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Love for OKFAMS! You're welcome to discuss each individual member here.

Okayu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvaTdHTWBGv3MKj3KVqJVCw mogu
Korone: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChAnqc_AY5_I3Px5dig3X1Q doog
Fubuki: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdn5BQ06XqgXoAxIhbqw5Rg fbk
Ayame: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7fk0CB07ly8oSl0aqKkqFg oni
Mio: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp-5t9SrOQwXMU7iIjQfARg mion
Subaru: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvzGlP9oQwU--Y0r9id_jnA duck

https://twitter.com/nekomataokayu https://twitter.com/MO_OKAYU_GU
https://twitter.com/inugamikorone https://twitter.com/k5r6n3
https://twitter.com/nakiriayame https://twitter.com/YODAYOsub
https://twitter.com/ookamimio https://twitter.com/ookamimio_sab


>Last Thread
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Greatest time of the week ajimaru
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In a way Ohasuba is a 感想回
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Time for 愉悦
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My eyes have been opened...
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Polka would be too based showing Subaru Joker
Polka is only doing that for the rape scene.
Does Joker wear a pineapple on his head during it?
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Subaru doesn't need an umbrella, she can stay dry just fine even in the rain
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Subaru should move into my house
Subaru moved into former Holohouse
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SubaLuna crumbs!
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Luna's stupid big baby face on Subaru's thumbnails...
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Hoshimatic being weirdos again...
Subaru only goes to dance practice to have lunch
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Only took them 3 years...
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MeSubaru REAL
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That was a nice WAAAGH
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Ahijo is spoiled...
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Subaru should wear her NY outfit more often instead.
I hate that 3.0 is more of a gimmick instead of an actual universal update. Small indie company hate
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It's almost the season for it, I hope we'll see a lot of usage out of it this winter. It's still my favorite.
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God I wish I was Noel...
Did she just call Matsuri Machuu? Don't think I've heard that one before.
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Noel is just like me frfr
When will Mane-chan file a restraining order against Noel
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Ahijo is gonna roofie Subaru's food...
Reminder that Subaru was wearing something like those pajamas during the lie detector incident which makes the incident way lewder than what is typically depicted in fanart.
Subaru...you're going to make Mio think the only thing in your head is food...
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Why do they love chiikawa so much...
Subaru is literally chiikawa...
Subaru you're literally watching a tsundere show right now, you can figure this out
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Miosha is a bad influence....
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Please understand she has autism...
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No ending!...
I mean Mio was the one of the people enabling Subaru and making her eat lots. She wants Subaru to only think about food.
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Man,can't wait for the marine brain collab. Time to eep.
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what if gamers had a train autist
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I love Mio!
Silver slime ran away again...
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