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da beaver

>Latest & Upcoming
7 Days to Die: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPN0iVPbi88

Schedule: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDHABijvPBnJm7F-KlNME3w/community?lb=UgkxK6r2LC00TNlB7tBkjVe1MVkDWX_mMI6z
Four Types of Extreme Love Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_4types_extremelovevoice
Back to School Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_backtoschoolvoice
Secret Island Summer Prequel Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_islandprequelvoice

>Recent Streams:
Planet Crafter with Nerissa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7oOm0pb7Vg
Unarchived karaoke can be found here: >>86914123

Hitomania Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmT_cEfOTJE
ABOVE BELOW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilLEj-SCCn8

Lore Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qllhhLELbP4
Collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j89Phi0oom8
Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15aufXwBIKw
Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF4g-50fLz8

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_gigimurin
Xitter: https://x.com/gigimurin
Merch: https://shop.hololivepro.com/collections/gigimurin

Arts: #rkggk https://x.com/hashtag/rkggk
Live: #LFGIGI https://x.com/hashtag/LFGIGI

OP Template: https://rentry.org/gigger
Previous: >>87189338
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homph! (if this were wood, i'd be eating so good)
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let's try to get hitomania to 800k views by her birthday if we can!
I actually already had it on loop while drawing.
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Doing my part, I think is doable
As much as I love Gigi, that song is not really my cup of tea. I wish her first official cover was a more popular song or something that show off her skills more
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She needs to shill this cover more
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Well the MV is quite catchy IMO, considering she doesn’t really promote it that much, I think it has done quite well
I appreciate that our stream timestampers aren't as autistic as ceci's timestamper. Sometimes you just want to find a clip without looking through a literal transcript.
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Gigi cute!
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>GIorno GIovanna
Can't believe I only realized this now
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Is almost time for Gigi to have some fun with the girls
aw i like gigi in this style
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it is now gigi time
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pfft they left the server on overnight. in a game where days passing matters
Gigi has the body chills.
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>wanted to chat with us for a bit before the call
She loves us so much
Gigi almost got pigged (not ojisan).
the neck on this is fucked.
She would eat plastic for Kiwawa so it's pretty much confirmed she's her oshi now
how so
I honestly love how the girls have been enjoying collabing with her. Fauna and Kiara have latched on to her in these streams and Nerissa was loving her in their collab too. Needless to say CC is obsessed with her too.
Everyone. I don’t think so lil nigga. Gigi is the worst member of HoloEN. She is a spiteful being who moved her stream time to when I can’t normally watch her, just because she hates me.
You first, brownoid. GTFO
schizo chan have you considered that maybe she wouldn't hate you if you weren't so mean to her?
Damn right, she's avoid you because you smell like shit. Shitstain

Disgusting. Brown detected
so happy to see her. i hope she feels better by the end of this
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Why would you shitpost on a dead split like this one? No one is biting it. There's me and 2 other grems here
Mans clearly OBSESSED but in denial
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people just talk about GG in global during collabs
i'm da 3rd grem watching da stream, having the time of my life
I never global. I only care for Gigi so I am only in /gigi/. I like our slow little split and my true grem brothers.
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He's actually a fan of Gigi. Or a tsundere if not that. His shitposting is so boring and uninspired it's clear his heart isn't in it. He says there is no reason to watch her, yet he does. Every time. I say just let him schizo out. As far as schizos go he's harmless. TL;DR: he's OBSESSED with her
I can’t think of an answer. I’ll have to get back to you on that.

It’s really funny how Fauna and Kiwi are close and Gigi is the third wheel. Like annoying little brother that was forced to come along since no one can babysit.
based and same. this is the only thread i go to. full blooded grem
people out there exist that started watching Hololive with justice?
Everyone's gotta start somewhere I guess.
no one gripped me before. Gigi though... I'm obsessed with her.
i personally never really got into it until gigi. i started casual watching when i discovered fwmc, but gigi is my first oshi
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Been watching a bit of vtuber streams and some clips since jp gen 4 debut, but Gigi is the only one who captivated me. She's my first true oshi.
Gigi is so cringe. Her explaining parkour civilization to Fauna while Fauna is busy reminds me of when I used to explain my Roblox games to my mom when she was busy back when I was a lad and a diagnosed autist. The only difference is that Gigi is 30.
so for everyone that didn't start with GG, who is your other (current or ex) oshi?
If I were a flower, Gigi is the sun that makes me bloom. I love Gigi, my rising star.
Kiara is still my main. I flitter in and out of FWMC, and was pretty heavy on Reine a few years ago. So having Gigi do the collab with Reine about fanfiction was amazing for me and these 7drd interactions are also everything I could hope for.
I'm scared one day Gigi is gonna say nigga and get suspended or terminated, I feel like she's the most likely person in all of HoloEN to accidentally say it
I never had an oshi before Gigi. I've been casually watching since the myth debuts. I always thought the "I love my oshi-wife" stuff was just hyperbole, just anons saying that they were fans of whoever, but now I understand. Gigi made me go full gachikoi, against my expectations. I was enjoying her casually until her frist karaoke. Since then I have fallen deeper and deeper in love with her.
IRyS had multiple slips and didn't get punished
Koseki. I was really disappointed when Gigi did her first debut stream because I thought Gigi was going to be a loli like Koseki.
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IRyS is my oshi
shiori but i feel like i'm drifting off from watching her
My oshi was Nerissa before. Once Gigi showed up, I couldn't justify watching her any longer. I switched to Gigi and haven't looked back and have been far happier with Gigi
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beautifully said
I think vtubers act too differently in collabs vs their solo streams, to the point that they are almost entirely different people.
Can someone explain why they like Gigi? I just don’t get it. She ruins the vibe of every collab. What do you see in her?
Your prolapsed asshole.
I don't think this is true. Of course they behave differently around others than when they are alone, but generally they still act like themselves.
>Can someone explain why they like Gigi?
she is dokibird but if hololive
Didn't have an oshi but I watched JPs such as Korone, Subaru and Pekora before Gigi because no one in EN really caught my eye before Justice debuted. I still watch those JPs but Gigi is my oshi.
Maybe they change their behavior a little to match with the girl they collaborate with, idk lol
yeah i feel gigi is pretty consistent. she talks a bit differently when playing with someone, but she's the same girl
Bae is still my oshi but GG is my vice oshi
Whose idea was it to put CC ina different group than GG? GG is nothing without her.
FUWAMOCO. They were the reason I came back to Hololive, but I started to get a bit disinterested in them as I realized I'm not as much of a turbo weeb as they are and I don't care that much about Japan. I still like them though, it's just that as many other Grems I've been put under a spell and became totally obsessed with Gigi blame her karaokes for that
I've been watching Hololive and vtubers since 2018 when I was living in Japan. I was a strict JP only fan up until 2022 when I went back to America and then especially after the Advent debut.
My actual oshis are Suisei and Miko, but recently with the Advent and Justice I finally felt EN started to feel alive and fun to watch and GG, CC, and Biboo have been taking a lot of my attention lately. It is harder to watch my oshis live now that I have a normal job back in America now... Timezones and stuff.
To be GG is a top tier hire and somebody EN badly needed.
she's so cute... I wish I wasn't poor so I could commission artists to draw more pornography of her.
You still have to find a dynamic that will both be comfortable for you and your collab partners and be entertaining to the viewers. It's a tough balance, but I think Gigi is really good at matching pace with others.
where gigi
i miss her
Gigi's cute beaver
I can hear the resemblance, but that's about it.
I think it's her laugh specifically that gets kinda close to the Doki laugh, not that it can't be the GIgi laugh, because Gigi is cute!
I bet Gigi says the n-word when she raps along to her favourite Kendrick tracks. I could see her accidentally singing it absent mindedly
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Aqua, then graduated one month later after i found her, cried like a bitch for a day and then started watching Justice streams, at first i liked CC for the aesthetics of her character but GG is more funny to watch.
Kiara did it during a karaoke. It was really funny because she got flustered and went "AH I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT AHHH I WAS JUST READING THE LYRICS!"
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I’ve never seen Gigi or Nerissa have a melty or be sour or down. They are always on top of their act and professional and drive conversations. A big contrast with some of their branch mates
i swear she almost said sandnigger a couple times in the last ultrakill stream. it felt intentional like she was joking, i found it funny. maybe she was going for something else. if she does accidentally say it one day, i'll stand by her in support
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I remember that time where ame almost type that in apex stream but change it to nice
lmao that's hilarious. i wish i watched her more while she was streaming. i didn't realize how funny she is until recently
Gigi Mama is too powerful
Primus sucks
I love Primus, I wish a hololive member would sing this or Tommy the Cat or Jerry the Racecar Driver or something
>I’ve never seen Nerissa have a melty or be sour or down
so you don't watch her, then?
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is her bow just shit quality
lmao i love this one
gigi would never be so unkind
To Ceci she would be even worse than that
Gigi is so great.
god that gigi fauna banter is next level. they are hilarious
i missed it any sound posters
you might even say she's the GOAT
Fauna LOVES Gigi
Have to say I never expected Fauna to become obsessed with GG like this but I like it.
don't know how to soundpost.
just skip to around 3 hrs into the vod later.
joke was about fauna looking at gigi's wood
It only takes a having Gigi close to them for an extended period of time for them to get obsessed with Gigi
same, i'm happy. it felt to me like she was a bit awkward with gigi during the first gun stream, but she was vibing with her by the end. gigi has that effect on people
i personally attribute fauna's affection for gigi to her being into roleplaying, and gigi also being into roleplaying. they may have different styles, but their willingness to rp at the drop of a hat really formed a bond
gigi has a superpower to instantly match anyones freak
This stream got a lot better once Koseki joined the group. Now if they dropped Gigi, it would be perfect. OH WAIT. Bye bye Gigi.
Gigi gone...
no... i need her
my crops...
i hope she's feeling better. i hope she'll tell us how she's feeling in her gn tweet
Gi night Grems, take care
gi night grem!
Gi night
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Look at this beaver!
cute angel
Gi night
gi night, grem!
She's so perfect and cute and smart and sweet and sexy and pretty. How does she do it?
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Gi nights grems
Gigi cute!

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