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>never once established that she would collab with males until late after debut
>gets a pass for collabing with a nijimale and remains the most loved regloss in 2ch

>establishes at the earliest opportunity that she would collab with males
>gets no pass whatsoever and is the most reviled EN member /here/

really makes you think
Males are a debuff but Raden is funny and interesting enough that she can make up for it. ERB has nothing other than voice impressions and karaoke spam.
I don't mind both
You mean this board is full of frothing lunatics!? Wow!
because ENsharts are single minded sheeple who parrot what they see in global and the log. It wasn't until they were exposed to her in ENreco that general opinion shifted if not by a tiny bit
>Male collabs Japan :D
>Male collabs not Japan >:C
I'm pretty sure 2channers love Niji despite everything and that joker liver is also massively well-loved
Society man is alright
Guy on the right looks like he takes BWC
OP, this is the same board that got madder at Ririka than anyone else in the world for her vcr asmr yab after which she was forgiven everywhere except /here/. There's nothing to think about. The people in this board are retarded
>shitting on Joe
EOPfaggots were a mistake
erb cannot be the most reviled en member on 4chan when Kronii still exists
ReGloss is not part of hololiveJP
rikiichi is a cool guy
ERB isn't hated because she collabs with males but because she's fucking OBSESSED with them, forces them every waking moment, all while clearly not giving a shit about actual Holos (see the Sora incident)
Bae is still the one who got away with male collabs largely unscathed and it's all because she was never obnoxious or snake-ish about it.
It's okay because she's Japanese
Isn't this the guy that made a song to mock Pekora or something?
I'll take daily collabs with stars over a single nijimale collab in a heartbeat. TOTAL NIJINIGGER DEATH.
>implying society niji man is bad
eops seek rope
and yes that includes holoen whores jumping onto le anime fad
Rikiichi is post-rape Joker?
That the other globin face shitter, but i wouldn't suprise if there skeletons in his closet too, just lurk on 5ch.
Are you going to cry :(
EN watchers are more puritan and obsessed with idol culture than JP ones
Nah that's nigga gwelu
>gets a pass
Nobody gives a shit about Regloss. Ririka, Ao and now Raden are all cock sleeves. Good to know they're irrelevant
There'll be a point where the truth will be so distorted that any nijimale will get accused of doing that. Truly a 5 monkeys situation developing in real time.
Ririka actively stopped
DEV_IS / ReGloss were created to be male collabers from day one, the only reason they havent done it more is because HLZNTL shat itself and died so hard
That's the green faggot that looks like Dabura. This one is another faggot
Nobody here cares about any regloss besides that one slutty gal who's nice to Otaku
Is that the jonkler?
Everyone knows the anti-male unicorn schizos are newfags who don't understand the culture.
Holy shit, is that the fucking Joker
can you really blame people for not being able to tell one clownish freak from another?
Since the beginning I said that Kanade and Hajime are the only decent ones. Raden cucks were in denial but it was obvious that was bound to happen eventually
Do you really think an art hoe can stop sucking cock?
Hey don't talk like that about Polka
>Joins the agency with low traction, has a glow-up after almost quitting and becomes viral
>Regloss in general works hard to achieve their dreams
>Her fans are chill and tolerable
>Most people here english-only speaking EN drones that don't care about her

>Immediately collabs with men
>Doesnt find the time or sleep schedule to bother joining female collabs like Spelling Bee
>Her fans are obnoxious cunts that try to shoehorn her into everything
>Her fans are also cock riders for male collabs who cry constantly about unicorns and try to 'take down idol culture'

Yeah no I really don't see how ERB keeps getting attacked.
It's literally fine when it's Tomari, Joker, Tsukasa, Yashiro, or Peanuts.
Most EN fans have no idea what idol culture actually is
>almost quitting
What a pity that didn't happened. We need to cleanse this shit water. If they don't want to be hololive then take the Ame way
tutor us wise one. tell us all about it. tell us how you became an expert.
Because this guy isn't a dirty sexpest EN male
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>japs are cucks
More news at 11
This phenomenon of people pretending to be Holo fans is so weird
>imblyign vt watches or cares about jp chuubas
Raden is one of the best recent hires. Only FuwaMoco, Koyori, Biboo and Cecilia could be considered better from last few years. She has incredible zatsu power and brings unique type of knowledge to Hololive with the appreciation for art and culture. She's also honest about improving in more traditional idol activities.
ERB is easily the worst female hire since Hitomi Chris. She's also fucking lazy.

There was nothing wrong with Raden's collab with Rikiichi. Only schizos who know nothing about either of them sperged out.
>Holo vs Holo
Very subtle you false flagging fuck
>not reading OP
Kys phasecuck.
most hololive fans are SEA and hate white women and western vtubers in general. You should have seen this board in its infancy they were openly anti west. They went quiet after the zhang gate but they can't hide their hate.
I exclusively watch hololive since 2019 and now I think I dislike more holomems than the ones I like
Everyone hates white women, including white men. Why do you think yellow fever is so popular now?
>Japanese love being cucks
>JapaBETAknees has NTR as most famous fetish
>HALFtheirBees likes watching other men spend time with women
>LickBullsPP's like being emasculated

Color me surprise

Captcha: CVCK0
The only people who like white women at this point are pajeets
Clearly 2ch is inhabited by cucks
Total Male Vtuber Death, no exceptions
I will rape everyone itt.
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She did a male collab before this one, though. Anyone that cared enough jumped ship already.
this was a fun stream and very Raden
want her to do a stream of Guernica songs next
death to unicorn culture
It’s almost as if unikeks are fucking pitiful man children.
I mean I watched it, the guy was professional, not a weird sexpest like the NijiEN or even Holostar guys are.
I wont watch him by himself, but I don't see the problem since Raden never presented herself as unicorn friendly. She has niche interests, maybe none of the girls in the company are big Susumu Hirasawa fans to do a whole karoke themed around his music?
Guernica or a general Togawa Jun karaoke would be awesome, I wonder if she is a fan.
another wasted perfect model, voice an personality...
I immediately unsub after this betrayal and call everyone to do the same!
All of Regloss made it clear they would collab with Homos before debut. It's why nobody has ever cared about them.
Raden was always the most popular Regloss right out of the gate so I didn't read past the first line
Rikiichi has done multiple Hirasawa only singing streams, even acapella only, so of course it'll bring some attention to him by Hirasawa fans.
why you talking about yourself
>not a weird sexpest
every man on this earth are sexpest, it's just some are better to hide it than others
Shocking news
>eops don't know about the unicorn meltdown that jpfags had over their first collab
lol, she had to close the comment section and damage control later, her audience changed ever since.

Raden is nothing near Pekora, Subaru, Miko and etc.
She should've graduated
nothing weird. ppl like to pretend to be the most popular thing in the hobby. the weird one are those that can't indentify these subhuman trending fan and insist those are the real fan, represent the whole fandom
it's easy. holo vs holo = holo anti. doesn't matter who you are. you can dislike a talent but you don't shit talk them.
all of the holofans are in the holoneet thread and the regloss they like most is ririka
Your brain is rotten by /vt/ shitposts.
another question I have is why you make these troll threads only for when holos collab with niji or holomales?
Why didn't you make a bait thread when she collabed with hakuno the other week and he got super drunk at the end and starting shouting his lungs out
It was obvious, pretty much all of regloss were tweeting at holostars pre-debut, no one was surprised when this happened. Meanwhile with ERB, the EN branch had slowed down a lot on the homocollabs so having a girl who leaned into it so hard, who was also their leader, caused some controversy
Anon. This board has 0 fucking influence over what JPs do. Yet Ririka came crawling back to unicorns because her income took a massive hit for a while.
It's a universal fact that unicorns have shitloads of disposable income. If JP vtubers pander to unicorns it isn't because of this board, it's because of the money.
Maybe if ERB could learn from Raden and acted more professional, unicorns would've been more inclined to believe that her interactions were professional activities
this basically, if erb was a really good talented streamer overall people would think about it less, but she is practically the definition of one-trick pony. she also was very clearly focusing on shilling holostars every chance she could get, and lurked their twitters hung out in their stream chats repeatedly to the point of being downright fucking obnoxious. raden did none of those things.

it's not that erb is a homocollaber alone but the attitude about it - actually this explains a lot of the disdain people have about homocollaber ENs overall. erb is on top of that a shameless homobeggar and shill. people forget that mooms literally did a homocollab and just go "whatever" about it these days - because mooms doesn't talk about it, doesn't focus on it, doesn't talk about holostars every week etc. erb's actual homo collab count can actually be very low but, if she never fucking shuts up about them day after day, that's actually taken worse than if she had frequent collabs but wasn't pushy about them and also had other qualities to balance that out.
Naw but at least they ain't shitting up the board with these useless threads
QRD on this stream? Should I drop Raden and treat her like a whore or it can get a pass? I already dropped all of Regloss except her
You don't even watch JP or maybe even any streams at all, shitposter.
Because Niji is still more popular between normies than Hololive.
>Raden is Japanese
>ReGloss is nominally a separate branch from JP
>she’s not the only one in her gen who does it
Granted, I’m pretty sure the actual vitriol towards ERB is from a relatively small group and most people here just can’t bring themselves to care about her, whether it’s for interacting with the homos, not interacting enough with the other girls, or her sparse schedule.
Another EOP catalog-reader.
I don’t think that’s an EOP, that’s a homobeggar ignoring whatever doesn’t fit his agenda.
It was already said here >>87230690 that the real problem with Erb is her attitude about it. You can tell she wants to pull a Kronii/Mori x1 million if given the opportunity, like she fucking genuinely must hate the average Hololive fan because most fans of the girls don't really give a shit about the guys either way. She can't accept that dudes like cute girls and that "boys" is nowhere in that term and never will be, permanently barking up the wrong tree.
did this joker get raped too?
EOP board. if EN didn't exist and they knew japanese they would be shitposting about this as we speak.
oh what, doesn't count when he is a babiniku?
*rapes OP*
May Ruin and Death be upon you and all your loved ones, faggot piece of shit, never ever use society man for your homosexual faggot shitposting.
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How the fuck you cannot tell between We Live in Society and Sasuga Ainz-sama?
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>causes zero drama
>does what she and her audience like
>honest and upfront about collabs
>stays in her lane
I'm not a broken faggot who writes "homo" every 5 minutes". ERB doesn't stream... I cannot like that woman at all because she doesn't fucking stream, ANYTHING.
Consistent at shilling homos at every opportunity. Consistent at not streaming. Consistent at being wet blanket in collabs. Consistent at belting too much and nothing else in her karaoke.
>stays in her line
She does not.
Raden doesn't have a patronizing HR lady voice.
ERB does.
Hope this helps, anon!
because raden has entertainment value of her own
She has been streaming for 6 years and there is no evidence of Hakuno being a man. Other than the voices in your head.
You can seethe all you want but Yagoo has literally watched the stream and even posted about it on Twitter, this is what he wants to see.
Good entertainers don't vomit endless streams of content, they pick their moments and provide exactly what people demand
Cope and seethe, dramanigger. She does want her audience wants and doesn't start shit, everything an entertainer should do.
>Cope and seethe, dramanigger.
nice projecting

>She does want her audience wants
You're too mad to type properly lmao.

>and doesn't start shit
She quite literally does.
/jp/ is roasting her alive kek
maybe try a different board
>Good entertainers don't vomit endless streams of content
>shitting on all hardworking Hololive members to defend his lazy favorite
Classic ERB "fan". Constant cope and vitriol.
>Japanese the people that developed the whole Idol craze actually know how to adhere to it rules
>Non Japanese larping or simping for Japanese who also love idols think they know the culture based of the WORST examples of it are actually in the wrong about how it works.
Raden is actually interesting.
>If you spam about this one on /vt/ all day every day no one will care and you get 0 (you)s

>If you spam about this one on /vt/ all day you get 100+ (you)s and all the attention your parents never gave you

I hope you can understand the difference now. No one actually cares they just want attention.
When Ame does her male shit no one is gonna care because it can't be spammed for (you)s, because it'll be banned to talk about in /hlgg/ an no one in her thread will care. Just like Doki.
>Pretending you or 90% of posters on this board actually know about Japanese idol culture
This, JP love cuckoldry pretty pathetic, Asian women are disloyal and cheat all the time
Western women aren't like this at all. I've never heard of an American woman or European woman cheating ever
Lot more than you shitter
>More than you
>*Makes a blatanlty wrong statement*
Sure supertard
What part is wrong?
Sure thing buddy.
>everyone on /vt/ shares the same opinion
you say that but /jp/ doesn't care
Nice divide and conquer attempt. Nijiniggers on full send tonight
NTA but which shit did she start again? If people felt offended by her replying to male, that's their problem and not her's
Here's the thing, that anon doesn't want you to know, instead of embracing the ''I will collab with anyone i want sorry guys'' thing, she herself basically went ''unicorns? nah they're easy, I'll do some asmr and it's gonna be ok''. That kind of response got her hate first rather than the whole male collab thing
>gets no pass whatsoever and is the most reviled EN member /here/
>Most reviled EN member /here
That's Kiara thoughbeit.
See, you wouldn't feel attacked if your oshi actually put out quality content
So Unicorns are easily triggered snowflakes?
well she is supposed to be gyaru so it is on point
>You're too mad to type properly lmao
ESL board. go back to burgerstan
yes, but also most wealty whales in fandoms
>but also most wealty whales in fandoms
Citation needed.
burgers english on avarage is worse than most esl that use it daily
go look top donors and top supa earners
Obsessing over homos on twitter. Always making sure to call homos Senpai, capitalizing it and stressing it while at the same time not caring to call her actual senpai with that title and simply referring them on first name basis since start.
Claiming homos were so important to development of Hololive and misattributing Hololive successes to homos while not saying much about actual Hololive members who built the company.
Letting falseflagging phasefags roam free in her chat, not banning them, only giving slap on the wrist when they started straight up insulting other holos.
I'm not even sure it was all unicorns. Women are supposed to hide how manipulative they are and she slipped up. It was a turn off.
Telling someone you don't respect them is a good way to turn them away from you.
Pretty much. Prime example: "Respect my collab choices."
>let me throw baseless false accusations at people who are innocent
>if you don't let me do it it means i was right!!!!
Kill yourself phasecuck.
>the nijinig is immunized against all dangers, scoundrel, recoil, found out, etc etc.
You're barking at wrong tree subhuman.
Why can't it be all 3?
I don't want to watch a holo that's constantly interacting with males, and when all she does is ignore collabs and do karaoke after karaoke and it's unarchived so I can never watch a vod later I have nothing to base my opinion on besides homobegging tweets and a debut stream that mentions homos
If you want to interact with males do it outside of hololive
Great no one is pointing a gun to your head and telling her to "WATCH OR DIE" but I will tell you to keep her out of your fucking mouth or off your keyboard because of
>I can never watch a vod later I have nothing to base my opinion on besides homobegging tweets and a debut stream that mentions homos
If you don't know enough about her cool stfu nobody gives a single shit about your opinion especially people that actually take time to watch her or her genmates/sempai/other coworkers etc.
Cover chose ERB as the leader of her gen also. Why do they still not understand their viewers? Beyond that she doesn't display any leadership characteristics. She should be collabing, but I'm happy she doesn't. I have no idea how she was seen as a good hire.
No real Holofan hates ERB, most that don't watch her just talk a bit of shit about male collabs and then just ignore. Any active "seething" is just othercorpo antis.
Again, as I posted before, ERB is still superior to the vast majority of non-Holos.
>Cover chose ERB as the leader of her gen
I don't understand idiots that think this means anything outside of lore, it's up to the tallent if they want to take their lore into the real world, it's not even a consistent thing, who is the leader of gen 4? gen 5? every gen pre 3?

Liz seems to understand her viewers well enough because she's been doing her thing since debut and is still the pack leader on subs
No I'm going to do it more now because of you. Maybe I'll make the thread next time
Worst holo out of all 3 branches
>Maybe I'll make the thread next time
Free advertising for her, please go ahead and do that
desperate ass motherfuckers you are
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yagoo got divorced so he's most likely gay
explains the homos
Leaders should lead, that's what the word means. Drop the idea of leaders if you don't want it.
he also started hololive by hiring high school girls.
>believing the meme
>I have no idea how she was seen as a good hire.
Hololive is a music production company, the shows only grow bigger and more popular.
More like
>flopgloss keeps debuffing their numbers with this type of content
>Cover send in the first army to save them every time
Also for a karaoke buff stream, she gotten way more for solo.
Mr Autist it's lore, should Cici stop streaming because she's not actually an Automaton? Gigi because she's not an actual gremlin or Raora because she's not actually a catgirl?

why are you like this?
Cici isn't an automaton? I know Gigi is a gremlin. I'm suspicious of Raora though.
False tho. Just like with the "tentacle" pornographic imagery presented on japanese trad. printings going viral and becoming a meme (within japan at first), and a genre. Ntr "popularity" is due to viralization through meme status as well.
Could Raden have at least collabed with a different Nijimale? Even before I put Kurosanji behind me, I thought this clown nigga was creepy as shit
piero is based
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>”Holofags” shit on other holofags for hating male collabs
>”Holofags” also primarily hate NijiEN for being biased towards its male streamers and forcing them into mixed gen collabs with the girls constantly
Hmm, I smell some hypocrisy here
No we aren't, you delusional roastie
Some of us aren't cucks who worship the Japanese so this is irrelevant
> care about Holo and her genmates
> Don't care about Holo and only care about the homos
>No we aren't
You're like a male feminist.
>You're like a male feminist.
no he isn't
>I am not like other men I am completely non-threatening queen you're safe with me!
Yes he is.
Faggots think girls are icky
Checkmate atheists
Being a leader of the gen isn't lore.
Don't just book by the cover, don't judge vtuber by the design. Joe is one of the coolest males.
It's because she's JP. Nobody here watches her.
you are taking this too seriously
How the fuck did you think I'm a feminist? I hate feminism
Don't they have the same art mama
I like Raden because she's a cute art nerd. I don't personally see anything in unique in ERB that I can't find in another HoloEN, the impressions are a cool trait, but get boring after 10 minutes. I just simply don't watch the male collabs since I find most of them (except maybe Bettel) annoying. But that's just me.
you're trying to act like a non threatening pick me male and those are always the worst kind of groomers
Are you fucking retarded? I'm defending myself against false accusations of being a rapist, that doesn't make me a fucking pick me, any woman who thinks all men are sex pests should fuck off back to the kitchen.
>noooo i definitely wouldnt talk to women that way pleease queen im not like the others trust meee
kill yourself
Most popular of a struggling branch is still struggling.
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Stop pmsing, roastie, you're not making any sense
forced thread
because all jap men are cucks so they don't care
joe is based though
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Yeah, I'm not a unicorn and I refused to support her after that. It's real shitty to openly call some of your audience spineless gooners.
Having said that, I did turn around after hearing about the drinking stream where she said she still did and could have a unicorn audience, and that a girl who's been around men hut picks you is better than a girl who's only known you, or something to that effect. Personally, that was enough to change my reading of the situation from "Ririka thinks her unicorns are mindless gooners" to "Rirka just doesn't understand unicorns value system". Being condescending is bad, but being stupid is forgivable.
JP doesn't have standards.
There used to be a comic about that, but I haven't seen it in a while
but she did face lots of blowback for this? she even had to close the comments on the stream

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