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>"people" on this board thought their 1m wish would be to transfer to HoloJP
Sana should have hit 1 mil
Who is the artist? Whats the team?
>They found another way to become japanese without using their wish
>"people" on this board thought their 1m wish would be to get a live concert
it better have H scenes otherwise whast the fuck is the p[oint
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>Who is the artist
I don't watch her, is she even a good artist?
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Just like their last novel? Sure is a fever dream.
Now they aim for a solo live
why would they transfer when they already do jp streams
Eroge please.
>holomem would hit 1 mil
Yes and?
>to transfer to HoloJP
It's honestly the first time I even hear of this shitpost
they can already get one
birthday lives can happen to en now
You mean jealous and seething nijinigger sisters.
literally nobody tought this
fucking retard
just hope it have a dubs
History repeat
So they dipped from the big EN collab wait on bots/dead alt subs and announced a """""game"""""". Visual novels are the easiest shit to make and barely qualify as a game. May as well just read fanfiction. Good for them but their content is still shit for kids
sana... wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
They would dare, right?
this vn wasn't voiced
>visual novel
The game will be in Japanese thoughbeit
What is the best name to put on the main character that will fuck them?
The real question is: It will be dubbed in english or japanese? If JP it will be subs in english at least?
>he doesn't know
Hopefully it will be dubbed in JP with no english subs. The less english, the better.
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But they already have a visual novel.
>Visual novels are the easiest shit to make and barely qualify as a game.
Incorrect, only the bad ones. Not a single soul whose witnessed Soujuurou putting the fear of death into an immortal with just two strikes hasn't thought it was the hypest shit ever.
Ian Ruff
Oh wow, their 1m wish is actually much more boring than what i thought it would be
based based based based
Yes... I literally said I've never heard of it, of course I don't fucking know
cope and seethe
So true sister! It should've been for BPDbird to kill herself!
John Bauer
I don't think it counts, this is not theirs. It is totally the opposite of the situation of what is happening now, where the novel came before the vtubers
Watcsch striems retar
R18 patch is the 2mil wish
Damn, these bitches really know how to sing well.
Hopefully they do both with subs in either language.
Celebrating 1M in a big group collab would be in bad taste. They made the correct choice
Get over it. She did.
only if someone is brave enough to make such a mod
not brand safe enough for cover / youtube
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You know who.
it's not going to be on youtube
Really didn't expect that to be their wish.
Theyre going to get a repurposed Aquarium 2 kek
magni dezmond and vesper noir
this is so fucking nothing lol literally fans could make them a decent VN, maybe even better that whatever diluted corp stuff Cover will get them
Incest VN please.
They love that shit.
i hope it lets you pat their heads and feed them pon de rings
kek, dumb fuck they literally tried it themselves, in broad daylight, and were reduced to tears by the overwhelming backlash. Their only hope is to hide behind cover's skirts ala Kronii
Sana was a lazy fuck who made nothing but terrible decisions until she finally made a good one, graduating.
Second time I hear of this shitpost
Why would they wish to transfer to JP when they already accomplished that lmao
I think he's talking about pre-hololive
you need to watch more streams. go see the reaction to the ruffians shitting all over their golden week plans, that was the test run and it failed miserably
It's mostly something that gets spammed in /baubau/ which is somehow the biggest FWMC anti thread on this board even if it's also full of Ruffians
the rerelease was
dunno if by them, but it was.
I'm genuinely surprised it wasn't.
Since you insist this hard to prove how this is an actual thing, I guess OP was right and you got btfo. Good to know.
I was hoping it would be something idol related, not a boring visual novel
What a waste
...When they were auditioning?
They auditioned for both because they were fluent, several times.
>Aqua's colors are blue and pink
>FWMC's colors are blue and pink
The two of them will spend most of the VN fused together
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So, ummmmmmmm, the VN is going to primarily be in English, right? Because they surely care about their EN audience to use their 1 million wish on EN content, right?
They're obviously going to voice both languages
Fuck off, phasefag
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Which is the dub language though? You know the answer.
If you don't like Visual Novels you're not really their core audience
Do you know the definition of "dub"?
I like their for their idol aspirations, not their visual novel streams
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Yeah, it's the disability option the secondary audience picks.
"Sololive" usually means live concert at a physical venue (i.e: Suisei's @ Tokyo Theater Garden), not online 3D lives.
Understandably, it's way harder to get a solo live than a 3D live, more so if you aren't JP
>botted milestone
>botted popularity
who cares
>"people" on this board thought their 1m wish would be to transfer to HoloJP
literally why
why the fuck would anyone be retarded enough to think that
seriously, my head hurts just trying to believe someone would be that stupid
Nope, need to be family friendly, no nudity no suggestive scenes.
Cover didn't even had a proper Holosummer this year
Aqua's game had Marine literally rape you.
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it's a shame we'll never see these designs again
Physical copies?
Whatever the most common Japanese male name is.
anon, this is a real asset that they both commissioned and used for their stream.
Honey, wake up, the new "they will transfer to JP" just dropped.
this is almost certainly going to be trash and lose money
fuck no!
Mococo got that asset ngl
She's pretty decently above-average, and has significantly improved over the past few years. But I wouldn't say she's anywhere near the level of Ina, Raora, or even Marine. She takes it really seriously though, so I'd expect her to get to that pro-level soon enough.
See for yourself
you do
Not good enough for a vn, but I can definitely see the improvement.
If it made them money1, they wouldn’t have to use a wish for it. It’s a passion project.
1compared to other activities already sanctioned by Cover bureaucracy
I mean, that's nice and all, but don't ask for a fucking solo live?
Is their visual novel gonna be actually made by a big name studio with big name staff or is this gonna be some half-assed garbage made by some literal who indie developer under the dreadful "holoindie" label? If this is their 1 million sub wish then they gotta go all out with it or else I'm gonna be extremely disappointed. Most of the indie games from the holoindie label are pretty mediocre so I really hope this has a lot of money put into it
I hope not
Too obvious sister, go watch your liver while you can mmk
Ruffians are some of the biggest antis FWMC have
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Something casual I'd say, like Anthony
A Japanese visual novel is the same thing as transferring to that branch.
She tries really hard.
Holy ban bait.
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damn, I haven't heard about Migo breaking her arm, what happened?
Fuwamoco will save Overdrive and the eroge industry.
There's no way Cover is funding the whole thing right? This is going mostly out of their pocket
if cover was funding all the wishes them niggas should have asked for a 10% stake in the company
Do we have actual images of the game?
Every gen needs a VN

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