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>my health
modern western women are so mysterious. what do they mean when they say this? why does it happen so often?
watch streams
she literally has a lung disease
Fat Americans. It’s probably GERD or some other diet related issue.
She's graduating.
There are like 18,906 vtubers in the English language alone. How the fuck am I supposed to watch them all? Just explain it to me.
It's usually girl troubles and they don't want to say that but Mori has cum in her lungs.
She indeed still lack of good health
She had bronchitis and COVID retard
Fake diseases invented by the Biden Crime Family, George Soros, Black Rock and the American liberal elite.
Nuh uh, there are only eighteen.
>phasetards in charge of the CDC
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>read /vt/ about how bad Mori is
>don't really watch her ever because of this
>she keeps popping up in my youtube recommendations
>decide to watch out of curiosity
>she's actually very sweet and enjoyable
I will never forgive /vt/ for gaslighting me into thinking there's something wrong with her.
If you're wondering what the real reason is. Yesterday she tried the Mori classic: starting her stream 15 minutes before the collab. It didn't work and she still had no ccv so now she isn't streaming.
>he took the experimental gene therapy
can you name those 18 so i can check them out?
>she still had no ccv so now she isn't streaming.
She had a 5k peak, you failure of a numbernig
>Mori classic
i think you mean the FWMC classic
Is not that there is something wrong with her, but more of there WAS something wrong with her, some people can't let go of the grudge
Mori invented starting your stream before everyone during a collab.
Proof of either end of that statement?
If it was experimental gene therapy I'd get even more boosters, my cum will be jacked and I'll give you a cute ubermench little brother after I fuck your mom.
I'm still waiting for the mass vaxx die off I was promised
That’d be cool. Treat it like it’s the gene lab in SS13 and just take everything until you’re a big mass of bioluminescent muscle.
understandable, there's too much pharma cum in your eyes to see the excess deaths.
We pretending that Asia doesn't have greasy oily pan fried food or gets their cooking oil from the sewer?
No you fucking retarded sperg. We’re talking about a fat American. Are we supposed to go down the list of every other country so I don’t accidentally flip your retard switch?
>the girl who streamed every single day of RUST and every single day of HoloARK and every single day of HoloGTA to 3k viewers is suddenly bothered by viewership
make it make sense, shitposter
You mean 1k.
so she's just gonna stream to any number of people? meaning that whole post was a lie?
the one who gave her that covid? all me. sorry bros, her fat ass was too good to stay away
Ah good the voodoo doll is working
God this board sucks. It's just antis. Every thread.
whats wrong with mori? i thought she got her leg taken care of.
She has a part-time music career despite having bronchitis
she has a mild cold and slight headache, thus she cannot possibly do anything.
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I don't really get why antis are things, but I'm relatively new to the scene. There are lots of vtubers and I watch/listen to a few. But I genuinely don't understand why someone would actively hate other vtubers. I just watch my kamioshi I she's live during my other oshis. I don't give a shit if other vtubers or oshis are streaming at the same time. I can watch clips or VODs afterwards if I am interested. The strangest thing I find is people shitting on talents in the same company.
And yet she's still somehow doing more than Gura. Makes you think.
This board is full of people with no testosterone who like to gossip like women, and some actual women who resent everything you like. Dedicated antis are rare but samefag and make themselves seem numerous. There's basically no reason to leave your oshi's split.
she kept streaming and recording with bronchitis, got checked when cough/lung pain persisted, turns out she caught Covid in NYC and it permanently scarred her lungs
she'll probably be fine but she needs to slow down at some point
Gura has it even worse, she has a slight case of the sniffles and her tommy horts, please understand
yeah, mine.
>permanently scarred her lungs
uhh what the fuck? That doesn't seem good for someone whose primary career is talking for long hours, recording music, and live performances.
it's not super extensive as far as she said, so just lung capacity training should be enough
Mori deserves it
She doesn't feel good bro. Do you want a description? You want to know if she just blasted her porcelain throne with diarrhea?
That throne? Me.
you can walk outside in asia without running into an obese person every corner
>why does it happen so often?
vaxx tax
JPs are worse
Why is there so many schizophrenic phasecucks in this thread?
based retards
She’s morbidly obese which is tragic because I’d fuck her if she lost weight
it's so mysterious indeed.

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