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Office Cake Edition

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Official Mint Happi (Preorders end October 18th) - https://yeahlights.com/products/official-mint-fantome-happi-coat
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Previous thread: >>87133626
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>second time feet are being sneaked into a cake OP
Are you trying to subvert us
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I love this purple maid who actually hates me
A lot of ass artists like feet!
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She's pretty hot
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I wish to hear Mint talking about her butt.
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Getting into the box with Mint, her on all fours, dress bunched up around her waist
Intense and passionate anal sex with Minto in the box while she tries her best to suppress her voice so as to not get noticed from outside.
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Minto is so fucking STUPID. I am listening to her covers as Pomu again and they're so good. Why does she think she's bad singer. DUMBASS.
"Actual" utaite/vsingers aren't really much better, if at all. She just has enough experience singing from her school days that she recognises her technique is lacking + her usual self-esteem issues
Minto Mint
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Waiting room up!
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Bratty ghost maid needs correction
Imagine if she actually streams Donte's game kek
It would actually be so funny though.
I'd love to see her reaction to the squirrel semen bit
I don't think Donte's game is actually that bad, gameplay wise that is
honestly wouldn't even be a bad call. Returning to the jank gameplay of 1 would feel jarring, but she's not used to action games like this and DmC would be so much easier to get into. It's also easier to laugh at how dumb the game is if you don't have the full baggage of the actual series, although the existence of 5 kind of makes it a moot point. At the time Donte was the death knell of the series, now it's just an unfortunate and embarrassing misstep
True it also does kinda show that her technique is off because after a few concerts her vocals are incredibly strained.
If she was an actual singer who had properly been taught, a concert a week wouldn't cause her to be this strained. Like think about how many concerts people on tour do.

Of course i still really like her singing and this isnt saying anything bad about her but I do think she should get a coach if she's going to keep touring, so she doesn't eventually lose her voice entirely
Honestly speaking, there's a lot that people actually don't acknowledge about DmC. It actually had pretty strong level design, I would honestly argue that it has more going for it in terms of level design than any DMC game before it and arguably after it.
With the definitive edition comboing is kind of fun too.
Mint should organise a singing lesson collab with Donna Burke like Doki did with U-san
>Donte first
It's gonna be Revengeance all over again
Mint working at a black company where The misogynistic boss paddles female employees!
With yaoi paddles
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Not that hard to imagine.
I mean I could see that boss that had her walk on his back doing that.
good, get that one out of the way first
God I wish I was him
posting a classic
I actually hope she plays this if she manages to keep up with the series and isn't just filtered by the first game
Time has been surprisingly kind to DmC. Against all odds it didn't conclusively kill the series, and there really aren't many games that are at the same time both decently fun to play, and also funny because of how tryhard and self-serious it is
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I still haven't seen that link some Wisp posted when I said it's almost weekend. It is weekend now.
The Music Wisp is gone, isn't he?
The problem was rightfully for a long time, it did and replaced what fans wanted until 5's announcement in 2018 that got people reevaluating it better. I do feel a bit sorry for the fans of that game at this point since it is orphaned and got no continuation but would've require Capcom to probably continue outsourcing the IP to Ninja Theory. Probably also needed to ditch the name too to not confuse it with the original game but keep its ties so maybe just DmC or something. Anyways, despite how juvenile it was, I did feel it did the brotherly thing between Dante and Vergil better than in prior games and Mundus was a bit more characterized out in motivation rather than being a big bad all powerful being which he was portrayed as which is rare for villains in the DMC games to be even though Mundus was the "shadow government figure that controls everything" trope. But everything else was terrible about that game.
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I have replaced him sometimes posting things but he seems to have been gone since early September regularly before disappearing mid-September.
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gently licking mint's pink and clean butthole
I would fuck her until she couldn't walk anymore.
Minto will watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0-Da1J-97U when she should be watching silly strawberry sundae man's series instead https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHdekLhUz28
it even has a loli in it she'd love it
Is this some /v/ meme?
Yeah there was a Mint thread where they turned her purple and it got really popular with fan artists.
It's canon so she has to watch it
Thinking about how much I wanna marry Mint again...
I think mint should stop being a prude bitch and do some cock sucking asmr
From over 10 years ago, yes. The writing and acting in DmC was eyerollingly bad and it was noticed that using the spanish voice over it becomes way more palatable. The "fuck you" scene was emblematic of how the game presented itself.
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The fuck you scene was bad but honestly the final boss being Bill O'Reilly was kinda kino ngl
Mintolive real?
I wish I was hanging out with Mint talking about Metal Gear right now.
I kinda feel bad for this girl
Actual preorder link
I'm gonna wait for Mint's official merch
Why? She is in holo and while >jap corpos, at least it's guaranteed views
>All the Hololive standees are $20 but the Mint one is $25
Guess Wisps are just richer.
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Added the Ranking and a chapter for Honours. Linked the Goal of the Tournament taken from YouTube. Also rewrote some minor stuff for style reasons. If you notice something that's shit, please let me know and I'll fix this.
Includes a postcard, while the Holo ones don't, and instead have a separate $8 sticker available.
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Big beautiful booba
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I'm worried about Minto 3.0
How would Mint feel if I motorboated her asscheeks?
What stream did she announce and show all her merch again?
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Anniversary stream
It was so amazing to see Chocomint collab with V1.
I hope next year she goes full Fauna anniversary and just has three Mintos on
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Collab with Pomu when
Never she hates her!
Not impossible that she can ever buy and own the IP but I would never place high hopes on it.
I'd rather see her collab with a Nondescript Elf.
I heard that Pomu and the Nondescript Elf are one and the same person...
I mean everyone is Pomu, including you
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Oh no, not me
I never lost control
>he doesn't know
Even mint is Pomu
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>I am Pomu, and you are too. No, she's the two of us. Together

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