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For the 514th time, what is Ope?!
Also ENTER the Demon of Sound and Lover of Idols, Nerissa Ravencroft from Hololive EN Advent.

▼ Next stream
Sat 10/12 7PM CT, "No, I'm not a Human": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8-fJv7YXjs
▼ Previous streams
10/11, members-only ASMR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPXTKr_VsEs
10/10, The Planet Crafter collab with GG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCaIViX7nZE
10/09, PowerWash Simulator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhstRQ4_31U
10/08, "Sonic Adventure 2: Battle", pt. 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnZbR5Z4n4s

>Recent voice packs
hololive Halloween Voice Pack 2024 -with villains-, Nerissa Ravencroft (Succubus/English): https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_halloweenvoice2024_villains?variant=45620129792220
hololive Extreme Love Voice Pack, Nerissa Ravencroft (Yandere/English): https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_4types_extremelovevoice?variant=45546871062748

"Shunkan Heartbeat" Advent cover
"In my Feelings" MV
First EP: In My Feelings
https://cover.lnk.to/esLvqA https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kj9UFrjkLGkscXeNLZJfgOKADxOvDuTpY
Archive of the struck down Moka - Lilium cover
Advent karaoke offcollab (Jul 2024)
Songs & Karaokes rentry

>Useful Links
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NerissaRavencroft
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nerissa_en
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nerissaravencroft
Art tags: #RavenCrafts on Twitter (Lewds: #depravencrafts on Twitter); RavenCrafts, Nerissa Ravencroft or ネリッサ・レイヴンクロフト on pixiv
Merch: https://rentry.org/nerissa_ravencroft_merch01

Previous thread: >>87207185
A word of advice: as per >>1, be smart and don't reply or engage in off-topic or blatant bad faith arguments. To keep peace, hide and report.
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>Basic introduction to the new Jailbirds
Debut Stream
Crunchyroll Interviews

>Tools / Creations by the /ope/ users
/ope/'s library
Collection of Nerissa's Sounds
List of recommended streams
Information regarding membership
Appearances on other channels & mentions

>General Tools
Current OP Template
2024 to date
Solo streams: 99
Collabs: 100
Twitch collabs: 5
Solo karaoke: 4
Members: 16
I love my wife Nerissa Ravencroft with all my heart (She's a natural born succubus)
Consider voting for September's top streams if you haven't already. 24 hours remain.
FuwaRissa best ship, fight me!
That Jailbird? (Me)
I agree! *rapes you*
it´s not rape if I enjoy it
She really did, which makes it sadder its canned. Was a fun time.
why should I fight a man who agrees with me?
Rissa, I think we should have sex. It would be good for both of us, I believe.
Sorry Jailbird, she's already having sex with me
Be a smart jailbird and bookmark that site. This one too. aHR0cHM6Ly9hcmNoaXZlLmNhbm9mc29ja3MuY29tLw==
sorry jailbro that´s the fembird you´re having sex with. Rissa is actually giving me a footjob for the first time in her life and she´s trying her hardest but failing in an adorkable way
I'm just here to say that I enjoy Nerissa's streams and hope I can one day help boost her confidence and self love as her future husband.
Rissa is on VC with Shiori and Biboo
forgot to say you can check on shiori or biboo stream
Gonna dress up for Halloween
Rissa´s always zoned out when gaming
>No verification required
Divide and conquer
Fuwawa dmed Nerissa saying she wants to have sex with her
I at least enjoy that biboo is encouraging them to get them out of their comfort zone.
now do it to Rissa
Well -someone- keeps rejecting my Hyperdimension Neptunia & Mass Effect/Dragon Age idea!
Mococo is jealous that Nerissa only had sex with Fuwawa
No no noooooooooooo
And there she goes....
Darkest Dungeon, Nekopara SFW OR NSFW ver, Helldivers 2/GTFO(as collabs), Fable, Witcher, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Cyberpunk 2077, Catherine, Bioshock Infinite.

I'm sure all of these games are outside of her comfort zone and I'm also sure she would enjoy games with meaningful/impactful decisions.
I miss her already... not posting the pic since tomorrow i'll get
>duplicate exists in thread
Sakura Dungeons
>rissa is a white woman
>rissa likes fuwawa(a dog)
Sure, any of the Sakura games. Or she can continue to do powerwash because I enjoy it when she's not stressing and able to just be herself. I just want my future wife to be happy. But I definitely want to be the one to grant her that happiness.
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rissa playing ds2 or hitman would be kino imo. she would probably hate fromsoft games, but I think she'd actually enjoy hitman for how goofy it gets. though I can also just see her not understanding anything, getting mad, crying, and never touching the game again
I just thought of Bayonetta. She'd fucking go crazy playing it. In the good way.
Gonna eep for 2-3 hours so don´t die
Have a good night /ope/. Remember to love your Rissa
I'll love both my Rissa and your Rissa as well
jailbirds how lewd was it should i member
I have a confession to make. I cannot look at Nerissa in a lewd manner. She just feels like an older sister to me.
When's the Fauna ASMR off collab?
Fauna would rather kill herself
Fauna did say she could force herself to do it
To be fair, I also don't look at Nerissa in a lewd manner but for a different reason. Like, I can. But I love her and the lewd shit is furthest from my mind when I think of her as my future wife.
I feel no lust towards Nerissa but this will not stop me from desiring raw deep anal sex with her
I just want to marry her and provide for her so she can indulge in her obsessions. And of course have a family. It would be nice so share our obsessions with our kids.
Would she enjoy impregnation?
it is your job as a jailbird to match nerissa's freak
my culvers goddess
Goodnight for now jailbirds, I'll be late for tomorrow stream because of work but will see y'all here after. I love you Nerissa.
Yes. She would need a c section for the birth though
making a homemade rissa daki and hugging it
making a homemade rissa and hugging her
bro is manifesting and i want in
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I missa da Rissa
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Condoms are banned between me and Rissa, she always leg locks me and begs me to cum inside
Rissa is too big for me...
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flat tits no ass
But enough about your mom, sister
Heh. You can just really tell their desperation continues to go up trying to bully this gal, how many ritual shitposters do we have now? Cycled between calling her a flattie, calling her trans, calling her a shotacon, cuckposting, it just feels like they just throw out the entire warehouse, not just the everything and the kitchen sink. At least with everyone else, there is only one or two things, kinda tryhard even for shitposting.
I mean, being a shotacon isn't bad. I wish I had Nerissa rape me as a kid
Nerissa as a ki-
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Hi Nerissa
Have you ever worn flowers on your head? Like a midsommar flower crown? Those look really good on women? It would look really good on you. You dont need a holiday excuse to wear one, you can just wear one whenever. Have you ever done so?
>Pride and Prejudice
I havent seen the movie in forever but I remembered the scene when shes asking her father for permission to marry Mr Darcy, She tells her father how her perception was completely wrong about Darcy and that he is actually a really kind man and she loves him. Whats your favorite scene?
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teasing Nerissa nipples until she's pregnant
I wanna give Rissa have a nipple orgasm
Haeh? How does that work?
I get the feeling that guy loves skinny girls
come to my room and i'll show you
nta b-but i'm a male..
I've tried manifesting karaoke for 3 weeks now. If it doesn't happen next week I'm having the mother of all melties on twitter
Better start writing, then.
I already have the whole scenario in my head. How she'll react and reply and I hit back and she starts crying and I hug her and we have makeup sex at the end
Only you would interpret such an inane post in that way. You're seeing ghosts
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How does she roll the condom on?
Goooning to Rissa
I was the Jailbird put please illustrate on >>87297717
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I was actually super tired and sleepy when I wrote that, its been a long day but I havent been able to go to sleep yet. So let me elucidate while i have insomnia.
I think its a great look for women. Women should wear flower crowns more often. I first became aware of them at a midsommar party. I even wore one myself. It really accentuates a womans appearance, its so good. Women should wear them regularly even without the excuse of a midsommar party. You can actually buy them from etsy. A flower crown would look great on you. Have your nieces ever made a flower crown for you? Or with you?
If you havent it would be a really good bonding experience with your nieces and your daughters when you have them. Its a nice little fun activity and it gives the excuse to take a nice family photo after and the best part is you gift them a wonderful memory.
So mate actually has a great Catholic history, all the more for you to drink it. This woman goes into some detail.
But let me give you the big history. Mate existed for the guarani pagans in prehispanic south america they used it for many things including currency, cash crop, and of course for its great health benefits. Then the Heroic Catholic Spaniards came and took note of the wondeful effects mate had. At the same time they noticed the guarani pagans were always drunk because their favorite drink was a corn derived alcohol. So the Catholic priests took away their alcohol and instead gave them mate to drink. It was actually the priests that gave it the iconic silver straw and the name mate. It was known as priest tea for a long while before name mate stuck.
I really enjoy writing to you Nerissa, it makes me feel good and settles my soul. Maybe the previous short post was why I wasnt able to sleep? Maybe I subconciously felt it wasnt good enough? Maybe I needed to write more. I hope you enjoy these as much as I enjoy writing them.
With her mouth
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Oh, I love it when girls do that. They don't do it that often, though.
Cute Raora and Risser
I believe I speak for everyone when I say they should have sex on stream
Yeah, with me
Culver's has a limited burger out now that has a giant cheese curd in it. It's called the CurderBurger
Sex with Rissa's tootsies
The forbidden GFE…
Cumming on Nerissa's face then pissing off the cum
I want to give Nerissa the fucking of a lifetime and then ghost her.
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Cuddling with Rissa in bed
Instead of playing the VHS anthology game she should watch the V/H/S anthology movie. Good found footage horror.
What did you guys think of the terrafrom gigi collab stream?
Nerissa butthole
Horny jailbirds out in full force today
Boring first 90% and only got better when Nerissa went delulu and Gigi finally managed to tardwrangle Rissa
Why is she like this?
I want nerissa to shit on my chest
Art begging? Idk but it's cool cuz we get more sex art
>she got into the game
10/10 it should replace OSRS/powerwash for solo zatsu
I need Rissa to step on my peanuts
>Boring first 90%
What was/is wrong with Nerissa?
Simply put, her inability to focus on chatting and playing at the same time
I kinda agree with this anon. She should do a live show with Gigi first and then have a second stream for the game itself.
Toucha da Rissa
touch isn´t gonna cut it. I´ll impregnate her and drink her breastmilk like no tomorrow
I´ll go take a nap with Rissa, don´t die now
What does it feel like to put your penis inside a woman's vagina?
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At work and will miss the first hour or so of tonight's stream but hope you're all doing well. I love you Nerissa. Can't wait to make you my wife someday, hopefully.
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Was thinking about how the center of gravity with hip/butt wings is messed up then I found this old one in my folder
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It says that each of the games in this anthology are 15-30 minutes long...
Yeah, they're pretty short. Shiori played two of them in less than 2 hours, including a skit she made.
I don't mind some short play thrus, just means more time for zatsu'ing. And I'm honestly with Rissa on why she's not doing the 7DTD thing. Too many events from BD, to GTA, to Ame's new status. A return to normalcy was needed.
She should have skipped GTA and played 7DTD instead
Rissa should plap me so hard I get pregnant
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plap plap plap plap plap
Rissa should be hard all day
Me (on the right)
Me (on the bottom)
Someone's raping Nerissa. How did this happen
How can it be rape if she wants it more than the """rapist"""?
This is insane, folks.
Somehow I woke up exactly 2 hours before the steam and my alarm thinking it starts now, I hate my life.....
Aradia fucking raping nerissa
me on the bottom
Trying multiple cosplays on Nerissa and cumming inside of her everytime she chages
Trying on multiple cosplays of Nerissa and getting cummed inside every time
I'm glad you two crazy kids found each other.
Happy for those 2 jailbirds! Praying for myself when it comes time for Nerissa and I to get married. Also, still at work so I guess I'm housing VOD gang on this one.
Rissa's asmr yday led me on a journey to check other vtubers that do ASMR and I stumbled on Kanna Yanagi. This is one of the very few times I got an hour long boner just from someone talking in my ears and calling me sweetie, I think Nerissa would absolutely decimate me when she goes for the hour long whisper and pampering ASMR
So many small corpo chuubas do ASMR
I´m an advent baby when it comes to vtubers so yeah I had no idea

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