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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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>be Thai
>sacrifice sharing a native language with your daughter to migrate
>she moves to Japan
who is this semen demen
>Be female content creators
>Vote for policies that promote total lawlessness and anarchy
>Get money
>Move to Japan
Why are women like this?
Migratory genes. Bloodlines that move will keep moving.
wait so Biboo has been living independently for years but Nerissa is still in her parents house???
Momseki did the right thing at the time. The dollar is stronger and Biboo definitely got a better life, but I get it. Biboo wants to be around other Asians. It's natural.
Whats the alternative? Biboo grows old in America and pops out 4 Hapa?
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pretty sure most americans live with their parents since the country is pretty poor now
>be asian
>move to asia
We could nuke you 600 times over and still go out to dinner afterwards.
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please stop reminding me the best women in my country will literally migrate anywhere else before they would marry a local
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I wanna fuck those rocks
i have a doubt the nukes work since you can't buy fast food but ok
>my military as money that means the average citzen has money
East asians don’t even wanna consider arabs or indians asians lmao
Yes burger-kun, we know that 90% of the GDP goes to the US Army.
Not all Americans, it's just a mid west thing. Most kids get kicked out at 16.
who was talking about middle easterners
>anons who don't understand money has no value without military power
based, death to amerid*gs
In America you have three realistic options.
1. Stay at home and save up your money
2. Move out by taking a loan and go into debt with a mortgage
3. Go to college with student debt and move with your job
America is a debt based economy. If you want to put up with debt you can do whatever but if you encounter an older American living at home they're probably saving a lot. The other two options leave you with prettier things but you have that debt noose on your leg at all times.
For the average person its not bad. 100 years ago in these conditions you'd move out and homestead but then you have to deal with garbage internet and services.
We have room but we'll have to make a decision at some point. New cities are on the horizon.
>ywn fuck nerissa's brains out with her parents, her brother and aradia and her husband listening
>Nerissa lives in the midwest
>Depending on your location job opportunities is limited
>Nerissa has back issues so she she's limited further on jobs.
>US economy is fucking garbage no matter where you are.
She just has a lot of odds against her. I don't blame her honestly.
at this point, I believe they would be happy. Finally getting a new grandchild
Asian men gotta stop being betas then
No, they move away because we are too chuddy. 90% of men in this country are /pol/tier chuds
Also we have the one of the world highest male adultery rates in a bunch of old surveys
but you can't go to the doctor without having to spend 9001 hours on the phone with your insurance company begging them not to bankrupt you
>t. burger
>the country is pretty poor now
Least obvious SEA
Biboo parents told her to move to Japan anon ...
Wait isn't Thailand famous for ladyboys?
I know you guys weird laws like you can't criticize the Thai king but I think there's something going on there.
Which is a shame because your country acted as an unconquered buffer state for the longest time.
I hear Thailand is a safe retirement spot at least.
Sea monkeys are not actual asians
>Wait isn't Thailand famous for ladyboys?
With expats yeah. That doesn't stop most men here from trying to be hardcore trad nationalists. Half the guys here have "fascism is... le cool" as their identity
Why do you guys hate us so much?
>Why do you guys hate us so much?
Your people didn't contribute anything to civilization
We also didn't bother the rest of civilization. This is wrong how?
In one of her streams she mentions a family business and how she could have stepped up and been a major part of it, but she choose not to.
Live in an apartment
That's kind of a good thing desu. I got a bunch of relatives who are the same, apparently you get a comfy life but no independence and you basically have to deal with your parents' insecurities 24/7 if they're part of it. Only pick it if you're a hopeless NEET with no ambitions or skills.
In fairness voting doesn't seem to affect illegal immigration in a lot of western governments. No matter who you vote for the results are the same like Satan is controlling both sides of the board.
Can't you ask mom and dad for handouts in America? Not everything, just occasional loans and some extra spending cash. A little support goes a long way to cover what you can't.
>admitting to it
I'm an /int/ regular, I'm used to having my flag on full display. This board would benefit from it tbqh
>New cities are on the horizon
I hope so, I see so much fucking land being unused that could easily house people and yet we keep packing people into the towns we have now.
I know Asian girls who would literally prefer to date an Asian guy of the same race due to cultural similarities but frankly they’re not only able to get more attractive and higher value white males interested in them, those white males would also be nicer and more respectful of her and don’t come with the baggage of having Asian in-laws. Asian dudes are just low-tier prospects. They can whine and screech about Oxford study all they want but just objectively, they have less to offer across the board.
The history of woman is the history of the worst form of tyranny the world has ever known; the tyranny of the weak over the strong. It is the only tyranny that lasts.
Is this even vtuber related at this point? Make sure to get in your 2 minutes of hate
I feel like you're talking about western countries race dynamics like WMAF, etc. That's not really how it works here. I was being facetious with my comment, in truth like 99% of couples here are just locals and locals.
Having to deal with your family as coworkers too just sounds like a nightmare
There's one of these threads every half day. It's probably a good thing, just think of it as containment.
>asians bad
>no white people bad
>asia bad
>no west bad
Biboo still getting that USD so it doesn't matter. Her daughter 100% made it, I'm certain she's proud.
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>It is the only tyranny that lasts.
Therefore its strong

Fuck you anon you're a piece of shit and I hope you get raped by a rusty barbed dildo you sack of shit
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This is the most non-thread I have ever seen
Can't wait to see trans Xi
Depends on the path the parents took. My family decided to travel with their job (military) and while I got to see a lot my parents just work with what they have which isn't a lot.
Now my extended family is 1600s old Celtic stock which owns about 500 acres and a few oil rigs but everyone is sort of distant cousin down there so rejoining the clan comes with some caveats.
Pretty women though. (I'M JUST SAYING.)
Nah. Parents are old and let me have run of the place. I think they'll just watch TV until it's time to reunite with their parents.
Then I have a free house.
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the new cities suck ass because they're all car dependent shitholes that look like pic related. you're more likely to get killed in a car crash in some low density car hell than you are by violent crime in a dense city yet we keep building sprawling shitholes because they're 'safer'. not to mention cars are a massive expense that can push the cost of living in suburbs above car-free core city living even with the higher rents

if we're going to build new cities we need to stop fucking wasting land on parking lots i shouldnt have to drive for like 10 minutes to get groceries when europeans in suburbs can get their food in a short walk or bike ride
>asian parents
>proud of their kid being a streamer, and not only a normal streamer but a streamer with a child model
nah man lol. I'm sure they still love her but you don't brag about this shit to the other asian parents
>mother = fat tits every time
Is creativity the price to pay for drawing coomer art?
Based civilization ignorer.

70% of the board would just be /Asean/
eh Thai are way more chill. They're not like weird chinese social climbers from my experience.
Nerissa is the youngest daughter, and has scoliosis. She will be coddled by her parents until they die. The only way she'll move out is if a sugar daddy offers her a 3 bedroom house minimum.
Homosexuality is American soft power
>1. Stay at home and save up your money
>2. Move out by taking a loan and go into debt with a mortgage
>3. Go to college with student debt and move with your job
None of these are true the actual truth is
>go to college and get the wrong degree, live with your parents (or if a woman, live with an older boyfriend who pays for your stuff)
>get the 'right' degree (the one which the government is currently promoting and pushing with stimulus money like tech from 2011-2022) and make a retarded amount of money for doing nothing
>work at wendy's, live with your parents, kill yourself when they die
>meme fourth option like becoming a CDL, tradesman or winning at stock options/dropshipping/crypto
>it's not that bad
99% of jobs are fake and HR will ghost you 9/10ths of the remaining time, it's a shithole. But not in the way seafags understand, it's more like the decline of rome where there are still palaces and shit but the population increasingly can't afford shit and there are large numbers of unwashed barbarians running around now.
The first thing you do when you grew up in an asian family is moving out because all asian parents are control freaks. Yet, there are some percent become mama's boy and never move out.>>87234003
>Can't you ask mom and dad for handouts in America? Not everything, just occasional loans and some extra spending cash. A little support goes a long way to cover what you can't.
Boomers will instead ask their kids to 'pay them back for raising them' even if they are literally millionaires. So no, no support, only lectures from people who had a guaranteed government job about how you just need to go into home depot and shake the manager's hand and in 5 years your college degree will afford you a cushy corporate position after working your way up from a stocker (this is something that was possible in 1979).
>drive for 10 minutes
Nearest supermarket to me is 2 minutes away, 10 minutes isn't even that long. Go live in israel, you new york subhuman.
Some of you retards are so fucking stupid it baffles me. Stay in your Walmart prison then faggot, rot alone and die
Biboo confirmed her mother is a shorttack long ago anon, this is pretty much canon.
Anon what do you think happens to breasts after giving birth
Hey we were first to domesticate chicken and banana you know. Also invented kites.
Same reason as the corrupt geriatrics who have been running America into the ground make short-term decisions they won't be alive to see the long-term consequences of: because it benefits them
Why are you gay
My bad, meant for this guy
they'll get t-boned by karen driving her kids in a tank-sized pickup truck at the intersection of two overly wide suburban arterials before long, it's fine
How’s Gaza doing?
>outrage trolling Biboo of all girls
>using her extremely supportive and proud mother
You're really desperate for a straw to grasp onto huh
this is literally illegal
She won't be paid in usd anymore after moving to Japan retard. Her salary will be paid in yen.
They temporarily swell from milk production. After the child is weaned off, and the woman does not need to produce milk any longer, they return to the normal size. They tend to sag a bit from the swelling stretching the skin/fat.
t.Dominik Tarczyński
>mother got out of the impoverished poster child country for generational child prostitution
>watches her daughter play a cartoon girl playing video games and getting a lot of money doing only the faintest of flirting with a captive crowd who love her for her personality first and foremost
Yeah, I'm sure she's hanging her head in shame at the Asian mothers club.
you're brown
Please note that discussion should pertain to a VTuber's streams and content, and should not pertain to their real lives, relationships, or appearances ("IRL").
Not to mention beebs mom watches every stream. Even requested for beebs to sings some songs she likes. I'm sure she's proud of her daughter and very supportive of her choices.
>person works for a japanese company
>moves to japan
>Biboo parents are proud of her because of Hololive
>This is the first time she heard them say that
no wonder the women leave when all the men keep turning into gay hot ladyboys
Asian moms don't care as long as you're making good money, and they can brag to the family about it.
So basically she's proud of her kid? Because you described being proud of your kid.
...or do they keep turning into gay hot ladyboys because women leave?
nerissa lives with her family because her family is loaded, no one ever talks about it but her family is the richest in hololive
A lot of countries withbreally hot women dont know how good they have it. Look at eastern europe where ugly girls look like supermodels, the dudes treat them like shit. Lots of infidelity and abuse.
A good chunk of the /vt/ userbase is brown latinos with yellow fever.
Which flag is in the moon again? Thought so faggot.
After Reine senpai who owns most of jakarta
>bug apologists / american obsession: the thread
>A good chunk of the /vt/ userbase is brown latinos with yellow fever.
is this the first parent fan design that's shorter than the child?
Because they're not.
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>Anime mom
>Is just the daughter but bigger and better
because he's smarter than you.
picrel isn't a city, retard, it's a truck stop. where do you get your politics, Twitter?
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If I could live there legally I'd go to Japan right now, I could rent out my home in the USA and that would nearly cover my rent in Japan after the difference. Then I make like ¥10,000,000 a year after conversion so I'd live pretty well.
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There's two kinds of cityfags. One kind (usually Euros) don't comprehend the scale of America and think it's just wall to wall the upper portion of pic related and don't realize how much undeveloped land there still is even in well populated parts of the country. The other kind (usually American city dwellers) just have a disdain for suburban and rural lifestyles. Often they don't really comprehend how small towns form and grow and assume things being spread out must be some inorganic contrivance.
Reminds me of when I visited Qatar during the world cup and women tourists were applauding how safe they felt even know the country was against everything they stood for kek
And after Lamy who's a yakuza princess.
Then the ultimate holomom should be an oversized fatfuck
Like just a circle with eyes
Pretty sure MamaPuppy is usually depicted as a shortstack as well
>becoming a landlord jewing out his renters
may as well move to israel and convert, goy
Vtuber-tier understanding of sexual anatomy.
>undeveloped land
Stay in your containment shithole, city slicker
EN should have a holo house in Japan, somewhere hidden in the rural mountains
Imagine being a lost boy wandering into a holo house and running into the fearsome 5'4" amazoness
>says this about the girl who was nearly kidnapped last time she was in Japan by some old man
>>/pol/ and stay go if you're not gonna watch streams

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