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A place for all INDIE ESpañol vtubers.

Spanish speaking indies only.

Previous >>87105271
sex with sylvie
Shura horse lover when?
make eru getting tentacle'd by the metal slug aliens
Can I get a qrd on Eru?
No schizos please
Looks like an angel but it's actually a succubus beware of her hypnotics moans
Used to be wactor’s new promise but her menheraness and money thirst got in the way
I miss Neon...
She's prefers the knot
Homewrecker, scammer and Aivy's owner
Real, non-shitter answer here:
>used to be friends with meica, koa and shura. not anymore and no one knows why
>friends with reimu endou and taiga toragami
>competent singer
>competent drawfag
>likes movies
Amazing how Eru is seen as a homewrecker but Shura isn’t as a over dramatic over a pizza slice
Pay her $40 for 5 minute discord sex (unironically)
catbox + filename
Because that's not the first time Eru has been caught flirting with other girls gachis
Is this based on anything or is it just that they both deserve a spanking
Shura has proven to be a good sport over time
>competent singer
>competent drawfag
>friends with reimu endou and taiga toragami
considering that she has many friends and you highlight 2 specific ones you are shitter
Oh, yeah I forgot that she is also friend with ofeb since the Wactor days
She got that title robbed recently. Eru scam is like stealing a bunch of candies in comparison
>you're a shitter for mentioning her 2 biggest friends
>she has many friends
name them
Axtre is not coming back is she?
>doesn't like sexual or offensive jokes.
>likes vocaloid
>likes to sing
>loves watching movies
>very loving but not parasocial
>takes vtubing seriously
>Not parasocial
Didn't she marry her fans?
>>not parasocial
Is Crayon going to kick too?
yes, but that's more like a role-playing thing, she keeps a certain distance from her viewers, doesn't talk about personal stuff on stream and she has mentioned before that she thinks that a fan is something different than a friend.
>I want you to think I love you enough to get your money but I want the freedom to reject you when you are overly attached
>takes vtubing seriously
>goes on trips that make her disappear for weeks every month and doesn’t care to invest the money her fans gave her for a model
She just updated her model like 2 months ago, shitter-kun
She's literally the only one in her household that brings money, cut her some slack.
well they are her most relevant friends
>doesn't talk about personal stuff on stream
She makes a living by talking about her day
>she has mentioned before that she thinks that a fan is something different than a friend
When exactly did she say that, shitter-kun?
>updated her model with the rig she should’ve had from the start
>is the only one in her household that brings money but goes on international trips to concerts several times a year
Also didn’t she not talk about personal stuff? Or are we only talking about streams and not the members discord?
i thought pizeria was no longer /here/
They’re always /here/, who do you think shits on Shura most?
>updated her model with the rig she should’ve had from the start
She got scammed and said scammer got shit on by more vtubers
>is the only one in her household that brings money but goes on international trips to concerts several times a year
Are you familiar with the concept of vacations as a reward for working hard?
le old scamming excuse
We watch this thread like a hawk, too. Ahh...
I accept your concession
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>lE oLd sCaMmiNg eXcuSe
several people were scammed by the guy
I want to fuck Eru while Aivy watches from the cuck chair
She thinks of them as more than friends, she's parasocial
Tonight thread is Eruditos free reign
>She makes a living by talking about her day
That's not what I meant by talking about personal stuff, u silly
>When exactly did she say that, shitter-kun?
She mentioned this on a pijamada, explaining that she didn’t like talking about her personal problems with her fans because she felt it was inappropriate.
Eru open an onlyfans, I give you all my money!!!
She didnt deserve that desu
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Maybe I'll do another one, for now, there's a pizza with my name waiting for me.
Certified monster fucker
is that the aliens from metal slug
Enya is a certified monster fucker according to Mao
Maybe I should become a vtuber, imagine being able to support a household of 3 while buying high end tech and traveling abroad every 3 months
vtubing is not for males or trannies
Enya is into that age gap relationships where she is the younger one, basically she got called "Asalta tumbas"
No but Sylvie is
Source: PuchyRu
I heard Mao talking about Enya wanting to fuck SCP entities or having crushes on them.
Enya herself wrote in chat about having scp husbandos
She said she likes Ainz from Overlord
A veneca liking venecos is nothing weird
Post slutty Erus then
Leto Moetama, a dog girl from Kotone’s vtuber group is debuting right now https://www.twitch.tv/LetoMoetama
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So normal Eru?
Why are you talking about Eru? I though she was irrelevant for /here/
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I don't know what's up with these eructos appearing suddenly either
She’s irrelevant for the overall vtuber scene, but she probably cried about it on discord
Read >>87258216
those handprints? mine.
She's here isn't?
As much as I hate the comparison, what made me drop Eru were her constant vacations and mysterious disappearances, she should’ve handled her vacations like Shura is.
Have a reddit gold, kind stranger
What about Sylvie? Her break is too long for a "mini" hiatus
Enya is an anti-parasocial and a male collaber
someone asked for a qrd on eru, that's all, I don't understand why her being mentioned makes some retards seethe so much.
but she's le here
I don’t care
She wants /here/ attention but won’t follow anon rules
I don't get it is Eru a bad girl or not? Please explain what do you mean with Eru being a scammer, flirting with other girl's gachis and being paid to have discord sex?
Sovlfull group and Kotone shilling her friends nonstop is really cute
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Join matrix Enya. Mao joined and had shills for a couple months
She can be monsteranons fucktoy
Koacucks hate Eru
Eru is an enjoyable character but don’t get attached, the person behind is pretty questionable
Enjoy the art, not the artist
This. If you’re in as a normal human being she’s trully great, if you want the weeb parasocial investment I wouldn’t recommend her.
She study and she’s fragile af.
Don't take everything you read here too seriously. We have many shitters who like to take things out of context.
>Eru being a scammer
Fags started calling her a scammer when she set up a dono goal for her rigging, which they claimed was too high for the rigging she ended up getting.
>flirting with other girl's gachis
She tweeted about having ordered a pizza and some retard from another community asked for a slice, to which she replied "ok open your mouth" or something like that. Jealously ensued.
>being paid to have discord sex
Never happened. For a time she was selling one on one discord calls for like 40 dollars for 5 minutes or something. Doubt anything lewd happened, knowing her.
> she was selling one on one discord calls for like 40 dollars for 5 minutes or something. Doubt anything lewd happened, knowing her.
LMAO Virtual prostitution
No sex involved
she paid for a rather expensive rigging and got scammed, since her rigging was not very good, people assumed that she kept the money.
>flirting with other girl's gachis
a lot of viewers from other girls stopped watching them and became her regular viewers. Additionally, there was an occasion when a fan of Shura replied to one of Eru's tweets, and she continued the interaction in a flirty way. After that, she didn’t interact like that again with people who have another vtuber's name in their username.
>discord sex
There was one time she organized a meet & greet on discord.
The rest are just stupid fantasies from retarded schizos.
It's called e-escorting, chud -_-
>She flirted with pantcucks, koacucks and even wagged her tail for Puchy
She basically enjoys the thrill of taking men from other girls and that’s why almost all chuubas drove her away
Nice pizzería de Eru Nabura raid
Yes. now kys
Feeling like shilling Eru now
>instant seethe
So have you queers heard of this server called /wactor/ matrix...
meme stream
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merun hands
Tits too big
Does she already know Spanish or didn't even try to learn it?
So you just need to buy something for Sylvie for her to unblock you?
She totally doesn't stream for the money btw
Was he blocked?
He was never blocked
He was fighting with puchy and the faggot cliperro cried told Sylvie to block him. Fer wasnt following any of her twitters after the fight.
He just got timeout on youtube that time, Sylvie never blocked him
She now has the perfect excuse to unblock pushit after
I meant twitter.
Fer was blocked by Nisha
Koa blocked Ignacio for tagging her in his bday tweet.
I saw him in her space
Does fer have money to buy Silent Hill 2?
>Read what's the controversy about
>The artist drew her in a nazi uniform
>Literally that's it
good to know, newstranny
Jews still in denial hiw /fa/ as fuck those uniforms were.
I miss Neon...
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I dont need Yamu anymore
cute feet
Lacks the parlanchina part
good image
not bad not bad has potential
My pov
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Good Maorning!
too busy hanging out with her STGR friends. At this point it should be clear the spanish fanbase was just a stapping stone
nooo mao you cant drink milk
she milked me dry last night
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i milked him dry last night
We know Sylvie we know, now go back with Jalea
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Yamu's mouth pussy
I want to pamper Yamu
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Crayon my beloved
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Change the letters to say "FRAGILE" or "handle with love"
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change the letters to say "trash"
>the tranny arrived for his daily meltdown
ugly asf design
Peak design
>intento desesperado de cunny
>intento desesperado de tranny
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You'd have more engagement ragebaiting on twitter instead of fighting the same shut-in matrixcuck keeping this thread alive
>shift + click
wtf is this shit
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Now pregnant
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