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the last thread reaching 300 replies wasn't enough for you?
Thanks Chase very cool!
What she said is 100% true
Chuds missed the point of joker
mindbroken by a mentally ill bitch lmao
So this is another Sharty raid?
chudbros we lost...
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She is wrong and didnt even watch the first movie but you will never have a honest discussion because this place is full of simps who will defend their "queen" (who has a boyfriend thats not you) to death
The report button is right there. If no one reports the thread, it stays up.
i dont get it, why should I be mad about these tweets?
>retard gets out-retarded by a vtuber
>seethes about it nonstop
>fat filipina
It's not about being better is about the 2nd being a dumpster fire that made no sense.
It would've made sense if joker did tried to better himself which he did but then society injustice made him relapse after he was raped and scarred for life. But have him go through all the anarchy in the 1rst movie just for him to end up being a Hollywood humiliation ritual then killed and replaced by someone else lol is fucking retarded
>blackmails her mods
>noooo you must hate current hated thing
i'm happy for her
wrong flip, muyu a stick
anyone who replies to this thread after me is italian
it's a me panko
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>Anon puts his faith in jannies
I hope Pippa has friends outside of 4chan and kiwifarms and twitter. It just be a living nightmare to always be the focus of so much seethe over every word you ever say.
woah shes extremely cute
>tfw you are in a seething about by Pippa competition and your opponent is a phasefag
But anon, hating Joker 2 is the normalfag behavior.
If Based means saying what you think without social filters, then Pippa is based, and the constant screaming at her to change her opinion just proves it.
Pippa loves how the chud Joker was completely humiliated and made to look pathetic like how she views all chuds.
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Pippa also shilled for the vaccine. She says things that bring her into confrontation with others, then complains about being bullied.
Too chinese looking, I imagined her more as one of those negrito looking jungle flips.
OP actually believes 4channers are smart... Oh lord, the irony
Based means you don't mingle with black and kike culture.
>Chud joker
No such thing, you'd have to be utterly retarded to think that was ever the case.
>Mentally ill dude gets jerked around all his life
>Goes berserk and spergs out
>It's all pointless and he dies miserable and alone
Retards act like this is some shocking turnabout lmao. It's the story of the sad miserable life of Fleck, the retards trying to turn him into some kind of symbol have always been nothing but a joke.
Based just means you agree with them.
alright lets see here, catalog thread about pippa with OP using a retard shartyjak term, let me just check inside and oh thats nice, 30 posts and we've already got some doxxing and polfaggots, lovely. great vtuber thread
Joker was a chud hero and Joker 2 was scripted specifically to humiliate him and play into the normalfag power fantasy of seeing the chud sodomized and killed.
Anon... That slang is...
What the hell, based normies.
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Noooo he's supposed to rise up and own society like I will one day.
>He was a chud
How? Chuds specifically sperg out at things like women and fags, and that was never what Fleck was about. Seriously in what way was Fleck ever a chud?
Who is the nick fuentes of vtubers?
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Newfags don't know based is black slang. Damn.
Based. Imagine siding with bug chaser retards.
>mfw i'm in a bad takes competition and my opponent is pippa
>mfw I have no face
Pippa is absolutely right, if you are sick stay home or mask up, nobody likes seeing sick people in public. Same thing about people with deformities, hide that shit.
he's not saying fleck was a chud you fucking mongoloid retard. he's saying that all the chuds worshipped him for who knows what reason and joker 2 was a message to those chuds. Fucking hell how dumb are you?
yeah im not saving that one
It's not based, it's very cringe. The movie was intended to make chud identifiers depressed and suicidal. Movies should entertain people and be uplifting.
There used to be plot arcs where a supervillain would get depressed but then get over it and regain motivation to do evil. It's a bit silly but you can see how chuds were treated as human beings in the past while today not so much.
Jannies remove almost any thread that gets enough reports.
Problem is, 99 percent of people who bitch about a thread never report it.
What makes it even worse is that announcing a report is against the rules, and people like to bend that rule to mean that encouraging others to report a thread is an announcement of report.
>Movies should entertain people and be uplifting.
Back to tiktok, you subhuman.
>He's not saying the fleck was a chud
>Joker was a chud hero
>Y-you see, those are t-two v-very different things!
Cool story, who asked?
>joker 2 was a message to those chuds.
Which doesn't change the inherent question: How? Joker 2 is entirely consistent with the first movie. If anything the shit part is that it just ends without resolving any of the conflict or drama the two movies set up. It's just "well that's all folks we're done here".

I can sort of appreciate how badly it cucks its audience out of an ending.
>Hasn't seen the first one
Opinion discarded
Your scope is too narrow. The point is Joker called out society as wrong and tried to fuck it up, which is in tune with chud beliefs. And the makers of the movie spitefully made the sequel to annoy the chud fans rather than for artistic reasons.
>woman has retarded take
Are you ESL?
If you're just going to sperg like a retarded teenager you can find somewhere else to do it, I'm sure. Fuck off kid.
The comic artist that made Pepe tried to kill Pepe to own the nazis, nobody cared. The Joker director is allowed to make whatever he wants to make, and people are allowed to not like it, there's really no point in any of this where righteous fury or virtue signaling has any place.
Only Americans call people shit like esl not surprised they act like bratty teenagers.
attacking someone because she dares to have an opinion about a movie is truly le based 4chan gigachad to do amiright fellas we definitely arent acting like cancel culture trannies
>They made the sequel to annoy the chud fans
>Meanwhile, the movie is entirely consistent with the first movie, to the point where it fails to even make a point and forgets to include a resolution
Honestly though what the fuck was the chud audience even expecting? A movie where the joker goes on a tear and wins through the power of mental illness and random violence?
Damn, Pippa didn't even watch the first one? So the whole movie is out of context nonsense for her and she's just shouting "It's art because some chud got sodomized and killed in prison!"
You can appreciate the movie on it's own just fine, anon. If you feel otherwise then by all means, feel free to elaborate on what significant context she's missing that the movie itself fails to include.

You did watch the first movie, right?
Uhh, you're the only one getting angry. I'm just asking if you're ESL since you're making some weird statements.
ESL comes up because you're not communicating well. Where are you from that you get offended so easily?
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Eating Jelly's asshole as if it were my last meal.
>I'm just asking...
I'm not sure what you even hope to achieve with such blatant lies. Surely you can't actually think anyone would be fooled, right? You really need to grow up anon, this childish drivel is only ever pitiful.
Yeah, Joker rigged two boats to explode and gave the passengers the detonators to the other one to see if they'd press it to save themselves.
Are you AI? Only AI talks like that.
Pretty sure he rigged a bunch of parade balloons to release toxic joker gas anon, what fucking movie did you watch?
No, there were definitely two boats and one had prisoners on it.
>Actually exposing himself as being fully retarded
Thanks for playing anon, that post by itself is so stupid you can no longer recover. I kind of want to spoil it for you but honestly, I prefer you try and figure out your own incredibly stupid mistake first, see if there is at least some hope for you.
Pippa just likes watching men get raped
it's not rocket science
Wouldn't she hate the movie then, since it cucks you out of actually seeing it happen?
Your AI is terrible.
Women like being denied things
And your mother smells of elderberries.
No, the boat was a hologram and batman was attacked by an exploding shatrk.
No, you just feel the need to grammarfag to make yourself feel superior because outside of this place you ain't shit.
That's what I think. Pippa is the kind of person who would watch baby monkeys getting tortured and refer to it as art. She's just too full of herself.
I wasn't talking about grammar, though. You ESLs need to start asking what you did wrong so you'll learn. That's generally the problem with your kind, you don't try to learn from your mistakes, you just try to cover them up.
Anon. The guy literally said >>87247011
He's functionally retarded, let alone not being shit "outside this place"
>hasn't watched the first one
Pippa you fucking lovable idiot.
Women too, that is why she was joking about Kiara
>I don't need to explain myself when making accusations, you need to ask me first!
Lol. Actual underage.
i really don' see how people cant understand this.
If you type like an AI, that's on you. Try to communicate better and not like you're some lobotomized program.
I thought this was going to be some unhinged cringe wokey rant or something but she just likes a movie? Who cares?
It should be obvious from the context what I was talking about, so if you still didn't get it then you should just ask. Why are you trying to drag everything off topic with random insults anyway? We're talking about Joker here.
This is just like talking to AI, it can't stay on topic.
Will you stop being retarded you're making the rest of your ilk look retarded.
>Guy sperging out about perceived "mistakes" still hasn't figured out his own incredibly obvious fuck-up
And here's where I pretend to be very surprised by this shocking revelation: Wow!
pippa hasnt been relevant in over a year, her streams are big lame
Guys, turn off your terrible AIs and discuss the topic of Pippa and Joker with us.
>"From the context"
>Still vagueposting
>"Why are you trying to drag everything off topic with random insults anyway?"
AWww is the widdle baybee sawwdd that he's getting called owwwwt?
He's just playing 4D chess with us like every other American who can't explain why they're doing stupid shit.
I don't think that's the reason she joked about Kiara
Odd thread.
Why are you sperging out so hard? The quote about chud hero isn't me, but he's basically correct. If you're a hero to chuds, you're not necessarily a chud yourself. However, I would say that Joker is chud-like in the sense that he turns against modern society.
It really feels like you're just an insane person who can't communicate.
Are you posting this in every Phase thread? If so, keep it up.
>Gets called out on his sperging
>"W-why are you sperging out so hard"
>If you're a hero to chuds, you're not necessarily a chud yourself.
That's a nice claim, but it does nothing to answer the underlying question, which is incredibly obvious if you have even basic English literacy. Rejecting the idea that he's a chud is utterly immaterial to the ongoing discussion. It's hilarious that you're going on about AI or ESL when you cannot even grasp that much.

And really, I need you to acknowledge what was wrong here: >>87247011 before I bother to say much else, because if you cannot even figure out that much I'd probably have more success talking to an amoeba.
Joker 2 was a message to no one. It had no idea what it was about from start to finish.
Do people really get THAT upset when someone likes a movie they didn't?
you're a legit retard. even spelling it out clearly to you and all you do is double down on your stupidity cause they website has rotted your brain. Fucking sad and pathetic anon. Be better.
>Why didn't my misery porn movie have a deep message???
Lmao. Go post about the lack of deeper meaning in Marvel slop next, please.
based fagknight
>Muh AI
Shut the fuck up retard log off and go do your homework. You don't belong here. Come back when you're over the age of 21.
But I never sperged, it was only you going nuts while I was discussing Joker. That's why I say you must be AI because it doesn't make sense why you're acting so crazy.
Anyway, I'm just going to assume you really are AI shitting up discussions and ignore you.
Wasn't there an interview or something where they said they didn't like the fans of Joker?
I don't watch her anymore, she's had too many absolutely braindead takes for my taste
Why did she do it then?
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But stupid should be a feature not a bug.
>form her own opinion on a fucking movie
>entire fanbase turns on her
Such is the fate of pickmes.
There's cute stupid and then there's opinionated stupid.
It was a middle finger to the studio for pestering him to make a sequel and the fans of the 1st Joker fot identifying themselves with the tragedy spilling out from the consequences of a financially and socially struggling mentally ill delusional freak.
>"Sorry Pippa, but it seems you liked a movie I didn't like, therefore I must now revoke your based card."
Do you people realize how ridiculous you sound? I guess "based" just means "you agree with me about everything" now.
>Still vagueposting
Yea okay, got any more tricks or is this all you are?
It's honestly terrifying to think how many zoomers and normalfags use the word based and yet have no idea who Lil B is.
To take a potshot at Hololive in any way she can, why else
>dodged the question
Figured. Amoebae it is. Kind of absurd you legitimately couldn't figure it out, that's honestly pathetic.
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Pippa is built to only have her feet jizzed on.
She had a perfectly valid opinion and clearly articulated what she liked about the movie, if that's still not good enough for you then you're just an NPC who demands everyone have the same tastes as you.
Isn't Gotham a bad place to live, though? I think people forget that the Joker doesn't live in a normal city, it's meant to be much worse.
>pippa thinks chuds should be raped and stabbed in jail
Based but no wonder her incel fanbase hates this opinion KEKW
Retards believe this. Both movies are about how schizos get fucked in society. Chuds just thought 1 was leading to some revenge porn, but it ended with the reality.
Does Pippa stream on Twitch?
This was before Batman though, Thomas Wayne was still alive and had done a lot to revitalize the city. Even Ras had said the League of Shadows would've wiped out Gotham for their corruption but Thomas Wayne saved it from destruction.
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Based, even her clippers hate hololive
>falseflagging seethe thread about phase-connect/pippa #1000000
I know bullying nijisisters is probably getting boring but, can you maybe fuck off?
Hey retard. The reason everyone was forced to wear masks for 2 years is because you actually can't tell you are sick until after you've already infected people. The reason pippa is a faggot here is she was likely infected by someone who didn't feel sick at all and rather then force everyone to wear a mask to protect her health she needs accept if she's going to go to be at conventions she's probably gonna get the sniffles. Like everyone else has dumb retarded bitch.
>take potshot at the corpo she loves
When does Harvey Dent come in? Because I thought he was supposed to clean up the political corruption but then went evil himself. So I thought Gotham was still in a bad spot.
*Loves to leech from
Fixed this for you
The view count always makes me laugh. Ordinarily, I loathe noombers, but even with a ton of clickbait on that video, it still can’t generate any real buzz.
Why do Phase fans hate Hololive so much? I can't think of any reason for conflict unless they're just bitter numbermonkeys.
She's had exactly zero collabs with anyone from hololive so how exactly is she leeching?
Are you just saying random shit hoping someone wont point out your retarded ass takes?
not that anon but there's more to dislike about pippa now than there is to like

you'll always have sunken cost fallacy capipi's in these threads that say nothing has changed but it's obvious she's stopped wanting to make content for her fans and phones it in constantly
nta but talking about Hololive is a form of leeching.
IRyS knows that she's dumb and doesn't try to pretend otherwise, the issue is when a girl thinks she's smart but is actually retarded
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Don't play dumb
Talking about another corporation in your own line of work is leeching?
Can't phasefaggots go a minute without thinking of hololive?
That's right
>playing modded holocure two years ago is leeching
unfathomable levels of reaching going on
There's plenty to dislike about Pippa, liking a movie you didn't like is 100% not one of them. I'd understand dogging on her if she were obviously trying to just ragebait for the sake of engagement but she presented perfectly valid reasons (in her mind at least) for why she liked that movie and at that point you just have to accept that it's just her legitimate taste and getting angry over it is just pure herd mentality.
pippa definitely leeched hard from hololive, she talked about them alot, talked about applying many times, shows merch all the time

but then she constantly streamed over the hololive girls she says she likes big events for lazy react streams
truth is she never really cared, its all performative
I don't think Harvey comes into play as Commissioner until Bruce is a full grown adult. At this point with Thomas alive it's still just mob vs mob vs police stuff, no real super villains. It wasn't until Batman started escalating the violence to subdue the mobsters that would create a power vacuum for more audacious characters to appear who would then later become branded villains. You could argue Arthur Fleck would've never become the Joker if he'd gotten proper help but that's all hindsight. In reality he was destined for misery because of his mental illness and society overall catering to normies since they keep things stable, as it should.
Well you're probably doing it to get your clips out there to advertise to Hololive fans, right?
is this /pcg/?
no, it's one of the daily 'seethe at phase-connect while also claiming the company is irrelevant and no one cares about it' threads.
>it's just her legitimate taste
1. she hasn't seen the first movie
2. i dont have to accept anyones taste

this is entertainment for me, pippa isn't entertaining anymore, im tired of the mahjong soul collabs where she is silent 99% of the stream, im tired of the suicide baiting streams, im tired of her bringing her father on her stream

im tired of pippa, i unmembered awhile ago but i still atleast kept watching regular streams, i cant do it anymore, she's not fun to watch, there's no energy there's only lazy react streams and bad gameplay
If i start posting every time she leeches off holo there would be enough screenshots for 3 threads, so yeah, stop playing dumb
so /pcg/?
I don't care about PC but people that missed the point of Joker 1 and 2 annoy me.
Things made bad on purpose are bad, actually.
no, there's too little jelly butthole posts for it to be /pcg/.
Pippa seems to have gotten the point of the Joker 2 though? How no one cared about Arthur, they didn't see him as anyone, they just cared about the Joker.
>phasefags shit up /vt/
>anons stroll on over and call you retarded
>”see, you really do care about us”
>anons go about their days afterwards
You do realize this doesn’t behoove muh sad girls in any tangible way, right?
is she into anal or something?
Wait are you admitting that these threads are made by phasecucks as "hate marketing" ?? KEKAROO
phase isn't irrelevant, just pippa, i still watch eimi, muyu and panko
The point of Joker 1 is "the people who don't fit in society need a helping hand"
The point of Joker 2 is "incels!?? no not those guys no no NO NO NO NO NO NO"
most of the phase threads that aren't /pcg/ or one of it's branches are obviously shitposter threads
No, it's made by falseflagging #'s monkeys and other retards who are bored of making fun of nijisisters.
like any of you fuckers even watched the movie yourselves
That's what I don't get. Who tf watched Joker 1 and 2 and identifies themselves with Arthur Fleck, a mureerous mentally ill delusional poorfag?
No, but there's always at least a couple of anons mentioning her butthole in recent /pcg/ threads
the point of joker 1 is to have an origin story for a comic book villain
the point of joker 2 is to character assassinate the character so you dont have to make any more sequels
Take out the murderous part and you got most of /vt/ dude.
The movie is trash pippa
funny how a movie that completely bombed was somehow watched by every person on 4chan
Liking Joker 2 is like saying you like the jewish interpretation of Jesus Christ, a false prophet who was meant to destabilize the jewish orthodoxy and lead the chosen people estray
>the people who don't fit in society need a helping hand
You obviously didn't get the point. No amount of help would've helped Arthur outside of a mental institution locked away from general society, which eventually happened. He was having full on delusions and murdering people. The kind of "help" he needed was being locked in a box.
Okay, I understand. I feel like these movies do too many reboots and reimaginings, it's hard to keep the timeline straight.
Stop saying the quiet part outloud, it irritates the voices
Anon, /tv/ has been screeching and raging over this movie so hard every board has heard of it by now and can probably recite the script from memory just from all the autists sperging about it and spamming webms.

If you haven't been morbidly curious by now, good on you I guess? But most people will give such trainwrecks a look without needing to resort to giving them a dime.
>a false prophet who was meant to destabilize the jewish orthodoxy and lead the chosen people estray
Sounds like the Joker.
She didn't watch the first movie, which people liked and only watched the second, which people didn't like and gave a glowing review, she just sounds contrarian. She would have as much of this hate if she had just watched the first movie before the second.
>every board has heard of it by now and can probably recite the script from memory just from all the autists sperging about it and spamming webms.
touch grass
I saw two webms and would not presume to judge a movie by them alone
Supervillains are cool and larger-than-life.
At least, they're supposed to be, but then you get some hack who thinks the bad guy is just supposed to be a punching bag who gets sodomized in prison.
At the end of the day it's all about money, which is why Pippa liking the movie is just as valid as others hating it assuming they paid to watch.
why do you think i brought it up? i figured the Joker 2 fart sniffers would like it
sincerity is lost
We all knew he was going to prison, did anyone really think he wouldn't get raped? I think it's fits perfectly well with who Joker is, someone that presents himself as something grand but at the end he's only human, very much like Batman.
She's not wrong but she really, really needs the context of the first movie
>Being full contrarian and flame bating an obvious bad movie
WDYM this is peak 4chan
I mean, the joker in the new films and from comics are two completely different characters too.
>then you're just an NPC who demands everyone have the same tastes as you
I'm subscribed to over 100+ vtubers, I do not have the time or money to support someone who isn't appealing to me anymore
Pippa's gotten enough money out of me, pick up the slack for those of us who have standards and left
No, I like Pippa just as she is, blissfully ignorant of context.
Tbf I think Batman/Bruce would do way better in prison, use all his League of Shadows training to prevent any rape and become the head of some gang.
>No, I like Pippa just as she is
All sub 1500 of you, the other 4500 of us are watching Kirsche and Filian
>I'm subscribed to over 100+ vtubers
Sounds like (You) problem. Have you tried subbing to only 3?
>misses the point
Anyone that says that sucks semen. A movie is shit or isn't shit, le message doesn't matter
Money talks, but there's the danger that your product won't hold up to competition and your customers will move on once they discover better products.
It's honestly pathetic that you spent so much time and money into someone and all you're left with is resentment towards that person.
And have no options for when a girl graduates, goes on hiatus or makes content I don't like?
No thank you
I haven't seen the movie, but her reasons for liking it seem a lot more reasonable than the reasons I've seen for people disliking it.
It annoys me that this is a fantastic shitpost that continues after the second reply for no good reason
You can't just move on to whichever vtuber says a George Floyd joke.
Nothing Tops Kiara Loving CATS though ...
At least that's a classic.
>subscribed to over 100+ vtubers
THIS man is a WHORE
There's lots of reasons to hate Pippa, "Stay home if you're sick" is not one of them.
True, but I'm being honest about it, I didn't change, Pippa did
Other girls appeal to me more now and they get my attention instead

The issue with you guys is, sunken cost ruins your hobbies, you demand nothing and get nothing in return, you just stop liking them less and less and then are surprised when a graduation happens

I'm helping, I'm not financing her anymore, I'm not watching streams, she feels me no longer there and there's no replacement for my financial support, so she had an inkling that she is doing something wrong and should change if she wants support again
With you guys, you support her despite the streams aren't being the best, you might put the stream on in the background but you aren't watching it like you used to, and when new viewers no longer tune into streams and fans like me gradually leave, the girls wish you would have spoken up earlier and told them to fix the issues before it affected their SEO
But you never do
Really funny I'm conjunction with this:
I quite literally did
Money makes you free anon
>it's a 'schizo thinks a chuuba who has more than 3 subscribers somehow notices he stopped and is feeling bad about it' episode
I don't care, if you are sniffling wear a fucking mask. Also if you are ugly.
based schizo
Yes. Why the fuck shouldn't we?
Obsessive Pippa anti’s are still living in 2022
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Joker 2 is Joker 1 but without the third act that made it worth watching.

It also somehow managed to mischaracterize the main character. Joker is the real Arthur, unmedicated and pushed to the brink. His personality changed before he became popular so the peer pressure angle makes no sense.
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I mean critics also panned the film and they didn’t like the first one either. Joker 2 commits the worst sin in cinema which is that it’s BORING. If you can’t package your 2deep4u message in a way that’s relatable to the common man, you are a hack plain and simple. Anybody can make a film about their esoteric woes, true talent is being able to express it in a way that even a pleb can relate with, or at the very least, still be entertained while missing the point entirely.
Did anyone else want to punch Harvey Dent square in the face the moment you saw him?
But le message is why everyone hates Joker 2, aside from the musical shit
Pippa kinda stepped on a landmine here that I think she unironically had no idea existed. But that joker 2 movie offended the fuck out of her entire founding core audience, I mean /tv/ has talked about practically nothing but joker rape ever since it came out
any art of it? know nothing about her but the model is cute
>Honestly though what the fuck was the chud audience even expecting?
A movie where Harley Quinn is canon to the story and is a psychologist treating the Joker in Arkham Asylum and his influence causes her life to unravel

I would have paralleled Arthur's scenes from the first movie to Harley's own life, she has daddy issues, her life is miserable, but she puts on a professional act and tries to help people in a system that gives her no resources to help the mentally ill
Silence of the Lambs is a good reference point, but more specifically the Hannibal tv show, where Hannibal brings Graham in on these thought experiments that cause his own morality to be questioned, I'd basically reverse it and have Lady Gaga's Harley Quinn envision herself in the Joker's own delusions and how freeing it would be to give into them

Everything Todd Philips did with Joker 2 is wrong
>that joker 2 movie offended the fuck out of her entire founding core audience
Holy shit grow a thicker skin for fuck's sake, how the hell do people so sensitive they get their panties in such a bunch over a fucking movie manage to survive?
I didn't say it offended me, it didn't. I don't give a fuck about it.
Pippa's audience is young men who feel lost and abandoned by the system, we're not talking about a wise or emotionally mature demographic
Tell me when she stops pandering to the kiwi farmers. Oh wait, that won't happen even after they doxxed her.
All this outrage is a meme right? Like there's no way retards actually care this much that she liked the rape correction movie, who fucking cares
not that anon but why should we financially support someone who isn't entertaining

it's like continuing to eat at a local restaurant despite not liking the food every time you go, just because it was good a few years ago doesn't mean you should keep supporting it in mediocrity
>it’s a nihilistic message about the fact that you die and nobody cares and there’s nothing you can do to stop it, you just don’t get it bro.
Nihilism is psuedo intellectual laziness at its peak. Lest the writers challenge themselves to write a story about a poor sap realistically finding a way to succeed in life. Inspiring people is too hard, let’s just tell people they’re never gonna make it and should just give up.
I didn't even like the first Joker.
It's a culmination of things, she's been phoning it in for months and the breedability memes got pretty stale, shitting on original Star Wars and then sucking off Joker 2 is just the straw that broke the camel's back
>corporations must denounce the glorification of the delusions of undesirables!
i agree, but pride parades, dei, and transgenderism first
>writing a message to an audience that isn’t even gonna watch it
Lol no, the second one undoes everything in the first movie then turns into a courtroom drama version of an anime recap episode. And then Arthur doesn't want to be the Joker anymore, and then gets stabbed by someone who slits his cheeks referencing Heath Ledger. It was stupid.
Fleck was never going to be the joker that broke Harley. The first movie made that perfectly clear, the dude had zero charisma as opposed to the 'regular' joker. People pointed this out in the first movie, you just wouldn't listen.

That's the point people don't get about the joker as a character, and why he's such a good antithesis to Batman. The joker isn't "broken" or "damaged". There is nothing there to fix, if there is, then he'd actually be right, which he cannot ever be as it would break the very essence of Batman as a story.

>Silence of the Lambs is a good reference point
That's honestly crazy to suggest after the first movie. Hannibal IS a good reflection for the joker, the real one, but Fleck was never anything like that, Hannibal isn't broken either, he is threatening and dangerous in that movie specifically because he is perfectly sane, yet still so utterly deranged. He presents morality not as a state of success or failure, but as a choice anyone could make.
Anyone that has ever watched Pippa knows she has absolute garbage tastes and is the definition of the dunning-kruger effect. However, I don't understand why anyone would make a big deal about whether or not she likes a shitty movie.
People are acting like Todd Phillips killed their dog rather than intentionally making a bad movie that he didn't want to make in the first place.
>The first movie made that perfectly clear, the dude had zero charisma as opposed to the 'regular' joker.
Literal nonsense. When he cut loose he displayed tons of charisma. Characters in the movie thought so. People watching the movie thought so too.
>Nihilism is psuedo intellectual laziness at its peak.
I agree, but it is what it is. I never suggested it was a good movie or story. It is in fact utter trash, but not because of any nonsense of "made to own the chuds" or some such
>Inspiring people is too hard, let’s just tell people they’re never gonna make it and should just give up.
Pretty much nailed my reasons to resent the movie yeah. Fleck just suffers, struggles and then it's all in vain and he dies. That's it. That's all there is to it. Utterly hollow. It's especially galling because there is a small glimmer of a good idea where Fleck rejects his Joker persona and takes what could have been a genuine step on the long journey toward recovery. But no. It's pointless, life is hopeless, if you choose to chimp out you suffer, if you choose to grow you suffer and then die.
>The first movie made that perfectly clear, the dude had zero charisma
The Joker turn at the end of the movie was oozing charisma, it's why everyone memed it

Stop sniffing your farts, it's not a good movie, doing mental gymnastics to validate it will just cause you pain
>Movies should entertain people and be uplifting.
Kek is The Avengers your favorite movie? I agree the director was a very spiteful bitch but your argument is retarded
This. The sequel has a bleak message but it doesn't contradict the first movie, despite the director's intentions. Going the downer route is still in tune with the story's message that society doesn't give a fuck about mentally ill people
>Anyone that has ever watched Pippa
Well that's the thing, they've never watched her, so they don't know Pippa and her audience disagree all the time and it's not a big deal. The Pippa in their eyes is someone who just says whatever she thinks her audience wants to hear, when that's far from the truth.
>He displayed charisma
But they also made the point that he was utterly faking it. That was part of the message, he was never genuine, he was broken.
>you can have a torture porn film about some mentally ill loser that attempts to rise up, and in the end he gets literally buttraped for attempting to challenge authority
>Film about that that same sap finding a way to beat the odds even with all of his disadvantages

Gee I wonder why people don’t want to see a demoralizing slop film. It’s ironic that the people that actually relate to the film are people like Pippa who have a great gig in life because they can always take a step back and think “all and all, things are actually pretty great for me”. I will never respect this kind of filth cinema that panders exclusively to some very small group of people who are actually well off in life, but want to watch something that reminds them how to feel artificially sad for 2 seconds.
Both movies were shit and anyone that pretends otherwise while spouting nonsense like "Stop sniffing your farts" are fucking hilarious.
>Hannibal IS a good reflection for the joker, the real one, but Fleck was never anything like that
The entirety of your concept of Arthur is not worth discussing, I refuse to accept Todd's view of the Joker when he refuses to take the source material seriously and antagonistically spat in the faces of fans with a sequel that shits on the character and then brags that he refuses to make a 3rd movie

Whatever you think Todd was doing with Joker 2 doesn't matter, it's a forgotten shitpost movie
Which vtubers actually "Get what they fucking deserve?"
The first movie was definitely dumb in places but it had great scenes in it that resonated with people
Joker 2 resonates with no one but fart sniffers that dislike the 1st movie
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They made no such point in the first film. At the end of the movie, he became happy for the first time in his life, being true to himself. And his personality took a turn before he shot Murray, so it obviously didn't happen because of fame. It's just who Arthur really is.

If the director hated the film company for pestering him, why make a second one?
To make it so bad and such a flop that they never pester him for a third one
Do people really think its a good origin story for the Joker to get ass raped in prison kek. He's not a very threatening villain if he's getting bent over and taken to pound town in jail
And then the second one undoes it all when he decided he doesn't want to be the Joker no more
Well you see people like money and tend to do things they don't want to do when offered a big pile of it.
>But they also made the point that he was utterly faking it
lmao, i can't imagine this kind of take

it's like taking the lore ramifications of Ghostbusters 2016 seriously and applying it to the original movie
He probably signed a contract.
They gave him a shitload of money. But personally I don't buy the theory that he intentionally tried to bomb this movie, it was intended to be a rebuke of fans of the first film, but he probably thought the rest of society would be on his side shitting on the virgin incel FUCKS who could relate to Arthur from Joker 1.
But apparently society isn't that heartless yet.
there was a contractual obligation, but in his contract he was able to demand full creative control
it's why DC studios title card isn't even in the opening of the movie, DC had nothing to do with it outside using their characters
I think society also just doesn't get excited over a fucking musical.
That's because he was never the joker. The real joker was the one who killed arthur. The one who DOES the raping.
lol you dumb zoomer. There's no difference between "genuine" charisma and "fake" charisma.
>luke skywalker dies in disney sequel
>this means luke skywalker was always a loser!
nah, cuck mentality my dude
flayon's cocksleeve #4
>Fake it 'till you make it broooo
>...no not like that
It was just a poor movie. It's not that complicated.
Sir, sorry, but there isn't any pagpag here for you to eat!
Joker 2 is truly an artful statement. Not the statement that the director tried to make about the fact that people don’t care about Arthur Fleck mind you, but about the fact that the wider audience that loved the 1st movie doesn’t give a shit to see your film and the critics also think your film is steaming dogshit. It will bomb in the box office and also be nominated for no awards. Congrats on making a film that is universally disliked for being nihilistic trash and will soon be forgotten to history I guess.
Critics loved the first one though.
All this over some capeshit movie.
Todd Philips should probably be sued desu
And the theatres will miss the money
This is trolling, I mean this literally has to be trolling.
"fantastic, fun, nostalgically melancholic" like holy shit it's like she's describing a willy wonka movie, not a movie where joker takes it up the ass from prison guards
Correct. I’m not gonna watch a movie whose reviews from the people that actually liked it suggest that it’s trash.
Literally everybody can relate to a beaten down man except maybe women.
they are like twitch indiefags who keeps chirping "my oshi can talk things and play games hololive can't so hololive sucks talent freedom motherfuckers!"
the funny thing is those same people sees being a corpo vtuber is always a bad thing but conveniently ignores it for phase and pre-downfall nijiEN
they also completely missed the theater, those ticket sales are brutal
joker 2 might go down as the worst sequel ever made
Literally worse numbers than Morbius. That's crazy.
she's just repeating what her dad's opinions of the movie are
>Nono he just suddenly became that way, totally legit bro!
Speaking of unimaginable takes...
Only retroactively after realizing audiences loved it.
it'll never be enough until phasecucks leave the board entirely
Joker 2 doesn't exist, just like the Hangover sequels don't exist
>but that's dishonest!
The existence of Megalopolis does not take away from The Godfather, in fact, it just doesn't exist, poof, gone
Maybe one day, you'll be able to learn this power billy, but until then you're saddlebagged bud
Initial reactions from early film festivals were positive for Joker 1 (the biggest complaint was that nervous retards thought it would start the Incel Uprising which just added to the buzz and allure), while this one's destruction started with the reactions from Venice
Nah. The film is maddening in a way that rubs everyone — even people that generally disagree with each other on other things — the wrong way. Only people like Pippa who are contrarian purely for the sake of being contrarian like this slop. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter if you’re a chud or a libtard, nobody wants to watch misery porn.
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go back to twitter nigger tranny
Holy shit, why are people more upset that she likes a fucking superhero movie than they were about suspending people for biting a poptart into the shape of a gun? Did people really identify as the character or what?
KEK. Is this the one where the prison guards rape the joker out of the dude??
do you really think once their audience gets large enough they can keep up the /vt/ shit? its inevitable they'll drop it and distance themselves from it because it simply doesn't have mass appeal
being advertiser friendly and maintaining your reputation is much more important for them. if she starts saying niggers on stream all her 'friends' will disappear, all her sponsorships will disappear, and her streaming career will come to an abrupt end.
happens to every /here/ vtuber once they start getting popular enough, they farm (You)r views, draw in the normal people who outnumber you, and then drop you
>society isn't that heartless
Yes it is.
The movie just sucks in general.
You're confusing it with the media fearmongering over incel theater shootings.
It's a fucking woman, why are you expecting anything more?
pippa's streams have gotten pretty bad over the last year, if she had decent content people would move on
the funny thing is eimi and muyu embrace /vt/ more than pippa ever did
Something about Todd Phillips killing the DCU hype again is so funny to me. The studio probably put a big chunk of its budget on a sequel for a movie that was an unexpected hit, and then the director decided to spit in their faces, all of that while Warner knows it probably has more flops down the road
The delicate off-white hue of Arthur's tighty whities after the prison guards rape the joker out of him and deposit him on his cell mattress face down ass up really lends a lot of gravitas to this movie. 9.4/10. A little something for everyone.
The only thing I learned about Joker 2 is that even chuddies can find girlfriends and fuck them
Auther Fleck had confidence in the 3rd act of the first movie which is the greatest substitute for charisma on God’s green Earth. As long as your confident about something, it doesn’t matter how stupid it is, you can fool scores of people to your cause. Nobody thought Author Fleck was some 4D genius, but they did think he could punch above his weight with the power of confidence. But the 2nd movie just threw this all character development away and went “no actually guys, he’s just a pathetic failure all along and is gonna get butraped in prison”.
>nothing but a joke
>Phase: full of based and redpilled talent there on merit
>Hololive: full of cringe and bluepilled talent there because of DEI
Simple as
back to /pol/
The pink whore never change. Filthy dramatuber under the skin of corpo. Eat shit and die
>she has a braver opinion than the average normie tard
what's the problem here
Todd Phillips basically just made a film where he goes
>”ahem *taps on mic” test test. Ok then, I have an announcement to make. All you you that sympathized with Author Fleck? You should all just kill yourselves. I mean it. Right now. Go find a gun or a rope and fucking kill yourselves. No, this isn’t a joke. I can assure you are a worthless piece of shit that will never make it in life, and if you ever try to escape your fate, you will be buttfucked in prison and shived by some stranger. So do us all a favor and just kill yourself peacefully.

Who does this movie appeal to? Certainly not the chuds, and even silver spoon elitists that pride themselves on being merciful overlords don’t get any pleasure out of pro-suicide messaging. It’s just a miserable film that’s miserable to watch for anyone.
movies don't really have to appeal to anyone, they are art, not a hugbox
Let's say that was actually his thought process, he's not allowed to have that opinion?
Nobody said he wasn't allowed, they're simply explaining why it offended them. You have to understand that neither offending nor being offended are against the law.
Because it’s not a superhero movie. It’s an anti-art and anti-entertainment movie with a pro-suicide message. It’s the equivalent of watching a cartel or ISIS beheading snuff film and going “uhhh this is actually based guys, you just don’t get it”
>It’s the equivalent of watching a cartel or ISIS beheading snuff film and going “uhhh this is actually based guys, you just don’t get it”
Pippa literally does that though. She said at one point she thought the absolute apex of entertainment was committing suicide on live stream.
sorry chud, it's art
He can peddle his nihilistic slip all he wants. Just like he can also enjoy never getting hired to do a big budget film ever again.
she was so (un)based for this
Old, edgy, /pol/-pandering Pippa or sanitized, normalfaggot-friendly nu-Pippa?
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kys OP
>vtuber goes to the movies
>people think she was watching the movie
Toothless bitch was blowing her boyfriend the entire time, she has no idea what happened in that movie.
I think a lot of people would enjoy that yes
>Fleck was never going to be the joker that broke Harley.
You just dont get it.
Old Pippa, that basically before she "made it" and was depressed.
I would assume at least in that case, she was mixing that opinion with some grim brand of ironic humor as opposed to praising a movie that tells losers to kill themselves unironically.
Post pippa feet
>women are more entertaining when they are depressed and lonely
Can confirm this is true.

Source: I was there.
There was a study which found that women who are depressed/mentally ill were overall much more willing to try and please people and be more forgiving, meanwhile the opposite was true of men. Men who are happy and mentally well are far less likely to hold grudges and strive to make others happy.

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