and 7d2d isn't one of those).
Sometimes I catch myself saying "guh." It's kind of strange cause I never mean to
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Understandable, if I was in hololive that would be my number one concern
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Is Mori going to show up in Ollie's 3D live?
I do not like the game but I do enjoy the streams because they hang out and stuff.
What if we watched some Nicolas cage movies sometime? Like national treasure, or raising arizona?
Face-Off or bust
>>87225893 (me)
or Mandy*
I always think face off is sudden death with Jean claude van dam
Ya think Mori sent in something?
What do you think she would send in?
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Previous thread: >>87191739

//// Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@moricalliope
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moricalliope
#calliolive #callillust #callioP #callilust
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PhE6rv0146ZTQosoPDjk8

//// Team Calli – EMI Records Japan (Universal Music Group)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/calliope_info
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moricalliope_hololiveen

Most recent stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDE7vgf7Y24
Upcoming stream: _(:3」∠)_

//// Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8Nt5W7hnKA_pG2qljWbgVmJPobrLTm4
DEAD BEATS (September 12, 2020) EP: https://moricalliope.streamlink.to/DEADBEATS
Your Mori (April 4, 2021) EP: https://calliope.streamlink.to/2ndEPCD
UnAlive (March 21, 2022) LP: https://cover.lnk.to/UnAlive
Shinigami Note (July 20, 2022) EP: https://lnk.to/mcsnph
Sinderella (December 16, 2022) LP: https://lnk.to/mc_sdl_ec
JIGOKU 6 (August 18, 2023) EP: https://lnk.to/mc_jigoku6
Phantomime (August 16, 2024) LP: https://lnk.to/mc_pt_ec
//// Stream Shinigami: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0RFHkc8npc

//// Mori Store: https://shop.moricalliopeofficial.com/

October 19-20, 2024 @ Saitama Super Arena, Saitama
capacity: 37,000
guest starring: Mori Calliope, NewJeans, Creepy Nuts, Rita Ora, Rauw Alejandro, Omoinotake, &TEAM, NEXZ
//// Live archive: https://rentry.org/3zf6w

Mori moments: https://pastebin.com/NNZ1QPiV

Remember to love your Mori. :}
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would you?
Watching the start of the stream because I missed it last night, wasn't expecting a Half Life: Full Life Consequences reference kek
What stream is this? I would have guessed Suzy's considering it's Iroha and Mori but she hasn't streamed today
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Kronii would
Sou desu ne...
Claiming the lemori
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[Good News] as part of her membership, Luci un-privated a lot of older karaoke that had western tracks
Where da Mori frame at
I've been worry about her mental since last night news
Relax she'll take some time off it's really bad
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I just noticed how the hair goes into those little sidetails
If it was really bad she’d take it easier. Stop losing your head over it so much.
I don't blame you tbdesu, but I looked it up and it seems like minor scarring doesn't usually cause any issues
If this actually fucks her over in the long run though her doctors will have made an enemy for life
>he put it on the art tag
The illness seems to be over. I watched half the vod from today and I don't think I heard her cough or noticed her muting herself even once. Now she'll recover a bit more and hopefully it won't have any noticeable effect on her.
we both know that unless she's lit dying she's just gonna power through it, she to much of workaholics to stop
Mori takes time off when she's not feeling well all the time
Mori will like it
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bae and ina update: ratsis's egg fried rice is apparently really good
Eating rice as Ina counts as WORK. Deported.
slow day
No morp activity
We don't have another 7days stream tonight?
Presumably we do
There's no frame right now but I don't see why there wouldn't be one.
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an entire litter
Animal ears and plug in tails is where I draw the line
Full body fur and non-human faces is my line.
you will yiff your mori and you will like it
Oh my god
same, I think I'd settle with kemono Mori
Isn't she literally not allowed to be in Japan right now?
She's not allowed to work while in Japan, but she's planning to fly back home in about a week
You got a 2 week grace period so you can tie up loose ends if your visa expires and doesn't get renewed for some reason. She probally needs to cancel appointments and shit before leaving.
She's hiding from the law. She's staying with different holos to hide her trail.
The Sanallites noticed that Mori called fauna "fau fau"
50 pounds each on my face please
hasn't she always?
I noticed that right away
Yes but i suppose they didn't realize
After mori plays silent hill she should sing silent hill in a karaoke
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pic related is my limit.
as long as she does You're not Here or The Sacred Line I'm fine
Has she ever called Kronii Kronini?
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Remember to love your Lemori
I wonder if Mori would belted for dressing urban in the middle of the country
I don't know those, but K-Dot's other songs are fine too
Hasn't she always said kronster
You think that's why she hates the sticks?
the lost continent of Lemoria WILL be found!
Yup. Kronster, moomster, baelz that one time
reminder bae was intimated by mori lol
>isn't that your fuckin name, rat?!
Turns out it was actually scary for her
I can kinda see why people would be intimated by her especially at the time when bae debuted
It's obviously not in the way you think you dumbass. Bae clearly thought in the untouchable way.
If I interacted with mori, I'd be nervous, because what if I wasn't very likable or something?
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I'll be intimate with Mori
You must be a newfag or a tourist. It was the same case with basically every JP too for the first couple years. They always figured out she is super nice and kind when they finally do meet her, but until then they were always super intimidated. Lucky it isn't the case anymore since enough of them know better now and she hangs with them way more often off stream.
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yeah me
come on now she has the biggest Scaredy-cat aura
Unlike many mammals, the human penis isn't kept erect by bones. The term "boner" is completely figurative
The first mori member's stream I watched, I was so scared I wanted to throw up
If mori could steal any member's intro (but also keep guh), what would you want it to be?
Most of then are kinds mid I like baes though very chunni.
I like Bae's intro, it's cute and it would be nice to see one like that for Mori
You're Not Her would suit her voice really well
she can feel her stress
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She was intimidated because she was scared Mori wouldn't like her
>sooner than we might think
I'd bet on it
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Why would she be scared of her own sister?
She didn't want to get her nose broke for playing sailor moon wrong
I was actually thinking if she'd reveal it there, it's been a while since she talked about it and if someone's guess about there being another live, it would be a perfect moment to show it off.
Everyone obviously focuses on Mori part but I'll just point out the moment later when Subaru imitates noises Suisei makes
>Suisei-senpai your songs are amazing!
She also probably holds her own mochidoru in front of her when she does that. This person, according to Mori, Bae and Iroha, is the coolest woman in the world.
She said that like a month ago didn't she maybe her member stream on the 31st is that.
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This is not the face of mercy
would mori make a good mother? seeing how she raise the cats I'm incline to say no.
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would mori make a good mother? seeing how she raise the cats I'm incline to say yes.
She works too much but I'm sure she'd be fine we she ever wants to settle down.
i don't know but i intend to find out

lmao the comments on this clip.
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shit actually popped off insanely
Probably because it looks like a drama clip if you don't know the context or don't know about 40k
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>that right hand
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Salad fingers lookin ass
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just noticed this dude has comms open, so for the folks that asked for comm options for Mori stuff, this seems fairly reasonably priced
maybe it's just me but I don't like the way he draws faces that's it
>one cat is essentially retarded
>the other one is spoiled and has free rein
was Venom Snake Inspired by prototype Guts?
Kiara and Mori short at 750k
So what happens when she doesn't get there in 10 years will it just be stuck in limbo
it's at 420 and it hasn't been a week yet, it's basically a given to happen
Hasn't it already fallen off from initial hype
Better get looping, fag
Nah I'd rather loop my oshis music sorry Kiara
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I know it's you, squirmfag
Just because I'm not wanting to listen to Kiara doesn't make me him.
I dont really like looping YT vids, Ive listened to a lot of Wawa's songs on spotify tho
what if mori had a
husband me btw
just loop it on mute in the background so we can at least get the takamori short
I actually got and tried playing the TCG shop game and it's kinda fun until you get a cashier. Just a little autism game while I take a rest from modded Factorio and modded EU4.
Sadly, once you have a good cashier you literally have nothing to do besides jerking off behind one of the shelves while opening pack after pack holy shit it's so braindead I can't do it, I have no idea how FBK or Miko enjoy this I don't even know what the fuck everyone is buying because nobody is restocking the shelves but they barely become emptier, there's shelves I haven't restocked in weeks and they still have goods on them. Would definitely enjoy a bit deeper management side.
Actually thanks for this post lmao. I was about to buy it to play at work, but if that's how it is it isn't worth it.
that would be most unusual!
Yeah probably not. Maybe once they add more features they're working on. Mori actually managed to play it in a more interesting way by treating it as a management game and also in general the beginning is the more interesting part of the game. The higher the shop level, the less there is to do on your own besides opening cards. I don't think Mori would enjoy the lategame part that much either, she didn't seem too enthusiastic about opening packs. I guess she lacks the specific brainrot required to enjoy gacha in general since I don't think she ever managed to get into any beyond a few sponsored streams.
I would unironically learn how to suppress my gag reflex for her
disciplined people generally don't get gacha/gambling brainrot as badly, since they have healthy(ish) task-reward mechanisms
I'm glad she doesn't have gacha brain. I'd rather her waste money fancy dinners and $1000 hats than that. At least that is tangible lmao.
She’d hold your head and call you a good boy
That reminds me that GG in a recent stream said she "limits" herself to $100 in gacha a week. That seems so fucking insane to me.
Aren't we already at the end of the guests announcements for her?
kinda surprised no EN
Someone fix Morbi's lung aids NOW!
Scars are the effects of healing anon. She is already mostly healed.
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you know what, fuck it
there's not enough mori outfits with a scythe
anime girls need weapons
Is that how lungs work? The doctor told Mori the damage was permanent. I also have severe scarring on my kidneys myself and that is also permanent damage that can't be reversed. Inflammation is the stage before scarring that can be reversed.
nta, but both statements are correct
scar tissue are a result of destroyed cells being replaced with unspecialized, mainly connective tissue type ones to retain body integrity
it' not great whenever it is formed, because the cells of this type can not fully replicate the form or function of what was lost, but it also means that whatever damage was happening had finished healing
the problems start when there's too much of it for the organ to properly fulfil its function (as it cannot really be replaced by healthy cells even if the organ is capable of regeneration), which is why stuff like liver scarring is a big deal
Yeah, unironically the chefs with the most scars on their hands often make the most delicious food
Yeah that's how i understood it from my own doctors, I'm not sure how severe it is in Mori's situation. Seems like she'll be okay as long as she doesn't keep getting covid and coughing her lungs out.
It's minor is Mori's case. It will jsut affect lung capacity, but nothing a bit of extra training can't overcome.
as long as she maintains proper cardio regime she should be fine, scarification of the lungs means some loss of functional area of gas exchange, but the symptoms of that can be partly treated by improving your circulation and general stamina
Greetings fellow deadbeats! I, a deadbeat, also love a grim reaper who is a livestreamer
you reminded me of Polka humming Empress to herself during her work stream and shilling Mori's version after releasing her cover
I personally thought of pic related
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need more art of morp in glasses... just pump it into my veins
red dress is her best outfit
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yeah mine
There's no pink color option in SM2, otherwise I'd definitely make an armor set like this.
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Sex with this Mori
No Morpo PoV or is she still just sleep?
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She should get them removed
Maybe she forgot? She was in a hurry to leave at the end of then last atream
She's dead anon.......
real and true
Maybe she's not doing one today and forgot to say? Idk
Maybe if you could customize the Chaos side...really hoping for that someday. In the first game I definitely had some EC colors.
It's interesting that the last few years tattoos have become more popular with women than men
Mori should make me sniff her socks and then make fun of me for doing it
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Tattoos are bad if it's meaningless garb but I think its cool when people get tattoos of stuff they really love. Time will pass and your interest in whatever it is will maybe too but you'll always have something to remember what made you really happy once. I have a small Mori one but I want to get a bigger one of her that's a colored piece.
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no meeping tonight?
tattoos are a sign of a impulsive personality, and promiscuity
I love my promiscuous impulsive reaper wife
sorry guys, I ate the Mori pov
Hey, queen victoria had tattoos
mogu mogu
DeathNote my beloved
The fact that she got a lip ring is kinda gross ngl
the only way this situation would've been funnier is if she ran into a cougar on the way (they spawn in this area)
>that fucking turkey war-cry
>you could talk young Mori into stuff if you insisted it's not gonna hurt that bad
ah, the anal experiments...
I hate it
That was one of the funniest rdr2 moments and it was pure mori autism
if she's not having a PoV I'm listening to Rissa's ASMR and fucking off, I'll take any excuse not to watch more 7dtd
she really needs to stop being so impressionable and influence by whatever friend group she has at the time.
No stream tonight? I need mori...
man hands typed this
If true, she's not beautiful anymore.
only because her friend bullied her into it
It was a long time ago and only because a "friend" lied to her that it wasn't painful
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Reapers can't die... right?
concernfags please restrain yourselfs

Morb playing just not streaming.
I'm sorry that mori had a friend like that
member ASMR it is, thank god
Please get well soon Morpo............
did I miss something from the last stream?
Yeah sounds like she is going to really try not to cough as much as she can for a bit after what her doctor said.
only of a broken heart...
and scarred lungs
Do you secretly just want to watch Moro get a painful tattoo removal in a light ryona kind of way
Safe to say this server kind of missed her expectations between drop outs and not being healthy enough to stream
Yeah, she did say she got a shitload of cough medicine iirc
Safe to say you are a retard
I expect my Morp to meep
Kill yourself, preferably painfully.
No that was high school Mori I'm pretty sure.
>light ryona kind of way
anon please the thread doesn't need a ryona fetish on top the feet/smell fetish it already has.
Yeah strong cough medicine can really make you drowsy, but it always works.
>no pov but still streaming
isn't kinda the same? i mean she wants to rest but she still be there with the girls for like 4h
Mori told a story from a while ago about how she thought a friend she knew had a pricing on that middle section of the upper lip, and she (the friend) convinced Mori to get that area pierced too, only to find out that friend had lied to her having that area pierced, and over time Mori let her own piercing heal up because she didn't really like it
It's classic chan culture
She doesn't have to talk as much to fill dead air. Can limit her speech to what's necessary while still getting to hang out with everyone.
probably just gonna quietly slink into the background, when she streams she feels like she has to talk all the time even when she's just a mumbly mess
Why is she such a sheep trend follower
>sheep trend follower
Not what that means shitposter-kun
The same reason mori got really into Warhammer 40k so fast.
and people are sneeding about this why?
Just play the game and place Tutu near the mic to run commentary
SEA has a high Muslim population
thats not a trend sheep...
I think one anon is just bored and started sperging out over tattoos and piercing because of this fan art >>87253781
She has better friends now at least
over Koikatsu art? do people really?
She already said she hasn't talked to that person in years.
These friends all want to fuck her though. Nothing else.
>tutu stream
FINALLY...time to earn some treats
It was wildly popular with mori's deceptive friend
There's also set up to factor in which I get arm chair famous people /here/ think is no big deal but seems to be something that every holo either complains about or fumbles on
I mean... it would take a hilariously improbable series of events for Kronii to abandon her if they started banging!!
Holomems have also said their is paper work for every stream they have to do for some reason.
some people think tattoos and piercing looks disgusting on woman or men, nothing wrong with that
KroFau bros...
Starting to understand why the imperium is dying
Stream but play audio from old and unrelated VODs. See how long it takes for people to catch on.
Needs more sports bras
So what's everyone's plan this Morpless night? Think I might catch the twins' 1mil endurance stream
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Kiara is live again
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Mori told me to watch wawa so I will
Also she'll still be around the server tonight
Rissa ASMR (hopefully jerkable) then sleep
Actually it's pronounced "live again"
speaking of Kiara
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me on the left
Mori on biboos stream
link to biboo stream please
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Will the timeskip affect how well theyre going to do against the next horde?
>biboo stream
" Every game world runs off of a game stage, a background number that affects what's happening. The higher this game stage, the better loot you find and also the stronger the zombies become.

This number gradually increases over time as you gain experience and grow in levels, but it also has multipliers based on the difficulty you selected and, you guessed it, your XP gain factor. Doubling your XP also doubles your game stage, so you're going to get tough zombies way earlier than you can even prepare for, and trying to power level only makes it worse since it only raises your game stage faster (extra faster now that it's doubled).

The only way to curb your game stage is to lower your selected difficulty, lower the XP gain, or just die a lot. The game factors deaths into your game stage and will naturally lower it if it sees you're having a tough time."

tldr: they gonna be fine
you know I didn't think she would become such good friends with Biboo but I like this pair
Yes, it's every 7 days, but now it will be harder
They have a great rapport. I'm glad, too. Advent's a great gen, but biboo's definitely my favorite ex con
>Day 15
Wait does this mean Raora just AFK'd through the raid? lmfao
"or so" is a very distinctive kiara-ism
Ye. Biboo has become my tied #2 with Shiori.
and got gangbanged by zombies, yes
Yeah and why her stuff is gone. Her backpack despawned
big boob girls always love lolis
Mori only has one kill? I swear she had more
Advent have been a great influence on mori
player kills
she's careful with friendly fire
Player kill
Oh. And biboo has 8? Lmfao
the first thing Biboo did when she found a gun was shoot Mori in the head to test it
To be fair it's because people asked to get killed to reset health, hunger, thirst, ect. And biboo obliged
I wonder how the Japanese will treat biboo

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