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Last Thread - >>87209703

Stream - https://youtu.be/MMhqW1r-L3g
Short - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85NNg4K44lQ

Promise 1st Anniversary merch!
Schedule - Listen for the words of future streams
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ceresfauna
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@CeresFauna
Member VODs - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykcx9rP_92kQBKHyypOrew5a

>New to Fauna? Suggested and Unarchived Streams
Outer Wilds Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykeI6Et74IZ5xwwu0Myqsvyx

>Love Fauna, need more?
Media - https://rentry.org/faumedia
Merch - https://rentry.org/faumerch

>Miss Fauna?
Stream status - https://imissfauna.com/
Ara Ara button - https://faunaraara.com/

Reminder to report, hide, and ignore grasshoppers and their bait, saplings
Good morning /uuu/
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Art tag kind of cursed today
It's kind of silly but I think the snail tray is my favourite piece of merch so far. It just feels really nicely made and is handy for throwing the little adapters, flash drives and cables that were all over my desk before into.
How was 7DTD yesterday? Couldnt watch because i went to go watch Look Back with friends(it was good) sounds like fauna is really enjoying the game
Seems handy
Anyone have the timestamp for when they came back from the quest and talked about rare super corn? Fell asleep around that point.
Fauna is a special wonderful woman. That said, I’m not staying up to watch a 4 hour stream that starts at FST + 3 on a workday even for her
It was good. She's enjoying it a lot said she's pretty addicted to it. Helps that her slap build is really starting to come online
1:46 is when she jumps on cecilia so its before that
The prompt for today is Furry.
May be best to lay low for a bit.
Its 1:15
iopi why
work on your stamina cuckfeet, last thread died an embarrassing death and didn't come back up til you woke up
The bait threads started in the log at the same time as him making the thread too. Could our beloved baker be the fauna anti?
What a tweeeeeest
More fun than the previous day, mostly because her fisting build actually seems to do decent damage now. 4 punches to down a zombie then a few more pot shots to finish it is pretty safe, with no ammo expense. She needs to get that bike so she can quickly unload loot. Anyone know how many total quests she's completed?
I think 3, maybe 4
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her horns spell fauna
curious how threads always die and stay dead during canadian night time
as opposed to american night time of course
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i can't stop thinking about how fauna prefers dungeon meshi over frieren
This is the sex zone
nice fat anime breasts
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Remember this?
All we need now is some kind of link...some currency perhaps, or a Canadian fizzy drink bottle. Think we're lost until then how to solve the mystery
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jetpack doko?
we dont need jetpacks, our place is rooted to the earth
Tell your mom to sub to Fauna so she can do her funny bit.
We would just splat ourselves if we had them
something about souls and gravity
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holy booba
>Fauna's oshi shit talking Hololive
hopefully she stops referencing him now
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you are like a little baby
check this
If she throws up her 900k special at FST she'll hit 900k easily during it, if she doesn't before
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What did NL say?
what did gura say?
but gura love hololive
nta but might as well head this off now

Ina's tweets on her situation made it's way to his twitter algo and it seems like he didn't really understand the situation
Basically worded it as the company was punishing Ina and took away her account and he thought it was weird that she would need a VISA to tweet
His faggot clipper really needs to stop trying to force it on him because now he's in the "I'm not going to research shit but continue to make misinformed takes" and it's always so goddamn tiring I hate streamers
Man I hate normalfag streamers
It is a pretty weird set of tweets, especially if you don't have context
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>Annoying unfunny faggot is also retarded
I'm shocked
You shouldn't talk about yourself like that Anon, it's bad for your mental health.
Just saw the anniversary
Holy fucking KINO
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Promise ladies
did my wife feres sauna say anything about todays stream? I missed the last hour or so from yesterday
It was great. Everyone was super cute, and it had the perfect amount of scuff
She wants to play more zombie game. Potentially some short 900k subs special at FST if she has energy. She also needs to do a supa catch up stream, but that's something for another day.
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the next collab should be modded pikmin 2 randomizer where each holomem controls a singular pikmin.
Ugh. Did he get corrected or did he do what all the other fleshie outsiders do?
If she's smart she'll save the superchat catchup stream til after 7dtd is over. Otherwise she'll just have to do another one again anyway.
I love mommy Faufau
One option is to do 900k + zatsu/supas today, it's a bit less effort stream than playing a game, and then play again tomorrow. They have no zombie horde today.
Don't see that happening, she's really into the game and playing with everyone
Fauna should stream shadow the hedgehog generations
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The last thing you see after you die.
Get it? Because you'd be a zombie and... nevermind.
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Oh Fauna recorded a dancing short with Kiara, wonder when she did that
Holy schnoz
I don't like that guy, but there's nothing wrong with what he said. That's exactly how it looks to outsiders who reads those tweets.
No, chat just kept spamming
and i'm not even joking
FWMC already spoiled that Fauna does randomly fly to Japan to record stuff, could be anytime. I still think it was a couple months back when she was complaining about insomnia, traveling and changing timezones probably fucked her up like usual. She could fly there for like a week, do a sneaky normal stream or two from the studio, and then return home and shove Snail in your face to make you think she didn't go anywhere.
Ah nice I was hoping there was a Fauna one when Kiara was talking about it yesterday
What did they say?
yeah i remember there was some suspiscion during one of her mini-breaks a few months ago that she had gone to Japan
I guess this more or less confirms it unless she recorded it at Ame's house or something
Nice. I guess she gave up on the bit if she put a frame for this first.
During one of their SC readings they talked about walking in on Fauna song rehearsal in the studio. Apparently. I saw posts about that in global/#, it was maybe a month ago
I know she fucking hates Japan but that's a bit menhera
Nice, excited for whatever she has planned for 900k to
It was during their BD watchalong, said they were blown away by her rehearsal of it. So either she was in NY, or they saw her doing it in the JP studio
Proof they don't watch fauna at the very least.
Mirage is one of her better songs, so I can loop it a few times a day I guess
This was one of the few days I don't get to watch nl while I work. kinda glad I missed it
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Here's a guide
its lore accurate
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Fauna working hard behind the scenes. I would give anything to take a whiff of her sweaty clothes after she spent a few hours rehearsing her dancing
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My merch will finally arrive after the weekend.
You’re right. What you should actually do is move to America.
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For you feet fans
touch feet
you heard her
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Not a fan of kiaras musical style but i will stream for my beloved kirin wife
ChickenSalad bros finally getting some crumbs
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I've jerked off to it several times so in a way this is basically Fauna joi
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She's so silly
Shes been talking to cece
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Ahhh, la creatura is back, hide, hide!
I don't get it
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hide? I want to fuck it though
What food should I get? I need a huge meal that will last me the entirety of fauna's stream. I'm gonna make this the comfiest friday ever.
Taco bell 7 dollar box meal
That's going to last 5 minutes not 4 hours
Two Taco bell 7 dollar box meals
48 taco bell 7 dollar box meals
I figured at some point with how long we’ve been doing threads like this that you’d eventually just stop being autistic about this, but I know for a fact there’s at least 3 different people that bake. Theres a regular baker, and then I’ve done it on a few occasions, and then at least one other person has picked up the slack when the regular baker was absent. So for the sake of possibly coming to some understanding here, how’s about we mutually assume for a second that there are multiple people that like having the threads around between streams and multiple people that complain about it. So then tell me, what specifically is the issue you want to amend with the way that threads are made now?
too long didnt read
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ive only baked on original /uuu/ terms (stream announcement+this thread on page 10) since august, im not here without a stream up
Ok I just want to make sure it’s abundantly clear you don’t actually care about the quality of the thread the next time you try to bitch in global about it.
Thank you for your service
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uber eats, pick a cuisine, search for buy 1 get 1, order a bunch.
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So is she like a prostitute or something?
Would have unprotected sex with
Verification not required.
why are you here then??
>It was during their BD watchalong, said they were blown away by her rehearsal of it. So either she was in NY, or they saw her doing it in the JP studio
Ok I remember this, but I don’t necessarily think it proves Fauna goes to Japan or NY to record. She could have just been rehearsing remotely with the mocap suit and had FWMC walk in while they were doing live rehearsals with her being on a screen in the studio.

Personally, I don’t care how she records her performances so long as it isn’t skinwalked, but I would have to be somewhat impressed that she’s able to keep secret Japan trips under wraps as well as she does.
post-stream announcement chucklenuts
i wish
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Bro...I tried uber eats once and the price was double what it would have been if I just picked it up myself. No idea how people can justify all those tacked on costs.
Don't want to keep looping this, but I think you're disregarding the issue of latency there
I got around to watching the second episode of uzumaki. I have never been so fucking disappointed in a piece of media in my life.

Kind of want a watchalong because it'd be funny.
Faunas reaction when the quality of animation goes from 120% to -10% that would be pretty funny but kind of a waste of a watchalong if shes gonna give it up after episode 2
I don't think Fauna would do a watchalong just to shit on it especially since its still airing and its tied to an IP she loves.
She should do a watchalong of the first episode though.
I assume the situation would be "fauna doesnt know"
pickup is cheaper and you get the same good deals
Fauna definitely knows by now
I saw the quality drop being reported on new sites
Didnt they make another junji ito adaptation with terrible 3d animation? why does his work keep getting picked up by retarded studios? do you think he just has a terrible agent or something
There's Gyo, Tomie and 2 collections. All shit.
I hope Ito's getting paid upfront.
There was also a live action adaption of uzumaki. Which was just. I don't know.
Live action japanese adaptations are just as bad as western ones, but in a different way, chief reason being they are aimed at stay at home moms
Watchalongs have been gone longer than live ASMR
His work (for the most part) is taking concepts that are completely absurd and making them horrifying. I think you need a very special kind of director to make that work on screen.
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I figured out what Fauna's 7dtd model reminded me of.
Oompaloompa drug den...
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